Try out and experiment with AI-enhanced studying.
Review your flashcards directly in Memo unlimited times
Access to a personalized tutor that answers questions based on your material
Parse in, read, understand, summarize and generate material in 50+ languages.
Get to v1, v2 of your flashcards by asking our AI to revise with your custom request using GPT4
Verify, edit, delete and revise generated flashcards with ease.
Create and generate fill in the blank flashcards
View, download and review all of your previous flashcards, edit and export anytime
Generate summary notes, cornell, table and bullet notes in 1 click from your material.
Create and generate multiple choice questions with explanations and distractors
Export your flashcards to Anki/Quizlet/Remnote/Xon/Knowt in 1 click
The model will generate flashcards with context of the rest of the page for holistic, higher order questions
*Semester plans are billed every 3 months.
Let your educators and learners focus on what truly matters instead of managing resource creation manually.
Explore how Memo can help educators and learners save huge amounts of time.