What is the ancient etymology of the word 'image' linked to?
The root 加血のヅ.
What is the main problem facing the semiology of images?
Whether analogical representation can produce true systems of signs.
Etymology of the Word 'Image'

What is the ancient etymology of the word 'image' linked to?

The root 加血のヅ.

Semiotics of Images

What is the main problem facing the semiology of images?

Whether analogical representation can produce true systems of signs.

Role of Text in Visual Communication

What is the relationship between text and image in communication?

Text and image often link together, with text providing additional information or redundancy to the image.

Messages in Advertising Images

What does the caption in the image about fruits and a ladder signify?

It directs the reading towards the natural and personal character of fruit from a private garden, avoiding the signified of a poor harvest.

Rhetoric of the Image

What is the primary focus of the image discussed?

The image represents a return from the market, emphasizing freshness and domestic preparation.

Semiotics of Images

What does polysemy in images imply?

It implies a floating chain of signifieds, allowing the reader to choose some meanings and ignore others.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

What influences the variation in readings of the same image?

The variation depends on different kinds of knowledge—practical, national, cultural, and aesthetic—invested in the image.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

How is the image constituted in terms of connotation?

The image is constituted by an architecture of signs drawn from a variable depth of lexicons or idiolects.

Messages in Advertising Images

What are the three types of messages in advertising images?

Linguistic, iconic, and connotative messages.

Messages in Advertising Images

What is the significance of the term 'c0M7z0SE's' in the text?

It refers to the signifiers of connotation specified according to the chosen substance.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What is the relationship of signifieds to signifiers in a photograph?

It is one of recording rather than transformation.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

What knowledge is required to read the non-coded iconic message?

An almost anthropological knowledge of what an image is and its components.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

What type of consciousness does photography establish?

A consciousness of the 'having-been-there' of the thing.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What does the Panzani advertisement convey linguistically?

It includes a caption and labels that reference the French language.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

How does the coding of the denoted message affect the connoted message?

The coding of the literal prepares and facilitates connotation by establishing a discontinuity in the image.

Rhetoric of the Image and Ideology

What does the text suggest about the rhetoric of the image?

It is specific due to physical constraints of vision but general in that figures are formal relations of elements.

Semiotics of Images

How does the relationship between text and image function in cartoons and comic strips?

Text and image complement each other, with words often providing dialogue that advances the narrative beyond what is depicted in the image.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

How does the photograph create a new Spacetime category?

By combining spatial immediacy and temporal anteriority.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What does the absence of code in a photograph do to the message?

It disintellectualizes the message, making it seem to originate from nature.

Rhetoric of the Image and Ideology

How does the text describe the relationship between signifiers and ideology?

Signifiers of connotation correspond to a general ideology that is single for a given society and history.

Messages in Advertising Images

What are the three types of messages that a photograph can offer?

A linguistic message, a coded iconic message, and a non-coded iconic message.

Semiotics of Images

What aesthetic signified is evoked by the composition of the image?

It evokes the concept of 'nature morte' or still life.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What is the difference between relay and anchorage in the context of text and images?

Relay involves text advancing the narrative, while anchorage controls the interpretation of the image, often guiding the viewer's understanding.

Role of Text in Visual Communication

How should the notion of language be enlarged according to the text?

It should include the totality of utterances emitted and received, encompassing the surprises of meaning.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What does the term 'plenty' signify in the context of connotation?

It represents a concept cut off from any syntagm, deprived of any context.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

What does the combination of tomato, pepper, and colors in the image signify?

It signifies Italianicity and evokes specific cultural stereotypes.

Semiotics of Images

What does the absence of a code in photography reinforce?

The myth of photographic naturalness.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What interventions by man belong to the plane of connotation in photography?

Framing, distance, lighting, focus, and speed.

Role of Text in Visual Communication

What is the operational validity of distinguishing between the two iconic messages?

It allows for a coherent description of the structure of the image.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What does the literal message in an image represent?

It is a message constituted by what remains in the image when connotative signs are mentally deleted.

Rhetoric of the Image and Ideology

What paradox is discussed regarding technology and the diffusion of information?

The more technology develops the diffusion of information, the more it masks the constructed meaning under the appearance of the given meaning.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

How does the composition of an image function in terms of meaning?

The composition carries an aesthetic signified similar to intonation in language.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What does the variability of readings in images indicate?

It indicates that the language of the image is composed of idiolects, lexicons, and sub-codes.

Rhetoric of the Image and Ideology

How does the photograph differ from film in terms of consciousness?

The photograph relates to a pure Spectatorial consciousness, while film relates to a more projective consciousness.

Semiotics of Images

What is the relationship between the two messages in a drawing compared to a photograph?

In a drawing, the relationship is between two cultures, while in a photograph, it is between nature and culture.

Role of Text in Visual Communication

How does text function in relation to images according to the passage?

Text directs the reader through the signifieds of the image, controlling the interpretation and emphasizing certain meanings over others.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What does the symbolic message do in relation to the linguistic message?

It guides interpretation rather than identification, limiting the proliferation of connoted meanings.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What remains in the image if all signs are removed?

A common space with identifiable objects, not just shapes and colors.

Messages in Advertising Images

What is the 'real unreality' of a photograph?

It is never experienced as illusion and does not claim presence.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What are the two functions of the linguistic message regarding the iconic message?

Anchorage and relay.

Semiotics of Images

What are the characteristics of the signs in the third message?

The signs are discontinuous, even when the signifier seems to extend over the whole image.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

How does the text relate different substances to connotation?

Connotation has typical signifiers dependent on different substances like images, language, and gestures.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What do linguists think about communication by analogy?

They refuse to grant it the status of language if it is not doubly articulated.

Messages in Advertising Images

What is the challenge in analyzing connotation?

There is no particular analytical language corresponding to the particularity of its signifieds.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

How does the photograph differ from a drawing in terms of denotation?

A photograph can convey literal information without forming it through discontinuous signs, while a drawing is always a coded message.

Messages in Advertising Images

How does the image convey the idea of a total culinary service?

Through the collection of different objects that suggest everything necessary for a balanced dish.

Intentional Signification in Advertising

What guarantees objectivity in a photograph?

The mechanical nature of the capture.

Semiotics of Images

How does the viewer typically receive the perceptual image and the cultural message?

At one and the same time, leading to confusion in reading.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What is the significance of the distinction between denoted and connoted images?

The literal image is denoted, while the symbolic image is connoted, reflecting a system of connotation.

Rhetoric of the Image

What does the half-open bag in the image signify?

It signifies the freshness of the products and the act of unpacking.

Semiotics of Images

What is necessary for establishing the rhetoric of the image?

A considerable inventory of connotators must be carried out.

Intentional Signification in Advertising

What is the role of linguistic messages in advertisements?

Linguistic messages can serve as anchorage, controlling the meaning of the image and guiding the viewer's interpretation.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

How is the image perceived in terms of meaning?

It is often seen as weak in respect of meaning compared to language.

Rhetoric of the Image and Ideology

What happens to the structure of messages when analyzing images?

The order of the messages may be modified, with the cultural message and the literal message being inverted.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What is the nature of the metalanguage discussed in the text?

It is not specialized and must account for the signifieds of connotation.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What defines the third message in the context of images?

The relation between signified and signifier is quasi-tautological.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What is the difference between the literal message and the symbolic message?

The literal message corresponds to the letter of the image, while the symbolic message involves cultural interpretation.

Intentional Signification in Advertising

What additional information does the image convey about its nature?

It indicates that it is an advertisement, based on its placement and emphasis on labels.

Intentional Signification in Advertising

What is the significance of the advertising image?

Its signification is intentional and formed a priori by product attributes.

Role of Text in Visual Communication

What is the role of the description in the photograph?

It serves as a metalanguage, guiding the reader to refer to the reproduction.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What are the three levels at which the coded nature of a drawing can be seen?

1. Reproduction requires historical codes; 2. It divides significant from insignificant; 3. It demands an apprenticeship.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

How does the linguistic message help in understanding images?

It helps identify elements of the scene and provides a denoted description.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

What is the role of the linguistic message in addressing uncertainty in images?

It serves as a technique to fix the floating chain of signifieds and counter the terror of uncertain signs.

Linguistic and Iconic Messages

What is a lexicon in the context of images?

A portion of the linguistic plane that corresponds to a body of practices and techniques.

Analogical vs. Digital Representation

What is the relationship between the signified and signifier in analogical representation?

It is not arbitrary; the relation is based on real objects in the scene.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What additional signified does the name 'Panzani' convey?

It conveys a sense of Italianity through its assonance.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What is the repressive value of text in images?

Text has a repressive value as it controls the liberty of the signifieds, guiding the viewer towards specific interpretations.

Messages in Advertising Images

How does the text function in advertisements?

It helps to identify and focus understanding on the elements presented in the image.

Rhetoric of the Image and Ideology

What is the significance of the diegetic value of text in film?

In film, text serves not just as elucidation but also advances the action, providing meanings not found in the image itself.

Messages in Advertising Images

What role does the denoted image play in the structure of the iconic message?

It naturalizes the symbolic message and innocents the semantic artifice of connotation.

Cultural Context and Interpretation of Images

What cultural knowledge is required to interpret the first sign of the image?

Knowledge of shopping habits in a widespread culture that values personal selection over mechanical stocking.

Denotation and Connotation in Images

What is the distinction between the literal and symbolic message in images?

The distinction is operational; a literal image never exists in a pure state, as it is always accompanied by a symbolic message.

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