How does early life experience influence later development?
Early life experiences shape brain development and behavior, but influences continue throughout the lifespan.
Why are longitudinal designs considered ideal for studying development?
They allow researchers to examine true developmental effects over time.
Impact of Early Life Experiences

How does early life experience influence later development?

Early life experiences shape brain development and behavior, but influences continue throughout the lifespan.

Cross-Sectional vs Longitudinal Designs

Why are longitudinal designs considered ideal for studying development?

They allow researchers to examine true developmental effects over time.

Nature via Nurture

How can genetic predispositions influence a child's environment?

Children with certain genetic predispositions often seek out and create environments that align with their traits, illustrating the concept of nature via nurture.

Prenatal Development Stages

What is an embryo?

The developing human from the second to the eighth week of prenatal development.

Cross-Sectional vs Longitudinal Designs

What is a longitudinal design?

A research design that tracks the development of the same group of people over time.

Cohort Effects in Research

What is important to consider when interpreting research findings?

It's crucial to rule out important alternative explanations for the findings.

Cross-Sectional vs Longitudinal Designs

What is a cross-sectional design in research?

A design where researchers examine people of different ages at a single point in time.

Gene Expression and Epigenetics

How do environmental experiences affect gene expression?

Environmental experiences can turn genes on and off throughout our lives, indicating that having certain genes does not automatically activate those traits.

Prenatal Development Stages

What is the primary focus of the fetal stage?

Physical maturation.

Impact of Early Life Experiences

Can negative effects of early deprivation be counteracted?

Yes, later positive experiences can often counteract the negative effects of early deprivation.

Post Hoc Fallacy in Development

What is the post hoc fallacy?

The mistake of assuming that because A comes before B, A must cause B.

Prenatal Development Stages

When does the embryo become a fetus?

By the ninth week of development, when major organs are established.

Impact of Early Life Experiences

What does neuroscience research indicate about brain changes?

The brain changes in response to experience throughout childhood and into early adulthood.

Cohort Effects in Research

What unexpected finding emerged from the computer knowledge study?

Knowledge of computers declined dramatically with age, especially between 60 and 80.

Prenatal Development Stages

What are the three stages of prenatal development?

Germinal stage, embryonic stage, and fetal stage.

Prenatal Development Stages

What occurs during the germinal stage of prenatal development?

The zygote begins to divide and form a blastocyst.

Prenatal Development Stages

What can happen during the embryonic stage that affects fetal development?

Spontaneous miscarriage can occur if the embryo does not form properly.

Impact of Early Life Experiences

What is a common misconception about separating infants from their mothers?

Separating an infant from its mother shortly after birth has no negative consequences for emotional adjustment.

Gene-Environment Interaction

What did the study by Caspi et al. (2002) reveal about the low MAO gene?

It revealed that the genetic risk factor for violent behavior depends on exposure to specific environmental factors, such as maltreatment.

Cross-Sectional vs Longitudinal Designs

What is a potential issue when comparing very young children using longitudinal designs?

Administering the same task too close together may result in better performance due to familiarity.

Gene Expression and Epigenetics

What is the role of environmental experiences in gene activation?

Environmental experiences can flip the switches to turn genes 'on', such as stressful events triggering anxiety-related genes.

Nature via Nurture

What does the term 'nature via nurture' refer to?

It refers to the tendency of individuals with certain genetic predispositions to seek out and create environments that permit the expression of those predispositions.

Cross-Sectional vs Longitudinal Designs

What challenge do researchers face when using longitudinal designs?

They can be costly, time-consuming, and may suffer from participant attrition.

Post Hoc Fallacy in Development

Why is it difficult to infer cause-and-effect relationships from longitudinal studies?

Most longitudinal studies use observational designs, which do not allow for random assignment to conditions.

Gene Expression and Epigenetics

What is epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the environmental modification of genetic expression without changing the underlying genes themselves.

Cohort Effects in Research

What was the hypothesis regarding computer knowledge and age?

The hypothesis was that knowledge of computers would increase until age 30 and then level off.

Bidirectional Influences in Development

How do parents and children influence each other?

Parents influence their children's behavior, which in turn influences parents' reactions.

Cohort Effects in Research

What is a major limitation of cross-sectional designs?

They do not control for cohort effects, which can lead to misleading conclusions.

Post Hoc Fallacy in Development

What is the post hoc fallacy?

The assumption that because one event follows another, the first event caused the second.

Gene Expression and Epigenetics

What is the role of epigenetics in gene expression?

Epigenetics regulates whether genes are active based on day-to-day and moment-to-moment environmental conditions.

Gene-Environment Interaction

What is gene-environment interaction?

It is the situation in which the effects of genes depend on the environment in which they are expressed.

Bidirectional Influences in Development

What does bidirectional influences in human development mean?

Children's development influences their experiences, and their experiences also influence their development.

Cohort Effects in Research

How can cohort effects impact research findings?

They can lead to differences in performance or behavior that are due to the era in which individuals grew up, rather than age.

Gene-Environment Interaction

What is a common misconception about the influence of environment and genetics?

It is easy to mistake an environmental effect for a genetic effect and vice versa, making it difficult to separate their influences.

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Study Smarter, Not Harder