What is a consequence of increased vaginal alkalinity?
Increased risk for infection.
What happens to pacemaker cells with aging?
Decreased number of pacemaker cells.
Nervous System Changes

What is a consequence of increased vaginal alkalinity?

Increased risk for infection.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What happens to pacemaker cells with aging?

Decreased number of pacemaker cells.

Integumentary System Changes

What hormonal change occurs in females during aging?

Decreased estrogen levels.

Integumentary System Changes

What are some ways to promote healthy skin?

Avoid excessive UV exposure, keep moisturized, avoid drying soaps, use sunscreen, stay hydrated, and protect skin from injury.

Nervous System Changes

What are the common visual changes associated with aging?

Decreased tissue elasticity, increased blurring, decreased muscle tone, decreased pupil diameter, increased refractive errors, decreased night vision, increased sensitivity to glare, and decreased peripheral vision.

Respiratory System Changes

What is pneumonia?

Acute inflammation of the lungs caused by various agents including bacterial, viral, and fungal.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is coronary artery disease?

A common heart condition involving atherosclerotic plaque formation in the vessel lumen, impairing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the myocardium.

Integumentary System Changes

How does chronological aged skin appear?

Characterized by thinness and reduced elasticity, resulting in fine wrinkles.

Nervous System Changes

What assessments should be conducted for patients with Parkinson's disease?

Assess balance and reflexes.

Nervous System Changes

How does aging affect night vision?

Decreased night vision.

Nervous System Changes

What is a physical change in males due to decreased testosterone?

Decreased amount of facial and pubic hair.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What nursing assessment should be performed related to hematopoietic changes?

Monitor laboratory tests, including Hgb, Hct, WBC, and differential.

Integumentary System Changes

How does nail growth change with aging?

Decreased rate of nail growth and increased brittleness.

Digestive System Changes

What happens to peristalsis in the esophagus and colon with age?

Peristalsis slows, leading to issues like dysphagia, reflux, and constipation.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What should a patient do if they feel dizzy?

Seek assistance.

Digestive System Changes

What common issue in older adults can affect digestion?

Dry mouth.

Integumentary System Changes

What changes occur in pubic hair as women age?

Decreased pubic hair.

Nervous System Changes

What is one way to promote healthy vision?

Protect eyes from ultraviolet light by wearing sunglasses when outside.

Nervous System Changes

What systems perform major integrating and regulating functions in the body?

The endocrine system and the nervous system.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What happens to tissue elasticity with aging?

Decreased tissue elasticity.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What must nurses distinguish between in aging patients?

Normal physiologic changes and abnormal alterations requiring medical attention.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What should patients do if they experience shortness of breath or fatigue?


Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What is a common disorder associated with decreased red blood cell production?


Nervous System Changes

What physiological change results in a decreased number of eyelashes?


Physiological Changes in Aging

Why must nurses understand the normal structures and functions of body systems?

To detect deviations from the norm.

Integumentary System Changes

What are longitudinal ridges in nails a sign of?

Increased longitudinal ridges and thickening/yellowing of nails.

Integumentary System Changes

How does aging affect tissue elasticity in females?

Decreased tissue elasticity.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What cardiovascular condition is associated with increased atherosclerosis?

Increased blood pressure and weaker peripheral pulses.

Nervous System Changes

What is presbycusis?

Inability to hear high-frequency sounds due to loss of auditory neurons in the spiral ganglia.

Digestive System Changes

What should be established to promote regular bowel movements?

Bowel routines.

Integumentary System Changes

What are the characteristics of photoaged skin?

Deep wrinkles, sagging, and a leathery appearance.

Integumentary System Changes

How does aging affect vaginal tissue?

Increased vaginal tissue fragility and irritation.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What should be assessed regarding nutritional intake in older adults?

Adequacy of protein, iron, and vitamins.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What physiological change occurs with aging related to muscle and bone mass?

Decrease in total muscle and bone mass.

Nervous System Changes

What should be assessed if a hearing aid is used?

Functioning of the hearing aid and battery status.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is a consequence of ventricular enlargement?

Decreased cardiac output and increased chance of heart failure.

Nervous System Changes

How does aging affect ejaculation in males?

Decreased rate and force of ejaculation.

Integumentary System Changes

What is a common skin condition characterized by inflammation and infection?

Rosacea and various forms of dermatitis.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What condition is characterized by increased curvature of the spine?


Nervous System Changes

What are some strategies to improve taste?

Good oral hygiene, better food preparation, and using flavor enhancers.

Digestive System Changes

What is the relationship between age and gut pathologies?

The incidence of several gut pathologies, including colon cancer, rises with age.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What is a common result of decreased height in aging?

Increased risk for falls.

Digestive System Changes

How can medications affect older adults' digestive systems?

They can interfere with digestion and evacuation.

Integumentary System Changes

What happens to the size of the uterus in aging females?

Decreased size of the uterus.

Nervous System Changes

What can reduce the likelihood of cerumen impaction formation?

Administration of prophylactic drops.

Integumentary System Changes

What happens to melanin levels with aging?

There is a decreased amount of melanin.

Nervous System Changes

What may be needed if cerumen impaction is present?


Nervous System Changes

How should tasks be structured for patients with cognitive impairments?

Structure tasks to reduce confusion and allow adequate time to perform them.

Respiratory System Changes

What immunizations are recommended for promoting healthy lungs?

Pneumonia and annual influenza immunizations.

Physiological Changes in Aging

How can psychological and social changes affect aging?

They can contribute to physiological changes.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is an example of a normal age-related change that may be misinterpreted as pathology?

Slight delay in reflex response.

Respiratory System Changes

What is the primary cause of influenza?

A variety of influenza viruses.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What is the primary function of bones in the musculoskeletal system?

To provide a rigid structure that gives the body its shape.

Integumentary System Changes

What hormonal change can lead to increased facial hair in women as they age?

Increased androgen/estrogen ratio.

Physiological Changes in Aging

How are body systems affected by aging?

All body systems are affected to a greater or lesser degree.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What should be assessed when evaluating peripheral pulses?

Presence and strength of peripheral pulses comparing both sides of the body.

Nervous System Changes

What types of deposits are found within neurons as they age?

Deposits of lipofuscin granules, neuritic plaque, and neurofibrillary bodies.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is acute myocardial infarction?

A life-threatening condition where blood flow to the heart muscle is abruptly cut off, causing tissue damage.

Nervous System Changes

What results from decreased vascularity of the cochlea?

Equal loss of hearing at all frequencies (strial loss) and inability to localize sound.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What nursing assessment should be performed related to musculoskeletal changes?

Assess strength and functional mobility.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What hormone does the pituitary gland produce less of with age?

Growth hormone.

Integumentary System Changes

What is a common skin change associated with aging that involves increased fragility?

Increased capillary fragility leading to senile purpura.

Nervous System Changes

What change occurs in the speed of gaining an erection with aging?

Decreased speed in gaining an erection.

Nervous System Changes

What common disorders can affect the sense of smell?

Nasal and sinus problems, viral infections, certain medications, dental problems, cigarette smoking, head or facial injury, and diseases affecting the central nervous system.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What condition does bursitis affect?

The small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae that cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near joints.

Nervous System Changes

What should be done with abnormal findings in a patient with Parkinson's disease?

Report to the physician.

Nervous System Changes

What laboratory values should be monitored in patients, especially regarding minerals?

Calcium and sodium levels, and blood glucose.

Nervous System Changes

What can sensory changes in touch lead to?

Misperception of the environment and profound safety risks.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What is the impact of decreased blood supply to muscles?

Decreased muscle strength.

Nervous System Changes

What type of hearing loss is associated with degeneration of the basilar membrane?

Cochlear conductive loss, with inability to hear at all frequencies but more pronounced at higher frequencies.

Digestive System Changes

What are some common disorders related to digestion?

Hiatal hernia, gastritis, ulcers, diverticulosis, diverticulitis, cancer, hemorrhoids, and rectal prolapse.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to myelin and nerve conduction in aging?

There is a loss of myelin and decreased conduction in some nerves, especially peripheral nerves.

Respiratory System Changes

What age-related change decreases the ability to humidify air in the respiratory system?

Decreased body fluids.

Nervous System Changes

What should be assessed in relation to olfactory changes?

Ability to smell and taste.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is the normal heart rate range mentioned?

40–100 beats per minute.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is the effect of decreased baroreceptor sensitivity?

Decreased adaptation to changes in blood pressure.

Digestive System Changes

What is a significant change in the digestive system with aging?

Reduced appetite and food intake.

Integumentary System Changes

What functions does the skin serve?

Communication, sensation (touch, warmth, cold, pain), protection, temperature regulation, excretion, fat storage, and vitamin D production.

Nervous System Changes

What are some common disorders related to aging vision?

Blepharitis, diplopia, cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and retinal detachment.

Respiratory System Changes

What causes tuberculosis?

The bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis, spread by airborne droplets.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What occurs during myocardial ischemia?

Blood flow to the heart is reduced, preventing the heart muscle from receiving enough oxygen.

Digestive System Changes

What change in gut microbe populations occurs with age?

Significant changes that increase the risk of bacterial infection.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What are the components of the musculoskeletal system?

Bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

Respiratory System Changes

What are some risk factors for lung cancer?

Exposure to carcinogenic agents like tobacco smoke, air pollution, and asbestos.

Digestive System Changes

What practices promote healthy digestion?

Good oral hygiene, balanced diet, adequate fluid intake, and responding promptly to the urge to defecate.

Respiratory System Changes

What nursing assessment can facilitate ease of respiration?

Positioning the patient appropriately.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What is a consequence of increased plasma viscosity?

Increased risk for vascular occlusion.

Integumentary System Changes

What happens to hair growth as people age?

Decreased density and thickness of hair on the head and body.

Respiratory System Changes

What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

A group of three respiratory disorders: asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.

Integumentary System Changes

What happens to vaginal secretions as women age?

Decreased vaginal secretions.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What happens to intervertebral disks with aging?

Decreased fluid in intervertebral disks.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to neuron size and numbers in the Central Nervous System with aging?

There is shrinkage in neuron size and a gradual decrease in neuron numbers.

Nervous System Changes

What type of evaluation should be referred for in cases of suspected neurologic issues?

Neurologic evaluation.

Nervous System Changes

What should be inspected in the ear canal for potential issues?

Cerumen impaction.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What impact can age-related changes have on older adults?

They can significantly affect functional ability, self-image, and lifestyle.

Nervous System Changes

What visual issue is associated with decreased muscle tone in the eye?

Increased blurring.

Digestive System Changes

What physiological change occurs in dental health with aging?

Increased dental caries and tooth loss.

Nervous System Changes

What changes occur in the pupil with aging?

Decreased diameter of pupil and increased refractive errors.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What should be the first intervention for aging adults regarding changes in their bodies?

Teaching about normal changes of aging.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is a result of decreased bone calcium in aging?

Increased osteoporosis and increased curvature of the spine (kyphosis).

Nervous System Changes

Which neurotransmitters significantly decrease with aging?

Acetylcholine, glutamate, serotonin, dopamine, and γ-aminobutyric acid.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What is osteoporosis?

A condition characterized by porous, brittle, fragile bones.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is a result of decreased elasticity in heart muscle and blood vessels?

Increased dependent edema and increased incidence of orthostatic hypotension.

Nervous System Changes

What is a care strategy for individuals with olfactory changes?

Teach the importance of storing food properly.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What care strategy can help promote healthy blood and lymph?


Cardiovascular System Changes

What does the cardiovascular system comprise?

Blood, blood vessels, and the heart.

Digestive System Changes

What is important to monitor regarding a patient's health?

Weight changes, weighing at least once a month.

Classification of Aging: Chronological vs. Extrinsic

What is extrinsic aging?

Aging resulting from chronic exposure to external factors like smoking, poor nutrition, and UV light.

Integumentary System Changes

How can changes in skin structure and function be classified?

As either chronological aging (intrinsic) or extrinsic aging.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to tissue elasticity as one ages?

Decreased tissue elasticity.

Respiratory System Changes

What is lung cancer also known as?

Bronchogenic cancer.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What should patients be encouraged to do when changing positions?

Change positions slowly and seek assistance if dizzy.

Nervous System Changes

What do endocrine glands secrete to regulate body processes?


Cardiovascular System Changes

What are common signs of myocardial infarction in older adults?

Sudden-onset dyspnea, chest discomfort, anxiety, confusion, syncope, decreased urine production, and diaphoresis.

Nervous System Changes

What functions do hormones control?

Reproduction, growth and development, maintenance of homeostasis, response to stress, nutrient balance, cell metabolism, and energy balance.

Integumentary System Changes

What happens to breast tissue mass in aging females?

Decreased breast tissue mass.

Nervous System Changes

What should be kept on each patient care unit for hard of hearing individuals?

An amplifying device.

Integumentary System Changes

What is the effect of aging on the risk of infections in females?

Increased risk for infection.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What are physiological changes of aging?

Integral parts of the aging process, including changes in physical appearance, functionality decline, and chronic diseases.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What physiologic change results in increased osteoporosis?

Decreased bone calcium.

Nervous System Changes

What is a consequence of decreased tear production?

Increased risk for eye irritation.

Classification of Aging: Chronological vs. Extrinsic

What is chronological aging?

Changes due to the passage of time caused by internal factors related to degeneration of physiological processes.

Nervous System Changes

How does touch decline with age?

Due to altered structural integrity of touch receptors and decreased tactile sensitivity.

Nervous System Changes

How does aging affect color perception?

Decreased color perception.

Nervous System Changes

What structural changes occur in dendrites as part of aging?

There are structural changes in dendrites.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

How do muscles contribute to the musculoskeletal system?

They provide a power source to move the bones.

Nervous System Changes

What alterations occur in the nerve cells of the vestibular system with aging?

Alteration in nerve cells of the vestibular system, cerebellum, and proprioception reflexes.

Nervous System Changes

What safety measures should be educated to patients with Parkinson's disease?

Safety precautions and use of assistive devices.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What are some indicators of pathology that may be misinterpreted as normal age changes?

Memory loss, incontinence, falling, sudden confusion, and constipation.

Integumentary System Changes

What is dyspareunia?

Increased pain with intercourse.

Integumentary System Changes

What common skin disorders are associated with aging?

Basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Nervous System Changes

What are common reproductive changes in aging related to ejaculation?

Decreased rate and force of ejaculation.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What does cardiomegaly refer to?

Enlargement of the heart.

Nervous System Changes

What is a consequence of muscular atrophy in the Peripheral Nervous System?

There is a decrease in muscle bulk.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to testosterone levels in males with aging?

Decreased testosterone levels.

Respiratory System Changes

What are common pulmonary function changes observed with aging?

Diminished breath sounds, lower maximum expiratory volume, increased residual volume, and reduced vital capacity.

Respiratory System Changes

What is a key practice to prevent respiratory infections?

Washing hands frequently.

Integumentary System Changes

What is the integument?

The largest organ of the body, consisting of the skin and its accessory structures.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to the lens of the eye with aging?

Increased discoloration.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is the primary function of the cardiovascular system?

To transport oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to organs and metabolic waste to excretory organs.

Digestive System Changes

What dietary considerations should be made for patients?

Assess intake of nutrients and fluids, and educate on recommended dietary intake.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What are some ways to promote healthy bones and muscles?

Regular intake of vitamin D and calcium, protected sunlight exposure, weight-bearing exercise, flexibility and balance exercises, and avoiding excessive joint strain.

Integumentary System Changes

What is a result of decreased vascularity of the dermis?

Increased pallor in white skin.

Nervous System Changes

What is presbycusis?

Inability to hear high-frequency sounds due to cochlear hair cell degeneration.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What are some age-related changes in the cardiovascular system?

Myocardial and blood vessel stiffening, decreased β-adrenoceptor responsiveness, impaired autonomic reflex control of heart rate, left ventricular hypertrophy, and fibrosis.

Integumentary System Changes

What should be assessed in areas where skin surfaces touch?

Look for signs of maceration or yeast infection.

Physiological Changes in Aging

Which organs contain endocrine tissue but are not classified as glands?

Pancreas, ovaries, and testes.

Nervous System Changes

What reflex responses are altered due to aging?

Ankle and superficial reflexes.

Digestive System Changes

What is the impact of aging on the gag reflex?

There is a decreased gag reflex, leading to increased incidence of choking and aspiration.

Nervous System Changes

What is a key nursing action when observing relevant signs?

Promptly notify the physician.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What happens to peripheral circulation with decreased cardiac output?

Decreased peripheral circulation.

Respiratory System Changes

What should be avoided to promote lung health?

Exposure to smoke and pollutants, and smoking.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

A chronic, progressive, and disabling autoimmune disease causing inflammation, swelling, and pain in and around the joints.

Digestive System Changes

What should be assessed to ensure proper swallowing function?

Swallow and gag reflexes.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is the increased risk associated with valvular sclerosis?

Increased risk for heart murmurs.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What causes gouty arthritis?

A buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What does red bone marrow produce?

Red blood cells (RBCs), platelets, and white blood cells (WBCs).

Integumentary System Changes

What nursing assessment should be performed to monitor skin condition?

Monitor skin temperature and assess skin turgor.

Physiological Changes in Aging

How do endocrine glands respond to hormone levels in the body?

They constantly monitor and adjust hormone production as needed.

Respiratory System Changes

What is the primary function of the respiratory system?

Ventilation and gas exchange, particularly the transfer of oxygen into and the release of carbon dioxide from the blood.

Nervous System Changes

What should patients be educated about regarding their health?

Dietary needs and self-testing of blood glucose.

Nervous System Changes

What causes altered electrical conduction of nerves in aging?

Myelin loss.

Nervous System Changes

What physical assessments may indicate endocrine imbalance?

Body temperature, weight, hair distribution, or behavioral changes.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea?

Extreme orthopnea during sleep.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What can teaching about normal aging changes help older adults do?

Understand their bodies and learn to compensate for changes.

Nervous System Changes

What nursing assessment should be performed regarding sexual health?

Assess for signs and symptoms of infection or inflammation.

Nervous System Changes

What are some common disorders related to hearing?

Otosclerosis, Tinnitus, Deafness, Ménière’s Disease.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is a result of decreased cardiac muscle tone?

Decreased tissue oxygenation related to decreased cardiac output and reserve.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What are varicose veins?

Enlarged veins that often appear swollen and raised.

Nervous System Changes

What care strategy can reduce the likelihood of cerumen impaction?

Administration of prophylactic drops.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What happens to the elasticity of the heart muscle and blood vessels with aging?

Decreased elasticity, leading to decreased venous return and increased dependent edema.

Nervous System Changes

What physiological changes can lead to urinary stasis?

Incomplete emptying of the bladder and decreased mobility.

Nervous System Changes

What are the two main divisions of the nervous system?

Central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS).

Nervous System Changes

What happens to ovarian follicles in aging women?

Follicular depletion occurs.

Urinary System Changes

What effect does decreased blood supply have on the kidneys?

Decreased removal of body wastes and increased concentration of urine.

Nervous System Changes

What type of infection is common in aging females?

Vaginal infection.

Integumentary System Changes

What care strategy can help prevent skin breakdown?

Institute measures to reduce pressure over bony prominences.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What are the primary glands of the endocrine system?

Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pineal, and thymus.

Nervous System Changes

What are the two main functions of the ear?

Detection of sound and maintenance of balance.

Integumentary System Changes

What physiological change leads to increased dry skin?

Decreased sebaceous and sweat gland function.

Nervous System Changes

What structural change in the ear affects hearing as one ages?

Cochlear hair cell degeneration and loss of auditory neurons in the spiral ganglia.

Nervous System Changes

What are some common disorders associated with aging?

Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Transient Ischemic Attack, Cerebrovascular Accident.

Urinary System Changes

What hormone do the kidneys produce, and what is its function?

Erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is the role of nurses in helping older adults with age-related changes?

To provide assurance that these changes are normal and to teach prevention of disease.

Nervous System Changes

What should be reported to a physician regarding female reproductive health?

Unusual vaginal discharge.

Nervous System Changes

What should be avoided to promote healthy hearing?

Exposure to excessively loud noises.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What are signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure?

Dyspnea with exertion, orthopnea, coughing or wheezing, fatigue, peripheral edema, weight gain without increased food intake, nausea, vomiting, or anorexia.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What is an important nutritional consideration for aging individuals?

Calcium intake.

Nervous System Changes

What physiological changes occur in the reticular activating system (RAS) with aging?

There is a decrease in stages 3 and 4 of the sleep cycle.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What endocrine change increases the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus?

Decreased insulin production or increased insulin resistance.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What happens to parathyroid hormone production with aging?

It decreases, leading to increased blood calcium levels.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What happens to the hematopoietic system with aging?

It is associated with myeloid malignancies, anemia, and immune dysfunction.

Nervous System Changes

What care strategies should be implemented for patients with neurologic changes?

Educate regarding safety precautions and use of assistive devices.

Digestive System Changes

How does aging affect thirst perception?

There is a decreased thirst perception, increasing the risk for dehydration and constipation.

Urinary System Changes

What is the primary function of the renal system?

Excreting toxins, regulating water and salts, and maintaining acid-base balance in the blood.

Nervous System Changes

What is the consequence of decreased ceruminous cells in the external ear canal?

Increased risk for cerumen impaction causing conductive hearing loss.

Respiratory System Changes

What happens to gas exchange due to decreased tissue elasticity in the alveoli?

Decreased gas exchange and increased pooling of secretions.

Nervous System Changes

What should one do if they experience acute-onset visual disturbance?

Seek emergency care.

Nervous System Changes

What common disorders are seen with aging?

Diabetes Mellitus, Hypoglycemia, Hypothyroidism.

Integumentary System Changes

What is senile lentigo?

Increased incidence of brown spots due to aging.

Nervous System Changes

How does aging affect reflexes?

There is altered electrical conduction of the nerves and altered reflex responses.

Urinary System Changes

What anatomical change occurs in the kidneys as people age?

The kidneys decrease in size from approximately 400 g at age 40 to 250 g by age 80.

Nervous System Changes

What should females be educated about to enhance sexual comfort?

Use of artificial lubrication.

Nervous System Changes

What is a possible referral for males experiencing erectile dysfunction?

Referral to a physician for pharmacologic treatment.

Urinary System Changes

What is the result of decreased filtration rate in aging kidneys?

Decreased drug clearance.

Nervous System Changes

What results from a decreased number of nasal sensory receptors?

Decreased ability to detect smells.

Nervous System Changes

What is a common change in orgasmic function in aging women?

Diminished strength of orgasmic contraction and decreased orgasmic phase.

Urinary System Changes

What is a nursing assessment related to urinary changes in aging?

Monitor for signs of drug toxicity.

Nervous System Changes

What physiological change leads to decreased ability to distinguish high-frequency sounds?

Decreased tissue elasticity.

Nervous System Changes

What should be monitored to prevent drug toxicity in nursing assessments?

Signs of drug toxicity.

Respiratory System Changes

What should be encouraged to improve respiratory health?

Adequate fluid intake, smoking cessation, and annual influenza vaccination.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What are cardiac arrhythmias?

Irregular heartbeats.

Urinary System Changes

What enzyme do the kidneys produce, and what is its role?

Renin, which helps regulate blood pressure.

Digestive System Changes

What changes occur in saliva and gastric secretions with aging?

There is a decrease in saliva and gastric secretions, leading to decreased digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Nervous System Changes

What is a common disorder related to urinary issues?

Urinary Incontinence.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to peripheral vision as one ages?

Decreased peripheral vision.

Digestive System Changes

What nursing assessment should be conducted regarding oral health?

Assess the oral cavity for dentition, condition of mucous membranes, and hygiene.

Urinary System Changes

How does kidney efficiency change by age 70?

By age 70, kidneys lose approximately one-third of their efficiency.

Urinary System Changes

What happens to the number of functional nephrons with aging?

There is a decreased number of functional nephrons.

Nervous System Changes

What are the effects of decreased peripheral nerve function in aging?

Decreased motor responses and increased risk for ischemic paresthesia in extremities.

Nervous System Changes

What is the role of the nervous system in relation to other body systems?

It processes and controls body functions and links us with the outside world.

Urinary System Changes

What care strategy can be used to assess bladder emptying?

Palpate the bladder after voiding or use Doppler to determine if it is emptying completely.

Nervous System Changes

What changes occur in neurotransmitter synthesis with aging?

Changes in the precursors necessary for neurotransmitter synthesis occur.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What care strategy can help decrease the risk of falls?

Initiate safety precautions.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What happens to pupillary response as one ages?

Reduced bilateral pupillary response.

Cardiovascular System Changes

How does the heart change with aging?

The geriatric heart becomes larger and occupies more space within the chest.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What are occlusive peripheral vascular problems?

Conditions affecting blood flow in peripheral vessels.

Nervous System Changes

What physiological changes occur in the reticular activating system (RAS) with aging?

Decreased stages 3 and 4 of the sleep cycle.

Respiratory System Changes

What effect does increased calcification of cartilage have on the respiratory system?

Increased rigidity of the rib cage and decreased lung capacity.

Nervous System Changes

How do age-related changes affect the special senses?

They become less efficient, interfering with safety and daily activities.

Nervous System Changes

What is a result of decreased number of brain cells in aging?

Slowed thought processes and decreased ability to respond to multiple stimuli and tasks.

Digestive System Changes

What care strategy is important for maintaining hydration in the elderly?

Educate regarding the importance of good oral hygiene and stress the need for adequate fluid intake.

Nervous System Changes

What is the impact of decreased amounts of neuroreceptors in aging?

Decreased perception of stimuli.

Nervous System Changes

What physiological change results in decreased ability to taste?

Decreased number of papillae on the tongue.

Nervous System Changes

What is a common cancer seen in aging females?

Breast cancer.

Urinary System Changes

What is a common urinary issue in older adults related to perception?

Delayed or decreased perception of the need to void.

Urinary System Changes

What urinary change is associated with an increased size of the prostate in males?

Increased risk for infection, decreased stream of urine, and increased hesitancy and frequency of urination.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is a common change in spoken word recognition with aging?

Decreased spoken word recognition.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What happens to hormone levels with aging?

Most hormone levels decrease, but some remain stable or increase.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What happens to intervertebral disks as one ages?

There is a decrease in fluid, leading to decreased height.

Respiratory System Changes

What are signs of respiratory infection to assess for?

Signs and symptoms such as cough and sputum production.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is the effect of decreased blood supply to muscles in aging?

Decreased muscle strength.

Nervous System Changes

What are the special senses connected to?

The central nervous system by cranial nerves.

Digestive System Changes

What happens to liver size and enzyme production with age?

There is a decrease in liver size and enzyme production, leading to decreased ability to metabolize drugs.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What should a patient do if they are short of breath or fatigued?


Cardiovascular System Changes

What is a key strategy for promoting a healthy heart?

Maintain control of blood pressure at all times.

Cardiovascular System Changes

How can one minimize sodium intake?

By eating a low-fat, low-cholesterol balanced diet.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to the cerebral cortex volume with aging?

It decreases, leading to reduced brain size and weight.

Nervous System Changes

What nursing assessment should be performed for patients with neurologic changes?

Assess balance and reflexes.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What does increased plasma viscosity lead to?

Increased risk for vascular occlusion.

Nervous System Changes

What changes occur in men's sexual function as they age?

Increased length of time needed for erections and ejaculation.

Respiratory System Changes

What is the result of a decreased number of cilia in the respiratory system?

Decreased ability to trap debris.

Integumentary System Changes

What is a common issue related to prolonged pressure on the skin?

Pressure ulcers.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is a common change in hormone receptors with aging?

They become less sensitive.

Nervous System Changes

What should be assessed to evaluate bladder function?

Urinary frequency and bladder emptying.

Nervous System Changes

What should be assessed in nursing assessments related to auditory changes?

Hearing and balance, including inspection for cerumen impaction.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is a consequence of decreased tissue in aging?

Decreased mobility and flexibility.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is an aneurysm?

An abnormal bulge in a blood vessel.

Nervous System Changes

What should be checked if a patient uses a hearing aid?

Functioning of the hearing aid, including battery status and blockage by cerumen.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to reflexes and coordination with aging?

Decreased reflexes and decreased coordination.

Digestive System Changes

What should be monitored to assess nutritional status in the elderly?

Monitor weight changes, weighing at least once a month.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to color perception with aging?

Decreased color perception.

Nervous System Changes

What changes occur in the vagina as women age?

Decrease in vaginal lubrication, shortening, and narrowing of the vagina.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is valvular heart disease?

A condition where any valve in the heart is damaged or diseased, preventing it from functioning properly.

Nervous System Changes

What is the effect of decreased vascularity of the cochlea?

Equal loss of hearing at all frequencies, leading to an inability to localize sound.

Digestive System Changes

How does aging affect muscle tone at sphincters?

There is decreased muscle tone at sphincters, increasing the incidence of heartburn (esophageal reflux).

Integumentary System Changes

What is a common skin change associated with aging?

Increased wrinkling and decreased thickness of the epidermis.

Nervous System Changes

What is the effect of aging on sensitivity to glare?

Increased sensitivity to glare.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What can decreased cardiac output lead to?

Increased chance of heart failure and decreased peripheral circulation.

Nervous System Changes

What should be discussed with patients regarding medications?

Normal physiologic changes and possible effects on sexual function.

Nervous System Changes

By age 60, what percentage of adults may experience alterations in smell and taste?

Half of adults.

Nervous System Changes

What taste receptors are particularly affected by aging?

Receptors for sweet and salty tastes.

Nervous System Changes

What is a result of decreased tear production in aging?

Increased risk for eye irritation.

Nervous System Changes

What is a common male reproductive disorder associated with aging?

Prostate cancer.

Urinary System Changes

How does aging affect bladder capacity?

Decreased tissue elasticity leads to decreased bladder capacity.

Nervous System Changes

What problems arise from atrophy of vestibular structures in the inner ear?

Increased problems with balance and decreased number of hair cells.

Cardiovascular System Changes

What is congestive heart failure?

A chronic progressive condition that affects the pumping power of the heart muscle.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What should be encouraged to maintain musculoskeletal health?

Regular low-impact exercise.

Nervous System Changes

How does aging affect the autonomic nervous system?

Slowing of autonomic nervous system response due to structural changes in the basal ganglia.

Nervous System Changes

How do age-related changes in the reproductive system differ between men and women?

Women lose the ability to procreate after menopause, while men remain fertile throughout life.

Integumentary System Changes

What changes occur in nails with aging?

Increased brittleness, decreased rate of growth, and increased longitudinal ridges.

Integumentary System Changes

What hormonal change can lead to increased facial hair in women?

Increased androgen levels.

Nervous System Changes

Name a common disorder seen with aging related to female reproductive health.

Uterine prolapse.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What care strategy can help manage endocrine changes in aging patients?

Educating patients about dietary needs and self-testing of blood glucose.

Nervous System Changes

How can tasks be structured for patients with neurologic changes?

Structure tasks to reduce confusion and allow adequate time to perform tasks.

Musculoskeletal System Changes

What is osteoarthritis?

The most common form of arthritis, occurring when protective cartilage wears down.

Nervous System Changes

What sensory changes occur in the aging Peripheral Nervous System?

Decrease in electrical conduction and atrophy of taste buds.

Nervous System Changes

What is the physiological purpose of the reproductive systems in men and women?

Human procreation.

Integumentary System Changes

What happens to hair density as one ages?

Decreased density of hair growth and decreased amount and thickness of hair on head and body.

Nervous System Changes

What is the increased risk associated with decreased number of eyelashes?

Increased risk for eye injury.

Nervous System Changes

What should be available on each patient care unit for hard of hearing individuals?

An amplifying device for those without a functional hearing aid.

Nervous System Changes

How does a reduction in the sense of smell affect taste?

It alters the sense of taste.

Nervous System Changes

How does aging affect blood flow in the brain?

Decreased blood flow results in a slower rate of cerebral metabolism.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What physical signs should be assessed for endocrine imbalance?

Body temperature, weight, hair distribution, or behavioral changes.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What is the effect of aging on T cells?

Increased immature T cells response and decreased immune response.

Respiratory System Changes

How does decreased muscle strength and endurance affect breathing?

Decreased ability to breathe deeply and diminished strength of cough.

Nervous System Changes

What is a recommended practice for eye health regarding examinations?

Have a yearly dilated eye examination.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is a result of decreased growth hormone production?

Decreased muscle mass.

Nervous System Changes

What is a risk factor for urinary tract infections?

Inadequate or improper hygiene.

Nervous System Changes

What are the eyes designed to protect against?

Physical and biological hazards.

Nervous System Changes

What physiological change occurs in the eyes with aging?

Decreased number of eyelashes.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What are the two major fluids of the body?

Blood and lymph.

Nervous System Changes

What changes occur in breast tissue in aging women?

Natural breast tissue is replaced by fatty tissue.

Nervous System Changes

What is a care strategy for managing sexual activity in aging individuals?

Assess factors that may interfere with sexual activity.

Nervous System Changes

What happens to taste and smell with aging?

There is a decrease in the number of functional receptors.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What is the effect of decreased thyroid-stimulating hormone production?

Decreased metabolic rate.

Nervous System Changes

What hormonal changes occur in aging men?

Decrease in testosterone levels.

Nervous System Changes

What hormonal changes occur in aging women?

Decrease in estrogen, progesterone, and androgen levels.

Physiological Changes in Aging

What should nursing assessments focus on regarding endocrine changes?

Monitoring laboratory values, especially calcium, sodium, and blood glucose levels.

Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Changes

What is a result of decreased mobilization of neutrophils in aging?

Less effective phagocytosis.

Nervous System Changes

What should be done if abnormal findings are reported in a patient with Parkinson's?

Report to physician and refer for neurologic evaluation.

Nervous System Changes

What is a physiological change related to vaginal secretions in aging women?

Decreased vaginal secretions.

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