What stimulates the VRG through afferent nerves?
Several different types of receptors in the lungs stimulate the VRG through afferent nerves.
What is the thyroid cartilage commonly known as?
Thyroid cartilage
Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What stimulates the VRG through afferent nerves?

Several different types of receptors in the lungs stimulate the VRG through afferent nerves.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the thyroid cartilage commonly known as?

Thyroid cartilage

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the oropharynx?


Structure of the Pulmonary System

What accompanies the main bronchi at the hila?

The pulmonary blood and lymphatic vessels.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

Can pulmonary artery constriction caused by acidemia be reversed?

Yes, if the acidemia is corrected.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the pleura?

A serous membrane that adheres firmly to the lungs and attaches to the chest wall.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are the main structures of the pulmonary system?

The main structures are the upper airways, two lungs, the lower airways, and the blood vessels that serve them.

Mechanics of Breathing

What supports the lung tissue surrounding the airways?

The lung tissue that surrounds the airways supports them, preventing their distortion or collapse as gas moves in and out during ventilation.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What forms the laryngeal box?

The laryngeal box is formed by three large cartilages—the epiglottis, thyroid, and cricoid—and three smaller cartilages.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What triggers the sneeze reflex?

Stimulation of irritant receptors in the nares (nostrils) by chemical or mechanical irritants triggers the sneeze reflex, resulting in rapid removal of irritants from nasal passages.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What do each pulmonary vein drain?

Several pulmonary capillaries.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Where do the deep lymphatic capillaries begin?

At the level of the terminal bronchioles.

Ventilation Process

What must be performed to determine the adequacy of ventilation?

An arterial blood gas analysis must be performed to measure PaCO2 to determine the adequacy of ventilation.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are the three layers of the bronchial walls?

An epithelial lining, a smooth muscle layer, and a connective tissue layer.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What are irritant receptors sensitive to?

Noxious aerosols, gases, and particulate matter.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What are stretch receptors sensitive to?

Increases in the size or volume of the lungs.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What are J-receptors sensitive to?

Increased pulmonary capillary pressure.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

How many alveoli are present at birth and in adulthood?

Approximately 50 million at birth and about 480 million by adulthood.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What are alveolar macrophages?

Mononuclear phagocytes of the lungs that ingest foreign material and prepare it for removal through the lymphatics.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What happens to the pulmonary vessels when right ventricular cardiac output increases?

More vessels become perfused.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What sets the basic automatic rhythm of respiration?

The basic automatic rhythm of respiration is set by the DRG, a cluster of inspiratory nerve cells located in the medulla.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What structure is referred to as the cuneiform tubercle?

Cuneiform tubercle

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are the cartilages connected by ligaments in the larynx?

The arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the hard palate?

Hard palate

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What is hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction?

Vasoconstriction caused by alveolar and pulmonary venous hypoxia.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What is the effect of the increased cross-sectional area of the airways?

It results in decreased velocity of airflow into the gas-exchange portion of the lung and allows for optimal gas diffusion.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What are the three steps in the gas exchange process?

The three steps are ventilation, diffusion, and perfusion.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What fills the pleural space?

A thin layer of fluid secreted by the pleura.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What structures are often called the upper airway?

The nasopharynx, oropharynx, and related structures are often called the upper airway.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What is the function of alveolar macrophages?

Alveolar macrophages ingest and remove bacteria and other foreign material from alveoli by phagocytosis.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

Where does gas exchange occur in the pulmonary system?

Across the alveolocapillary membrane.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Does the bronchial circulation participate in gas exchange?

No, it does not.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What causes contraction (vasoconstriction) and relaxation (vasodilation) in the pulmonary circulation?

Local humoral conditions.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

How much carbonic acid does the lung eliminate per day?

The lung eliminates about 10,000 milliequivalents (mEq) of carbonic acid per day in the form of CO2.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What is the compensatory mechanism when a pulmonary disorder is characterized by localized areas of acutely decreased alveolar oxygen content?

Vasoconstriction of the arterioles perfusing those areas is a positive compensatory mechanism that reduces shunt (wasted perfusion).

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where are irritant receptors found?

In the epithelium of the conducting airways.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where are irritant receptors primarily located?

In the proximal larger airways.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

When is the Hering-Breuer expiratory reflex active in adults?

At high tidal volumes, such as with exercise and mechanical ventilation.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Which nerve do fibers of the parasympathetic division of the ANS travel in to the lung?

The vagus nerve.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

How much of the pulmonary vessels are filled with blood at any given time?

About one third.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

When is voluntary breathing necessary?

Voluntary breathing is necessary for talking, singing, laughing, and holding one’s breath.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What structure is responsible for covering the trachea during swallowing?


Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the vestibule in the respiratory system?


Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the nasopharynx?


Structure of the Pulmonary System

Why do aspirated fluids or foreign particles tend to enter the right lung?

Because the right mainstem bronchus is slightly larger and more vertical than the left.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

Is the pulmonary vasoconstriction caused by low PaO2 reversible?

Yes, it is reversible if the PaO2 is corrected.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the function of the chest wall?

It protects the lungs from injury and performs the muscular work of breathing.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Which system carries out the third function of gas exchange?

The cardiovascular system carries out the third function of gas exchange.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are bronchi?

Bronchi are a set of conducting airways that deliver air to each section of the lung.

Ventilation Process

How does gas usually flow during quiet breathing?

During quiet breathing, gas usually flows through the nose, nasopharynx, and oropharynx to the lower airways.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What forms the endolarynx?

The endolarynx is formed by two pairs of folds that form the false vocal cords (supraglottis) and the true vocal cords.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

How much blood is spread over the alveolar surface area with normal perfusion?

Approximately 100 ml of blood is spread very thinly over about 140 m² of alveolar surface area.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Is the pulmonary circulation innervated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?

Yes, in the same manner as the systemic circulation.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

At what rate is CO2 produced?

CO2 is produced at the rate of approximately 200 ml/minute.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What happens in diffuse and chronic lung disorders like COPD or cystic fibrosis?

Widespread and persistent hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction creates resistance to pulmonary blood flow and raises the pressure in the pulmonary artery, causing secondary pulmonary artery hypertension.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What is the focus of current research regarding pulmonary arteriolar wall remodeling?

Research is in progress to inhibit and potentially reverse the remodeling of pulmonary arteriolar walls.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where are stretch receptors located?

In the smooth muscles of airways.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What role might the Hering-Breuer expiratory reflex play in adults?

Protecting against excess lung inflation.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What do the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the ANS control in the lung?

Airway caliber by stimulating bronchial smooth muscle to contract or relax.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Which division of the ANS is the main controller of airway caliber under normal conditions?

The parasympathetic division.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

When does the VRG become active?

The VRG becomes active when increased ventilatory effort is required.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the arytenoid cartilage?

Arytenoid cartilage

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the nasal conchae?

Nasal conchae

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the laryngeal pharynx?

Laryngeal pharynx

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What happens if only one segment of the lung is involved in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction?

The arterioles to that segment constrict, shunting blood to other, well-ventilated portions of the lung.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What are some biochemical factors that affect the caliber of vessels in pulmonary circulation?

Histamine, prostaglandins, endothelin, serotonin, nitric oxide, and bradykinin.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What is diffusion in the context of the pulmonary system?

Diffusion is the movement of gases between air spaces in the lungs and the bloodstream.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the function of the pleural fluid?

It lubricates the pleural surfaces, allowing the two layers to slide over each other without separating.

Ventilation Process

When do the mouth and oropharynx provide for ventilation?

The mouth and oropharynx provide for ventilation when the nose is obstructed or when increased flow is required, such as during exercise.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What is the function of the upper respiratory tract mucosa?

The upper respiratory tract mucosa maintains constant temperature and humidification of gas entering the lungs; traps and removes foreign particles, some bacteria, and noxious gases from inspired air.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What often fuses with the basement membrane of the alveolar septum?

The thin basement membrane of the pulmonary system.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

How do pulmonary veins differ from pulmonary arteries in their path through the lung?

Pulmonary veins are dispersed randomly throughout the lung, unlike pulmonary arteries which follow the branching bronchi.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Are there lymphatic structures in the acinus?

No, there are no lymphatic structures in the acinus.

Functions of the Pulmonary System

What are the three main functions of the pulmonary system?

The pulmonary system functions to ventilate the alveoli, diffuse gases into and out of the blood, and perfuse the lungs so that the organs and tissues of the body receive blood that is rich in oxygen and low in CO2.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the thoracic cavity divided into?

The thoracic cavity is divided into three subdivisions (left and right pleural divisions and mediastinum) by a partition formed by a serous membrane called the pleura.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What can severe pulmonary hypertension lead to?

Severe pulmonary hypertension can impede right ventricular ejection and eventually cause right heart failure known as cor pulmonale.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What happens to the layers of epithelium that line the bronchi with branching?

They become thinner.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What are respiratory bronchioles?

Bronchioles from the sixteenth through the twenty-third divisions that contain increasing numbers of alveoli.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What effect do parasympathetic receptors have on bronchial smooth muscle?

They cause smooth muscle to contract.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where are central chemoreceptors located?

Near the respiratory center.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where is the VRG located and what does it contain?

The VRG is located in the medulla and contains inspiratory and expiratory neurons.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the role of the corniculate cartilage?

Corniculate cartilage

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the soft palate?

Soft palate

Structure of the Pulmonary System

Where does the trachea divide into the two main airways?

At the carina.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

How many divisions are there in the conducting airways before reaching the terminal bronchioles?

Sixteen divisions.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What is perfusion in the context of the pulmonary system?

Perfusion is the movement of blood into and out of the capillary beds of the lungs to body organs and tissues.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

How are the lungs divided?

The lungs are divided into lobes: three in the right lung (upper, middle, lower) and two in the left lung (upper, lower).

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

How effective are the lung defense mechanisms in healthy individuals?

In healthy individuals, the defense mechanisms are so effective that contamination of the lung tissue itself is unusual.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What triggers the cough reflex?

Stimulation of irritant receptors in the trachea and large airways by chemical or mechanical irritants triggers the cough reflex, resulting in removal of irritants from the trachea and large airways.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Where do pulmonary veins leave the lung and enter the left atrium?

At the hila.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Where do fluid and alveolar macrophages migrate from and to?

From the alveoli to the terminal bronchioles.

Ventilation Process

What is ventilation?

Ventilation is the mechanical movement of gas or air into and out of the lungs.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What does the central nervous system respond to in the context of ventilation?

The central nervous system responds to neurochemical stimulation of ventilation and sends signals to the chest wall musculature.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What do stretch receptors do when stimulated?

They decrease ventilatory rate and volume.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What responses do J-receptors initiate when stimulated?

Rapid, shallow breathing; laryngeal constriction on expiration and mucus secretion; hypotension; and bradycardia.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What do the alveolar septa consist of?

An epithelial layer and a thin, elastic basement membrane but no muscle layer.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the function of type II alveolar cells?

They secrete surfactant.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What are the functions of the pulmonary circulation?

Facilitates gas exchange, delivers nutrients to lung tissues, acts as a blood reservoir for the left ventricle, and serves as a filtering system that removes clots, air, and other debris from the circulation.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

How does PaCO2 regulate ventilation?

Through its effect on the pH (hydrogen ion content) of the CSF.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What do central chemoreceptors do when they sense a decrease in pH?

They stimulate the respiratory center to increase the depth and rate of ventilation.

Mechanics of Breathing

What are the major muscles of inspiration?

The diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What controls respiration in the brainstem?

The respiratory center in the brainstem controls respiration by transmitting impulses to the respiratory muscles, causing them to contract and relax.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are the vocal cords also known as?

Vocal cords

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are intercartilaginous ligaments?

Intercartilaginous ligaments

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the role of the external laryngeal muscles?

They move the larynx as a whole.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

How does the right mainstem bronchus differ from the left?

It is slightly larger and more vertical, branching at about a 20° to 30° angle from the trachea.

Functions of the Pulmonary System

What is the primary function of the pulmonary system?

The primary function of the pulmonary system is the exchange of gases between the environmental air and the blood.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What does the respiratory membrane consist of?

The alveolar wall (fluid containing surfactant, epithelial cells, basement membrane), interstitial space, and wall of a pulmonary capillary (basement membrane, endothelial cells).

Mechanics of Breathing

What is the diaphragm and its role in ventilation?

The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and is involved in ventilation.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are the components of the larynx structure?

The structure of the larynx consists of the endolarynx and its surrounding triangular-shaped bony and cartilaginous structures.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

Why are the extremely thin alveolar walls easily damaged?

Because they can leak plasma and blood into the alveolar space.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What does the bronchial circulation contribute to?

The normal venous admixture or right-to-left shunt.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What happens to the caliber of pulmonary artery lumina as smooth muscle in arterial walls relaxes?

The caliber increases, decreasing blood pressure.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What is CO2 in the context of cellular metabolism?

CO2, the gaseous form of carbonic acid (H2CO3), is a product of cellular metabolism.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What induces a locally controlled constriction of preacinar arteriolar smooth muscle and endothelial cells?

Decreases in PAO2 to less than 12% of normal induce a locally controlled constriction of preacinar arteriolar smooth muscle and endothelial cells.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What are some of the substances produced due to alveolar hypoxia?

Alveolar hypoxia causes the production of reactive oxygen species (toxic oxygen radicals), vasoconstrictors (such as endothelin), and vascular endothelial growth factor.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What types of cells are found in the epithelial lining of the bronchi?

Single-celled exocrine glands (goblet cells) and ciliated cells.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What is the function of the ciliated epithelial cells in the bronchi?

They rhythmically beat the mucous blanket toward the trachea and pharynx.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

Where do the bronchioles terminate?

In gas-exchange airways.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What are the primary gas-exchange units of the lung?

The alveoli.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where does the DRG send efferent impulses?

The DRG sends efferent impulses to the diaphragm and inspiratory intercostal muscles.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the corniculate tubercle?

Corniculate tubercle

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the trachealis muscle?

Trachealis muscle

Structure of the Pulmonary System

Why are both sets of laryngeal muscles important?

They are important to swallowing, respiration, and vocalization.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

How can hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction affect the lung?

It can affect only one portion of the lung or the entire lung.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What other condition besides hypoxia can cause pulmonary artery constriction?


Ventilation Process

What is ventilation in the context of the pulmonary system?

Ventilation is the movement of air into and out of the lungs.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the composition of the fluid in the pleural space?

About 18 ml of fluid with a pH of about 7.6, a few cells, about 1 g/dl protein, and glucose and electrolyte concentrations similar to plasma.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

How are the lungs protected from exogenous contaminants?

The lungs are protected by a series of mechanical and cellular defenses.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the vestibule in the larynx?

The vestibule is the space above the false vocal cords.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What does the pulmonary system consist of?

An endothelial layer and a thin basement membrane.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What impairs gas exchange in the pulmonary system?

Any disorder that thickens the alveolocapillary membrane.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What does the lung vasculature include?

Deep and superficial pulmonary lymphatic capillaries.

Ventilation Process

Can the adequacy of alveolar ventilation be determined by observation alone?

No, the adequacy of alveolar ventilation cannot be accurately determined by observation of ventilatory rate, pattern, or effort.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What type of epithelium lines the larger airways?

High columnar pseudostratified epithelium.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What role do biochemical mediators released early in inflammation play in asthma?

They stimulate bronchial smooth muscles to constrict.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What is the acinus?

The structures of the gas-exchange airways that participate in gas exchange.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

How do central chemoreceptors monitor arterial blood indirectly?

By sensing changes in the pH of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What happens to CO2 that enters the CSF?

It combines with H2O to form carbonic acid, which dissociates into hydrogen ions.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What is the result of prolonged increases in PaCO2?

Renal compensation through bicarbonate retention.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What is the role of the pneumotaxic center and apneustic center?

The pneumotaxic center and apneustic center, situated in the pons, act as modifiers of the inspiratory depth and rate established by the medullary centers.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the cricoid cartilage?

Cricoid cartilage

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What do the internal laryngeal muscles control?

They control vocal cord length and tension.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What do the internal muscles do during swallowing?

They contract to prevent aspiration into the trachea and contribute to voice pitch.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What happens when the carina is stimulated?

It can cause coughing and airway narrowing.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What is the benefit of the reflex that shunts blood to well-ventilated portions of the lung?

It improves the lung’s efficiency by better matching ventilation and perfusion.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the parietal pleura?

The membrane lining the thoracic cavity.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What is the function of the mucosal lining in the pulmonary system?

The mucosal lining warms and humidifies inspired air to 100% and removes foreign particles from it as it passes into the lungs.

Ventilation Process

How efficient is filtering and humidifying with mouth breathing compared to nose breathing?

Filtering and humidifying are not as efficient with mouth breathing.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What do nasal hairs and turbinates do?

Nasal hairs and turbinates trap and remove foreign particles, some bacteria, and noxious gases from inspired air.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What results in very little separation between blood in the capillary and gas in the alveolus?

The fusion of the basement membrane of the pulmonary system with the basement membrane of the alveolar septum.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

How are pulmonary veins similar to veins in the systemic circulation?

They have no valves.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What do the superficial lymphatic capillaries drain?

The membrane that surrounds the lungs.

Ventilation Process

What is often misnamed as respiration?

Ventilation is often misnamed as respiration, which is actually the exchange of O2 and CO2 during cellular metabolism.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What factors influence the response of the respiratory system to neurochemical impulses?

The response of the respiratory system to neurochemical impulses is influenced by several factors that affect the mechanisms of breathing and therefore affect the adequacy of ventilation.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What are the three types of lung receptors that send impulses from the lungs to the dorsal respiratory group?

Irritant receptors, stretch receptors, and J-receptors.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What reflex do irritant receptors initiate when stimulated?

The cough reflex.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What happens to ciliated cells and goblet cells as the bronchi branch?

They become more sparse.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What is the structure of the walls of the respiratory bronchioles?

They consist of an epithelial layer devoid of cilia and goblet cells, very little smooth muscle fiber, and a very thin and elastic connective tissue layer.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What effect do sympathetic receptors have on bronchial smooth muscle?

They cause it to relax.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What causes bronchial constriction?

Stimulation of irritant receptors by irritants in inspired air, inflammatory mediators, many drugs, and humoral substances.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What do central chemoreceptors respond to in the CSF?

Hydrogen ion concentration.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What are the mechanisms that control respiration described as?

The mechanisms that control respiration are very complex.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

How can breathing be modified?

Breathing can be modified by input from the cortex, the limbic system, and the hypothalamus.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the function of the trachea?

The trachea serves as the main airway to the lungs.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the epiglottis?


Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What occurs if alveolar hypoxia affects all segments of the lung?

Vasoconstriction occurs throughout the pulmonary vasculature, and pulmonary hypertension can result.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What does the chest wall consist of?

Skin, ribs, and intercostal muscles.

Functions of the Pulmonary System

Which system carries out the first two functions of gas exchange?

The pulmonary system carries out the first two functions of gas exchange.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the usual pressure in the pleural space?

Negative or subatmospheric (−4 to −10 mmHg).

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What connects the upper and lower airways?

The larynx connects the upper and lower airways.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What is the function of the mucous blanket?

The mucous blanket protects the trachea and bronchi from injury; traps most foreign particles and bacteria that reach the lower airways.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What does the bronchial circulation supply nutrients to?

The conducting airways, nerves, lymph nodes, large pulmonary vessels, and membranes (pleurae) that surround the lungs.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What role does the lymphatic system play in the lungs?

Keeping the lung free of fluid and providing immune defense.

Ventilation Process

How is the amount of effective ventilation calculated?

The amount of effective ventilation is calculated by multiplying the ventilatory rate (breaths per minute) by the volume of air per breath (liters per breath, tidal volume).

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What role does the control of the pulmonary circulation play?

The control of the pulmonary circulation plays a role in the appropriate distribution of blood flow.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What do the submucosal glands of the bronchial lining produce?


Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

In which population is the Hering-Breuer expiratory reflex active?

In newborns.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where do fibers of the sympathetic division of the ANS in the lung branch from?

From the upper thoracic and cervical ganglia of the spinal cord.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is surfactant and what is its function?

A lipoprotein that coats the inner surface of the alveolus, facilitates its expansion during inspiration, lowers alveolar surface tension at end-expiration, and prevents lung collapse.

Mechanics of Breathing

What increases the work of breathing?

Alterations in the major and accessory muscles of inspiration and expiration, elastic properties of the lungs and chest wall, and resistance to airflow through the conducting airways.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Why is breathing usually involuntary?

Breathing is usually involuntary because homeostatic changes in the ventilatory rate and volume are adjusted automatically by the nervous system to maintain normal gas exchange.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What can influence the pattern of breathing?

The pattern of breathing can be influenced by emotion and by disease.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the role of elastic fibers in the respiratory system?

Elastic fibers provide flexibility and strength to the respiratory structures.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

At what angle does the left mainstem bronchus branch from the trachea?

At about a 45° angle.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the result of the multiple divisions of the bronchi?

The cross-sectional area of the airways increases to 20 times that of the trachea.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What does the pulmonary system consist of?

The pulmonary system consists of upper and lower airways, the chest wall, and pulmonary circulation.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the pleural space?

The area between the two pleurae.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the mediastinum?

The mediastinum is the space between the lungs that contains the heart, great vessels, and esophagus.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What do the conducting airways consist of?

The conducting airways consist of upper and lower airways.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What role do cilia play in the pulmonary system?

Cilia propel the mucous blanket and entrapped particles toward the oropharynx, where they can be swallowed or expectorated.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the alveolocapillary membrane made up of?

The alveolar epithelium, the alveolar basement membrane, an interstitial space, the capillary basement membrane, and the capillary endothelium.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What is unique about the bronchial circulation?

Not all of its capillaries drain into its own venous system; some empty into the pulmonary vein.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What happens to the caliber of pulmonary artery lumina as smooth muscle in arterial walls contracts?

The caliber decreases, increasing pulmonary artery pressure.

Ventilation Process

What is the term for the product of ventilatory rate and tidal volume?

The product of ventilatory rate and tidal volume is called the minute volume (or minute ventilation) and is expressed in liters per minute.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What is hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction?

Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is a physiologic response to changes in the environment and pulmonary pathologic conditions that affect alveolar oxygen content (PAO2).

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What does the connective tissue layer contain in the large bronchi?


Structure of the Pulmonary System

What type of epithelium is found in the bronchioles?

Columnar cuboidal epithelium.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What is the Hering-Breuer expiratory reflex?

A reflex that decreases ventilatory rate and volume when stretch receptors are stimulated.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What system innervates the lung?

The autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are the two major types of epithelial cells in the alveolus?

Type I alveolar cells and type II alveolar cells.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What reflects PaCO2 in the CSF?

The pH or concentration of hydrogen ions.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

From where does the DRG receive afferent impulses?

The DRG receives afferent impulses from peripheral chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies, which detect the PaCO2 and the amount of oxygen in the arterial blood (PaO2).

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

What is the function of cilia in the respiratory system?

Cilia help to move mucus and trapped particles out of the respiratory tract.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the function of the supporting cartilages in the larynx?

They prevent collapse of the larynx during inspiration and swallowing.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What does the trachea connect?

It connects the larynx to the bronchi, the conducting airways of the lungs.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

Into what do the main bronchi branch from the hila?

Into lobar bronchi, then to segmental and subsegmental bronchi, and finally end at the terminal bronchioles.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

Does an elevated PaCO2 without a drop in pH cause pulmonary artery constriction?

No, it does not.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the visceral pleura?

The membrane covering the lungs.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What are the conducting airways?

The conducting airways are the portion of the pulmonary system that provides a passage for the movement of air into and out of the gas-exchange portions of the lung.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What composes the alveolocapillary membrane?

The shared alveolar and capillary walls.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What is the bronchial circulation a part of?

The systemic circulation.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Where do both deep and superficial lymphatic vessels leave the lung?

At the hilus through a series of mediastinal lymph nodes.

Ventilation Process

What does 'respiratory rate' actually refer to?

'Respiratory rate' actually refers to the ventilatory rate, or the number of times gas is inspired and expired per minute.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What does gas transport between the alveoli and pulmonary capillary blood depend on?

Gas transport between the alveoli and pulmonary capillary blood depends on a variety of physical and chemical activities.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What does lung hypoxia activate in pulmonary vascular endothelial cells?

Lung hypoxia activates many hypoxia-dependent genes in pulmonary vascular endothelial cells to produce a variety of chemicals and growth factors.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What other responses do irritant receptors cause when stimulated?

Bronchoconstriction and increased ventilatory rate.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What happens to the smooth muscle and connective tissue layers as the bronchi branch toward the terminal bronchioles?

They thin.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

Where do respiratory bronchioles end?

In alveolar ducts.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What determines bronchial smooth muscle tone?

Equilibrium, or equal stimulation of contraction and relaxation.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

How does the pressure and resistance of the pulmonary circulation compare to the systemic circulation?

The pulmonary circulation has a lower pressure and resistance.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Does increased delivery of blood to the lungs normally increase mean pulmonary artery pressure?

No, it does not.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What accompanies every bronchus and bronchiole?

An artery or arteriole.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What are the components of the respiratory center in the brainstem?

The respiratory center is composed of several groups of neurons located bilaterally in the brainstem: the dorsal respiratory group (DRG), the ventral respiratory group (VRG), the pneumotaxic center, and the apneustic center.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is another name for the false vocal cords?

False cord

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the function of tracheal cartilage?

Tracheal cartilage provides structural support to the trachea.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What supports the trachea?

U-shaped cartilage.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

Where do the right and left main bronchi enter the lungs?

At the hila, or 'roots' of the lungs.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What can chronic alveolar hypoxia result in?

Permanent pulmonary artery hypertension, which eventually leads to cor pulmonale and heart failure.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What does the thoracic cavity contain?

It is contained by the chest wall and encases the lungs.

Functions of the Pulmonary System

How does the pulmonary system normally function under various conditions?

The pulmonary system normally functions efficiently under a variety of conditions and with little energy expenditure.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What gases diffuse across the respiratory membrane?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2).

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the glottis?

The glottis is the slit-shaped space between the true vocal cords.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

How does surfactant contribute to pulmonary defense?

Surfactant enhances phagocytosis of pathogens and allergens in alveoli and down-regulates inflammatory responses.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What does the alveolocapillary membrane efficiently expose to gas in the alveoli?

Large quantities of blood.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What is the most important cause of pulmonary artery constriction?

A low alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2).

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

Why is CO2 elimination necessary?

CO2 elimination is necessary to maintain a normal partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PaCO2) of 40 mmHg and normal acid-base balance.

Impact of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Circulation

What is remodeling in the context of pulmonary arteriolar walls?

Remodeling is a process by which the vascular wall becomes scarred and thickened, resulting in permanent decreases in luminal diameter, increased resistance to blood flow, and permanent pulmonary artery hypertension.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

How are foreign particles and microorganisms that are not expelled by mucociliary clearance and coughing dealt with?

They are attacked by cellular components of the inflammatory response and antibodies of the secretory immune system.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What are the components of the gas-exchange airways?

Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli.

Gas Exchange Mechanisms

What is the function of the pores of Kohn?

They permit some air to pass through the septa from alveolus to alveolus, promoting collateral ventilation and even distribution of air among the alveoli.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What do chemoreceptors monitor?

pH, PaCO2, and PaO2.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What happens to PaCO2 when ventilation increases?

PaCO2 decreases below that of the CSF, and CO2 diffuses back out of the CSF, returning its pH to normal.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What is the role of the capillaries in the alveolar septa?

They are an integral part of the alveolar septa.

Structure of the Pulmonary System

What is the function of type I alveolar cells?

They provide structure.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What is the mean pulmonary artery pressure compared to the mean aortic pressure?

Mean pulmonary artery pressure is 18 mmHg; mean aortic pressure is 90 mmHg.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What happens if alveolar ventilation is inadequate?

PaCO2 increases.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

What is the function of the arterioles in the pulmonary circulation?

They regulate blood flow through their respective capillary beds.

Mechanics of Breathing

What are the three components involved in the mechanics of breathing?

Major and accessory muscles of inspiration and expiration, elastic properties of the lungs and chest wall, and resistance to airflow through the conducting airways.

Defense Mechanisms of the Lungs

How does surfactant contribute to lung health?

It contributes to control of lung inflammation and innate and adaptive immunity.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

How does CO2 in arterial blood affect the CSF?

CO2 diffuses across the blood-brain barrier into the CSF until the partial pressure of CO2 is equal on both sides.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

How sensitive are central chemoreceptors to changes in the pH of CSF?

They are sensitive to very small changes, equivalent to a 1 to 2 mmHg change in PaCO2.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Where does the pulmonary artery divide and enter the lung?

At the hilus.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

Where are peripheral chemoreceptors located?

In aortic bodies, the aortic arch, and carotid bodies at the bifurcation of the carotids.

Pulmonary and Bronchial Circulation

Where do the arterioles divide to form a network of pulmonary capillaries?

At the terminal bronchiole.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What do peripheral chemoreceptors do when PaO2 and pH decrease?

They send signals to the respiratory center to increase ventilation.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What happens to central chemoreceptors in long-term hypoventilation?

They become insensitive to small changes in PaCO2 and regulate ventilation poorly.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What happens to ventilation when both PaCO2 is elevated and PaO2 is low?

Ventilation increases much more than it would in response to either abnormality alone.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

What are peripheral chemoreceptors primarily sensitive to?

Oxygen levels in arterial blood (PaO2).

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

How sensitive are peripheral chemoreceptors compared to central chemoreceptors?

They are not as sensitive.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

At what PaO2 level do peripheral chemoreceptors significantly influence ventilation?

When PaO2 drops to approximately 60 mmHg.

Neurochemical Control of Ventilation

When do peripheral chemoreceptors become the major stimulus to ventilation?

When central chemoreceptors are 'reset' by chronic hypoventilation.

Mechanics of Breathing

What are the mechanical aspects of inspiration and expiration collectively known as?

The mechanics of breathing.

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