Who conducted the psychological study on the effects of competition on performance?
Norman Triplett conducted the study in 1898, which focused on the effects of competition on performance.
What are Cooperative games?
Cooperative games are games in which players can form coalitions and make binding agreements to achieve a common goal, often leading to mutually beneficial outcomes.
Psychological Responses to Competition

Who conducted the psychological study on the effects of competition on performance?

Norman Triplett conducted the study in 1898, which focused on the effects of competition on performance.

Competition vs. Decompetition

What are Cooperative games?

Cooperative games are games in which players can form coalitions and make binding agreements to achieve a common goal, often leading to mutually beneficial outcomes.

Competition and Cooperation in Sports

What is Competition in the context of sports psychology?

A social process that occurs when rewards are given to participants based on their performance relative to that of others.

Stages of Competition Process

What is Competition as process in Martens’ Model?

An evaluation (positive or negative) of one’s response to the standards of the performance comparison.

Competition vs. Decompetition

What is the difference between Competition and Decompetition?

Competition is viewed as a process where each competitor facilitates the others, focusing on excellence, character development, enjoyment, and mastery. In contrast, Decompetition sees opponents as rivals, where winning becomes the ultimate goal at all costs.

Social Facilitation and Performance

What is Social Facilitation?

The phenomenon where individuals perform better on tasks in the presence of others compared to when they are alone.

Competition and Cooperation in Sports

What is Cooperation in sports psychology?

A social process through which performance is evaluated and rewarded in terms of the collective achievements of a group of participants working together to reach a common goal.

Prisoner's Dilemma in Game Theory

What is the Prisoner's Dilemma?

The Prisoner's Dilemma is a representative example of a non-zero-sum game in game theory, illustrating that individual optimal choices may not align with group optimal choices. It highlights that prisoners can achieve the best collective outcome (shorter sentences) by cooperating, but without communication, the temptation to betray each other for personal gain (release) often leads to suboptimal results for both.

Stages of Competition Process

What is Stage 3 – Response in the competition process?

Whether a person approaches or avoids an objective competitive situation at the behavioral, physiological, and psychological levels.

Competition vs. Decompetition

What were the characteristics of the competition group in Deutsch’s puzzles?

The competition group students were self-centered, focused on beating others, had closed communication, and exhibited group conflict and distrust.

Stages of Competition Process

What is Stage 1 – Objective competitive situation?

A situation in which performance is compared with some standard of excellence, in the presence of at least one other person who is aware of the comparison.

Stages of Competition Process

What is Stage 2 – Subjective competitive situation?

How the person perceives, accepts, and appraises the objective competitive situation, influenced by personality factors like competitiveness.

Social Facilitation and Performance

Who is Norman Triplett and what did he study?

Norman Triplett (1898) studied the effects of competition on performance, contributing to the understanding of social facilitation.

Enhancing Cooperation in Sports

What does enhancing cooperation in sports involve?

Enhancing cooperation in sports involves structuring games in ways that promote collaboration among participants, such as cooperative competitive scenarios where individuals work together to achieve personal goals while competing against others.

Enhancing Cooperation in Sports

What were the characteristics of the cooperation group in Deutsch’s puzzles?

The cooperation group students communicated openly, shared information, developed friendships, and solved more puzzles.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder