What happens if the nominal value of a company's allotted share capital falls below the authorised minimum due to cancellation of shares?
The company must notify the Registrar, resolve to be converted into a private company, and apply to the Registrar for registration of the conversion in accordance with section 429.
Does the conversion of an unlimited company into a limited company affect its existing rights or liabilities?
No, it does not affect the rights or liabilities in respect of any debts or obligations incurred before the conversion.
Public to Private Company Conversion

What happens if the nominal value of a company's allotted share capital falls below the authorised minimum due to cancellation of shares?

The company must notify the Registrar, resolve to be converted into a private company, and apply to the Registrar for registration of the conversion in accordance with section 429.

Unlimited Company Conversion

Does the conversion of an unlimited company into a limited company affect its existing rights or liabilities?

No, it does not affect the rights or liabilities in respect of any debts or obligations incurred before the conversion.

Refusal of Company Registration

Under what circumstances can the Registrar refuse to register a company despite compliance with statutory requirements?

The Registrar may refuse to register a company if its formation is intended to pursue an unlawful purpose or if its registration is contrary to public policy.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What must accompany the application for registration of the conversion of an unlimited company into a private limited company?

The application must be accompanied by a copy of the special resolution authorizing the conversion, a copy of the company's articles as proposed to be amended, and a statement of guarantee if the company is to be limited by guarantee.

Unlawful Purposes in Company Formation

What was the main object of the company in the case of R v Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, ex p More?

The main object of the company was to sell in Great Britain tickets to a Republic of Ireland lottery known as the Irish Sweep.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What must a member undertake if the company is to be limited by guarantee?

A member must undertake that if the company is liquidated while the person is a member or within one year after ceasing to be a member, they will contribute to the assets of the company for payment of debts, liquidation costs, and adjustment of rights among contributories.

Conversion of Company Status

Does re-registration or conversion change the corporate status or legal capacity of a company?

No, re-registration or conversion does not change the corporate status or legal capacity of the company.

Legal Entity Status of Registered Companies

What happens to the legal status of a company upon registration or conversion under the 2015 Act?

The company becomes a body corporate, a legal entity recognized as a person with legal capacity, rights, and duties at law.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What does the certificate of incorporation signify in the context of company conversion?

It is conclusive evidence that the statutory requirements for conversion and registration have been complied with.

Unlawful Purposes in Company Formation

Why did the court justify the Registrar's refusal to register the company in R v Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, ex p More?

The court found that selling the tickets would have been an offence under legislation then in force, and thus the company was not formed for a lawful purpose.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What is required if an unlimited company converted into a limited company has already allotted share capital?

A statement of capital must be lodged with the Registrar within fourteen days of the registration of the conversion, specifying the total number of shares, aggregate nominal value, different classes of shares, rights attached to each class, and the amount paid up and unpaid on each share.

Private to Public Company Conversion

When does the conversion and change in status of a company into a public company take effect?

From the date of the certificate.

Public to Private Company Conversion

Under what circumstances can a public company be converted into a private company?

When a public company reduces its capital below the authorised minimum by cancellation or forfeiture of shares and notifies the Registrar in accordance with section 428.

Public Policy and Company Registration

What was the outcome of the Attorney-General's application to quash the registration of Lindi St Clair (Personal Services) Ltd?

The court held that the registration should be quashed because the company had not been formed for a lawful purpose.

Registration of Companies Not Formed Under Companies Legislation

Who can exempt a company from using its name as per the Companies Act 149?

The Cabinet Secretary under section 55 of the Act.

Registration of Companies Not Formed Under Companies Legislation

What is a 'joint stock company' as defined in the text?

A 'joint stock company' refers to a company limited by shares with a permanent paid-up or nominal share capital of fixed amount divided into shares, and formed on the principle of having for its members the exclusive holding of those shares or stock.

Private to Public Company Conversion

What financial condition must be met for the Registrar to approve the conversion of a private company into a public company?

The company's net assets must not be less than the aggregate of its called-up share capital and undistributable reserves.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What does section 429 of the Act prescribe for the conversion of a public company into a private limited liability company?

An expedited procedure for conversion without having to pass a special resolution of the company in general meeting, but requiring a resolution of its directors.

Refusal of Company Registration

What does regulation 11 empower the Registrar to do regarding company names?

Regulation 11 empowers the Registrar to refuse registration of a company name if it is the same as or closely resembles an already registered name, or if it has been reserved for use in connection with a proposed company.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What change is required in the company's name when converting from an unlimited to a limited company?

The company's name must include the word 'limited' as the last word in its name.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What must a company propose in its application for conversion to an unlimited private company?

Changes to its name and articles necessary for becoming an unlimited private company.

Private to Public Company Conversion

What documents must accompany the application for the conversion of a private company into a public company?

The application must include a statement of the company's new name, particulars of the proposed secretary, a copy of the special resolution authorising the conversion, amended articles, a balance sheet with an unqualified auditor's report, a written statement by the auditor, and an independent valuation report if applicable.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What must be included in the application for the conversion of a private limited company to an unlimited company?

The application must contain a statement of the new name on conversion, the prescribed form of assent authenticated by all members, and a copy of the company's articles as proposed to be amended.

Public Policy and Company Registration

What was the stated object of the company Lindi St Clair (Personal Services) Ltd?

The stated object was to carry on the business of prostitution.

Refusal of Company Registration

What are the grounds for the Registrar to refuse the registration of a company name?

The Registrar can refuse registration if the name is the same as an existing body corporate, if its use would involve the commission of a criminal offense, or if it is offensive, undesirable, or contrary to public interest.

Registration of Companies Not Formed Under Companies Legislation

What types of companies are prohibited from being registered under the Act according to Section 969(4)?

A company having the liability of its members limited by an Act of Parliament cannot be registered under the Act unless it is a company limited by guarantee.

Legal Entity Status of Registered Companies

What powers does a company gain upon incorporation?

Upon incorporation, a company gains the power to exercise all functions of an incorporated company with perpetual succession, a common seal, and the ability to hold property.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What must a public company do if it is obligated to convert into a private company under section 429?

It must lodge with the Registrar a notice giving details of the cancelled shares together with a statement of capital containing the matters specified in section 428(3) within one month.

Private to Public Company Conversion

What is the significance of the certificate of incorporation issued by the Registrar upon conversion of a private company into a public company?

The certificate of incorporation is conclusive evidence that the statutory requirements for conversion and registration have been complied with.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What is required for a public company to be converted into a private limited liability company?

A special resolution passed in accordance with section 77(1) of the 2015 Act, along with procedural requirements and necessary changes to its name and articles.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What documents must be lodged with the Registrar when a public company resolves to be converted into a private company due to diminution of its nominal share capital?

Notice of cancellation of the shares in issue and a resolution of the company to be converted into a private company specifying changes in the name.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What is the effect of converting an unlimited company into a limited company?

The company immediately ceases to exist in its original form, and the conversion takes effect as if it were the first registration of the company under the Act.

Public to Private Company Conversion

Can a public company without share capital be converted into an unlimited private company?

No, a public company cannot be converted into an unlimited private company without share capital.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What are the consequences if a public company fails to comply with the conversion requirements under section 429?

The company and each officer in default commit an offence and are liable to penal sanctions imposed under subsections (4) and (5).

Unlimited Company Conversion

What is required for an unlimited company to be converted into a private limited company?

An unlimited company may be converted into a private limited company through a special resolution if it meets the requirements of section 85 of the Act.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What happens upon registration of the conversion and issuance of the certificate of incorporation by the Registrar?

The company becomes a limited company, and the changes in the company's name and articles take effect from the date of incorporation stated on the certificate.

Conversion of Company Status

What types of conversions are specified in section 69 of the 2015 Act?

A company may be converted from a private to a public company, from a public to a private company, from a private limited company to an unlimited company, from an unlimited private company to a limited company, or from a public company to an unlimited private company.

Registration of Companies Not Formed Under Companies Legislation

What sections of the Companies Act 149 must Laibuta Companies comply with for registration?

Sections 53 and 54 of the Act.

Private to Public Company Conversion

Under what condition would the Registrar refuse the conversion of a private limited liability company into a public company?

The Registrar would refuse if the resultant public company would have a reduced share capital or if the nominal value of the company's allotted share capital falls below the authorised minimum of six million seven hundred and fifty thousand shillings.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What happens to shareholders' rights when shares are cancelled, forfeited, or surrendered?

Shareholders or nominees are deprived of voting or other class rights attaching to those shares.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What changes must a company make when converting from a private limited company to an unlimited company?

The company must make necessary changes in its name and articles in connection with becoming an unlimited company, and if it is proposed to have a share capital, changes necessary for becoming an unlimited company with a share capital.

Conversion of Company Status

What flexibility does the conversion of company status provide?

Conversion, re-registration, and consequent change in the nature of a company provide flexibility in the form in which its corporators may invest, incorporate, and associate in business.

Private to Public Company Conversion

What must a private company do if it wishes to raise capital from the public or open up membership to the public?

The private company must convert into a public company, subject to the conditions specified in section 70(2) of the Act.

Private to Public Company Conversion

What is required for a private company to be converted into a public company limited by shares?

The conversion must be authorized by a special resolution passed by the company, and the resultant public company must have a share capital.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What is required for a public company with share capital to convert into an unlimited private company with share capital?

All its members must assent to its conversion as per section 89 of the 2015 Act.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What document is issued by the Registrar upon the registration of a company's conversion?

A certificate of incorporation.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What happens if a private company has an unlimited status and seeks to convert into a public company?

The company must make changes in its articles to convert it into a public company limited by shares.

Public to Private Company Conversion

Can the Registrar dispense with the delivery of copies of documents furnished on the original application for registration of a company?

Yes, the Registrar may dispense with the delivery of such documents.

Registration of Companies Not Formed Under Companies Legislation

What types of companies incorporated in Kenya can be registered under the Companies Act 2015?

Companies incorporated under an Act of Parliament other than the Companies Act 2015 or a former law relating to companies, or those duly constituted according to law with their principal place of business in Kenya.

Private to Public Company Conversion

What is required for a private company to convert into a public company?

The private company must make changes to its name and articles to reconstitute it as a public company, and ensure compliance with section 74(2) of the 2015 Act.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What happens to the former registration of a company upon its conversion?

The former registration of the company is closed.

Public to Private Company Conversion

What is the deadline for a public company to apply for conversion into a private company after cancellation or forfeiture of shares?

The company is obligated to apply to the Registrar for the registration of its conversion into a private company within three years from the date of the forfeiture, surrender, or acquisition of shares.

Unlimited Company Conversion

What does the Registrar issue upon the registration of the conversion of a private limited company to an unlimited company?

The Registrar issues a certificate of incorporation showing that the company is an unlimited company.

Liability of Company Members

What determines the liability of company members to contribute to its assets in the event of liquidation?

The liability depends on the type of company (whether limited or unlimited), if limited, whether it is limited by shares or by guarantee, and the amount unpaid by each member on their shares or the amount specified in the guarantee.

Public to Private Company Conversion

How is the registration of conversion treated under the Companies Act 2015?

It takes place in the same manner and with the same effect as if it were the first registration of the company under the Act.

Unlimited Company Conversion

Under what conditions can a private limited company be converted into an unlimited company?

A private limited company can be converted into an unlimited company if all members assent to the conversion, the company has not previously been registered as an unlimited company, and an application for registration of the conversion is lodged with the Registrar.

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