What is a common treatment for a child diagnosed with rickets?
Vitamin D and calcium supplementation.
What amino acid is formed as a result of γ-carboxylation in clotting factors?
γ-carboxyglutamate (Gla).
Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What is a common treatment for a child diagnosed with rickets?

Vitamin D and calcium supplementation.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What amino acid is formed as a result of γ-carboxylation in clotting factors?

γ-carboxyglutamate (Gla).

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

Which proteins are part of the anticoagulant system that require Vitamin K?

Proteins C and S.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

Where does the 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D occur?

In the liver.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

Which type of cells does calcitriol primarily target?

Intestinal mucosal cells.

Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

What protein carries retinol into the cell?

Cellular retinol binding protein.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What happens to calcitriol levels in children with calcitriol receptor mutations?

They have high levels of calcitriol due to loss of feedback inhibition.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What factors influence the formation of vitamin D in the skin?

Time of exposure and latitude.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What dietary restriction was noted in the child with nutritional rickets?

The child was put on a strict diet without dairy products.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the precursor for cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) synthesis in the skin?


Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

How does vitamin E prevent cardiovascular disease?

By preventing the formation of oxidized LDL.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

How long was the child treated for rickets in the provided information?

14 months.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What is the role of Vitamin K in the body?

It acts as a coenzyme for the post-translational modification (γ-carboxylation) of various clotting factors.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What are the risk factors for Vitamin K deficiency?

Fat malabsorption (e.g., cystic fibrosis) and prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What is a risk factor for Vitamin K deficiency?

Administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What lab test indicates the effect of Warfarin?

Increased prothrombin time or INR (International normalized ratio).

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What is isomerized in the retina to form 11-cis retinol?

All trans-retinol.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What does 11-cis retinol get oxidized to?

11-cis retinal.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What does enlarged epiphysis indicate?

It is a sign of rickets, often due to vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

How do Vitamin C and Vitamin E affect age-related macular degeneration?

They have been shown to slow its progression.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What seasonal factor affects vitamin D formation?

Winter months and latitude.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is the effect of Vitamin D deficiency on serum calcium levels?

It reduces absorption of calcium, leading to low serum calcium levels.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the precursor to cholecalciferol?


Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is the consequence of PTH secretion in response to low serum calcium?

It causes demineralization of bone and increases phosphate excretion in the kidney.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

Why do newborns have a deficiency in Vitamin K?

They have sterile intestines, leading to no synthesis of Vitamin K.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What is the role of γ-glutamyl carboxylase?

It catalyzes the γ-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues in clotting factors.

Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

Can retinoic acid be converted to retinol or retinal?

No, retinoic acid cannot be converted to retinol or retinal.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What role does Vitamin D play in bone health?

It stimulates the mobilization of calcium and phosphate from the bone in the presence of parathormone when serum calcium levels are low.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What is the role of Vitamin K in the synthesis of clotting factors?

Vitamin K is required for the hepatic synthesis of mature clotting factors such as Prothrombin (II), VII, IX, and X.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What can the clotting factor calcium complex bind to?

Phospholipids on the platelet membrane.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What laboratory test indicates Vitamin K deficiency?

Increased prothrombin time (INR).

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is a common symptom of Vitamin A deficiency in children?

Corneal opacity.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is pigeon chest deformity?

A condition where the chest protrudes outward, often associated with rickets.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What other absorption does Vitamin D increase besides calcium?

Phosphate absorption.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is the result of increased serum calcium and phosphate levels?

Increased tendency for ectopic mineralization in soft tissues.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How does the amount of exposed skin affect vitamin D formation?

More exposed skin increases vitamin D formation; sunscreen reduces it.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What lab findings are indicative of rickets?

Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), low serum calcium levels, and low serum phosphate levels.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is a notable feature of the epiphysis in a child with rickets?

Enlarged epiphysis.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What post-translational modification forms mature clotting factors?


Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What type of drug is Warfarin?

A vitamin K antagonist.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What is the first step in the mechanism of action of retinoic acid in epithelial cells?

Retinol enters the target cell and is oxidized to retinoic acid in the cytosol.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

What is the most active form of Vitamin E?

Alpha tocopherol.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is the consequence of mutations in the calcitriol receptor?

Calcitriol is unable to bind to its receptor in the intestinal mucosal cells.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are common skin symptoms of Hypervitaminosis A?

Dry and pruritic (itchy) skin, skin peeling.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What radiographic changes are observed in a 3-year-old child with nutritional rickets?

Widening, cupping, and fraying of the distal radius and ulna metaphyses, along with an increase in the thickness of the growth plate.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What are the two forms of Vitamin D?

Ergocalciferol (D2) found in plants and Cholecalciferol (D3) found in animal sources.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What happens to bones in osteomalacia?

Bones are de-mineralized and are susceptible to fracture.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is a key difference between calcitriol receptor mutation and vitamin D deficient rickets?

Vitamin D deficient rickets has low serum calcium, phosphate, and low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the active form of vitamin D?

Calcitriol (1,25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol).

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What hormone is stimulated by low serum calcium levels due to Vitamin D deficiency?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH).

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What type of diets can lead to Vitamin A deficiency?

Fat-free diets and fad diets.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

What is one manifestation of vitamin E deficiency?

Hemolytic anemia due to abnormal cellular membranes.

Vitamin A Functions and Sources

How does retinoic acid contribute to the body?

It maintains specialized epithelia, especially mucus-secreting cells.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What are some risk factors for vitamin K deficiency?

Newborns and the use of antibiotics.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How does Vitamin D influence kidney function?

It inhibits calcium excretion by stimulating parathyroid-dependent calcium reabsorption.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the role of 24-Hydroxylase in vitamin D metabolism?

It inactivates 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol (Calcitriol).

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are Bitot spots a sign of?

Vitamin A deficiency.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What is the effect of Warfarin on clotting factors?

It reduces γ-carboxylation of clotting factors, leading to a delay in clotting.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

Which fat-soluble vitamin has the least storage in the body?

Vitamin K.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

How do the manifestations of Vitamin K deficiency compare to Vitamin C deficiency?

They are similar, but risk factors, biochemical basis for bleeding, and lab tests are different.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is a common symptom of rickets related to the legs?

Bowing of legs.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

Which vitamins are considered antioxidant vitamins?

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

How do 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D levels compare in calcitriol receptor mutation versus vitamin D deficient rickets?

1,25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are high in receptor mutation, while they are low in vitamin D deficient rickets.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What happens to serum calcium and phosphate levels in the presence of Vitamin D?

They are elevated, which increases the tendency to form bone mineral.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What role does β-carotene play in the body?

It is a lipid-soluble antioxidant, along with vitamin E.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What is retinoic acid used to treat?

Acne, especially in topical treatments.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What is the most serious complication of Vitamin K deficiency in neonates?

Intracranial bleeding.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

How does vitamin D deficiency affect teens and young adults?

It affects the attainment of peak bone mass.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What is required for vision?

11-cis retinal.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the dietary source of cholecalciferol?

Dietary intake.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What role does vitamin K play in the body?

It is essential for the maturation of clotting factors in the liver.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How is vitamin D formed in the skin?

Through exposure to sunlight, which leads to the formation of calcitriol with the help of the liver and kidneys.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are the clinical features of hypervitaminosis A?

Symptoms include headache, dizziness, and nausea.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How does Vitamin D affect the intestine?

It stimulates intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate by increasing the synthesis of calbindin.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What condition are Bitot spots associated with?

Vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the first step in the formation of vitamin D?

Formation of cholecalciferol in the skin due to the action of sunlight.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the primary action of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol) in target cells?

It binds to intracellular receptor proteins.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is hypervitaminosis D characterized by?

Hypercalcemia (high serum calcium levels).

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What does 1,25-DHCC bind to in the intestine?

Its target receptors to increase the synthesis of calbindin.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What effect does 1,25-DHCC have on bone?

It increases the resorption of bone.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What does the retinoic acid-receptor complex bind to in order to activate gene transcription?

Chromatin, activating the transcription of specific genes like keratin.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is osteomalacia?

Vitamin D deficiency in an adult.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What is the process of γ-carboxylation in relation to vitamin K?

It is the modification of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X in the liver to form mature clotting factors containing γ-carboxyglutamate residues.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What dosage of Vitamin A supplements should be avoided in pregnant women?

Greater than 10,000 IU.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

What does vitamin E scavenge during metabolism?

Free radicals.

Vitamin A Functions and Sources

What is the provitamin form of Vitamin A found in yellow vegetables and fruits?


Clinical Uses of Retinoids

How does Warfarin affect vitamin K?

Warfarin prevents the regeneration of the hydroquinone form of vitamin K by inhibiting VKOR (Vitamin K epoxide reductase).

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What triggers the conversion of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol to calcitriol?

Parathormone and low plasma calcium levels.

Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

Can retinol and retinal be interconverted?

Yes, they can be easily interconverted.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What is the role of vitamin K in the body?

It is essential for the maturation of clotting factors in the liver.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What increased health risk is associated with Vitamin A deficiency?

Increased risk of pulmonary infections.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

Which vitamins act as steroid hormones?

Calcitriol and retinol.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What effect does Vitamin D have on serum calcium levels?

It increases serum calcium levels.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What is 11-cis retinal associated with?

It is a form of retinal involved in the visual cycle.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What condition is associated with Vitamin A deficiency that leads to corneal opacity?


Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

How is Vitamin K synthesized in humans?

It is synthesized by the intestinal bacterial flora (gut microbiota).

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What type of modification does Vitamin K facilitate in clotting factors?

γ-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues as a post-translational modification.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What are the two main forms of Vitamin K?

Phylloquinone (from plants) and Menaquinone (from bacteria).

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What role does the retinoic acid-receptor complex play?

Acts like a transcriptional regulator.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What central nervous system issue can arise from Hypervitaminosis A?

Raised intracranial pressure, which may cause headaches and mimic brain tumors.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What liver-related symptoms can occur due to Hypervitaminosis A?

Enlarged liver and altered liver function tests.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

What is the most important role of vitamin E?

As a lipid soluble anti-oxidant.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are common symptoms of osteomalacia?

May present as non-specific bone pain.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What is a major condition associated with Vitamin K deficiency in neonates?

Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is the most common cause of Vitamin A deficiency?

Dietary deficiency.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What role does 11-cis retinal play in vision?

It is a component of rhodopsin, the visual pigment.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What is VKOR?

VKOR stands for Vitamin K epoxide reductase, an enzyme inhibited by Warfarin.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

Where does the synthesis of calcitriol primarily occur?

In the kidneys.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are Bitot spots?

Foamy patches on the conjunctiva associated with Vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What condition is associated with a deficiency of Vitamin D in children?


Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is the significance of the number 29 in the context of the treatment?

It is unclear without additional context; it may refer to a measurement or outcome after treatment.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

Which clotting factors require Vitamin K for their activation?

Factors II, VII, IX, and X, as well as Proteins C and S.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What enzyme does Vitamin K serve as a coenzyme for?

Liver microsomal γ-Glutamyl carboxylase.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is rachitic rosary?

A deformity characterized by bead-like enlargements of the ribs due to vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What does the 1,25-DHCC receptor complex interact with in the nucleus?

DNA at the hormone response element.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What are the two potential effects of calcitriol on gene expression?

It can either selectively stimulate or repress gene expression.

Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

How is vitamin A stored in the liver?

As retinol esters in chylomicrons.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

How is the mechanism of action of retinoic acid similar to other hormones?

It is similar to the mechanism of action of a steroid hormone.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What triggers the isomerization of 11-cis retinal to all-trans retinal?

Absorption of a photon of light.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

Which clotting factors undergo γ-carboxylation?

Clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is Hypervitaminosis A?

A condition resulting from excessive intake of Vitamin A.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What lab findings are associated with osteomalacia?

Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase activity and low serum calcium and phosphate levels.

Vitamin A Functions and Sources

What are collectively called retinoids?

Vitamin A.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What conditions can lead to malabsorption of fats, contributing to Vitamin A deficiency?

Cystic fibrosis and obstructive jaundice.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is xerophthalmia?

Dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

How does warfarin affect vitamin K?

It inhibits the mechanism of gamma-carboxylation.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are some symptoms of dietary retinoid deficiencies?

Night blindness, less fertility, slowed growth, and skin problems.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What dietary source is recommended to prevent Bitot spots in children?

Foods rich in Vitamin A, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the active form of vitamin D?

1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol (Calcitriol).

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the inactive form produced by the action of 24-Hydroxylase?


Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is formed in the kidney during the 1-hydroxylation process?

1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-DHCC).

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What causes hypercalcemia in hypervitaminosis D?

Increased calcium absorption from the diet.

Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

What transports vitamin A to extra hepatic tissues?

Plasma retinol binding protein (Transthyretin).

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are the serum calcium and phosphate levels in children with calcitriol receptor mutations?

Serum calcium and phosphate levels are low.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How does Vitamin D affect serum phosphate levels?

It increases serum phosphate by enhancing its absorption from the intestine.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is the effect of Vitamin A on pregnancy?

It can cause spontaneous abortions and congenital malformations in the fetus.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

How can adequate exposure to sunlight affect Vitamin D levels?

It can prevent Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What can cause osteomalacia?

Reduced exposure to sunlight, dietary deficiency, renal disease, or liver disease.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

Why is vitamin E deficiency rare in normal diets?

Because normal diets have adequate Vitamin E.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What enzyme is responsible for converting 25-hydroxycholecalciferol to calcitriol?


Vitamin D Formation and Function

What effect does Vitamin D have on bone mineralization?

It facilitates mineralization when serum calcium and phosphate are adequate.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What role does sunlight play in vitamin D formation?

It converts 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin to cholecalciferol.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is keratomalacia?

Corneal erosion and ulceration due to Vitamin A deficiency.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are the effects of dietary vitamin A deficiency?

It can lead to various health issues, including vision problems.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are the clinical features of hypervitaminosis A?

Symptoms can include nausea, headaches, and dizziness.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are Bitot spots?

Bitot spots are foamy, white patches that appear on the conjunctiva of the eye.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

How does γ-carboxylation facilitate Ca2+ binding in clotting factors?

By providing two adjacent negatively charged carboxylate groups.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

How does Warfarin affect Vitamin K?

It blocks the activity of liver VKOR and prevents the regeneration of Vitamin K.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

How does retinoic acid move into the nucleus?

With the help of cellular retinoid binding proteins.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What does retinoic acid bind to in the nucleus?

Nuclear receptors, forming an activated receptor complex.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How does increased melanin pigment affect vitamin D formation?

It reduces the formation of vitamin D.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is Vitamin D also known as?


Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What does 11-cis retinal combine with in the rod cell?

Opsin, to form rhodopsin.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How does the mechanism of action of calcitriol compare to other hormones?

It is similar to the mechanism of action of steroid hormones, thyroid hormone, and retinoic acid.

Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

What is required for the absorption of vitamin A?

Bile salts.

Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

What is beta-carotene converted to?


Vitamin A Absorption and Transport Mechanisms

What does the diet contain in relation to vitamin A?

Retinol esters and beta-carotene.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

In which patients is vitamin E deficiency mainly seen?

Patients with fat malabsorption.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What is required for the visual cycle?

The isomerization reaction between cis and trans-retinal.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is the earliest symptom of Vitamin A deficiency?

Night blindness.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What can inadequate sunlight exposure lead to in terms of Vitamin D?

It can lead to Vitamin D deficiency, especially common during winter and in the elderly.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

How does Vitamin A deficiency affect the immune system?

It leads to immune deficiency and weakened innate immunity.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What are the effects of dietary vitamin A deficiency?

Impaired vision and immune function.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are the risk factors for rickets and osteomalacia?

Deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What condition is retinoic acid used to treat?

Severe acne and psoriasis.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

Where do Bitot spots typically appear?

On the conjunctiva of the eye.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What do Bitot spots indicate about a person's health?

They indicate a deficiency in Vitamin A.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

Which food sources can help prevent corneal opacity in children?

Liver, dairy products, and fortified foods.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What is a bleeding disorder associated with Vitamin K deficiency?

Hematuria, melena, ecchymoses, and bleeding from gums.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

What role does Vitamin E play in cell membranes?

It functions as a lipid soluble antioxidant.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

Why can Vitamin E be incorporated into membranes?

Due to its lipophilic nature.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What protein synthesis is increased by calcitriol?


Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What can prolonged hypervitaminosis D lead to?

Calcification in soft tissues like the kidney.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What is retinol or β-carotene used for clinically?

Treatment of dietary deficiency.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What is generated as a result of the cascade of events triggered by light absorption?

An electrical signal to the optic nerve, interpreted as vision.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

How does the radiograph of a healthy child differ from that of a child with rickets?

The radiograph of a healthy child shows normal bone structure without the widening, cupping, and fraying seen in rickets.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

What condition is all-trans retinoic acid used to treat?

Acute promyelocytic leukemia.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are the serum levels in patients with Vitamin D deficiency?

Low serum calcium and low serum phosphate levels.

Vitamin E Functions and Deficiency Effects

What neurological issues can arise from vitamin E deficiency?

Reduced deep tendon reflexes and gait problems due to axonal degeneration.

Vitamin A Functions and Sources

What is the role of retinol in the body?

It is involved in reproduction.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What causes fat-soluble vitamin deficiency in patients with fat malabsorption?

Conditions like cystic fibrosis and obstructive jaundice.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

How does warfarin inhibit gamma-carboxylation?

By interfering with the vitamin K cycle.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are the clinical features of hypervitaminosis D?

Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and weakness.

Vitamin A Functions and Sources

What are some dietary sources of Vitamin A?

Liver, kidney, butter and cream products, egg yolk, yellow vegetables, and fruits.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What are common sites of bleeding in neonates with Vitamin K deficiency?

Skin, umbilicus, and viscera.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

Who is commonly affected by subclinical vitamin D deficiency?

Teens, young adults, and the elderly.

Vitamin A Functions and Sources

What is the transport and storage form of Vitamin A?


Vitamin A Functions and Sources

What functions does retinoic acid serve in the body?

Growth and maintenance of specialized epithelia.

Vitamin A Functions and Sources

What are the effects of retinoic acid?

It promotes epithelial growth and differentiation and has steroid hormone-like effects.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are some physical deformities associated with Rickets?

Characteristic bow-leg deformity, rachitic rosary, pigeon chest deformity, and frontal bossing.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

Why can't retinoic acid be used to treat night blindness?

It does not address the underlying deficiency of vitamin A.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are the risk factors for rickets and osteomalacia?

Vitamin D deficiency, malabsorption, and lack of sunlight exposure.

Vitamin K Role in Clotting Factors

What form of vitamin K is converted during the γ-carboxylation process?

Vitamin K is converted from the hydroquinone form to the epoxide form.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What process converts cholecalciferol to 25-hydroxycholecalciferol?

Hydroxylation in the liver.

Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors of Vitamin A

What is a specific example of a fad diet that could cause Vitamin A deficiency?

Teen Eats Chicken Nuggets for 15 Years, Nothing Else.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What is recommended for all newborns to prevent Vitamin K deficiency?

Routine intramuscular injection of Vitamin K.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are common risk factors for Vitamin D deficiency?

Inadequate exposure to sunlight, nutritional deficiency, chronic renal disease, and chronic liver disease.

Visual Cycle and Role of 11-cis Retinal

What is one of the primary functions of Vitamin A?

Required for vision.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is 'rachitic rosary'?

Overgrowth at the costochondral junction due to Rickets.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the role of the liver and kidney in vitamin D metabolism?

They convert vitamin D to its active form, calcitriol.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What can cause fat-soluble vitamin deficiency in patients?

Fat malabsorption conditions like cystic fibrosis and obstructive jaundice.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is a consequence of decreased serum calcium due to Vitamin D deficiency?

Increased release of parathyroid hormone, leading to demineralization of bone.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are some signs of delayed development in infants with Vitamin D deficiency?

Delayed teething and delayed closure of fontanelle.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

Which vitamins act as steroid hormones?

Calcitriol and retinol.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What is Rickets?

Vitamin D deficiency in children that leads to decreased calcium absorption and bone demineralization.

Vitamin K Deficiency and Its Manifestations

What are some risk factors for vitamin K deficiency?

Newborn status and use of antibiotics.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

How is vitamin D formed in the skin?

Through the action of UV light on 7-dehydrocholesterol.

Clinical Uses of Retinoids

Why can't retinoic acid be used to treat night blindness?

Because it does not address the underlying causes of the condition.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the function of 1,25 dihydroxy-D (calcitriol)?

It regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism.

Vitamin D Formation and Function

What is the function of 1,25 dihydroxy-D (calcitriol)?

It is related to calcium and phosphate metabolism.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

What are the manifestations of hypervitaminosis D?

Hypercalcemia and related complications.

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