What is a set of instructions that control the operations of a computer called?
It is called software.
What is Application Software?
Application Software is a type of software designed for specific tasks, such as word processing, web browsing, or playing games.
Definition of Software

What is a set of instructions that control the operations of a computer called?

It is called software.

Application Software

What is Application Software?

Application Software is a type of software designed for specific tasks, such as word processing, web browsing, or playing games.

Application Software

Can you give examples of general purpose application packages?

Examples include word processing applications, office suites like Excel and PowerPoint, and accounting software for payroll and sales.

Categories of Application Packages

What is the purpose of web browsers?

For browsing or surfing on the internet.

Application Software

What is the target market for general purpose application packages?

They are designed for the micro-computer market and aim to meet a wide range of user needs.

Functions of Operating Systems

What is the role of an operating system in relation to applications and hardware?

An operating system acts as an intermediary between applications and the computer's hardware.

Language Translators

What does an assembler do?

Converts an assembly program into machine code, also known as object code or object program.

Utility Software

What is the function of a disk cleaner?

A disk cleaner utility helps to remove unnecessary files and free up disk space.

Categories of Application Packages

Can you name some examples of graphic packages?

Instant Artist, Lotus 123, Corel Draw, Paint, Quick Art.

Specialized Software Packages

What is the purpose of hospital management packages?

Hospital management packages are used for hospital administration and healthcare management.

Functions of Operating Systems

What task does an operating system perform regarding file management?

It manages file systems on storage media such as hard drives, CDs, DVDs, and tapes.

Language Translators

What is the function of a compiler?

Translates a high-level language into machine code before execution.

Operating Systems (OS)

What is an Operating System (OS)?

An Operating System (OS) is a critical piece of system software that manages the computer's resources, including memory, storage, and hardware components.

Specialized Software Packages

What are statistical packages used for?

Statistical packages are used for statistical analysis such as budgets, payroll, and grade calculations.

Specialized Software Packages

Can you give examples of hospital management packages?

Examples include hospital information systems, billing systems, computer-assisted treatment, scanning, and medical records management.

Categories of Application Packages

What is a category of application package that includes MS Publisher and Venture Publisher?

Desktop Publishing

Functions of Operating Systems

What does an Operating System (OS) do?

It allows different hardware and software elements to work together.

Categories of Application Packages

What are some examples of database application packages?

MS Access, Oracle, FoxPro, and Dbase

Functions of Operating Systems

How does an operating system coordinate hardware components?

It coordinates and manipulates hardware components like memory, printers, disks, keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

Utility Software

Name a type of utility software that protects against malware.

Anti-virus software.

Categories of Application Packages

What is the purpose of desktop publishing packages?

For journals, magazines, and books.

Definition of Software

What is application software?

Application software refers to programs that enable a computer to perform specific, useful tasks, directly benefiting the user.

Types of Software

What are some examples of application software?

Examples include accounting software, enterprise software, graphics software, media players, and office suites.

Operating Systems (OS)

What is a Network Operating System?

An operating system designed to connect computers and users, enabling resource sharing.

Categories of Application Packages

What is the purpose of word processing application packages?

For texts, letters, arts, spell checking, layouts, saving, and printing.

Application Software

What are the primary characteristics of general purpose application packages?

They primarily deal with documents, apply computing power to specific tasks, are developed for specific tasks for end-users, and are available in versions for various platforms.

Definition of Software

How does application software differ from system software?

Application software performs specific tasks for the user, while system software manages the computer's resources.

Operating Systems (OS)

What is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in operating systems?

A type of OS that uses icons, menus, and windows to provide a user-friendly interface. Examples include Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Language Translators

How does an interpreter work?

Translates a high-level source code into executable code during execution, one line at a time.

Utility Software

What is the role of a file manager utility?

A file manager utility helps users organize, manage, and access files on a computer.

Categories of Application Packages

What is the purpose of presentation packages?

For presentations in seminars, meetings, workshops, classroom teachings, and more.

Specialized Software Packages

What are specialized software packages?

Software developed by specialized companies to address specific functions for various businesses and individuals.

Specialized Software Packages

Can you name some examples of accounting packages?

MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro, SuperCalc.

Operating Systems (OS)

What is a Single-User Operating System?

An operating system designed to manage computer resources and allocate them to one user at a time.

Utility Software

What utility software is used for data compression?

Data compression utility.

Categories of Application Packages

Can you name some examples of word processing software?

Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Word Star.

Categories of Application Packages

What is the purpose of payroll packages?

Used for processing employee salaries and payroll management.

Categories of Application Packages

What do educational management packages manage?

For managing school operations, curriculum development, and reference aids.

Utility Software

What is utility software?

Utility software refers to system software designed for maintenance and optimization tasks, helping to analyze, configure, and maintain a computer.

Utility Software

What is the purpose of utility software?

Utility software controls and manages computer resources, aiding in maintenance and optimization.

Utility Software

What does a system monitor utility do?

A system monitor utility tracks and displays system performance and resource usage.

Categories of Application Packages

What is the purpose of graphic packages?

For drawings, charts, and graphs.

Categories of Application Packages

Can you name some examples of web browsers?

Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google.

Categories of Application Packages

What are banking packages used for?

Used by banks to manage and streamline their operations.

Operating Systems (OS)

What is a Command-Based Operating System?

These systems rely on text commands to interact with the computer. Examples include MS-DOS and Unix.

Language Translators

What is a Language Translator?

A type of software that converts programs written in source code into object code that a computer understands.

Language Translators

What is the main difference between a compiler and an interpreter?

A compiler translates the entire source code at once, while an interpreter translates only one line at a time before execution.

Definition of Software

What is software?

Software is a collection of instructions and data that tell a computer how to perform specific tasks.

Categories of Application Packages

Can you name some examples of presentation packages?

PowerPoint, Adobe Reader, Soft Master.

Specialized Software Packages

What is the purpose of accounting packages?

Used for managing accounting tasks and financial records.

Specialized Software Packages

What is an example of specialized software?

Web-based learning software.

Operating Systems (OS)

What is a Multi-User Operating System?

An operating system that allows concurrent access by multiple users, managing resources to ensure that each user's needs are balanced and isolated.

System Software

What is System Software?

System Software is a type of software that manages the computer's hardware and resources, providing a foundation for running other programs. Examples include operating systems, utility software, language translators, and device drivers.

Categories of Application Packages

What is a category of application package that includes MS Access and Oracle?


Categories of Application Packages

What is the purpose of database application packages?

For creation of membership lists, student lists, grade reports, and instructor schedules.

Utility Software

What are some examples of utility software?

Examples include disk management, backup, data recovery, anti-virus, and editors.

Functions of Operating Systems

What is one way an operating system protects the system?

It manages errors, protecting the system from data loss and crashes.

Utility Software

What type of utility software is used for data backup?

Backup software.

Utility Software

What is a disk defragmenter used for?

A disk defragmenter utility reorganizes fragmented data on a disk to improve efficiency.

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