What is the first phase of the Systems Life Cycle?
Which phase follows Analysis in the Systems Life Cycle?
Overview of the Systems Life Cycle

What is the first phase of the Systems Life Cycle?


Overview of the Systems Life Cycle

Which phase follows Analysis in the Systems Life Cycle?


Development and Testing Processes

What are the key activities in the Development and Testing phase?

Creating and verifying the system.

Implementation Strategies

What is the purpose of the Implementation phase?

To deploy the system for use.

Documentation Types and Importance

Why is Documentation important in the Systems Life Cycle?

It provides necessary information for users and developers.

Evaluation of the New System

What is the final phase of the Systems Life Cycle?


Evaluation of the New System

What is the purpose of evaluating a new system in the Systems Life Cycle?

To determine whether the new system meets the design requirements.

Evaluation of the New System

What is the final stage of the Systems Life Cycle?

Evaluation of the new system.

User and Technical Documentation

What does user documentation typically include?

List of minimum hardware and software, installation instructions, usage features, screenshots, example inputs and outputs, error message explanations, and a troubleshooting guide.

Designing a New System

What types of data need to be considered when designing a database?

Type of data to be captured, required tables, relationships, fields, and data types.

User and Technical Documentation

What are some key components of technical documentation?

Details of hardware and software, data structures, expected inputs, validation checks, data processing, diagrams, and flowcharts.

Development and Testing Processes

What is the purpose of testing in the Systems Life Cycle?

To ensure all components of the system are working correctly before implementation.

Development and Testing Processes

How are software systems developed according to the Systems Life Cycle?

In modular form, where each part of the system is developed separately.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is the first step in the analysis phase of the Systems Life Cycle?

Identifying data that is inputted, processed, and outputted into the system.

User and Technical Documentation

What does the user interface allow users to do?

Interact with the system and input data.

Implementation Strategies

What is a key advantage of Parallel Running?

If the new system does not meet the requirements, the old system is still available.

Designing a New System

What should paper-based forms include?

Clear heading and instructions, text boxes for information, tick boxes for choices, and clear fonts and text styles.

Development and Testing Processes

What happens if errors are found in the modules during testing?

Modifications will be made to the system.

Implementation Strategies

What is Parallel Running in system implementation?

The existing and new system work together for a period of time until the new system fully takes over.

Designing a New System

What are some examples of data types required for fields in a database?

Text, Integer, Double, Boolean, OLE Object.

Documentation Types and Importance

What are the two types of documentation produced when creating a new system?

User Documentation and Technical Documentation.

Development and Testing Processes

What occurs during the Development & Testing phase?

Developing and testing the new system.

Designing a New System

What font characteristics are important for on-screen forms?

An easy to read font, appropriate font size, and sensible font colour/background colour.

Development and Testing Processes

What happens after the system has been fully tested?

Live data (actual data) will be entered into the system and results will be compared to those produced from the current system.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is the purpose of distributing questionnaires in system analysis?

To find out a range of opinions about the current system.

Implementation Strategies

What happens to the old system during phased implementation?

The old system is phased out over a period of time as the new system is introduced.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is the role of validation rules in data entry?

To ensure the correct data is entered into the fields.

Development and Testing Processes

What is the process after developing each module?

Each module is tested separately before combining them into a full program.

Designing a New System

What is one important aspect of on-screen forms?

Appropriate spacing for each field.

Designing a New System

What type of input areas should be clearly defined in on-screen forms?

Input areas for each field.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is the purpose of a Length Check?

To check if an item of text is too short or too long (e.g., if a full number has been entered).

Implementation Strategies

What is phased implementation in the Systems Life Cycle?

The new system is gradually introduced, with parts implemented only if the current phase is working correctly.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is double entry in data validation?

It requires the same data to be entered twice (e.g., typing a new password twice).

Implementation Strategies

What is a benefit of pilot running?

If the new system fails, only one department is affected.

Development and Testing Processes

What is the purpose of setting specific data types in development?

To store specific data.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is the first step in the Systems Life Cycle?

Analysis, which involves collecting information about the present system and identifying problems.

Designing a New System

What does the design phase in the Systems Life Cycle entail?

Designing a new system to correct the problems identified in the analysis.

Documentation Types and Importance

What document is created after the analysis stage?

The Requirements Specification.

Evaluation of the New System

What can be done based on the feedback received during evaluation?

Necessary adjustments could be made to improve overall efficiency and usability of the new system.

Development and Testing Processes

What is abnormal data?

Data outside the range limits, such as less than 0% or more than 100%.

Designing a New System

What functionalities should buttons in the system provide?

Go forward or backwards, add, save, and delete records.

Designing a New System

What must be created before a data input form?

The database.

Development and Testing Processes

What are some modifications that could be made during the testing phase?

Data/file structures, validation rules, input methods, and output formats.

Evaluation of the New System

What should be compared during the evaluation process?

The solution with the original task requirements.

Evaluation of the New System

What should be identified during the evaluation?

Any limitations and necessary improvements to the system.

Development and Testing Processes

What is included in a typical test plan?

What is being tested, the test data that will be used, and the expected outcome of the test.

Designing a New System

What is the purpose of using tick boxes in paper-based forms?

To make choices easier, such as selecting gender.

Development and Testing Processes

What is extreme data?

Data on the boundaries of the range or at the limits of acceptability, such as 0%-5% or 95%-100%.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What should systems analysts be aware of after completing the analysis stage?

The limitations of the current system.

Overview of the Systems Life Cycle

What is the overall process followed to develop a new system?

Following the steps of analysis, design, development & testing, implementation, and documentation.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is data verification?

It is a method of double-checking the data to see if it is correct.

Designing a New System

What should users be able to do with the new system?

Interact via a data capture form for easier and quicker data input.

Implementation Strategies

What is a disadvantage of Parallel Running?

Tasks will be duplicated as data is inputted into both systems, requiring more employees and increasing costs.

Documentation Types and Importance

What type of documentation is created during the Systems Life Cycle?

Technical and user documentation for the new system.

Designing a New System

What types of user interface elements should be included in the design?

Drop down lists, tick boxes, and navigation aids.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is proof reading in the context of data entry?

It involves checking the entered data to see if it is correct (e.g., checking if a name is spelled correctly).

Implementation Strategies

What is a drawback of pilot running?

If the system fails in one department, modifications and further training may cause delays.

User and Technical Documentation

What is the purpose of user documentation?

To help the users of the system.

Implementation Strategies

What is a disadvantage of Direct Changeover?

If the new system fails, the old system is not available to fall back to.

Evaluation of the New System

What happens if problems or limitations are found during evaluation?

The system analyst will refer back to the design stage of the systems life cycle.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is one advantage of using observation as an analysis technique?

The analyst can obtain reliable information about the current system.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is the main goal of conducting interviews in system analysis?

To gauge feedback from people who use the system.

Implementation Strategies

What is pilot running in the context of system implementation?

The new system is trialed in one department before being implemented across all departments.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is a disadvantage of collecting documents for analysis?

It can be a time-consuming and costly process.

Implementation Strategies

What is Direct Changeover in system implementation?

The existing system is stopped and replaced by the new system immediately.

Implementation Strategies

What is a key advantage of Direct Changeover?

The whole system would have been fully tested before implementation, reducing the chance of errors.

User and Technical Documentation

Who are the primary users of technical documentation?

Maintainers, usually technical people.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What types of data may be involved in the analysis phase?

Data may be paper-based.

Development and Testing Processes

What is checked during the development stage to ensure system integrity?

Each step is checked for errors.

Evaluation of the New System

What aspect of the system is evaluated in addition to technical performance?

Users' responses to the results of testing the system.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is the significance of checking validation rules?

To ensure only correct values can be entered into relevant fields.

Designing a New System

What is a key consideration when establishing relationships in a database?

Different tables that may be required.

Designing a New System

What is the next step after the analysis stage in the Systems Life Cycle?

Designing a new system.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is an advantage of interviews as an analysis technique?

Can ask open-ended questions to gather more feedback.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is the purpose of collecting documents in system analysis?

To identify what data is inputted and outputted in the current system.

Evaluation of the New System

What is the purpose of the evaluation stage?

To determine if the new system has resolved previous issues and met the requirements specified in the design.

Designing a New System

What is the primary goal of designing a new system in the Systems Life Cycle?

To resolve the issues identified in the current system.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is identified regarding the current system during the analysis phase?

Problems with the current system and potential improvements.

Designing a New System

What is the purpose of the new system as identified in the analysis phase?

To resolve the problems identified by the users and the systems analyst.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is data validation?

It checks whether the data entered fulfills specific criteria to ensure it is valid.

Development and Testing Processes

What are the three types of test data mentioned?

Extreme data, Normal data, and Abnormal data.

Implementation Strategies

What is the goal of the Implementation phase?

To replace the old system with the new system.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What does a Range Check do?

It checks if the data entered is in the correct range (e.g., Year 7-12).

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is a disadvantage of observation in system analysis?

Some employees may feel uncomfortable being observed.

Implementation Strategies

What is a disadvantage of phased implementation?

It is time-consuming as each implemented part needs to be evaluated satisfactorily.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is a disadvantage of questionnaires?

They may not be completed accurately or returned.

User and Technical Documentation

What should be verified about the user interface components?

They should be user-friendly and functional (e.g., navigation buttons).

Designing a New System

What should be avoided in the design of on-screen forms?

Too much white space and overlapping of items.

Documentation Types and Importance

What does the Requirements Specification outline?

The required improvements and expectations for the new system.

Development and Testing Processes

What is normal data?

Data within a given range, such as 10%-90%.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What does a Type Check verify?

It checks if the type of data entered is correct (e.g., no letters in a numeric field).

Implementation Strategies

What is a key advantage of phased implementation?

If a part of the new system does not meet requirements, you can revert to the last working point.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is one advantage of using questionnaires?

They can reach a larger audience quickly and cheaply.

Implementation Strategies

How does training occur in phased implementation?

Training sessions are required for employees as each step of the new system is introduced.

Implementation Strategies

How does Parallel Running benefit employee training?

Employees can be trained gradually on how to use the new system.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is a Presence Check?

It checks if the data has been entered (is it present).

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is the purpose of observation in system analysis?

To find out how the current system works by observing its use.

Overview of the Systems Life Cycle

Who reviews the existing system that is not meeting expectations?

Systems Analysts.

Data Validation and Verification Techniques

What is a Format Check?

It checks if the data has been entered in the correct format (e.g., Date – DD/MM/YYYY).

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is a disadvantage of using interviews?

It can be a time-consuming process.

Analysis Techniques in Systems Development

What is an advantage of analyzing existing documentation?

Analysts can see how the current paper system operates.

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