What is the classic ethical dilemma presented in the 'Runaway Truck' scenario?
Whether to flip the switch to sacrifice one individual to save a group.
Why is gathering relevant information important in decision-making?
It is vital to making the right decision.
Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the classic ethical dilemma presented in the 'Runaway Truck' scenario?

Whether to flip the switch to sacrifice one individual to save a group.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

Why is gathering relevant information important in decision-making?

It is vital to making the right decision.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

What type of difficult decisions may arise?

Decisions between right and right.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is a key benefit of results-based ethics?

It appeals to common sense by focusing on producing good outcomes and reducing bad outcomes.

Ethical Frameworks in Business

What is the significance of pluralism/integration in ethics?

It emphasizes the appropriate use of multiple theories based on context.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What should people focus on according to egoism?

Maximize their own self-interest.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What is a common ethical dilemma faced by businesses?

Balancing profit-making with social responsibility.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What does the Trolley Problem typically involve?

A scenario where a person must choose between pulling a lever to divert a runaway trolley onto a track where it will kill one person instead of five.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What strategy can be considered to navigate different moral frameworks?

Diversification or hedging.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What does Duty Ethics assert about certain acts?

Some acts are always wrong.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the ethical dilemma presented in the Bridge Problem?

Whether to push a big man off a bridge to save five other men.

Normative Ethical Theories

What is the focus of Virtue ethics in normative ethics?

Good habit and character.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

How can ethical theories be applied in business practice?

In an ad-hoc fashion, judging decisions based on the most relevant theory.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What are the advantages of a pluralistic approach?

It allows for a variety of normative considerations in solving ethical problems.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

What is the major ethics referent in Stage 6 of mature adulthood?

Universal principles, justice, fairness.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

Which ethical rules could be made universal?

Rules against fraud and exploitation could be considered for universal application.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What are some of Aristotle's key virtues?

Prudence, Justice, Courage, Temperance.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

How does duty-based ethics relate to human rights?

It provides a basis for human rights by giving due regard to individual interests.

Transparency and AI Use

What does Gen Z demand regarding AI use?

More transparency.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What ethical dilemma is associated with self-driving cars?

Deciding what actions to take in emergency situations.

Origins of Ethical Problems

Why is the trolley case considered theoretical in the context of self-driving cars?

It may not directly relate to real-world business scenarios.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What does Duty-based ethics emphasize?

Principles and universal ethics.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What are the current ethical limits on making money?

Limits include regulations against fraud, exploitation, and environmental harm.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What are the sources of ethical limits on making money?

Sources include laws, societal norms, and corporate governance standards.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is a practical problem of consequentialism?

It's hard to predict the future consequences of an act.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is the relationship between individual needs and societal benefits in this context?

Individuals should consider how their actions benefit society.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What mentality often leads to ethical issues related to competition?

Bottom-line mentality.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What does virtue ethics emphasize?

The character and virtues of the moral agent rather than specific actions.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is an example of a moral habit in Virtue Ethics?

Cowardly, courageous, foolhardy.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the purpose of Table 2?

To evaluate the ethics of a preliminary decision.

Ethical Relativism and Cultural Norms

What do normative ethical relativists argue?

They argue that meta-ethical relativism implies we ought to tolerate the behavior of others even when it contradicts our personal or cultural ethical standards.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the first step in the Babson Ethical Decision Making Framework?

Identifying consequences to stakeholders.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is a key consideration for self-driving cars in emergency situations?

Determining the least harmful outcome for all involved.

Ethical Frameworks in Business

How do ethical decisions in self-driving cars impact businesses?

They influence liability, safety standards, and public trust.

Normative Ethical Theories

What are the three main schools of ethical thought?

Deontological ethics, consequentialism, and virtue ethics.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is a key value of Duty Ethics?

It values every human being equally.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What are the two types of vice in Virtue Ethics?

Absence of virtue and excess of virtue.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What should people aim to do according to consequentialism?

Maximize good consequences.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What virtues would you emphasize for a financial services company?

Transparency, responsibility, and prudence.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

In which stage do social groups and friends become the major ethics referent?

Stage 3, during early adulthood and adolescence.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is a criticism of Duty Ethics regarding its nature?

It's too absolutist.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

What is the primary focus of reasoning in Stage 1 during childhood?

Punishment avoidance.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a good point of Virtue Ethics?

It centers ethics on the person and what it means to be human.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is important to consider when making decisions about complex ethical matters?

Look at all relevant points of view.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What are some examples of Christian virtues?

Humility, hope, faith, charity.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is a potential negative outcome of duty-based ethics?

It can lead to actions that reduce overall happiness in the world.

Ethical Relativism and Cultural Norms

What is ethical relativism?

The theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

How does practical business ethics help in decision making?

It helps us see multiple perspectives and alternatives.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is a pluralistic approach in ethical decision-making?

Integrating multiple ethical theories to address business dilemmas.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a challenge regarding the virtues in Virtue Ethics?

There is no general agreement on what the virtues are.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is the primary goal of Utilitarianism?

Maximize overall pleasure and reduce overall pain.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

Who are two key figures associated with Utilitarianism?

Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the Trolley Problem?

A thought experiment in ethics that explores moral dilemmas involving choices that affect lives.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

How does Duty Ethics treat human beings?

It gives equal respect to all human beings.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What qualities are associated with a good person in Virtue Ethics?

Justice, prudence, fidelity, and self-care.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What is a typical attitude that contributes to ethical problems?

Egotistical mentality, exemplified by 'I want it!'.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What moral question does the Trolley Problem raise?

Is it morally acceptable to sacrifice one life to save multiple lives?

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

How do Aristotle and Confucius view the development of virtues?

Both recommend developing virtues through practice to achieve human flourishing.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is a Categorical Imperative according to Kant?

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What is a typical approach to ethical problems in business?

Conflicts of interest due to multiple obligations or loyalties.

Normative Ethical Theories

What are the three main ethical theoretical viewpoints mentioned?

Duty, Consequence, Virtue.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is a criticism of duty-based ethics?

It is absolutist and sets absolute rules.

Transparency and AI Use

Which generation is advocating for increased transparency in AI?

Gen Z.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the Babson Ethical Decision Making Framework used for?

To guide ethical decision-making processes.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is one personal benefit of applying practical business ethics?

It helps to go beyond your ego.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What limitations can practical business ethics help overcome?

Your own limitations and group limitations.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is the main concern of Consequentialism?

Results-based outcomes and utilitarianism.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What does consequentialism state about right and wrong?

Right or wrong depend on the consequences of an act.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What does deontological ethics focus on?

The morality of actions based on rules and duties.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

What type of reasoning is associated with Stage 5 in mature adulthood?

Principle centred reasoning.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is Rule Utilitarianism?

A method of applying rules that maximize benefits in the long term for every choice made.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What do we usually predict regarding the consequences of our actions?

The probability of certain consequences following an act.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

What should be assessed when evaluating moral actions?

Multiple approaches to ethical reasoning.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

How does a person act virtuously?

By possessing and living the virtues.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is Eudaimonia in Aristotle's philosophy?

A higher good related to human flourishing.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What should be determined after specifying the main question?

The main factors.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the first step in practical ethical decision making in business?

To specify and clarify the problem space.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What are some Buddhist virtues?

Compassion, wisdom, morality, generosity, renunciation.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

Which ethical viewpoints should be considered in decision making?

Duty, consequence, and virtue.

Transparency and AI Use

In what context is Gen Z seeking transparency?

In the use of artificial intelligence.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

How does Virtue Ethics view a person's life?

It includes the whole of a person's life.

Ethical Frameworks in Business

What is the primary focus of ethics in a business context?

To guide decision-making and behavior in a morally acceptable manner.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What ethical theory focuses on the outcomes of actions?


Transparency and AI Use

What role does transparency play in business ethics?

It fosters trust and accountability among stakeholders.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is an example of a framework that utilizes a pluralistic approach?

Babson Ethical Decision Making Framework.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is a key consideration in Utilitarianism beyond pleasure and pain?

Some suffering is necessary for good things to happen.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is a philosophical problem associated with assessing the rightness of an act in consequentialism?

Should it be based on what was thought to happen or what actually happened?

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What defines a right act according to Virtue Ethics?

An action a virtuous person would do in the same circumstances.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

How should businesses manage staff expenses according to Rule Utilitarianism?

By determining the best long-term rules and applying them consistently.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is the relationship between individual needs and societal benefits in egoism?

When individuals maximize their own needs, society benefits.

Origins of Ethical Problems

How do cross-cultural contradictions contribute to ethical problems?

They create conflicts between a company's interests and diverse cultural traditions and values.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

How can Duty Ethics affect overall happiness?

It can reduce overall happiness.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

How should ethical theory be approached in specific contexts?

By considering the unique issues in group and individual work.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

Why is it important to clarify the problem space?

It helps to make it clearer what the problem entails.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What challenges arise from the universality of virtues in business?

Differences in what particular virtue to follow in specific business situations and the need for translation in organizational policies.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a key focus of Virtue Ethics?

It centers ethics on the person and what it means to be human.

Ethical Relativism and Cultural Norms

What does a descriptive relativist say about morality?

A descriptive relativist states that people differ morally depending on their culture.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

Why is it important to identify consequences to stakeholders?

To understand the impact of decisions on various parties involved.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What type of stakeholders should be considered in the Babson framework?

All parties affected by the decision, including individuals, groups, and organizations.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

Why is it sensible to base ethics on consequences?

Because decisions are often made by considering the results that will be produced.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What virtues would you emphasize for a technology company?

Innovation, integrity, and accountability.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What does the pluralistic approach provide when facing ethical dilemmas?

A prism of ethical theories to evaluate decisions.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is the basis of Deontological Ethics?

It is based on adherence to rules and duties rather than consequences.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is the main principle of Deontological Ethics?

To make profits but not at any costs.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a virtuous person?

A person who acts virtuously.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What does Virtue Ethics provide guidance on?

The characteristics and behaviors a good person will seek to achieve.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a virtue?

A moral characteristic that a person needs to live well.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What does Ren represent in Confucian philosophy?

Humaneness, a higher good aimed at by Confucius.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What competitive pressure often leads to ethical dilemmas?

The pressure to maximize profits.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What does Kantian duty-based ethics assert about certain acts?

Some acts are always wrong, regardless of the consequences.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

How does Confucius's view on virtues differ from Aristotle's?

Confucius focuses more on social relationships and righteousness, while Aristotle emphasizes individual character and moral habits.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What does practical business ethics provide in difficult situations?

A roadmap or framework.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the moral question raised by the Bridge Problem?

Is it justifiable to sacrifice one life to save multiple lives?

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a limitation of Virtue Ethics in moral dilemmas?

It doesn't provide clear guidance on what to do.

Ethical Frameworks in Business

How do ethical concepts influence business practices?

They shape corporate policies, employee conduct, and stakeholder relationships.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What does Virtue Ethics emphasize?

The character and virtues of a good person rather than just the rightness or wrongness of individual actions.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What leads to happiness according to Virtue Ethics?

Living virtuously.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

How is the quality of an act determined in consequentialism?

The more good consequences produced, the better the act is.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What virtues would you emphasize for a healthcare company?

Compassion, trustworthiness, and excellence.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What foundational aspect does Duty Ethics provide?

It gives the basis for rights.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What ethical concepts does the Trolley Problem illustrate?

Consequentialism and the moral implications of actions versus inactions.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

How might the virtues differ between a technology and a healthcare company?

Technology may focus on innovation and accountability, while healthcare emphasizes compassion and trustworthiness.

Normative Ethical Theories

What is the importance of integration in ethical decision-making?

To see if different frameworks lead to the same conclusion.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

Why is compassion a key virtue for healthcare companies?

It reflects the commitment to patient care and well-being.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What do deontological ethics focus on?

What people do, not the consequences of their actions.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What general guidance does Virtue Ethics provide?

Guidance on how to be a good person.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

How does consumer choice relate to ethical decision making?

It influences the decisions made regarding company practices.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What challenge does duty-based ethics face?

Reconciling conflicting duties.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What scenario is used to illustrate the Bridge Problem?

A runaway truck heading towards five men.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What action is suggested in the 'Runaway Truck' scenario?

Flip the switch.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the moral conflict in the 'Runaway Truck' problem?

Sacrificing an individual for the greater good of the group.

Normative Ethical Theories

What can conflict in ethical decision-making involve?

Duty (deontological ethics), good consequences (utilitarian ethics), and character development (virtue ethics).

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is a key question raised by consequentialism?

Do we all benefit?

Practical Ethical Decision Making

Why is understanding ethical concepts important for business leaders?

It helps them navigate complex moral dilemmas and make informed decisions.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What is a common reason for ethical problems in business?

Personal gain and selfish interest.

Ethical Frameworks in Business

What is a key challenge in determining if an action is moral?

The existence of many different ethical frameworks.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What does egoism emphasize about personal needs?

I know what I need.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is the principle of egoism in the context of consequentialism?

People should look at themselves and maximize their own self-interest.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is a key question in Duty-Based Ethics?

How should I treat people?

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

Why is accountability important for a technology company?

It ensures responsible innovation and builds consumer trust.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the first step in practical decision making?

Specify the main question space.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

Who is associated with the concept of Categorical Imperatives?

Emmanuel Kant.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What does duty-based ethics emphasize?

The value of every human being.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What do novices in problem solving tend to do?

Gloss over the problem space and rush into looking for solutions.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

Why is it important to consider all relevant viewpoints?

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of ethical implications.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What is the primary concern of consequentialism?

The outcomes or consequences of actions.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

What is the basis of ethics reasoning in Stage 4 of adulthood?

Society at large, customs, traditions, laws.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

How do societal norms influence ethical limits on making money?

Societal norms shape perceptions of acceptable business practices and behaviors.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What does favoritism mentality imply in a business context?

Helping oneself and those closest to you.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What values are emphasized in Duty-Based Ethics?

Dignity and respect.

Origins of Ethical Problems

What is an ethnocentric mentality in the context of ethical problems?

The belief that foreigners have a 'funny notion' of right and wrong.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What dilemma might arise in Duty Ethics?

What if duties conflict?

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What are some of Confucian virtues?

Ren (humaneness), Yi (righteousness), Li (propriety), Zhong (loyalty).

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What do experienced problem solvers do differently?

They spend more time asking questions to get to the essence of the problem.

Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

What did John Stuart Mill propose that differed from traditional Utilitarianism?

He had different ideas about the importance of qualitative differences in pleasures.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What potential negative outcome can Duty Ethics allow?

It allows acts that can lead to bad outcomes.

Ethical Frameworks in Business

What example framework is mentioned for ethical assessment?

The Babson Framework.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a bad point of Virtue Ethics?

It doesn't provide clear guidance on what to do in moral dilemmas.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What factors are important in a PR campaign?

Company mission, reputation, and damage control.

Ethical Reasoning Development Stages

What is the focus of reasoning in Stage 2, associated with youth and adolescence?

Reward seeking, self-interest, own needs, reciprocity.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What should one be prepared to do if frameworks yield different conclusions?

Make a persuasive case for the chosen ethical approach.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What role does transparency play in financial services?

It fosters trust and helps clients make informed decisions.

Duty-Based Ethics (Deontological Ethics)

What is a key principle of duty-based ethics?

Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

Virtue Ethics and Its Implications

What is a challenge regarding the definition of virtues in Virtue Ethics?

There is no general agreement on what the virtues are; they may be culturally relative.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is a method to identify important factors in decision making?

Brainstorming or looking for prior expertise.

Practical Ethical Decision Making

What is the ultimate goal of the decision-making process?

To come to a conclusion or decision.

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