I believe in you that you will succeed.
Have every confidence in you - I have every confidence in you that you will succeed.
We should navigate life’s ups and downs with courage.
Sail through the ups and downs - We should sail through life’s ups and downs with courage.
Strategies for Personal Growth

I believe in you that you will succeed.

Have every confidence in you - I have every confidence in you that you will succeed.

Strategies for Personal Growth

We should navigate life’s ups and downs with courage.

Sail through the ups and downs - We should sail through life’s ups and downs with courage.

Consequences of Ignoring Problems

To make something better or improve it.

Ameliorate - The new policy aims to ameliorate the living conditions of the underprivileged.

Role of Education in Society

The education system is criticized for being rigid and overly reliant on rote learning.

Castigated to be Ossified and Spoon-feeding. Sample Sentence: The education system was castigated to be ossified and spoon-feeding, stifling creativity and critical thinking.

Strategies for Personal Growth

Something is very likely to happen rather than just being a possibility.

More Probable Than Possible. Sample Sentence: Given the current trends, the success of the project is more probable than possible.

Strategies for Personal Growth

To establish a strong or secure position in a particular area or field.

Gain a Firm Foothold. Sample Sentence: The company gained a firm foothold in the market by launching innovative products.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

Every positive situation or person has its own challenges or drawbacks.

Each Rose Has Its Own Thorns. Sample Sentence: While she loved her new job, she quickly realized that each rose has its own thorns.

Social Discontent and Its Causes

A feeling of intense irritation or annoyance directed at someone or something.

Exasperation Towards… Sample Sentence: There was growing exasperation towards the constant delays in the project.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

In just a moment, John has finished his lunch.

In just a split second - In just a split second, John has finished his lunch.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

The student thrived vibrantly in their academic pursuits.

Flourished vibrantly - The student flourished vibrantly in their academic pursuits.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

Attracted or tempted by something appealing.

Enticed by Something - She was enticed by the promise of adventure and decided to join the expedition.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

More facilities would make a significant contribution to helping the SEN.

Worthwhile - More facilities would make a worthwhile contribution to helping the SEN.

Understanding Insurmountable Challenges

It was just an illusion of the public that everyone is privileged.

Merely a figment of my imagination - It was just merely a figment of the public’s imagination that everyone is privileged.

Strategies for Personal Growth

She never gives up on her way and turns obstacles into opportunities.

Turn stumbling block into stepping stones - She never gives up on her way and turns stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Social Discontent and Its Causes

Opinions or conditions have shifted to the opposite extreme.

The Pendulum Has Swung the Other Way. Sample Sentence: After years of strict policies, the pendulum has swung the other way, and now there is a push for more lenient regulations.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

Caught in the grip of people who are considered to be troublemakers or outcasts.

Seized by the Clutches of Black Sheep: He was seized by the clutches of black sheep who led him down a dangerous path.

Strategies for Personal Growth

Moving to Hong Kong acts as a launching pad for her future career.

Serves as a springboard for… - Moving to Hong Kong serves as a springboard for her future career.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

Teenagers who are easily influenced or manipulated.

Pliable Teenagers - Pliable teenagers are often targeted by aggressive marketing campaigns.

Understanding Insurmountable Challenges

Something that is impossible to overcome or get past.

Insurmountable. Sample Sentence: The team faced what seemed like insurmountable odds, but they persevered and succeeded.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

Used to indicate that there are more examples than those mentioned.

To Name But a Few: The festival features artists from Italy, France, and Spain, to name but a few.

The Role of Government in Social Issues

To speed up the process of enacting laws.

Expedite Legislation - The government moved to expedite legislation to address the urgent crisis.

Understanding Insurmountable Challenges

The crux of the problem is teenagers cannot find other ways to feel pleasure.

crux; The crux of the problem is teenagers cannot find other ways to feel pleasure.

Role of Education in Society

To be essential or necessary in a particular situation or process.

Played an Indispensable Role. Sample Sentence: The engineer played an indispensable role in the project's success, ensuring all systems were flawlessly integrated.

The Role of Government in Social Issues

Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Incumbent Upon. Sample Sentence: It is incumbent upon the management to ensure a safe working environment.

Strategies for Personal Growth

Something that surpasses all other considerations or contexts.

(Something) Transcend Everything: Her compassion for others transcends everything, making her an inspiration to many.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

Sleeplessness is only the tip of the ________.

iceberg; Sleeplessness is only the tip of the iceberg.

Understanding Insurmountable Challenges

Flaws or imperfections.

Blemishes. Sample Sentence: Despite a few blemishes in the report, the overall analysis was insightful.

Consequences of Ignoring Problems

Extremely unpleasant or offensive results.

Obnoxious Consequences: Ignoring climate change could lead to obnoxious consequences for future generations.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

Eagerly anticipated with great enthusiasm.

Fervently Awaited - The fervently awaited concert sold out within minutes.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

The newspaper received a ________ of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.

deluge; The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.

Importance of Addressing Social Issues

It is of paramount ________ that we stop racism now.

importance; It is of paramount importance that we stop racism now.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

Addictive gaming is the chief ________ of the problem.

culprit; Addictive gaming is the chief culprit of the problem.

Strategies for Personal Growth

A desire that cannot be satisfied or fulfilled.

Unquenching Craving. Sample Sentence: Despite having a full meal, she had an unquenching craving for chocolate.

Role of Education in Society

To be of utmost importance or significance in a particular situation or process.

Played a Paramount Role. Sample Sentence: Her leadership played a paramount role in the team's championship victory.

Role of Education in Society

To eliminate the uncertainties or suspicions someone may have.

Dispel the Doubts of (Someone): The CEO’s transparent communication helped dispel the doubts of the employees.

Consequences of Ignoring Problems

Considering this; taking this into account.

In View of This - In view of this new evidence, the case was reopened for further investigation.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

There is ________ of tourists in Japan recently.

avalanche; There is an avalanche of tourists in Japan recently.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

And now ________ of tutorial centers are opening in HK.

myriads; And now myriads of tutorial centers are opening in HK.

The Role of Government in Social Issues

The government plays an ________ role in preventing discrimination.

assertive; The government plays an assertive role in preventing discrimination.

Consequences of Ignoring Problems

The government should ________ the seriousness of racism.

overlook; The government should overlook the seriousness of racism.

Consequences of Ignoring Problems

To be severely criticized or reprimanded.

Castigated. Sample Sentence: The manager castigated the team for missing the deadline.

Social Discontent and Its Causes

Widespread dissatisfaction among the public with societal conditions or policies.

Social Discontent. Sample Sentence: The rising cost of living led to increased social discontent.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

To spend a lot of time or effort discussing a particular topic.

Use Up 10 Pieces of A4 Sized Paper Just to Talk About - She could use up 10 pieces of A4 sized paper just to talk about her passion for environmental conservation.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

The pressure to maintain uniformity among his social circle led him to suppress his true passions and conform to their expectations.

Conformity among social circle - The pressure to maintain conformity among his social circle led him to suppress his true passions and conform to their expectations.

Strategies for Personal Growth

To make someone aware of something they may not have noticed.

Like to Awaken You To - I’d like to awaken you to the importance of regular exercise for mental health.

Social Discontent and Its Causes

Business owners who act in a dishonest or unethical manner.

Unscrupulous Business Owners - Unscrupulous business owners exploit loopholes to avoid paying fair wages.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

The plethora of cockroaches makes me sick.

plethora; The plethora of cockroaches makes me sick.

Impact of Technology on Employment

Something that can be seen as either a great benefit or a great trouble.

A Godsend or a Scourge. Sample Sentence: The new technology was a godsend for some but a scourge for others who lost their jobs due to automation.

Consequences of Ignoring Problems

Making a situation worse or more severe.

Exacerbating. Sample Sentence: The heavy traffic was exacerbating the already stressful commute.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

Fundamental to the problem are two culprits, with abandoning studies being the leading one.

leading; Fundamental to the problem are two culprits, with abandoning studies being the leading one.

Understanding Insurmountable Challenges

Something that is impressive in strength or excellence and often inspires fear or respect.

Formidable. Sample Sentence: The formidable mountain range stood as a daunting challenge for the climbers.

Strategies for Personal Growth

Absolutely certain; without any uncertainty.

Without a Shadow of Doubt. Sample Sentence: She is, without a shadow of doubt, the best candidate for the job.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

To overcome this emotional crisis, we should start to exercise.

Weather a crisis - To weather this emotional crisis, we should start to do exercise.

Strategies for Personal Growth

Sincerity and initiative are the beginnings of making new friends.

…are the preludes to… - Sincerity and initiative are preludes to making new friends.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

I like reading since it allows me to learn a wide ________ of knowledge.

array; I like reading since it allows me to learn a wide array of knowledge.

Role of Education in Society

A strong belief or firm opinion, often used to conclude essays.

It Is My Conviction - It is my conviction that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for all.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

Blackpink’s concert attracted a ________ of fans.

tide; Blackpink’s concert attracted a tide of fans.

Importance of Addressing Social Issues

None are as ________ as solving the discrimination towards the SEN.

prominent; None are as prominent as solving the discrimination towards the SEN.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

Excess homework ________ with other problems like high stress.

besets; Excess homework besets with other problems like high stress.

The Role of Government in Social Issues

To clarify or provide information about something.

Cast Light On: The report cast light on the underlying causes of the economic downturn.

Role of Education in Society

To fail to notice the undeniable connection between two things.

Overlook the Inextricable Link Between (A) and (B): We cannot overlook the inextricable link between education and economic development.

Consequences of Ignoring Problems

The dangers or risks associated with something.

Perils Of: The documentary highlighted the perils of distracted driving.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

There is always a narrow distinction between being brave and being reckless.

There is always a fine line between being daring and being foolhardy - There is always a fine line between being daring and being foolhardy.

Importance of Addressing Social Issues

It is ________ dispute that little resources has gone to the underprivileged.

beyond; It is beyond dispute that little resources has gone to the underprivileged.

Role of Education in Society

The culture constitutes an ________ role in Japan’s popularity.

indispensable; The culture constitutes an indispensable role in Japan’s popularity.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents

In no way should we lose sight of the ________ effects of addictive gaming.

dire; In no way should we lose sight of the dire effects of addictive gaming.

Alternative Phrases for 'A Lot Of'

There is a whole ________ of reasons why I don’t like him.

host; There is a whole host of reasons why I don’t like him.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder