What causes essential pentosuria?
Deficiency of the enzyme that converts xylulose to xylitol.
Which enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of D-glucuronic acid?
L-gulonic dehydrogenase.
Essential Pentosuria

What causes essential pentosuria?

Deficiency of the enzyme that converts xylulose to xylitol.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

Which enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of D-glucuronic acid?

L-gulonic dehydrogenase.

Essential Pentosuria

What condition results from the absence of xylitol dehydrogenase?

Essential pentosuria.

D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

What pigment is formed from heme via heme oxygenase?


Uronic Acid Pathway Overview

What is the first step in the uronic acid pathway?

Conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to glucose 1-phosphate via phosphoglucomutase.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What happens to UDP Glucose in the Uronic Acid Pathway?

It is oxidized at C6 by NAD+-dependent UDP glucose dehydrogenase to form UDP-glucuronic acid.

Functions of Ascorbic Acid

What does ascorbic acid donate to organic radicals?

A hydrogen atom (H+).

Vitamin C Deficiency and Scurvy

What are the consequences of Vitamin C deficiency on collagen?

It leads to impaired collagen functions, resulting in poor wound healing, osteoporosis, capillary fragility, and anemia.

Biochemical Pathways Involving Uronic Acids

What metabolic pathway does D-xylulose 5-phosphate enter?

The HMP Shunt.

D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

What happens to hemoglobin in RBCs after 120 days?

It is phagocytosed by macrophages into heme and globin.

Uronic Acid Pathway Overview

What is the uronic acid pathway primarily involved in?

Oxidative pathway for glucose metabolism into glucuronic acid, ascorbic acid, and pentoses.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What enzyme reduces L-xylulose to xylitol?

Xylitol dehydrogenase (xylulose reductase).

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is released as a byproduct during the decarboxylation of 3-keto-L-gulonic acid?


D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

What is the role of D-glucuronic acid in the liver?

It is conjugated to non-polar acceptor molecules for easier excretion via bile.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is produced during the oxidation of L-gulonic acid?

3-keto-L-gulonic acid and NADH.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is the first step in the Uronic Acid Pathway?

Conversion of Glucose 6-phosphate to Glucose 1-phosphate via phosphoglucomutase.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is the product of the decarboxylation of β-L-gulonate?


Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What process converts 3-keto-L-gulonic acid to L-xylulose?


Biochemical Pathways Involving Uronic Acids

What are the primary functions of the uronic acid pathway in humans?

It synthesizes sugar acids for glucuronide synthesis and provides metabolic intermediates.

Vitamin C Deficiency and Scurvy

What condition is caused by a lack of vitamin C in the diet?


Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

Which glycolytic intermediate serves as a branch point for the uronic acid pathway?

Glucose 1-phosphate.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What enzyme catalyzes the reoxidation of xylitol to D-xylulose?

D-xylulose dehydrogenase.

Uronic Acid Pathway Overview

What is the primary function of the Uronic Acid Pathway?

It serves as an alternate oxidative pathway for glucose metabolism into glucuronic acid, ascorbic acid, and pentoses without ATP generation.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is the final step involving xylitol?

Reoxidation of xylitol to D-xylulose.

Clinical Implications of Uronic Acid Pathway Deficiencies

What are some clinical implications of deficiencies in the Uronic Acid Pathway?

Deficiencies can lead to clinical disorders arising from deficient enzymes involved in the pathway.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is D-glucuronic acid oxidized to?

L-gulonic acid.

D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

What is the significance of glucuronic acid in the body?

Glucuronic acid is used in conjugation reactions and is a precursor for ascorbic acid in humans.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

How is L-xylulose converted to xylitol?

By reduction via xylitol dehydrogenase or xylulose reductase.

Role of Glucuronic Acid in Proteoglycan Synthesis

What are the components of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin 4-sulfate?

β-glucuronic acid.

D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

What intermediate of the uronic acid pathway is utilized in most conjugation reactions in the body?

UDP glucuronate.

Essential Pentosuria

What is essential pentosuria?

It is a condition characterized by high quantities of xylulose in urine due to a lack of xylulose reductase.

Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid

What is the first step in the synthesis of ascorbic acid?

Formation of L-gulonolactone from L-gulonic acid by lactonase.

Functions of Ascorbic Acid

What role does ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) play in biological systems?

It acts as a chain-breaking antioxidant.

Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid

Which enzyme's absence prevents humans from synthesizing ascorbic acid?

L-gulonolactone oxidase.

Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid

How does Vitamin C contribute to carnitine synthesis?

Vitamin C serves as a cofactor in the synthesis of carnitine from lysine, which is essential for transporting fatty acids to mitochondria.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is the next step after xylitol in the pathway?

Reoxidation of xylitol to D-xylulose via D-xylulose dehydrogenase.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

How is UDP Glucose formed in the Uronic Acid Pathway?

Glucose 1-phosphate is activated by UTP via UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase.

Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid

What is the role of Vitamin C in catecholamine synthesis?

Vitamin C acts as a cofactor for dopamine ß-hydroxylase in the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is D-xylulose phosphorylated to?

D-xylulose 5-phosphate.

Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid

What is the role of L-gulonolactone oxidase in ascorbic acid synthesis?

It oxidizes L-gulonolactone at carbon 2 to form 3-keto-L-gulonolactone.

Uronic Acid Pathway Overview

What is UDP glucose converted to in the uronic acid pathway?

UDP glucuronic acid.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is formed when UDP glucuronic acid is hydrolyzed?

UDP and D-glucuronic acid.

Steps in Uronic Acid Pathway

What is formed when D-xylulose is phosphorylated at carbon 5?

D-xylulose 5-phosphate.

Uronic Acid Pathway Overview

What metabolic pathway does glucose 6-phosphate enter to synthesize uronic acids?

It enters the hexose monophosphate (HMP) pathway.

D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

How is bilirubin made more water-soluble?

By conjugation with D-glucuronate to form diglucuronide.

Functions of Ascorbic Acid

What is the unreactive radical formed from Vitamin C?

Dehydroascorbyl radical (As*).

Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid

What is the role of ascorbate in collagen synthesis?

Ascorbate acts as a cofactor to maintain iron in the reduced state (Fe +2) during the hydroxylation of proline and lysine in procollagen.

Essential Pentosuria

What condition is caused by a deficiency of xylitol dehydrogenase?

Essential pentosuria.

Essential Pentosuria

What is a common misdiagnosis for essential pentosuria?

Diabetes mellitus.

Vitamin C Deficiency and Scurvy

Why do humans need to obtain Vitamin C from their diet?

Humans lack L-gulonolactone oxidase, preventing them from synthesizing ascorbic acid.

Functions of Ascorbic Acid

What is the role of Vitamin C in hydroxylation reactions?

It is oxidized to dehydroascorbate during the decarboxylation of α-ketoglutarate.

D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

What is the significance of UDP-glucuronic acid?

It serves as a source of glucuronate for reactions involving incorporation into proteoglycans or conjugation with substrates for excretion.

D-Glucuronate in Liver Conjugation Reactions

What is the fate of D-glucuronic acid in the body?

It is used for the synthesis of proteoglycans and for detoxification.

Role of Glucuronic Acid in Proteoglycan Synthesis

What is the role of glucuronic acid in the body?

It is involved in the synthesis of proteoglycans and conjugation reactions for excretion of substances like steroid hormones and drugs.

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