What is the formula for the scalar projection of vector A along vector u?
‖proj u A‖ = |u · A / ‖u‖|.
What is the result of multiplying the vector u = 3i + 4j − k by 2/3?
2/3 u = 2i + (8/3)j − (2/3)k.
Projection of Vectors

What is the formula for the scalar projection of vector A along vector u?

‖proj u A‖ = |u · A / ‖u‖|.

Scalar Multiplication of Vectors

What is the result of multiplying the vector u = 3i + 4j − k by 2/3?

2/3 u = 2i + (8/3)j − (2/3)k.

Dot Product of Vectors

How is the norm of a vector related to the dot product?

The norm is equal to the square root of the dot product of the vector with itself: ∥ ~u ∥ = √(~u · ~u).

Dot Product of Vectors

What is another name for the dot product?

It is also called the inner product or scalar product.

Vector Addition and Properties

What is the parallelogram rule in vector addition?

It states that vectors ~a and ~b form the sides of a parallelogram, and the diagonal represents the sum ~a + ~b.

Unit Vectors and Normalization

How do you find the unit vector in the direction of vector ~v = ⟨-2, 5, 3⟩?

ˆu = ~v / ||~v|| = 1/√38 ⟨-2, 5, 3⟩

Vector Addition and Properties

What is the result of adding the vectors u = i + 4j − 2k and v = 2i − 5j?

u + v = 3i − j − k.

Magnitude and Norm of Vectors

What is the norm of a vector?

The length of the vector, denoted by ∥ ~u ∥, defined as ∥ ~u ∥ = √(u1² + u2² + u3²).

Scalar Multiplication of Vectors

What is scalar multiplication?

It is the operation of multiplying a vector by any scalar c, resulting in c~a = 〈ca1, ca2, ca3〉.

Vector Addition and Properties

What is the theorem regarding the addition of vectors?

1. ~v + ~w = ~w + ~v (Commutative property). 2. (~v + ~w) + ~u = ~v + (~w + ~u) (Associative property). 3. ~v + ~0 = ~v (Identity element). 4. ~v + ~(-v) = ~0 (Inverse element).

Component Form of Vectors

How can a vector ~a in R3 be expressed in terms of standard unit vectors?

~a = a1e1 + a2e2 + a3e3, where e1, e2, e3 are the standard basis vectors.

Component Form of Vectors

What is the component form of a vector in three dimensions?

The component form of vector ~u is given by ~u = ⟨u1, u2, u3⟩.

Magnitude and Norm of Vectors

When is a vector ~u equal to the zero vector?

~u = 0 if and only if ||~u|| = 0

Dot Product of Vectors

What is the result of the dot product for vectors ~a = ⟨0, 3, -7⟩ and ~b = ⟨2, 3, 1⟩?

~a · ~b = 0 × 2 + 3 × 3 + (-7) × 1 = 0 + 9 - 7 = 2.

Vector Addition and Properties

What is the result of adding the vectors u = ⟨−1, 2, 1⟩ and v = ⟨2, −5, 0⟩?

u + v = ⟨1, −3, 1⟩.

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

When are two vectors considered equal?

Two vectors are equal if they have equal magnitude and the same direction, or if their coordinates are equal.

Dot Product of Vectors

What is the definition of the dot product of two vectors?

The dot product of vectors ~a = ⟨a1, a2, a3⟩ and ~b = ⟨b1, b2, b3⟩ is defined as ~a · ~b = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3.

Unit Vectors and Normalization

How do you create a unit vector from a non-zero vector?

By dividing the vector by its length: ˆu = ~u / ∥ ~u ∥.

Vector Subtraction

What defines two vectors as opposite?

They have opposite directions but not necessarily the same magnitude.

Dot Product of Vectors

What is the scalar product of vectors ~u = ⟨2, 5, -1⟩ and ~v = ⟨-1, 2, 3⟩?

~u · ~v = 5

Vector Addition and Properties

In the example provided, are the vectors ~a = ⟨4, 10⟩ and ~b = ⟨2, -9⟩ parallel?

No, they are not parallel as they cannot be expressed as scalar multiples of each other.

Projection of Vectors

What is the projection of vector A onto vector u denoted as?

proj u A.

Vector Subtraction

What is the result of negating the vector u = 3i + 4j − k?

−u = −3i − 4j + k.

Dot Product of Vectors

What is the relationship between the dot product of a vector and its magnitude?

~u · ~u = ||~u||²

Dot Product of Vectors

How do you compute the dot product of vectors ~v = 5i - 8j and ~w = i + j?

~v · ~w = 5 × 1 + (-8) × 1 = 5 - 8 = -3.

Dot Product of Vectors

What is the distributive property of the dot product?

The property states that ~u · (~v + ~w) = (~u · ~v) + (~u · ~w).

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

What defines a vector?

A vector is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction.

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

What do the points P and Q represent in vector notation?

Point P is the initial point (origin) and point Q is the terminal point (endpoint).

Projection of Vectors

How is the projection of vector A onto vector u defined mathematically?

proj u A = (u · A / ‖u‖²) u.

Projection of Vectors

What is the first step to calculate proj v u?

Calculate the dot product v · u.

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

What is the zero vector?

The vector with length zero, written as 〈0, 0, 0〉, denoted by 0, with an arbitrary direction.

Component Form of Vectors

How do you find the component form of the vector from point P to point Q?

→PQ = Q - P

Angle Between Two Vectors

What condition indicates that two vectors ~u and ~v are orthogonal?

The angle between them is π/2, which means ~u · ~v = 0.

Vector Subtraction

How can vector subtraction be performed using addition?

By adding the opposite of the second vector to the first vector: ~a - ~b = ~a + (-1 ~b).

Component Form of Vectors

What is the component form of a vector in the plane?

If ~v has its initial point at the origin and terminal point at (v1, v2), then ~v = ⟨v1, v2⟩.

Vector Addition and Properties

What is the result of adding two vectors ~a and ~b?

The result is ~a + ~b, which can also be represented as ~b + ~a due to the commutative property.

Projection of Vectors

Given vectors u = 2i - j + 3k and v = i + 2j + k, what is proj v u?

proj v u = (v · u / ‖v‖²) v.

Component Form of Vectors

How is a vector from the origin to a point in two dimensions represented?

It is written as ~v = ⟨v1, v1⟩.

Scalar Multiplication of Vectors

What is the formula for the magnitude of a scalar multiplied by a vector?

||α~u|| = |α| ||~u||

Angle Between Two Vectors

How can the cosine of the angle between two vectors be expressed?

cos θ = ~u · ~v / (||~u|| ||~v||).

Vector Subtraction

How can you express vector subtraction mathematically?

The difference of vectors ~a and ~b is given by ~a - ~b = (a1 - b1)e1 + (a2 - b2)e2 + (a3 - b3)e3.

Vector Addition and Properties

In the example provided, are the vectors ~a = ⟨2, -4, 1⟩ and ~b = ⟨-6, 12, -3⟩ parallel?

Yes, because ~b = -3 ~a.

Component Form of Vectors

What are the standard basis vectors in three-dimensional space?

They are e1 = i = 〈1, 0, 0〉, e2 = j = 〈0, 1, 0〉, and e3 = k = 〈0, 0, 1〉.

Projection of Vectors

What is the significance of the angle between vectors when discussing projections?

It determines whether the projection is acute or obtuse.

Vector Addition and Properties

How is the sum of two vectors ~a and ~b defined?

The sum is given by ~a + ~b = ⟨a1 + b1, a2 + b2, a3 + b3⟩.

Component Form of Vectors

What is the component form of the vector from P = (3, -7, 1) to Q = (-2, 5, 3)?

→PQ = ⟨-5, 12, 2⟩

Angle Between Two Vectors

What can be inferred if the dot product of two non-zero vectors is zero?

The vectors are orthogonal.

Angle Between Two Vectors

What is the condition for the angle θ if it is a right angle?

Then ~u · ~v = 0.

Scalar Multiplication of Vectors

What is the scalar multiplication property of vectors?

(αβ) ~v = α (β ~v).

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

What is a unit vector?

A vector with a length or magnitude of one, used to indicate direction, often denoted with a hat (ˆu).

Angle Between Two Vectors

What is the relationship between the angle θ and the dot product of two non-zero vectors ~u and ~v?

If θ is the angle between two non-zero vectors ~u and ~v, then ~u · ~v = ||~u|| ||~v|| cos θ.

Vector Addition and Properties

Under what condition are two vectors considered parallel?

If one vector is a scalar multiple of the other.

Angle Between Two Vectors

What does it mean if the angle θ between two vectors is obtuse?

Then ~u · ~v < 0.

Projection of Vectors

What does the projection of a vector represent in geometric terms?

It represents the shadow of the vector on the line containing another vector.

Vector Addition and Properties

What graphical method is used to represent vector addition?

Place the tail of vector ~b at the head of vector ~a and draw an arrow from the tail of ~a to the head of ~b.

Magnitude and Norm of Vectors

How do you calculate the magnitude of the vector from P to Q?

||→PQ|| = √((-5)² + (12)² + (2)²) = √173

Angle Between Two Vectors

What does it mean if the angle θ between two vectors is acute?

Then ~u · ~v > 0.

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

How is the magnitude of a vector represented in a diagram?

By the length of the arrow, which is proportional to the vector's magnitude.

Component Form of Vectors

What is the general form of a vector in n-dimensional Euclidean space?

The vector is represented as ~a = ⟨a1, a2, a3, ..., an-1, an⟩.

Dot Product of Vectors

What is the commutative property of the dot product?

The property states that ~u · ~v = ~v · ~u.

Dot Product of Vectors

What does the zero vector dot with any vector equal?

0 · ~u = 0.

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

How are vectors typically denoted?

By lowercase boldface letters, such as a or ~a.

Component Form of Vectors

How is a vector in three-dimensional space represented?

If ~u has its initial point at the origin and terminal point at (u1, u2, u3), it is represented accordingly.

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

What are scalars?

Quantities that can be described by magnitude only, such as mass, length, and speed.

Vector Subtraction

What is the geometric interpretation of vector subtraction?

It can be visualized by placing the tails of both vectors at the same point and drawing an arrow from the head of ~b to the head of ~a.

Definition of Scalars and Vectors

What is an alternative definition of a vector?

A directed line segment that has an initial and terminal point.

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