At the end of each chapter with a selection of key texts, websites, and further resources.
A collection of texts (usually on computer) designed for a specific purpose and compiled according to predetermined criteria.
Vocabulary and subject-specific terminology, as well as grammatical features.
A course for medical students.
To help English learners develop the skills they need to study through the medium of English.
She reads recommended books and asks students to suggest texts they find difficult.
They concluded that the texts analyzed are not typical academic texts.
Due to the specialized nature of much of EAP.
Contains long and unfamiliar words, often abstract, with footnotes and references.
His time spent teaching English to groups with practical needs led him to develop approaches which became the cornerstones of EAP.
Consolidate and apply what they have learned.
Simply turn to the others.
For readers from many different backgrounds.
BALEAP is an important membership organization for EAP practitioners, providing information about conferences, events, and resources.
Perspective on how their teaching situation fits into the big picture.
Whether all teaching has to be ESAP teaching or if it is a matter of convenience and cost-effectiveness to have multidisciplinary student groups.
Reading is not just about learning lists of terminology; knowledge of discourse structure and skills training are important.
It is more specific and tailored to academic contexts.
There is a close and direct relationship.
To gain direct insight into the ways scholars across the university work and the kinds of knowledge they value.
Enables generalizations to be made about the linguistic features of EAP which are founded on reliable empirical data.
By becoming familiar with typical disciplinary texts and processes, and collecting information about specific requirements that affect the teaching of EAP.
The needs of learners.
Materials development, teaching, and research.
Hyland (2000) compared the linguistic features that construct an expert identity in a corpus of textbooks selected from eight different disciplines.
To support students, teachers, and researchers who use English for academic work, even though it is not their first language.
It enables them to understand the choices made when the courses were designed.
The ways in which courses are assessed.
To help consolidate what the reader has learned.
The use of specialized vocabulary and language features specific to academic contexts.
Analyzing the rhetorical structure of key academic genres and identifying the rhetorical moves and steps of a genre.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a field that focuses on teaching English for specialized purposes such as nursing, aviation, and chemical engineering.
Extremely varied contexts.
Twelve chapters, each focusing on a different area of EAP.
A brief orientation to the book to help find the best ways to use it for professional development.
Ädel (2014) conducted a study which combined local linguistic features with generic structure, looking at anticipatory 'it' constructions in a corpus of learner writing.
University, private language schools, secondary school level, and other settings.
It is about tendencies and relative frequency of word usage, not absolute differences.
It emerged because traditional methods of teaching English were not meeting the demands of English learners who had specific vocational and professional needs.
Materials development, teaching, and research.
Examples include English for nursing, English for aviation, and English for chemical engineering.
The close relationship between academic discourse and the ways knowledge is created in academic communities.
Fan's adaptation to focus on what is most relevant to the students' needs and being selective about textbook content.
It provides an excellent set of readings and commentaries which give more detail on many EAP topics.
Disciplinary knowledge.
Extremely effective course delivery.
It plays a more central role in EAP and ESP generally than in general English teaching.
Should they help students fit in with institutional requirements or change the institutions?
Fan's initial challenge in understanding the students' motivation and interest in English literature.
The journal 'English for Specific Purposes' and its special interest group's web page provide resources and content with an EAP focus.
Accurate grammatical and word choices, appropriate use of language, and the ability to predict reader needs.
The advantages include smooth and swift dissemination of academic knowledge, while the disadvantages include marginalization of scholars and decline in the use of other languages for academic purposes.
They differ substantially.
EAP can be regarded as one specific strand within ESP, focusing on the English needed for academic purposes.
Research in EAP has taken disciplinary difference into account by conducting comparative studies and focusing on single disciplines in a case-study approach.
Do you expect to teach English for General Academic Purposes or English for Specific Academic Purposes in your context?
Which type of English would you prefer to teach, EGAP or ESAP?
English used as a means of communication between speakers who do not share a first language.
The relationship of EAP to other areas of English language teaching, the activities of the EAP practitioner, the nature of academic English, and the issues and concepts EAP practitioners engage with.
EGAP refers to English for General Academic Purposes, while ESAP refers to English for Specific Academic Purposes, which is tailored to a particular discipline or group of disciplines.
A course of study leading to a degree or other qualification.
The scope of EAP is detailed in Chapters 4 and 7 of the book, while Chapters 9–11 review key academic genres.
Research on linguistic form, genre, and discipline would be necessary to develop appropriate materials for the students.
Felipe's challenge in including supplementary material due to parental complaints.
They can be carried out as in-class activities or as homework, and they range from short exercises to extensive writing or speaking assignments.
Good level of support, as the course is assessed as part of the students' degree.
It can affect them positively by facilitating smooth and swift dissemination of academic knowledge, or negatively by marginalizing scholars and causing a decline in the use of other languages for academic purposes.
A specific class or module.
To cater to the varied needs of different groups of EAP students.
The research results are intended to inform both teaching practice and materials development.
Academic discipline is dealt with most directly in Chapter 7, but it is a thread which runs through many of the other chapters as well.
The unit has a good reputation at one of the top universities in his country.
It implies that students should fit in with the status quo and that it is the job of EAP instructors to help them do this.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
No, there is a continuum between them.
It is a daunting prospect, but discovering other disciplines, finding out how they use language and applying this knowledge to support students is one of the most interesting and rewarding aspects of work in EAP.
Lectures, textbooks, writing assignments.
Insight into the ways scholars across the university work, the kinds of knowledge they value, and the ultimate purpose of their disciplines.
Research on linguistic form, genre, and discipline would be necessary to develop appropriate materials for the students.
Research on linguistic form, genre, and discipline would be necessary to develop appropriate materials for the students.
Relationships between students, subject specialists, and the EAP practitioner.
Which type of English do you think is more valuable for your students, EGAP or ESAP?
Fan's experience teaching EAP in a university with an emphasis on science and technology.
Provide an example of something that could be improved in your context.
Felipe's experience teaching an evening class in a language school, focused on preparing students for entry examinations.
Ahmad's experience as a new member of a large EAP unit at a top university in his country.
Oral presentations, written reports, group assignments, discussion forum postings.