What did Emperor Zara-Yaqob encourage the clergy to do?
Preach Christianity in remote areas.
Who led the anti-Ewostatewos group supported by the monarch?
The Abbot of the Hayq Monastery, Aqabe-Se'at Sereqe-Birhan.
Evangelization and Religious Movements

What did Emperor Zara-Yaqob encourage the clergy to do?

Preach Christianity in remote areas.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

Who led the anti-Ewostatewos group supported by the monarch?

The Abbot of the Hayq Monastery, Aqabe-Se'at Sereqe-Birhan.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

Who was the founder of the Estifanosites movement?

Abba Estifanos.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What led to the rivalry between the 'Solomonic' Kingdom and the Sultanate of Ifat?

The ambition to control the Zeila trade route.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What actions did Sultan Haqaddin I take against the Christian Kingdom?

He stopped Christian merchants and confiscated their goods.

Trade and Economic Interactions

How did ecological differences between the Muslim Sultanates and the Christian Kingdom affect their relations?

They created economic interdependence, strengthening socio-economic bonds.

Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

What was the outcome of the battle between Emperor Zara Yaqob and Sultan Ahmed Badlay in 1445?

Zara Yaqob defeated Sultan Ahmed Badlay.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

Where did Ewostatewos establish his monastic community?

In Sara'e, present-day Eritrea.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was the earliest known message to Ethiopia from a European monarch?

A letter from King Henry IV of England dated 1400 A.D.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

Who received a delegation from Yishaq in Valentia in 1427?

Alphonso de Paiva V of Aragon.

Consolidation and Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

Who was the first 'Solomonic' King and what was his policy?

Amde-Tsion, who embarked on a policy of wider and rapid territorial expansion.

Consolidation and Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

What territories did Amde-Tsion expand into during his reign?

Agaw (Awi) of Gojjam, Bizamo, Damot, Bete-Israel, and the Red Sea Coast.

Trade and Economic Interactions

What tribute did Amde-Tsion require from Ifat, Fatagar, and Dawaro?

Annual tributes and freedom of movement for caravans through Zeila.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What action did Amde-Tsion take in response to the persecution of Copts in Cairo?

He demanded the restoration of churches and warned of Nile water diversion.

Numeral Systems in Ethiopia

How does the Geʽez numeral system compare to other numeral systems?

It is comparable to Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek numerals but lacks individual characters for multiples of 100.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

In what year did an Ethiopian delegation attend Gian Galeazzo Visconti's coronation in Milan?


Political Dynamics of Muslim Sultanates

Which Muslim sultanate became a center of resistance against the Christian Kingdom?

The Sultanate of Adal.

Political Dynamics of Muslim Sultanates

What led to the establishment of the Sultanate of Adal in 1367?

The Walasma family moved to the southeastern lowlands to avoid becoming an easy target for the Christian Kingdom.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What significant maps provide evidence of Ethio-Europe links?

Egyptus Novelo (c. 1454) and Fra Mauro's Mappomondo (1460).

Ethiopic and Gregorian Calendars

What is the gap in years between the Ethiopic and Gregorian calendars?

7 – 8 years.

Ethiopic and Gregorian Calendars

When does 1 Meskerem/Enkutatash fall on September 12?

In years before the Gregorian leap year.

Islamic Calendar and Historical Context

What do the abbreviations AH and BH stand for in the Islamic calendar?

AH stands for 'After Hijra' and BH stands for 'Before Hijra'.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

How did Emperor Zara-Yaqob address the conflict among Ethiopian clergy?

He created a suitable church-state union and made peace with the House of Ewostatewos.

Trade and Economic Interactions

What role did trade play in the emergence of Muslim sultanates in Ethiopia?

It served as a major source of livelihood and was a key factor in their rise and development.

Trade and Economic Interactions

Which market town was largely inhabited by Muslim and Christian merchants?


Political Dynamics of Muslim Sultanates

Who attempted to harmonize relations between the Christian Kingdom and the Muslim Sultanates?

Mohammad ibn Azhar ad-Din (1488-1518).

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

Who took over leadership after Emir Mahfuz's death?

Imam Ahmed ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, popularly known as Ahmed Gragn.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

How did the territorial expansion of Amde-Tsion impact Christianity?

It set an additional momentum for the spread of Christianity.

Islamic Calendar and Historical Context

What year does the Islamic calendar employ as its starting point?

622 AD, the year of the Hijra.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was the outcome of Zara-Yaqob's letter to Sultan Jaqmaq regarding the church of Mitmaq?

Jaqmaq sent gifts but rejected the reconstruction of the church.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

What was one of the key teachings of Ewostatewos?

The strict observance of the Sabbath.

Consolidation and Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

What was the capital situation of the medieval monarchs from 1270 until 1636?

They had no permanent capital.

Consolidation and Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

Who was Yikuno-Amlak and what did he do?

He consolidated his authority throughout the empire and subdued Ifat.

Trade and Economic Interactions

What was the main trade outlet for the Muslim Sultanates during the 13th to 16th centuries?


Trade and Economic Interactions

What role did trade play between the Christian Kingdom and Muslim principalities?

Trade was a major channel of social integration and interaction.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What happened to the Muslim Sultanates after the decline of Ifat?

They were seriously weakened, leading to the relocation of some Walasma members to Adal.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What happened after the death of Mohammed Ahmed in relation to Adal?

Adal continued to challenge the Christian state despite initial successes.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What political instability occurred after the reign of Yikuno-Amlak?

Constant power struggles among his sons and grandsons for succession.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What practice was followed when a monarch died in the Christian Kingdom?

Court dignitaries would send an army to escort the designated successor to the throne.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was the purpose of King Dawit's first delegation to Europe in 1402?

To establish relations and seek support.

Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

What was the significance of Zeila during the medieval period?

It was the main outlet to the sea.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What significant military action did Emir Mahfuz undertake?

He carried out effective military campaigns into the highlands.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

What role did Abune Tekle-Haymanot play in the spread of Christianity?

He revived Christianity in Shewa and evangelized southern Ethiopia.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

What literary developments occurred during this period?

Flourishing of Geez literature and works by Arab writers.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What was established at Amba-Gishen to resolve the succession problem?

A 'royal prison' where all male members of the royal family were confined.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

What significant religious movement emerged in the mid-thirteenth century in Ethiopia?

The Ewostatewos Movement.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

What happened to the Ewostatewos Movement after Ewostatewos fled to Egypt?

The movement weakened, although followers tried to maintain its momentum.

Political Dynamics of Muslim Sultanates

What was the original center of the Walasma Dynasty before establishing the Sultanate of Adal?


Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What conflict did Abba Estifanos have with Emperor Zara-Yaqob?

He disapproved of the Emperor's religious initiatives and rejected royal authority in spiritual matters.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

When did the first recorded conflict between the Christian Kingdom and Ifat occur?

In 1328.

Ethiopic and Gregorian Calendars

What is the first day of the Ethiopic year, 1 Meskerem/Enkutatash, usually equivalent to in the Gregorian calendar?

September 11.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was the primary character of relations between the Christian Kingdom and Egypt from the late thirteenth century?

Mainly religious in character.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What legend influenced relations between the Christian Kingdom and Christian Europe during the medieval period?

The legend of 'Prester John'.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What was the significance of Amba-Gishen in 1540?

It was destroyed by Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Ghazi's force.

Consolidation and Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

Where was the initial center of the restored dynasty located?

In medieval Amhara, around Lake Haiq.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

How did Islam spread into central and southwestern Ethiopia?

Through Muslim merchants and Muslim preachers.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

Who played a crucial role in strengthening relations between the Christian Kingdom and Christian Europe?

Queen Elleni.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was the objective of the Portuguese Embassy that reached Ethiopia in 1520?

To establish a naval port against the expanding Turkish power.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

Who was Haqadin II and what was his fate?

He was a successor who rebelled against Neway-Maryam and died fighting in 1386.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

Which Ethiopian monarch sent a message to King Phillip of France in 1332?


Evangelization and Religious Movements

What was the Estifanosites movement known for?

Emphasizing poverty, self-subsistence, equality, and independence from secular authorities.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was the mission of Pietro Rombulo sent by King Zara-Yaqob?

To seek political, military, and technical assistance.

Consolidation and Territorial Expansion of the Christian Kingdom

What were Amde-Tsion's main motives for territorial expansion?

Economic and political motives to control trade routes and seize territories.

Power Struggles and Succession Issues

What were the consequences of Amde-Tsion's campaign against Ifat in 1332?

He defeated Sultan Haqaddin I and replaced him with his brother Sabradin.

Islamic Calendar and Historical Context

What type of calendar is the Islamic calendar?

A lunar calendar consisting of 12 lunar months.

Numeral Systems in Ethiopia

When did numerals first appear in Ethiopia?

At the beginning of the fourth century AD.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

What was one of the measures taken by Emperor Zara-Yaqob to promote religious literature?

He encouraged the establishment of a library in every church.

Trade and Economic Interactions

What towns served the Zeila trade route?

Weez-Gebeya, Suq-Wayzaro, Suq-Amaja, and Gandabalo.

Political Dynamics of Muslim Sultanates

What was the nature of the relations between the successors of Ba'ede-Mariam and the Muslim Sultanates?

The successors proved weak in their dealings, while Muslim leaders sought peaceful resolutions.

Evangelization and Religious Movements

What was the outcome for the Estifanosites during the reign of Naod?

They were reintegrated into the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was Queen Elleni's concern regarding the Ottoman Turks?

Their support for the Muslim Sultanates.

External Relations with Egypt and Europe

What was the significance of the piece of the 'True Cross' sent by the Sultan to King Dawit?

It symbolized harmonious relations between King Dawit and Egypt.

Solomonic Dynasty and Historical Claims

What is the Kibre Negest?

A text that claims the Ethiopian ruling class descended from Menilek I, son of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon.

Solomonic Dynasty and Historical Claims

What is the claim of the Solomonic Dynasty regarding their lineage?

They claimed descent from the last king of Aksum, Dil Naod, and from King Solomon of Israel.

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