What is the goal of a Process?
The goal of a Process is to serve as a unit of execution and allocation within a computing environment.
What does Virtual Machine abstraction provide to a Process?
Virtual Machine abstraction provides a process with the illusion that it owns the entire machine, including CPU, Memory, and IO device multiplexing.
Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is the goal of a Process?

The goal of a Process is to serve as a unit of execution and allocation within a computing environment.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What does Virtual Machine abstraction provide to a Process?

Virtual Machine abstraction provides a process with the illusion that it owns the entire machine, including CPU, Memory, and IO device multiplexing.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

Why is Process creation and switching considered expensive?

Process creation and switching are considered expensive due to the overhead involved in allocating resources and managing state.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is the challenge associated with Threads?

The challenge associated with Threads is to decouple allocation and execution, allowing multiple threads to run within the same process.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is a Process Memory?

The memory allocated to a process, which includes its code, data, stack, and heap segments.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Thread Control Block (TCB)?

The Thread Control Block (TCB) is a data structure that contains information about a thread, including its CPU registers, execution stack, and private state.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a structure that holds parameters, temporary variables, and return program counters while procedures are executing.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the shared state in a thread?

The shared state in a thread includes the content of memory such as global variables and heap, as well as I/O state like file system and network connections.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the private state of a thread?

The private state of a thread is specific to that thread and is kept in the Thread Control Block (TCB), including CPU registers and the execution stack.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is Multiprogramming?

Multiprogramming is the ability to run multiple applications concurrently on a system.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What is the significance of scheduling in thread execution?

Scheduling is less critical when threads operate on separate data, but it becomes important when threads share data, as it can affect the final values of shared variables.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments and return addresses, allowing for recursive execution and is crucial to modern programming languages.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is a Ready Queue?

A Ready Queue is a scheduler queue where threads that are not currently running are placed, waiting for CPU time.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does PCB point to in a multithreaded process?

In a multithreaded process, the Process Control Block (PCB) points to multiple Thread Control Blocks (TCBs), each representing a different thread within the process.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments, return addresses, and permits recursive execution, playing a crucial role in modern programming languages.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does 'CreateThread' do?

Start independent thread running given procedure.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the behavior of a single-threaded program in the given example?

The program would never print out the class list because the ComputePI function would never finish executing.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What is the switch overhead in process management?

Switch overhead refers to the time and resources required to switch the CPU from one process to another, which is high due to the need to save and restore CPU state and manage memory/IO states.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

Why does the ComputePI function prevent the class list from being printed in a single-threaded program?

Because the ComputePI function runs to completion before the PrintClassList function can execute, and if ComputePI does not finish, PrintClassList will not be called.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the thread creation overhead?

The thread creation overhead is low, meaning that creating new threads does not require significant resources.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What does it mean to not hand out too much money in the context of the ATM server problem?

It means ensuring that the total amount of money dispensed does not exceed the available balance in the account or the ATM's cash reserves.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What does the Deposit function illustrate in terms of thread operations?

The Deposit function illustrates how a thread can perform operations that may involve blocking I/O, such as retrieving and storing account information, while ensuring that the operations are completed in a controlled manner.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What role do function arguments play in the Execution Stack?

Function arguments are stored in the Execution Stack to provide the necessary data for function execution and to manage the flow of control during function calls.

Preemptive Multithreading and Scheduling

What does the run_new_thread function do?

It is called within the Timer Interrupt routine to switch execution to a new thread.

Preemptive Multithreading and Scheduling

What problem does preemptive multithreading solve?

It addresses the issue of a user not inserting yield() calls, ensuring that threads can be preempted for better scheduling.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is the significance of a Sequential stream of instructions?

It represents the ordered execution of instructions in a program, which is crucial for process execution.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program, including function calls, local variables, and control flow.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What type of protection is provided for CPU in a multi-core system?

Protection for CPU is provided.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What are the ways the dispatcher can regain control from a thread?

The dispatcher can regain control from a thread through internal events, where the thread returns control voluntarily, or through external events, where the thread gets preempted.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What are the possible values of x when Thread A and Thread B execute concurrently?

The possible values of x can vary based on the order of execution, with one possible outcome being x = 13.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What happens when Thread A and Thread B access shared variable y?

When both threads access and modify the shared variable y, the final value of x can depend on the sequence of operations performed by each thread.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What are I/O Device Queues?

I/O Device Queues are separate queues for each device, signal, or condition, where threads wait for I/O operations to complete.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is the Memory Footprint in a Two-Thread Example?

The Memory Footprint in a Two-Thread Example includes two sets of CPU registers and two sets of stacks, which are part of the program's address space.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the Stack Pointer do?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack in memory, indicating where the next data can be pushed or popped.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the function run_new_thread() used for?

The function run_new_thread() is used to initiate a new thread by selecting it and switching the context from the current thread to the new thread.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What is required when switching threads across blocks?

Switching threads across blocks requires changes to memory and I/O address tables, making it more complex than switching within a block.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A(int tmp) checks if tmp is less than 2; if true, it calls function B() and then prints the value of tmp.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments and return addresses, allowing for recursive execution and is crucial to modern programming languages.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the thread creation overhead in a multi-core system?

The thread creation overhead is low.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What scheduling information is stored in a TCB?

The scheduling information stored in a TCB includes the thread's state, priority, and CPU time.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does recursive execution mean in the context of the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution refers to the ability of a function to call itself, which is managed by the Execution Stack to keep track of multiple instances of the function.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What is the problem with unbounded threads in web servers?

Unbounded threads can lead to decreased throughput when a website becomes too popular, as the system may become overwhelmed with too many concurrent threads.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

How does the OS keep track of TCBs?

The OS keeps track of TCBs in protected memory, typically organized in an array or linked list.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the Stack Pointer do?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack frame, helping to manage the stack's growth and access function arguments and return addresses.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What does it mean to wait on a signal from another thread?

It refers to a thread asking to wait for a signal from another thread, which results in yielding the CPU.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What are Ready Queues?

Ready Queues are scheduler queues where threads that are not currently running are placed, indicating that they are in a 'ready' state and waiting for CPU time.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Dispatch Loop in the context of an operating system?

The Dispatch Loop is the core of the operating system that continuously runs threads, chooses the next thread to execute, saves the state of the current thread control block (TCB), and loads the state of the new TCB in an infinite loop.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is the behavior of using threads in the provided program?

It behaves as if there are two separate CPUs, allowing concurrent execution of tasks.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the process to run a thread?

To run a thread, you need to load its state (registers, stack pointer) into the CPU, load the environment (such as virtual memory space), and then jump to the program counter (PC).

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What is the significance of scheduling in thread execution?

Most of the time, threads work on separate data, making scheduling less critical. However, when threads share data, scheduling can lead to different outcomes based on the order of execution.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What is the significance of scheduling in thread execution?

Most of the time, threads work on separate data, making scheduling less critical; however, when threads share data, scheduling can lead to different outcomes.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the ATM server problem?

The ATM server problem involves servicing a set of requests while ensuring that the database remains uncorrupted and that excessive amounts of money are not dispensed.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the purpose of using one thread per request?

Using one thread per request allows each request to proceed to completion while blocking as required, ensuring that operations like account deposits can be handled sequentially without interference.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the switch overhead in thread management?

The switch overhead in thread management is low, as it only involves saving and restoring the CPU state.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is a Multithreaded Process?

A multithreaded process is a process that contains multiple threads of execution, allowing for concurrent operations within the same process space.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What are the possible values of x when threads A and B manipulate shared data?

The possible values of x can vary based on the execution order of the threads. For example, if Thread A executes first, x could be 5, depending on the value of y.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What are concurrent threads?

Concurrent threads are a useful abstraction that allows for the transparent overlapping of computation and I/O, as well as the use of parallel processing when available.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

Why is it important not to corrupt the database in the ATM server problem?

Corrupting the database can lead to inaccurate account balances, unauthorized transactions, and loss of trust in the banking system.

Preemptive Multithreading and Scheduling

What is Preemptive Multithreading?

A scheduling method that uses timer interrupts to force scheduling decisions, allowing threads to be preempted for better scheduling.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What are the possible values of x when threads A and B manipulate shared data?

The possible values of x can vary based on the order of execution of the threads, leading to different outcomes depending on how the threads are scheduled.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What is a potential issue with shared state in multithreading?

A potential issue with shared state in multithreading is that it can get corrupted when multiple threads access and modify the same data concurrently, leading to inconsistent results.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of recursive execution in the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution allows a function to call itself, which is facilitated by the Execution Stack maintaining separate instances of function arguments and return addresses.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program, including local variables and return addresses.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is the process creation overhead?

Process creation overhead is the high cost associated with creating a new process, which involves allocating resources and initializing the process state.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments and return addresses, allowing for recursive execution and is crucial to modern programming languages.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What does protection mean in the context of CPU and memory/IO?

Protection refers to the mechanisms in place to ensure that processes cannot interfere with each other's CPU and memory/IO states, ensuring system stability and security.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is a Thread Control Block (TCB)?

A Thread Control Block (TCB) is a data structure that contains information about a thread's execution state, scheduling information, various pointers for scheduling queues, and a pointer to the enclosing process (PCB).

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What are the considerations for positioning stacks relative to each other?

Positioning stacks relative to each other involves ensuring that they do not overlap and are allocated in a way that optimizes memory usage and access speed.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

How does the Execution Stack relate to modern programming languages?

The Execution Stack is crucial to modern programming languages as it enables function calls, recursion, and the management of execution flow.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the 'new' state in the lifecycle of a thread?

The 'new' state indicates that the thread is being created.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is an Interrupt Controller?

An Interrupt Controller is a device that manages interrupt requests from various hardware devices, determining which request to honor based on priority and masking settings.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the purpose of ThreadHouseKeeping()?

ThreadHouseKeeping() is responsible for deallocating finished threads to free up resources.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What happens if threads violate stack size limits?

If threads violate stack size limits, it can lead to stack overflow, causing crashes or unpredictable behavior in the program.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the output of the given execution stack example?

The output of the execution stack example is 2.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does function C() do?

Function C calls function A with the argument 2, which does not trigger the call to B() since 2 is not less than 2.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

How might you catch violations of stack size limits?

Violations of stack size limits can be caught using debugging tools, runtime checks, or by implementing guard pages that trigger exceptions when exceeded.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What type of protection is provided for Memory/IO in a multi-core system?

There is no protection for Memory/IO.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What does the 'waiting' state mean for a thread?

The 'waiting' state means the thread is waiting for some event to occur.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A(int tmp) checks if the input 'tmp' is less than 2; if true, it calls function B() and then prints the value of 'tmp'.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What is the significance of the working set in context switching?

The working set is the subset of memory used by a process in a time window, and context switch time increases sharply with the size of the working set, potentially increasing by 100 times or more.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What happens if too many requests come in at once in a threaded web server?

The server may become overwhelmed, leading to potential delays or failures in processing requests.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of recursive execution in the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution allows a function to call itself, which is managed by the Execution Stack to keep track of multiple instances of the function's parameters and return addresses.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the term 'Stack Growth' refer to?

Stack Growth refers to the dynamic increase in the size of the stack as new function calls are made, allowing for additional function arguments and return addresses to be stored.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is Hyper-Threading?

Hyper-Threading is a technology that allows a single CPU core to act as two logical processors, enabling it to handle multiple threads simultaneously.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

How does cooperating threads contribute to speedup?

Cooperating threads enable the overlap of I/O operations and computation, allowing for better utilization of multiprocessors and the division of programs into parallel pieces for faster execution.

Preemptive Multithreading and Scheduling

What is the purpose of the Timer Interrupt routine?

To perform periodic housekeeping tasks and to initiate the switching to a new thread.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is involved in switching threads within a block?

Switching threads within a block is a simple thread switch that does not require significant changes to memory or I/O address tables.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments and return addresses, allowing for recursive execution and is crucial to modern programming languages.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What happens during the switch operation between threads S and T?

During the switch operation, the program counter (PC), registers, and stack pointer of thread S are unloaded, and those of thread T are loaded, allowing thread T to resume execution.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What is the switch overhead in a multi-core system?

The switch overhead is low, as it only involves the CPU state.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is Stack Growth?

Stack Growth refers to the direction in which the stack expands in memory, typically growing downwards from higher to lower memory addresses.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What does the dispatcher do when switching to a new thread?

The dispatcher saves the program counter (PC), registers, and stack pointer (SP) to prevent the next thread from overwriting them, ensuring isolation for each thread.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of recursive execution in the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution allows a function to call itself, which is managed by the Execution Stack to keep track of multiple function calls and their respective states.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What is a Thread Pool?

A Thread Pool is a bounded collection of threads that are allocated to handle multiple tasks, preventing the creation of unbounded threads that can degrade performance when demand increases.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the Stack Pointer?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the stack, indicating where the next function call's data will be stored.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the role of function B() in the execution stack?

Function B calls function C(), which in turn calls function A with a different argument, creating a chain of function calls.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is the function of a Mask in an Interrupt Controller?

The Mask in an Interrupt Controller enables or disables specific interrupts, allowing the system to control which interrupts can be processed.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does recursive execution mean in the context of the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution refers to the ability of a function to call itself, which is managed by the Execution Stack to keep track of multiple instances of the function.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A checks if the input parameter tmp is less than 2; if true, it calls function B and then prints the value of tmp.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program, including local variables, return addresses, and control flow.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function C() is called?

When function C() is called, it invokes function A(2), which may lead to further recursive calls depending on the value of the argument.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What are the two types of stacks mentioned in thread switching?

The two types of stacks mentioned are the User Stack and the Kernel Stack, which are used to maintain the execution context of threads.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What is the advantage of using a multithreaded version of a web server?

It can share file caches kept in memory and results of CGI scripts, and threads are cheaper to create than processes, resulting in lower per-request overhead.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A(int tmp) checks if the input 'tmp' is less than 2; if true, it calls function B() and then prints the value of 'tmp'.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is Stack Growth?

Stack Growth refers to the direction in which the stack expands in memory, typically growing downwards from higher to lower memory addresses.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What is the purpose of the queue in a Thread Pool?

The queue in a Thread Pool is used to manage incoming connections, allowing threads to service requests in an organized manner and ensuring efficient use of resources.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the output of the execution of A(1)?

The output is '2 1', as function A is called with 1, which leads to function B and then function C, which calls A with 2, printing 2 before returning to print 1.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What happens to a finished thread in the context of thread management?

A finished thread is moved to an 'exit/terminated' state and is not killed immediately; instead, it is managed by the ThreadHouseKeeping() function, which deallocates finished threads.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What problems do concurrent threads introduce when accessing shared data?

Concurrent threads can lead to issues such as programs being insensitive to arbitrary interleavings and shared variables becoming completely inconsistent without careful design.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What does I/O State refer to in a process?

The current status of input/output operations, including contexts for files and sockets.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A checks if the input 'tmp' is less than 2; if true, it calls function B and then prints the value of 'tmp'.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the sharing overhead in process management?

Sharing overhead is the high cost associated with sharing resources among processes, which typically involves at least one context switch.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What information is included in the execution state of a TCB?

The execution state of a TCB includes CPU registers, the program counter (PC), and a pointer to the stack (SP).

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is the purpose of the BankServer process in an ATM network?

The BankServer process handles requests from an ATM network by continuously receiving and processing requests in a loop.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the Stack Pointer?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack frame, facilitating the management of function calls and local variables.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What does the while(TRUE) loop in proc B() signify?

The while(TRUE) loop in proc B() signifies that the thread will run indefinitely, repeatedly yielding control to allow other threads to execute.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of recursive execution in the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution allows a function to call itself, which is facilitated by the Execution Stack managing multiple instances of function calls and their respective states.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does recursive execution mean in the context of the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution refers to the ability of a function to call itself, which is managed by the Execution Stack to keep track of multiple instances of the function.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What occurs during the 'running' state of a thread?

During the 'running' state, instructions are being executed.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

How does the Deposit function interact with account data?

The Deposit function retrieves the account using the account ID, updates the balance by adding the specified amount, and then stores the updated account information, which may involve disk I/O.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments and return addresses, allowing for recursive execution and is crucial to modern programming languages.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is Stack Growth?

Stack Growth refers to the direction in which the stack expands in memory, typically growing downwards from higher to lower memory addresses.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What is one way to speed up the processing of requests in the BankServer?

One way to speed up processing is to handle more than one request at once by using multiple threads, allowing for concurrent processing of requests and overlapping computation with I/O operations.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A(int tmp) checks if tmp is less than 2; if true, it calls function B(), otherwise, it prints the value of tmp.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does function C() do?

Function C calls function A with the argument 2, which does not trigger the call to B since 2 is not less than 2.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

How does thread switching compare to process switching?

Thread switching is only slightly faster than process switching, with a time difference of about 100 nanoseconds.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does recursive execution mean in the context of the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution refers to the ability of a function to call itself, which is supported by the Execution Stack through the management of multiple function calls and their respective states.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

How are TCBs organized in relation to thread states?

TCBs are organized into queues based on their state.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is the significance of CPU scheduling in relation to threads?

CPU scheduling is the process by which the operating system decides which thread to execute at any given time, optimizing CPU utilization and performance.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What does 'switch overhead between hardware-threads' refer to?

Switch overhead between hardware-threads refers to the minimal performance cost associated with switching execution between threads on a CPU, which is managed in hardware for efficiency.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the purpose of the yield() function in thread B?

The yield() function allows the current thread to voluntarily relinquish control of the CPU, enabling other threads to run.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What type of protection does the CPU provide in thread management?

The CPU provides protection in terms of CPU state, but not for memory and I/O.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments, return addresses, and permits recursive execution, playing a crucial role in modern programming languages.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program, including local variables and return addresses.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A(int tmp) checks if tmp is less than 2, and if so, it calls function B() and then prints the value of tmp.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is CPU State in the context of a process?

The current values of the program counter (PC), stack pointer (SP), and registers that define the execution state of a process.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A checks if the input 'tmp' is less than 2; if true, it calls function B, then prints the value of 'tmp'.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program, including local variables and return addresses.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the Stack Pointer do?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack frame, facilitating the management of function calls and local variables.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the Stack Pointer do?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack in memory, indicating where the next data will be pushed or popped.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function C() is called?

When function C() is called, it invokes function A(2), which may lead to further recursive calls depending on the value of the argument.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What is a Threaded Web Server?

A server that uses multiple threads to handle incoming requests concurrently, allowing for efficient processing and resource sharing.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function C() is called?

When function C() is called, it invokes function A(2), which is part of the recursive execution process managed by the Execution Stack.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the output of the execution stack example?

The output of the execution stack example is 2, which is printed by function A when called with the argument 2.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI)?

A Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is a type of interrupt that cannot be disabled by the CPU, ensuring that critical events are always processed.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments and return addresses, allowing for recursive execution and is crucial to modern programming languages.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the Stack Pointer?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack frame, facilitating the management of function calls and local variables.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the Stack Pointer?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the current top of the stack, indicating where the next function call's data will be stored.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the definition of Blocking on I/O?

The act of requesting I/O implicitly yields the CPU, allowing other threads to execute.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function C() is called?

When function C() is called, it invokes function A(2), which is part of the recursive execution flow.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the output '2 1' signify in the context of the execution stack?

The output '2 1' signifies the order of execution and return values from the functions, where '2' is printed from the call to A(2) and '1' from A(1).

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What factors primarily influence context switching?

Context switching primarily depends on cache limits and the process or thread’s hunger for memory.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

How does the computePI() function demonstrate yielding?

The computePI() function continuously computes digits and calls yield() to voluntarily give up the CPU, allowing other threads to run.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of different scheduler policies in I/O Device Queues?

Different scheduler policies in I/O Device Queues allow for tailored management of how threads are scheduled based on the specific requirements of each device.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A(int tmp) checks if tmp is less than 2; if true, it calls function B() and then prints the value of tmp.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the sharing overhead in thread management?

The sharing overhead is low, as the thread switch overhead is also low.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the role of the proc A() in the given example?

The proc A() function calls proc B(), which contains an infinite loop that continuously yields control back to the scheduler.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the Stack Pointer?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the stack, indicating where the next function call's data will be stored.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the maximum size that should be chosen for the stacks?

The maximum size for stacks should be determined based on the expected depth of function calls and the overall memory constraints of the system.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A checks if the input 'tmp' is less than 2; if true, it calls function B and then prints the value of 'tmp'.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What does the 'ready' state signify in a thread's lifecycle?

The 'ready' state signifies that the thread is waiting to run.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What does the ProcessRequest function do in the BankServer?

The ProcessRequest function executes the requested operation (like deposit) on the specified account using the provided account ID and amount.

Preemptive Multithreading and Scheduling

What is the role of kernel_yield in thread management?

kernel_yield is a trap to the operating system that allows the current thread to yield control, enabling the dispatcher to switch to another thread.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments, return addresses, and permits recursive execution, playing a crucial role in modern programming languages.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What is a Context Switch in Linux?

A context switch in Linux refers to the process of storing the state of a thread or process so that it can be resumed later, typically taking 3-4 microseconds on current Intel i7 and E5 processors.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the Stack Pointer do?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack in memory, indicating where the next data can be pushed or popped.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the function A(int tmp) in the example?

The function A(int tmp) is a recursive function that calls function B() if the parameter tmp is less than 2, demonstrating how function calls are managed in the execution stack.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does 'ret=addrV' signify in the execution stack?

'ret=addrV' signifies the return address for function A when it is called with the argument 2, indicating where to return after execution.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

How many threads can a CPU handle at a time in a multi-core system?

A CPU can handle 4 threads at a time.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the function A(int tmp) do?

The function A(int tmp) checks if the input 'tmp' is less than 2, and if so, it calls function B() and then prints the value of 'tmp'.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What is the role of the Interrupt Identity line?

The Interrupt Identity line specifies the identity of the interrupt, allowing the system to recognize which device has generated the interrupt request.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What is the impact of switching across cores compared to within-core switching?

Switching across cores is about 2 times more expensive than switching within the same core.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the Stack Pointer do?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack frame, facilitating the management of function calls and returns.

Preemptive Multithreading and Scheduling

What does the term 'kernel_yield' refer to?

Kernel_yield refers to a trap to the operating system that allows the current thread to yield control and potentially switch to another thread.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does the Stack in a process represent?

A region of memory used for storing temporary data such as function parameters, return addresses, and local variables.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function C() is called?

When function C() is called, it invokes function A(2), which may lead to further recursive calls depending on the value of 'tmp'.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

What does a Priority Encoder do in the context of interrupts?

A Priority Encoder selects the highest priority interrupt request that is currently enabled, ensuring that the most critical interrupts are handled first.

Processes vs. Threads: Advantages and Challenges

What is the role of the Operating System (OS) in process resource management?

The OS is responsible for allocating and managing resources such as memory and I/O for processes.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the role of function B() in the execution stack?

Function B calls function C, which leads to another call to function A, creating a chain of function calls in the execution stack.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the sharing overhead in a multi-core system?

The sharing overhead is low, as the thread switch overhead is low.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What does the 'terminated' state indicate in a thread's lifecycle?

The 'terminated' state indicates that the thread has finished execution.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the purpose of the run_new_thread() function?

The run_new_thread() function is responsible for selecting a new thread to run and switching the context from the current thread to the new thread.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the output of the provided execution stack example?

The output of the provided execution stack example is 2, which is printed when the function A(2) is called.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the function A(int tmp) in the example?

The function A(int tmp) is a recursive function that calls function B() if the parameter tmp is less than 2, demonstrating how function calls are managed in the execution stack.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does recursive execution mean in the context of the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution refers to the ability of a function to call itself, which is facilitated by the Execution Stack maintaining separate instances of function arguments and return addresses.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function C() is called?

When function C() is called, it invokes function A(2), which may lead to further recursive calls depending on the value of 'tmp'.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the purpose of the yield() function in threading?

The yield() function allows a thread to voluntarily give up the CPU, enabling other threads to execute.

Context Switching: Costs and Performance

What is the significance of switching between User Stack and Kernel Stack?

Switching between User Stack and Kernel Stack is crucial for context switching, allowing the operating system to manage thread execution and resource allocation effectively.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What does the master() function do in a Thread Pool?

The master() function allocates threads to handle incoming connections and manages a queue for these connections, continuously accepting new connections and waking up threads as needed.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the Execution Stack?

The Execution Stack is a data structure that holds function arguments and return addresses, allowing for recursive execution and is crucial to modern programming languages.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function A is called with an argument of 1?

When function A is called with an argument of 1, it checks if the argument is less than 2, calls function B, and then prints the argument.

Multithreading in Web Servers and Thread Pools

What is the role of the slave() function in a Thread Pool?

The slave() function processes tasks by dequeuing connections from the queue and servicing web pages, sleeping if there are no connections to process.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the role of function B in the Execution Stack example?

Function B calls function C, which in turn calls function A with a new argument, demonstrating the flow of execution and the use of the Execution Stack.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

How can the CPU manage interrupts?

The CPU can manage interrupts by using an internal flag to disable all interrupts, allowing it to perform critical tasks without interruption.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What are 'active' threads represented by?

Active threads are represented by their Thread Control Blocks (TCBs).

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the advantage of sharing resources in cooperating threads?

Cooperating threads allow multiple users to share resources efficiently, such as one computer serving many users or multiple ATMs accessing a single bank balance, which enhances system functionality.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the significance of the Stack Pointer?

The Stack Pointer is a register that points to the top of the current stack frame, facilitating the management of function calls and local variables.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

What is the role of ThreadHouseKeeping() in thread management?

ThreadHouseKeeping() is responsible for deallocating finished threads and managing the resources associated with them.

Cooperating Threads and Resource Sharing

What is the modularity advantage of cooperating threads?

Cooperating threads allow large problems to be broken down into simpler, manageable pieces, making systems easier to extend and maintain, as seen in the compilation process of gcc.

Concurrency Issues and Shared Data Problems

What is meant by contention for ALUs/FPUs?

Contention for ALUs (Arithmetic Logic Units) and FPUs (Floating Point Units) occurs when multiple threads compete for access to these processing units, potentially degrading performance.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What happens when function C() is called?

When function C() is called, it invokes function A(2), which may lead to further recursive calls depending on the value of 'tmp'.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What is the role of return addresses in the Execution Stack?

Return addresses in the Execution Stack are used to determine where to return control after a function call is completed, ensuring proper execution flow.

Overview of Concurrency and Thread Dispatching

How many threads can be handled at a time with Hyper-Threading?

With Hyper-Threading, a CPU can handle 8 threads at a time across its cores.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

What does recursive execution mean in the context of the Execution Stack?

Recursive execution refers to the ability of a function to call itself, which is supported by the Execution Stack as it maintains separate stack frames for each function call.

Thread Control Block (TCB) and Execution Stack

How does the stack growth work in the Execution Stack?

Stack growth refers to the way the stack expands as new function calls are made, with each call pushing a new frame onto the stack, which includes local variables and return addresses.

Thread Lifecycle and State Management

Why must yield() be called frequently by the programmer?

Yield() must be called frequently enough to ensure that the CPU is shared effectively among threads.

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