Why are abortions sometimes performed?
In cases of incest or rape, when continuing the pregnancy would endanger the mother’s health, or if medical tests reveal a nonviable fetus.
What is the purpose of the vaccine being developed against hCG?
To immunize women against hCG, the hormone that maintains the corpus luteum so implantation can occur.
Emergency Contraception

Why are abortions sometimes performed?

In cases of incest or rape, when continuing the pregnancy would endanger the mother’s health, or if medical tests reveal a nonviable fetus.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What is the purpose of the vaccine being developed against hCG?

To immunize women against hCG, the hormone that maintains the corpus luteum so implantation can occur.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

How can pubic lice be killed and reinfestation prevented?

Pubic lice can be killed with anti-lice treatments, and reinfestation can be prevented by thoroughly washing all clothes and bedding in hot water.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the two HPV strains responsible for nearly all cases of cervical cancer?

Types 16 and 18

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Up to what age does the CDC recommend women be vaccinated if they haven't already?

Up to the age of 26

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)?

GIFT is a variation of IVF where unfertilized eggs and sperm are placed directly into an oviduct through a small incision in the woman's abdomen.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What is Depo-Provera and how long does it last?

Depo-Provera is a progesterone injection that lasts three months.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What is a chancre?

A chancre is a hard, dry, bacteria-filled sore that appears at the infection site during the primary phase of syphilis.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

How do hormonal birth control pills prevent ovulation?

They administer synthetic progesterone and estrogen to inhibit the release of FSH and LH, preventing follicles from maturing and ovulation from taking place.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of chlamydia in men?

Discharge from penis, burning during urination

Preventive Measures Against STDs

What materials are male condoms typically made from?

Male condoms are typically made from latex or animal membrane.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and how can it affect fertility?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a bacterial infection of the internal female reproductive organs. It can cause scar tissue in the oviducts, sealing them shut and preventing the passage of eggs or sperm, leading to infertility.

Preventive Measures Against STDs

What is the effectiveness of withdrawal and periodic abstinence as birth control methods?

They are not very effective in preventing pregnancy.

Preventive Measures Against STDs

What does the withdrawal method involve?

The man withdraws his penis from the vagina before ejaculation.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What percentage of the population is thought to be infected with genital herpes?

Over 8%

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What can hepatitis B and HPV be prevented by?

Hepatitis B and HPV can be prevented by vaccines.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What protozoan causes trichomoniasis?

Trichomonas vaginalis

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in women?

A frothy, foul-smelling vaginal discharge

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What are artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs)?

ARTs refer to all techniques in which both sperm and eggs are handled outside the body.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What happens during an orgasm in males and females?

During an orgasm, both males and females experience a pleasurable reflex event. In males, it is accompanied by ejaculation, or the expulsion of semen.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Why are STDs common in the reproductive organs?

Most disease organisms cannot live long outside a warm, moist environment, which is why the reproductive organs are common sites of entry.

Surgical Sterilization

What is a vasectomy and how is it performed?

A vasectomy involves making small incisions in the scrotum, locating each ductus deferens, tying them in two places, and removing the segments between the ties to prevent sperm from reaching the urethra.

Surgical Sterilization

What is hysteroscopy in the context of female sterilization?

Hysteroscopy involves inserting a flexible tube through the vagina and uterus into the oviduct, where it emits electrical current to seal the oviduct shut.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What are some ART techniques used when a woman cannot produce healthy eggs?

ART techniques include using donated eggs, freezing unused embryos, and procedures like GIFT or ZIFT.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

How is HIV transmitted before symptoms appear?

HIV can be transmitted from person to person long before symptoms of the disease appear.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What are some options to improve fertility?

Options include artificial insemination, IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, fertility-enhancing drugs, and surrogate motherhood.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the complications of untreated gonorrhea in men?

Inflamed testes and sterility

Emergency Contraception

What is Mifeprex commonly labeled as?

An abortion pill.

Emergency Contraception

What are the two sides of the abortion debate based on?

Strongly held moral and religious convictions.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What do diaphragms and cervical caps do to prevent pregnancy?

They cover the cervical opening and prevent sperm from entering the uterus.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What is a disadvantage of using diaphragms and cervical caps?

They must be inserted shortly before intercourse and removed sometime later, making sexual activity less spontaneous.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What percentage of U.S. women will have been infected with at least one HPV virus by the age of 50?

More than 80%

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are some methods to remove genital warts caused by HPV?

Laser surgery, freezing with liquid nitrogen, or certain drugs.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process where eggs are fertilized outside the body in laboratory glassware and then inserted into the woman's uterus via the vagina.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Why was Gardasil approved for boys in 2009?

Because of increasing evidence that it can protect against cancers of the penis and anus caused by HPV.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What indirect benefit might vaccinating boys against HPV provide for girls?

Reducing HPV transmission rates.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

Where do pubic lice prefer to live?

In pubic hair

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)?

ZIFT is a variation of IVF where the egg is first fertilized outside the body and then placed into the oviduct.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What is NuvaRing and how is it used?

NuvaRing is a flexible ring inserted into the vagina that releases hormones for three weeks, followed by one week without the ring.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the potential complications of the tertiary phase of syphilis?

Complications include widespread damage to the cardiovascular and nervous systems, blindness, skin ulcers, and eventual death.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What are fertility-enhancing drugs used for?

Fertility-enhancing drugs are used to boost the production of developing eggs.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What are some causes of female infertility?

Causes include failure to ovulate, damage to oviducts, PID, secretions that impair sperm function, uterine tumors, endometriosis, age-related changes, and miscarriages.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

How is hepatitis B transmitted?

Hepatitis B is transmitted in blood or body fluids during unprotected sex.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the symptoms of Hepatitis B?

Nausea, fatigue, jaundice, abdominal pain, arthritis

Emergency Contraception

What are some methods of performing an elective abortion?

Vacuum suctioning of the uterus, surgical scraping of the uterine lining, or infusion of a strong saline solution.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What is the definition of infertility for a couple?

A couple is considered infertile if they fail to achieve pregnancy after a year of trying.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What percentage of couples in the United States are considered infertile?

About 15% of all couples in the United States are considered infertile.

Preventive Measures Against STDs

Do diaphragms and cervical caps protect against STDs?

No, they do not protect against STDs.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Is there a cure for genital herpes?

No, but drug treatments are available to suppress the active phase

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Which states require immunization against HPV for girls in secondary school?

Virginia, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What is a common cause of failure to achieve reproductive success even when the couple is fertile?

A common cause of failure is spontaneous abortion or miscarriage, defined as the loss of a fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What might a woman who has had several previous miscarriages be prescribed if she becomes pregnant again?

She might be prescribed progesterone pills.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What are the two cycles that make up the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle consists of an ovarian cycle that produces mature oocytes and a uterine cycle in which the uterus prepares for pregnancy.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

How does the Ortho Evra patch work?

It releases hormones through the skin into the bloodstream and is applied weekly for three weeks, followed by one week without a patch.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of the secondary phase of syphilis?

Symptoms include a widespread but non-itchy rash, hair loss, and gray patches on mucous membranes.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What bacterium causes syphilis?

Treponema pallidum

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What virus causes hepatitis B?

The hepatitis B virus.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the complications of AIDS?

Infections, pneumonia, meningitis, tuberculosis, encephalitis, cancer

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What fungus causes yeast infections?

Candida albicans

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What protozoan causes trichomoniasis?

Trichomonas vaginalis

Preventive Measures Against STDs

What is a significant advantage of latex condoms over those made from animal membrane?

Latex condoms offer some protection against diseases, including AIDS.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the two vaccines approved by the FDA to protect against HPV strains that cause cervical cancer?

Gardasil and Cervarix

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

What are pubic lice and how do they nourish themselves?

Pubic lice are tiny arthropods that nourish themselves by sucking blood from their host, causing intense itching and skin irritation.

Preventive Measures Against STDs

What is periodic abstinence also known as?

The rhythm method.

Emergency Contraception

What does Plan B contain and how does it work?

Plan B contains progesterone and is used as an emergency contraceptive.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What organism causes yeast infections?

Candida albicans

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What does semen contain?

Semen contains sperm and the secretions of the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are pubic lice commonly called?


Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What are some beneficial side effects of oral contraceptives?

They can reduce cramps and menstrual flow, and may offer some protection against cancers of the ovaries and uterus.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

What percentage of STD cases are teenagers?

A quarter of STD cases are teenagers.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

What are some risks associated with IUDs?

Risks include uterine cramping and bleeding, infection, and possible damage to the uterus.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the primary symptoms of syphilis?

Chancre at infection site

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What bacterium causes gonorrhea?

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Why are STDs on the rise worldwide?

STDs are on the rise because young people are becoming sexually active earlier and birth control reduces the fear of pregnancy.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of chlamydia in women?

Vaginal discharge, burning, and itching

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the complications of Hepatitis B?

Cirrhosis, liver failure

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in men?

Discharge from inflamed penis

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in women?

Frothy, foul-smelling vaginal discharge

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

Why is the failure rate of chemical spermicides relatively high compared to other contraceptive methods?

They must be inserted into the vagina shortly before intercourse to be effective.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What are some causes of female infertility?

Causes of female infertility include abnormal production of LH or FSH, irregular menstrual cycles, strongly acidic vaginal secretions, thick cervical mucus, uterine tumors, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and endometriosis.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

What are two benefits of the Mirena IUD?

It decreases the possibility of conception and reduces menstrual flow.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

At what age does the CDC recommend children be vaccinated with Gardasil or Cervarix?

At about age 11 or 12, before their first sexual contact.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

In what forms are chemical spermicides available?

Chemical spermicides are available in forms such as foams, creams, and jellies.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Which viral STD is considered the most dangerous?

HIV is considered the most dangerous viral STD.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is the success rate of IVF with vaginal insertion?

The success rate of IVF with vaginal insertion results in a live birth about 20% of the time.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What hormone causes the mammary glands to enlarge at puberty?

The hormone estrogen causes the mammary glands to enlarge at puberty.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What is the main advantage of continuous birth control pills like Seasonale and Lybrel?

They reduce the number of menstrual periods, with Seasonale reducing them to four per year and Lybrel eliminating them for a full year.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is the overall success rate at achieving a live birth from an ART cycle?

The overall success rate at achieving a live birth from an ART cycle is about 30%.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

Do hormonal birth control methods protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?

No, they do not protect against STDs.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What bacterium causes gonorrhea?

Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhea.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What virus causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in men?

Pus from penis, painful urination

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in women?

Painful urination, vaginal discharge

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What virus causes AIDS?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

How long is the Mirena IUD effective?

Up to five years.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What are some causes of male infertility?

Causes of male infertility include low testosterone levels, immune disorders that attack sperm, radiation, certain drugs such as anabolic steroids, and diseases like mumps and gonorrhea.

Preventive Measures Against STDs

What should you do if you think you are at risk for or may have an STD?

If you think you are at risk for or may have an STD, get tested. It’s confidential, not difficult, and can save you a lot of embarrassment and possibly your life.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What can genital herpes cause in infants if not treated?


Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

How many people contract an STD each year in the United States?

Over 12 million people contract an STD each year.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

How do intrauterine devices (IUDs) prevent pregnancy?

They create a mild chronic inflammation that prevents either fertilization or implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are some methods of transmission for gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea can be transmitted through oral-genital contact or hand contact to the mouth or eyes.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What are some causes of male infertility?

Male infertility can be caused by an insufficiency or lack of sperm.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

What are the four classes of disorders of the reproductive systems?

The four classes are infertility, complications of pregnancy, cancers and tumors of the reproductive organs, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the complications of untreated chlamydia?

Pelvic inflammatory disease, urethral infections, sterility, complications of pregnancy

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the symptoms of AIDS?

Fatigue, fever, chills, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes or spleen, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the symptoms of genital warts?

Warts on penis, labia, anus, or in vagina or cervix

Preventive Measures Against STDs

What additional benefit do some chemical spermicides offer besides contraception?

Some chemical spermicides also kill organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What new forms of birth control are still in the research and development stage?

A male birth control pill and several vaccines for women.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

How can herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) be spread to the genital area?

Through oral sex

Infertility Causes and Treatments

How can tight-fitting underwear affect male fertility?

Tight-fitting underwear can hold the testes close to the body, raising their temperature and potentially lowering viable sperm count. Switching to looser-fitting boxer shorts may help improve sperm count.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the major bacterial STDs mentioned?

The major bacterial STDs mentioned are gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What is the role of the testes in the male reproductive system?

The testes produce sperm and are part of the male reproductive organs.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

How can trichomoniasis be transmitted?

Even when there are no symptoms, and reinfection is common if partners are not treated simultaneously

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

How can pubic lice be transmitted?

Through sexual contact or by infected bed sheets or clothes

Preventive Measures Against STDs

How can you reduce your risk of contracting an STD?

You can reduce your risk of contracting an STD by choosing your partner wisely, using a barrier method of birth control, and getting tested promptly if you suspect you have a disease.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What bacterium causes syphilis?

Treponema pallidum causes syphilis.

Surgical Sterilization

What is tubal ligation and how is it performed?

Tubal ligation involves making a small incision in the woman's abdominal wall, locating each oviduct, and tying each at two sites, then cutting away the sections between the ties.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Can HIV be cured?

No, HIV cannot be cured, but there are drugs that can keep it in remission.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What bacterium causes chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are some symptoms of chlamydia in men?

Men may experience a discharge from the penis and a burning sensation during urination.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are some symptoms of chlamydia in women?

Women may have a vaginal discharge and a burning and itching sensation.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What virus causes genital warts?

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of pubic lice?

Intense itching, skin irritation in pubic area; lice are small but visible

Emergency Contraception

When did Mifeprex first become available in France?


Infertility Causes and Treatments

How does endometriosis affect female fertility?

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue migrates and implants on other organs, causing pain and infertility. It can sometimes be treated with surgery, drugs, or hormone therapy.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What virus generally causes genital herpes?

Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)

Emergency Contraception

How does Ella (ulipristal acetate) work as an emergency contraceptive?

It may prevent ovulation if started within five days after intercourse and may also prevent implantation.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Why is there controversy surrounding the Gardasil vaccine?

Some parents are concerned it might encourage sexual activity at a young age, and there is public outcry against government intervention when states try to make the vaccine mandatory for school attendance.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection in women?

Pain, inflammation, and a thick, cheesy vaginal discharge

Infertility Causes and Treatments

Where does fertilization of the oocyte take place?

Fertilization of the oocyte takes place in the oviduct.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What triggers ovulation in the menstrual cycle?

A surge in LH secretion, caused by estrogen produced by the mature follicle, triggers ovulation.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

What types of organisms can cause STDs?

Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and arthropods can cause STDs.

Surgical Sterilization

Does a vasectomy affect testosterone production and sexual characteristics?

No, the testes continue to produce testosterone and sperm, and sexual interest and secondary sexual characteristics remain unchanged.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the secondary symptoms of syphilis?

Non-itchy rash, hair loss, gray areas of infection on mucous membranes

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the complications of untreated gonorrhea in women?

Pelvic inflammatory disease, scarring, sterility

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What virus causes genital herpes?

Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What insect causes pubic lice?

Phthirus pubis

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

What is the name of the IUD that contains a progesterone-like steroid?


Preventive Measures Against STDs

What is the best defense against contracting an STD?

A monogamous relationship with someone you know and trust is the best defense against contracting an STD.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What percentage of girls aged 13-17 had received all three required shots of the HPV vaccine by 2013?

Only 36%

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination is a technique where sperm are placed into the vagina or uterus with a syringe, as close to the time of ovulation as possible.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is the simplest and least expensive ART technique?

The simplest and least expensive ART technique is in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What are some harmful side effects of oral contraceptives?

They can cause acne, headaches, fluid retention, high blood pressure, or blood clots.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

What are Implanon and Nexplanon?

They are matchstick-size rods containing synthetic progesterone implanted under the skin, providing contraception for up to three years.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

How can syphilis be treated?

Syphilis can be treated with penicillin.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What is the transmission rate of gonorrhea after a single exposure?

Roughly 50% of women and 20% of men will contract gonorrhea after a single exposure.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is surrogate motherhood?

Surrogate motherhood involves paying another woman to become pregnant and bear a baby for a couple.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are some early symptoms of HIV?

Early symptoms include fatigue, fever and chills, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes or spleen, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

Is there a vaccine for hepatitis B?

Yes, a vaccine for hepatitis B became widely available in 1991.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

Genital blisters, painful urination, fever, swollen lymph nodes in groin

Preventive Measures Against STDs

How do condoms function as a contraceptive method?

Condoms trap ejaculated sperm.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

How does age affect female reproductive capacity?

By the mid-40s, women begin to run out of oocytes, and the ovaries become less responsive to LH and FSH, leading to menopause. Oocytes ovulated later in life are more likely to be damaged by exposure to radiation, chemicals, and disease.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What is the primary reason Gardasil or Cervarix must be given before HPV infection?

Neither drug is effective against an existing HPV infection.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the primary symptoms of genital herpes?

Blisters around the genitals or rectum that break and leave painful sores

Emergency Contraception

What is the main advantage of Mifeprex (mifepristone)?

It is effective up to seven weeks after pregnancy.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

How can yeast infections be treated?

With antifungal drugs

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What hormones control the production of sperm?

The production of sperm is controlled by the hormones testosterone, LH, and FSH.

Artificial Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What is the overall success rate of pregnancy through artificial insemination after six attempts or more?

The overall success rate is about 60-70% after six attempts or more.

Infertility Causes and Treatments

What prepares the uterus for implantation?

Progesterone produced by the corpus luteum prepares the uterus for implantation.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods

Why do women who smoke have a greater risk when using birth control pills?

They have a greater risk of blood clots and vascular problems.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the three phases of syphilis?

The three phases of syphilis are the primary phase, secondary phase, and tertiary phase.

Surgical Sterilization

Is sterilization generally reversible?

Although it may be possible to reverse, sterilization is generally considered permanent.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the tertiary complications of syphilis?

Widespread damage to cardiovascular and nervous systems, blindness, skin ulcers

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What can infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) cause?

Infection with HPV can cause warts in the genital area.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

Why are health officials recommending annual chlamydia testing for sexually active women under 26?

Because women between 15 and 24 years old are especially at risk, with reported rates of infection nearly 10 times that of the general population.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What are the complications of genital warts?

Risk factor for cancers of cervix or penis

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What bacteria causes chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis.

Viral STDs: HIV and HPV

What virus causes Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B virus

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of yeast infections in men?

Discharge from penis, painful urination

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What can untreated chlamydia cause in women?

Untreated chlamydia can cause PID, permanent scarring of the Fallopian tubes, complications of pregnancy, and sterility.

Bacterial STDs: Symptoms and Treatments

What are the symptoms of yeast infections in women?

Vaginal pain, inflammation, cheesy discharge

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