What is the main focus of the study mentioned in the title?
The potential of social media as a source for bird-window collision (BWC) data.
What type of data set was used in the study?
A decadal data set in Taiwan.
Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What is the main focus of the study mentioned in the title?

The potential of social media as a source for bird-window collision (BWC) data.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What type of data set was used in the study?

A decadal data set in Taiwan.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

Who are the authors of the study?

Chi-Heng Hsieh, Gen-Chang Hsu, and Ling-Min Wang.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

Why was one collision case from 1992 excluded from the figure?

To improve visualization.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

Why have social media platforms rarely been used in past BWC studies?

It remains unknown if they can effectively collect BWC data and the quality of that data compared to dedicated platforms.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What are the different states of collision individuals for the Taiwan Barbet?

Flew away, sent to rescue center, captured, found dead, uncertain.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What is the main focus of the study discussed in the abstract?

The use of citizen science in bird-window collision (BWC) research.

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

What is the Global Bird Collision Mapper (GBCM)?

A dedicated citizen science platform for BWC data collection.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What type of observations does the Facebook group encourage members to share?

Observations of bird-window collisions (BWC).

Geographical Coverage of BWC Observations in Taiwan

What is the call for more studies in tropical and subtropical regions addressing?

The geographical imbalance in BWC research.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What was the sampling completeness for Facebook and TaiRON?

Facebook: 98.0%; TaiRON: 96.0%.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How is the relative abundance of species calculated?

By dividing the number of collision individuals by the total number of collision individuals on each platform.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

Which platform had the lower number of BWC individuals?


Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What do the dashed lines in Figure 2 represent?

The start of the collision data collection on Facebook and TaiRON.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What data sources were used to collect information on collision individuals?

Facebook and TaiRON.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What type of collision individuals were excluded from the calculation?

Individuals not identified to the species level.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What is the main focus of citizen science in relation to birds?

Bird-window collisions.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

Which social media platform is mentioned in relation to citizen science?


Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What statistical method is referenced for assessing data completeness?


Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

Which two platforms were compared for collecting BWC data?

Facebook and the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (TaiRON).

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

What is the main citizen science platform for documenting wildlife mortalities in Taiwan?

Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (TaiRON).

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What is the most common approach to studying BWC?

Surveying carcasses around human structures.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

Which platform had a higher observed sampling completeness for BWC data?

Facebook, with a completeness of 0.980.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What was the observed sampling completeness for TaiRON?


Species Composition of BWC Cases

How is a 'BWC case' defined in this study?

As a single observation (a Facebook post or a TaiRON record).

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How does the proportion of the Taiwan Barbet in TaiRON data compare to Facebook data?

0.175 in TaiRON vs. 0.192 in Facebook.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

List three bird species observed on TaiRON.

Pale Thrush, Spotted Dove, Light-vented Bulbul.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What advantage does Facebook provide for BWC research?

Access to relevant public posts through keyword search.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What two platforms were compared for BWC data collection?

Facebook and TaiRON.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What version of R was used for the analyses?

R version 4.2.1.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How many BWC cases were collected from Facebook and TaiRON?

3,583 BWC cases (Facebook: 2,583; TaiRON: 1,000).

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What was excluded from the maps?

Collision cases without exact GPS coordinates.

Geographical Coverage of BWC Observations in Taiwan

In which country is the citizen science project related to bird-window collisions being conducted?


Species Composition of BWC Cases

What percentage of BWC individuals from Facebook were not found dead when observed?

More than half.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What are two bird species mentioned in the text?

Barbet (Psilopogon nuchalis) and Asian Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica).

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What was the purpose of replacing the keyword 'bird' with common names in searches?

To capture posts where contributors used common names instead of 'bird'.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What percentage of BWC individuals from Facebook were captured by observers?


Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is particularly needed in Taiwan regarding BWC research?

Abundant data to understand BWC patterns.

Geographical Coverage of BWC Observations in Taiwan

Which major cities in Taiwan were reported as BWC hotspots?

Taipei City, Taichung City, and Kaohsiung City.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

How were BWC individuals verified for species information?

Using the provided photos to identify them to species level if possible.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

How many bootstrap samples were used to compute the rarefaction estimates?

1000 bootstrap samples.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What aspects were examined to compare Facebook and TaiRON?

Nationwide geographical coverage and species compositions of BWC observations.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What package was used to create extrapolation curves in the study?

The R 'iNEXT' package.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What methods have been suggested to engage the public in recording observations?

Citizen science-based methods.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does the Venn diagram in Figure 5 illustrate?

The number of collision species recorded on Facebook, TaiRON, and both platforms.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What time period does the composition of collision individuals cover?

Between 2012 and 2022.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What type of collision individuals were excluded from the abundance calculation?

Collision individuals not identified to the species level.

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

What is the significance of the copyright holder mentioned in the text?

They have granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What was quantified to assess data collection efforts?

Sampling completeness of the two data sources.

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

What is TaiRON in the context of citizen science?

A platform related to bird-window collision data collection.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

Which species is recorded only on TaiRON according to the Venn diagram?

Gray-headed Bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythaca).

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What does the state 'uncertain' refer to?

Only feathers were left on the glass, indicating an unclear outcome.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How does TaiRON compare to Facebook in terms of BWC case reporting?

TaiRON has more than twice as many cases reported on Facebook, with more than three times the species present only on Facebook.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What method can help gather more BWC data than traditional citizen science platforms?

A combination of active posting and passive crowdsourcing on social media.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What advantages does Facebook offer for sharing BWC observations?

Flexibility in formats and contents of posts allows users to share detailed information.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

Did the number of BWC species differ between Facebook and TaiRON?

No, the number of BWC species did not differ significantly.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What did the authors declare regarding conflicts of interest?

They declare no conflict of interest.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

What is the significance of the copyright notice in the document?

It indicates the copyright holder and the licensing terms for the preprint.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What time period do the collision cases in the maps cover?

2012 to 2022.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What do the solid lines in Figure 7 represent?

Sample-size-based interpolation sampling curves.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

What is the main conservation issue discussed in the text?

Bird-window collision (BWC).

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What percentage of BWC individuals from Facebook were found dead between 2012 and 2022?


Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is the scientific name of the Pale Thrush?

Turdus pallidus.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What types of wildlife death incidents does TaiRON document?

Roadkill, bird-window collisions, intoxication, and animal-caused mortalities.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

How can social media contribute to citizen science data collection?

By serving as a source for gathering BWC data.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What criteria were used to retain reports in the TaiRON BWC data?

Reports must contain date of observation, location (GPS coordinates), species name, and photos of the bird.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What was done with duplicate observations reported on both Facebook and TaiRON?

Observations on TaiRON were retained due to its standardized entry formats.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

Which platform did Chia-Yun Kan assist with for collecting BWC cases?


Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What is the title of the Facebook group mentioned for BWC observations?

Reports on Bird-Glass Collisions.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

How many species are listed with a collision rate of 0.010?

Five species.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

Who conceived the ideas for the manuscript?

C.-H. Hsieh and L.-M. Wang.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What method was used to compare the rank-abundance distributions of BWC data from Facebook and TaiRON?

Rank-abundance curves based on the proportion of each BWC species.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

What is the significance of the findings regarding BWC studies in Asia?

They highlight the need for more BWC studies to develop appropriate conservation strategies.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What platforms are compared in the collision cases data collection?

Facebook and TaiRON.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What was the reference point for comparing the number of BWC species?

Rarefied to the same number of BWC individuals from TaiRON.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

Why might Facebook contributors' reports need to be double-checked?

Most contributors may not have enough background knowledge in bird species identification.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

What is a significant challenge in retrieving BWC data from Facebook?

Variable contents and formats make automatic retrieval impossible, requiring manual searching and recording.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

Which species is recorded only on Facebook according to the Venn diagram?

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus).

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What does the state 'found dead' signify?

The individual did not survive the collision.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What methods were used to collect BWC observations in Taiwan?

Systematic searches and censuses.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

How many BWC species were reported from Facebook and TaiRON?

153 species from Facebook and 104 species from TaiRON (172 species total when combined).

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

How were systematic searches conducted for BWC observations on Facebook?

Using search terms like 'bird AND collide' and variations including common names of bird families.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What type of collision individuals were excluded from the analysis?

Individuals not identified to the species level.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What proportion of collision individuals does the Taiwan Barbet represent in Facebook data?


Species Composition of BWC Cases

Which species ranks second in collision incidents on Facebook?

Chalcophaps indica (Asian Emerald Dove).

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is the cumulative proportion of the top three species in Facebook data?


Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What role can project managers play in handling BWC birds reported on social media?

They can educate and guide observers on how to handle injured individuals and report dead individuals for research.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What distinction is made between cases reported on TaiRON and Facebook?

All cases on TaiRON were found dead, while Facebook cases included both dead and live individuals.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What is the significance of Facebook in collecting BWC records?

Facebook citizen science efforts can provide decent BWC records in terms of both quantity and quality.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What years were the BWC records dated back to for Facebook and TaiRON?

1992 for Facebook and 2005 for TaiRON.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What was the total number of BWC individuals analyzed after excluding those not identified to species level?

3,550 BWC individuals.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does the rank-abundance distribution represent in the data collected from Facebook and TaiRON?

It represents the relative abundance of collision species between 2012 and 2022.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

What are some limitations of using Facebook as a citizen science data source?

Incomplete GPS coordinates, lack of contributor knowledge in bird species identification, and manual data retrieval.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What do the dots on the maps represent?

Each dot represents a bird-window collision case.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What is shown in panels (d) to (f) of the maps?

The kernel density estimates of collision cases.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How does the quantity and quality of BWC data from Facebook compare to dedicated platforms?

The study shows that they can be comparable to data from the well-developed citizen science platform TaiRON.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

How many BWC cases were recorded from Facebook?

2,583 BWC cases.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What information was documented from BWC observations shared in the Facebook group?

Date of observation, location (GPS coordinates), species, number of individuals, descriptions, and photos.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What do the gray dotted lines denote in the sampling completeness curves?

Rarefied reference points.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

Which institution is affiliated with Chi-Heng Hsieh?

Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What was the earliest recorded BWC case on Facebook?

Dating back to 1992.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What is the significance of Facebook in gathering BWC data in Taiwan?

It has around 19 million active accounts, providing a large pool for data collection.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is the scientific name of the Common Kingfisher?

Alcedo atthis.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

Which species is noted as a † species in the list?

White-tailed Robin (Myiomela leucura).

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does the data suggest about the quality of data from Facebook and TaiRON?

The data quality from both platforms was comparable.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What are the four different states individuals were classified into after BWC on Facebook?

Flew away, Sent to rescue center, Captured, and Uncertain.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does 'Sent to rescue center' mean in the BWC classification?

Individuals that were sent to rescue centers by the observers.

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

What was the increase in the number of BWC species when combining data from Facebook and TaiRON?

From 153 and 104 species to 172 species.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is a notable raptor species identified in the study?

Crested Goshawk.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What was the composition of the 80% cumulative BWC individuals on Facebook?

22 species belonging to 13 families.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What distinct families of BWC species were revealed in the study?

Megalaimidae, Columbidae, Passeridae, Accipitridae, Alcedinidae, and Pycnonotidae.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What does the state 'flew away' indicate about the Taiwan Barbet?

The individual was found stunned and flew away by itself later.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What time period does the collision data in Figure 7 cover?

2012 to 2022.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

Which platforms were used to collect the collision data?

Facebook and TaiRON.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What species collided with the Peregrine Falcon?

Arctic Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis).

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

How can integrating data from different citizen science sources benefit conservation management?

It helps paint a more complete picture of BWC patterns.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What are the example species recorded only on TaiRON?

Gray-headed Bullfinch and Green-backed Tit (Parus monticolus).

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

Who provided BWC data reported to TaiRON?

Te-En Lin.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What was the fate of all BWC individuals reported from TaiRON?

All were found dead.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is the cumulative proportion of the top two species in TaiRON data?


Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

What does the integration of different citizen science data sources reveal?

A broader pool of BWC species, especially those low in numbers yet globally threatened.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How many species were present only on TaiRON?

19 species.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What are the advantages of collecting BWC data on Facebook compared to TaiRON?

Facebook is more accessible and allows users to report findings in any format.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What were the top two BWC species contributing to the 50% cumulative individuals on both platforms?

The same two species were present on both platforms.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What is the purpose of citizen science projects in BWC research?

To collect abundant BWC data.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What does the state 'sent to rescue center' imply?

The individual was taken for rehabilitation after a collision.

Geographical Coverage of BWC Observations in Taiwan

Where have most past BWC studies been conducted?

In temperate regions, especially North America.

Geographical Coverage of BWC Observations in Taiwan

What were the main locations of BWC cases reported between 2012 and 2022?

Lowland areas in Taiwan Main Island, with some in the Central Mountain Range and outlying islands.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

Which family does the Spotted Dove belong to?


Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What are the example species recorded only on Facebook?

Peregrine Falcon and Cinnamon Bittern (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus).

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does the study suggest about the quality of Facebook data compared to TaiRON?

The quantity and quality of Facebook data can be comparable to TaiRON.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What potential does social media have in the context of BWC data collection?

It may serve as a promising tool for collecting BWC data and public education.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What is the main finding regarding BWC data collection through social media?

This study is among the first to collect BWC data through social media posts, finding more than twice as many cases from Facebook compared to TaiRON.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How does the data quality of BWC cases from Facebook compare to TaiRON?

The nationwide geographical coverage, species compositions, and sampling completeness of BWC data were similar between the two platforms, suggesting comparable data quality.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

How does Facebook serve as a platform for BWC reporting?

It allows contributors to report cases while enabling project managers to communicate and promote public awareness.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What does the study suggest about the roles of participants in citizen science projects?

The roles of participants may not necessarily affect the quality of the BWC data.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does 'Uncertain' refer to in the BWC classification?

BWC individuals whose states couldn’t be clearly defined from the photos or descriptions.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How many species were present only on Facebook?

68 species.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What do the dashed lines in Figure 7 indicate?

Sample-size-based extrapolation sampling curves.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What is the aim of evaluating social media as a data source for BWC research?

To understand BWC patterns in less-studied regions, specifically Taiwan.

Educational Potential of Social Media for Bird Conservation

What educational opportunities does Facebook provide regarding BWC?

It offers greater opportunities to disseminate knowledge and educational content about bird-window collisions.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is the average collision rate for the Eurasian Tree Sparrow?


Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

Why is carcass surveying not sufficient for national scale BWC data accumulation?

It is time- and labor-consuming.

Geographical Coverage of BWC Observations in Taiwan

What historical BWC case was recorded through Facebook posts?

A Tawny Fish-owl that collided with glass panes at Hsinchu Train Station in 1992.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What percentage of BWC individuals observed on Facebook were non-dead?

Over half.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What is the classification of the Facebook group 'Report on Bird-Glass Collisions' according to Haklay (2013)?

It is classified as a citizen science project located between level one 'Crowdsourcing' and level two 'Distributed Intelligence'.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What criteria were used to exclude individuals from the collision data?

Individuals not identified to species were excluded.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How many species were present on both Facebook and TaiRON platforms?

12 species.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What public Facebook group was initiated by the Raptor Research Group of Taiwan in March 2019?

Reports on Bird - Glass Collisions.

Sampling Completeness in Citizen Science Projects

What do the shaded areas in the sampling completeness curves represent?

95% confidence intervals of the estimates.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What is the potential of Facebook in citizen science projects?

It serves as a valuable tool for citizen science projects and as an educational platform for the public.

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

What platform was used to collect BWC observations alongside Facebook?


Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is the most common species involved in collisions according to Facebook data?

Psilopogon nuchalis (Taiwan Barbet).

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What is the email address provided for the corresponding author?


Data Collection Methods from Social Media

When were systematic censuses conducted to gather BWC data?

In March 2022 and December 2022.

Integration of Data from Multiple Citizen Science Platforms

Why is integrating data from different citizen science sources important?

It helps paint a more complete picture of BWC patterns, especially in understudied areas.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What is the cumulative collision rate for the Rock Pigeon?


Species Composition of BWC Cases

List three bird species observed on Facebook.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Crested Goshawk, Common Kingfisher.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does 'Flew away' refer to in the context of BWC?

Individuals that left the spot by themselves after the BWC.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

How many species contributed to the 80% cumulative BWC individuals on TaiRON?

22 species belonging to 13 families.

Challenges in Traditional BWC Research Methods

What limitations does carcass surveying face in tropical and subtropical countries?

High carcass removal rates and cultural aversion to handling carcasses.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

Which bird species has the highest collision rate listed?

Pale Thrush (0.065).

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What license is the preprint made available under?

CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Data Collection Methods from Social Media

What was the time frame for documenting Facebook BWC data?

From March 2019 to December 2022.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What type of species were excluded from the BWC data?

Escaped pet species without a wild population in Taiwan, such as parrots.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

What will happen to the data and code used in the manuscript if it is accepted for publication?

They will be publicly available on Zenodo.

Citizen Science and Bird-Window Collisions (BWC)

Who analyzed the data for the manuscript?

C.-H. Hsieh and G.-C. Hsu.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

How does TaiRON's classification differ from that of the Facebook group?

TaiRON is classified as a project between level two and level three 'Participatory Science'.

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

What is a noted challenge in public participation for citizen science projects on social media?

The levels of public participation and engagement are generally lower on social media platforms compared to dedicated platforms.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

How many species were present only on Facebook and what are their names?

Four species: Besra (Accipiter virgatus), Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus), Northern Boobook (Ninox japonica), and Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus optatus).

Species Composition of BWC Cases

What does the symbol † indicate in the species list?

Species of the 80% cumulative collision individuals on TaiRON not present in the species of the 80% cumulative collision individuals on Facebook.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What does 'Captured' indicate in the BWC context?

Individuals (often stunned or severely injured) that were restrained by humans.

Comparison of BWC Data Quality: Facebook vs. TaiRON

What was the purpose of constructing sample-size-based interpolation in the study?

To determine the number of BWC species and sampling completeness of the BWC data.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

Which species was reported as the top super-collider in the Megalaimidae family?

Taiwan Barbet.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

Which families had the highest representation in the Facebook data?

Columbidae (5 species) and Turdidae (3 species).

Public Engagement in Citizen Science via Social Media

Why might Facebook users find it easier to report observations than TaiRON users?

Facebook users can post findings in any format, while TaiRON requires standardized entry formats.

Species Composition of BWC Cases

How many species were present only on TaiRON and what are their names?

Four species: White-tailed Robin (Myiomela leucura), Gray Treepie (Dendrocitta formosae), Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica), and White-bellied Green-pigeon (Treron sieboldii).

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder