What is the focus of exercise physiology?
The study of the body's responses and adaptations to physical activity.
Why is knowledge of exercise physiology important for professionals?
It helps differentiate professionals from practitioners.
Introduction to Exercise Physiology

What is the focus of exercise physiology?

The study of the body's responses and adaptations to physical activity.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

Why is knowledge of exercise physiology important for professionals?

It helps differentiate professionals from practitioners.

Areas of Specialization in Exercise Physiology

What is a key focus of exercise physiology in rehabilitation?

Helping people who are recovering from injuries or living with chronic medical conditions.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

What does Clinical Exercise Physiology involve?

Application of exercise physiology principles, knowledge, and skills.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What intensity level corresponds to 90 – 99% of maximum?

Very hard or very heavy.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

What are the primary purposes of Clinical Exercise Physiology?

Prevention, rehabilitation, or diagnosis of disease or disability.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

Who is associated with the preliminary definitions and concepts in exercise physiology?

Associate Prof Dr. Kok Lian Yee.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

Is there universal agreement on exercise intensity classifications?

No, there is no universal agreement.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What is homeostasis?

The process by which a living thing or a cell keeps the conditions inside it the same despite changes in the external environment.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What adaptations occur due to training?

Training permits adaptations within physiological systems to minimize disturbance to homeostasis resulting from exercise.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

Which department is Dr. Kok Lian Yee part of?

Dept of Sport Science.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What does research in exercise physiology provide?

Answers to questions related to exercise and its effects on the body.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

Which fuel source is most important when running a marathon?


Introduction to Exercise Physiology

What does exercise physiology examine?

The stress of functional and physiological responses and adaptations during and after exercise.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

What are the two main categories of research in exercise physiology?

Basic and applied research.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What is the difference between leading fitness training routines and designing them?

Designing routines involves understanding predictable responses of trainees and modifying sessions accordingly.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What is a common method for assessing cardiovascular response during exercise?

Incremental exercise testing.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is the duration range for explosive actions like jumps?

1 to 3 seconds.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What role does training play in the performance of elite sprinters?

Training enhances speed, strength, and technique, crucial for sprinting success.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How does endurance training affect muscle fiber composition?

It increases the proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What additional attributes does sport-specific physical fitness incorporate?

Motor attributes such as agility, balance, power, and anaerobic power and capacity.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What is the primary focus of the course in Exercise Physiology?

To examine human physiological response and adaptations to exercise, sports, and physical training.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What is essential for individuals to become lifelong exercisers?

Understanding how physical activity benefits them, the purpose of fitness tests, and how to use fitness test results.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What should students feel as they progress through the Exercise Physiology course?

Excitement about the material and its relevance to human physiology.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

What is exercise physiology?

The study of the body’s metabolic response to short-term and long-term physical activity.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is exercise duration?

The length of time the muscular action continues.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How do physiological systems adapt to exercise?

They tend to minimize the disturbance to homeostasis.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

What does applied research in exercise physiology aim to do?

Translate basic research findings into practical applications.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What type of research is commonly published in exercise physiology journals?

Studies related to physiological responses, exercise effects, and rehabilitation.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

How can exercise modalities be classified?

By energy demand (aerobic or anaerobic) and type of muscle action (continuous, rhythmical, dynamic resistance, or static).

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What do exercise physiologists analyze to help improve health?

Patients' fitness.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What are some examples of well-known journals in exercise physiology?

Journal of Applied Physiology, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What does maximal exercise intensity represent?

100% of maximum.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

Why is it important to know the type of exercise being performed?

To determine the effects of exercise on a particular variable.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

What is the purpose of the portable gas analyzer in Figure 1 - 7C?

To measure expired air in field settings like tracks, fields of play, or skating rinks.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is meant by 'exercise response'?

It refers to the pattern of change in physiological variables during a single acute bout of physical exertion.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What role do fats play in marathon running?

Fats are used for energy but at a slower rate compared to carbohydrates.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

How can scientific research be applied in fitness programming?

To maximize health, rehabilitation, and athletic performance in various sub-populations.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is the usual definition of Physical Fitness?

Attributes/components related to how well one performs physical activity.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What is the range for moderate exercise intensity according to Plowman & Smith (2017)?

55 – 69% of maximum.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are the components of Health-related fitness?

Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

What type of research investigates the effects of exercise on health outcomes?

Clinical exercise physiology research.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

How do journals contribute to the field of exercise physiology?

By disseminating new research, fostering collaboration, and guiding practice.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What are the two types of exercise intensity?

Maximal and submaximal.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

Name a component of Performance-related fitness.


Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What does the Douglas bag technique measure?

Overall amount of air expired, oxygen concentration, and carbon dioxide production.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What effect does endurance training have on glycogen storage in muscles?

It enhances glycogen storage capacity.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is a key responsibility of a certified exercise physiologist?

Administer exercise stress tests in healthy and unhealthy populations.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

What factors related to muscle fatigue were explored by researchers in the 1960s?

Factors related to rat muscle metabolism.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How does endurance training affect muscle strength?

It may improve muscular endurance rather than maximum strength.

Areas of Specialization in Exercise Physiology

How do exercise physiologists assist clients in fitness?

By training clients to enhance overall conditioning and lose weight.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are preliminary definitions and concepts in exercise physiology?

Foundational terms and ideas that establish the framework for understanding exercise physiology.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is homeostasis?

The ability or tendency to maintain internal stability in an organism to compensate for environmental changes.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What should quality fitness programming provide to trainees and athletes?

Stimuli that engage them both physically and intellectually.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are acute adaptations?

Changes in human physiology that occur during a bout of exercise.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

How do the body's systems respond to exercise according to exercise physiology?

Individually and collectively to acute and chronic bouts of physical activity.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

Why are peer-reviewed journals important in exercise physiology?

They ensure the quality and credibility of research published in the field.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What physiological response is measured during an exercise test?

Heart rate response to increasing intensity.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What does health-related physical fitness include?

Cardiovascular-respiratory endurance, metabolism, and muscular fitness (strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and/or power).

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

Provide examples of exercise.

Performing athletics, sports, or recreational activities such as jogging, cycling, dancing, and swimming.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is an example of a continuous, rhythmical aerobic activity?

Walking, cycling, or swimming.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What is the Douglas bag technique used for?

To collect expired gases for analyzing energy expenditure or aerobic fitness.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What do Exercise Physiologists assess to create fitness training programs?

Physiological profiles through fitness tests.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

How is exercise physiology classified in terms of science?

It is both a basic and an applied science.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

How does rowing affect the cardiorespiratory system compared to football?

Rowing has a very different effect than football.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What is the impact of endurance training on lactic acid production?

It reduces the rate of lactic acid production during exercise.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is one of the primary responsibilities of an academician in Exercise Physiology?

Conduct research in Exercise Physiology.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

What are the roots of exercise physiology?

Anatomy and physiology, which explore the structure and function of the human body.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What happens to your heart rate during an exercise test that increases intensity each minute?

Your heart rate increases.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

Which department is Dr. Kok Lian Yee associated with?

Dept of Sport Science.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

Who is associated with the introduction to exercise physiology at Tunku Abdul Rahman University College?

Associate Prof Dr Kok Lian Yee.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

How does exercise physiology benefit individuals?

It helps in understanding different kinds of exercises and the benefits the body derives from them.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

What is crucial when responding to exercise-related questions and claims?

Providing advice based on scientific evidence and recognizing myths and misconceptions.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are exercise modalities?

Types of activity or sports classified by energy demand or muscle action.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How does exercise physiology address disagreements in the fitness industry?

By studying various kinds of cardiovascular exercises and their effects on the body.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is the role of an Exercise Physiologist?

To develop tailored fitness training programs and monitor athletes' progress.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What defines maximal intensity?

The highest intensity, greatest load, or longest duration an individual can perform.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

How is maximal intensity reached?

At the end point of an incremental exercise test to maximum.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

What is shown in Figure 1 - 7B?

A modern gas analyzer that displays expired air data in real-time during an exercise test.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

What strategies do Exercise Physiologists monitor to prevent overtraining?

Recovery techniques, hydration strategies, and acclimatization.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What MET range defines light exercise?

Less than 3 METs.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How does modern gas analysis differ from the Douglas bag technique?

Modern gas analysis provides real-time data, while the Douglas bag technique requires post-exercise analysis.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is the relationship between higher rates and exercise intensity?

Higher rates correspond to higher intensities.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What does the phrase 'with that in mind' imply?

It suggests considering previous information before making a decision or statement.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

What is Clinical Exercise Physiology?

A sub-component of exercise physiology that applies its principles for prevention, rehabilitation, or diagnosis of disease or disability in humans.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is the primary function of the American Physiological Society (APS)?

To support the knowledge and research of all aspects of physiology.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What does the course aim to establish about Exercise Physiology?

That it deserves to be called a fundamental discipline for sport and exercise science.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

Why are carbohydrates important for marathon running?

They provide quick energy needed for endurance activities.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What does exercise tend to disturb in the body?


Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How does exercise affect homeostasis?

Exercise disrupts homeostasis, causing changes that represent the body’s response to exercise.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

Why does heart rate increase during an incremental exercise test?

To meet the increased oxygen demand of the muscles.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What is the main focus of journals publishing exercise physiology research?

To share findings and advancements in the field of exercise physiology.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What percentage of maximum constitutes low or light exercise intensity?

≤54% of maximum.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

Which university is Dr. Kok Lian Yee affiliated with?

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are chronic adaptations?

Alterations in the structure and functions of the body that occur in response to regular physical activity and training.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

Give examples of physical activity.

Activities of daily living such as shopping, gardening, house-keeping, child-rearing, and work-related activities.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What can be increased due to adaptations from training?

Exercise intensity can be increased for a given distance or duration.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What is one major change in muscles due to endurance training?

Increased mitochondrial density.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What defines exercise?

Planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful physical activity.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What can be sustained longer as a result of training?

A given intensity can be sustained longer.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are the components of Performance-related fitness?

Speed, power, agility, reaction time, balance, coordination.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is the relationship between exercise duration and intensity?

Shorter duration allows for higher intensity; longer duration requires lower intensity.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What is the interaction between genes and training in elite sprinters?

Genetics may set potential limits, while training maximizes performance within those limits.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is training in the context of exercise physiology?

A consistent or chronic progression of exercise sessions designed to improve physiological function (fitness) for better health or sport performance.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

Why do Sports and Exercise Science students need to study Exercise Physiology?

To understand how exercise modifies basic physiological functioning of the human body.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

What new approach to studying exercise was introduced by U.S. biochemists in the 1960s?

A more biochemical approach.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What adaptation occurs in capillary networks as a result of endurance training?

Increased capillary density in muscles.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What are the physiological systems considered in exercise physiology?

Cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, renal, GI, temperature regulation, endocrine, muscle, bone, skin, immune, and metabolism.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are physiological variables?

They are factors like heart rate, blood lactate, and temperature that change under different circumstances.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

What types of exercise are studied in exercise physiology?

Acute bouts of exercise and chronic physical training.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is physical activity?

Body movement produced by muscle action that increases energy expenditure.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

How do genetics influence elite sprinters?

Genetics can determine muscle fiber composition, metabolism, and other physiological traits.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What are the two main components of physical fitness according to Plowman & Smith (2017)?

Health-related physical fitness and sport-specific physical fitness.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

What faculty is associated with the Dept of Sport Science at Tunku Abdul Rahman University College?

Faculty of Applied Sciences.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

What technological advances in the late 1950s impacted exercise physiology?

They allowed researchers to perform difficult analyses more efficiently and study cellular responses to exercise in-depth.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

What type of research might involve testing new exercise interventions?

Applied research.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

What distinguishes applied science from basic science?

Applied science aims to use science to solve real-world problems.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What types of activities are considered anaerobic and/or dynamic resistance?

Jumping, sprinting, and weight lifting.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What is necessary to recognize an abnormal physiological response?

Knowledge of what responses are normal.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

How is exercise intensity measured?

Through respiratory gas analysis, regression models, and metabolic equivalents (METs).

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What characterizes submaximal intensity?

A load that is known or assumed to be below an individual's maximum.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What do exercise physiologists evaluate in a person’s overall health?

Cardiovascular function and metabolism.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What MET range defines moderate activity?

3 to 6 METs.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

Why is heart rate used to estimate energy expenditure?

Because of the significant linear relationship between heart rate and oxygen uptake (V˙O2).

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What factors contribute to the success of elite sprinters?

Both genetics and training.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

What is basic research in exercise physiology focused on?

Understanding fundamental physiological mechanisms.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What do students need to learn to become respected professionals in sport and exercise science?

They need to learn exercise physiology.

Introduction to Exercise Physiology

What is one application of exercise physiology?

Enhancing performance in sports using training principles based on exercise physiology.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

How long can the duration of a full triathlon be?

Up to 12 hours.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

Can elite sprinters achieve success solely through training?

No, genetic predisposition also plays a significant role.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

Which methods developed in the U.S. space program were adopted by exercise physiologists in the 1960s?

Methods to measure and analyze respiratory gases, monitor heart rate, and body temperature.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

How does sport-specific physical fitness relate to health-related physical fitness?

It builds on health-related physical fitness and adds additional motor attributes and anaerobic capabilities for performance.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

How does applied science relate to basic science?

It relies on the results generated through basic science.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

Who were the prominent researchers using biochemical methods to study rat muscle metabolism?

John Holloszy, Charles Tipton, and Phil Gollnick.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How do training programs affect the human body?

They modify basic physiological functioning and cause specific adaptations.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What does exercise physiology describe and explain?

The body's response to exercise and adaptation to exercise training.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is a key responsibility of Exercise Physiologists regarding athlete development?

Providing benchmark physiological information for long-term athletic development.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

What type of investigations do Exercise Physiologists perform?

Investigations to assess patient risk.

Importance of Studying Exercise Physiology

What community role do Exercise Physiologists play?

Working with community groups, volunteers, and local councils to raise awareness of the benefits of exercise.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What is a debated topic in the fitness industry?

The role of cardiovascular exercise in weight loss and body weight maintenance.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What percentage range defines hard or heavy exercise intensity?

70 – 89% of maximum.

Basic vs. Applied Science in Exercise Physiology

What is the primary goal of basic science?

To expand knowledge regardless of short-term application.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

Name a component of Health-related fitness.

Cardiorespiratory endurance.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What factors affect homeostatic disruption during exercise?

Both the duration and intensity of the exercise.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What does exercise intensity refer to?

The level of physical exertion or effort.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What is supramaximal exercise intensity?

>100% of maximum.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What is the relationship between training programs and physiological adaptations?

Adaptations will be specific to the training program used.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What is relative load?

A percentage of an individual's maximum load, e.g., bench press at 50% of 1 repetition maximum.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What do academicians in Exercise Physiology prepare?

Practitioners, future investigators, and leaders in the field.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

Who do exercise physiologists help regain their health?

Patients with heart disease and other chronic conditions like diabetes or pulmonary disease.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What specific systems does exercise physiology examine?

Muscular, cardiovascular, and neural systems.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What does one MET represent?

The amount of oxygen consumed by a resting, awake individual, equivalent to 3.5 ml O2/kg of body weight/minute.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is a key requirement for an academician in Exercise Physiology?

Good knowledge based on facts and theories derived from research.

Key Terminology in Exercise Physiology

What MET range defines vigorous activity?

Greater than 6 METs.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is an important task for a Sports Physiologist?

Test athletes, analyze their data, and submit reports to coaches.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What is one role of exercise physiologists in relation to athletes?

To boost their performance.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What changes does exercise physiology study in relation to physical training?

Changes in functional capacity and fitness.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

How does endurance training improve oxygen utilization in muscles?

By increasing the efficiency of oxygen delivery and utilization.

Physiological Systems and Responses to Exercise

What is the ultimate aim of exercise physiology?

To maximize human physical potential.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What do exercise physiologists design to meet health care needs?

Customized exercise programs.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

How do Exercise Physiologists support athletes?

By educating and advising them on training, recovery techniques, and hydration strategies.

Advances in Technology in Exercise Physiology

What aspects of muscle did researchers like Holloszy and Tipton study?

Human muscle fiber characteristics during exercise and muscle fiber adaptations from chronic exercise training.

Exercise Intensity and Duration

What is absolute load?

General use of an intensity similarly applied to everyone, such as bench press with 20 kg.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

With whom do Exercise Physiologists collaborate?

Other sport and exercise professionals, coaching staff, and allied health professionals.

Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

How do Exercise Physiologists assist patients in lifestyle changes?

By working directly with them and referring them to other specialists when necessary.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What do exercise physiologists develop to increase physical fitness?

Individualized exercise prescriptions.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What do Sports Physiologists formulate to help athletes?

Training programs to enhance and refine athletic performance and overall fitness.

Roles and Responsibilities of Exercise Physiologists

What role does a Sports Physiologist play?

Researcher or part of a training team for athletes at Sports Councils.

Areas of Specialization in Exercise Physiology

What is one area of specialization in exercise physiology focused on athletes?

Helping athletes to improve performance.

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