Why is it important to use calibrated devices for dosing?
To ensure proper dosing.
What devices should be used to measure or deliver volumes less than 1 ml?
Graduated pipet, syringe, or calibrated dropper.
Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

Why is it important to use calibrated devices for dosing?

To ensure proper dosing.

Measurement Techniques for Volumes Less Than 1 ml

What devices should be used to measure or deliver volumes less than 1 ml?

Graduated pipet, syringe, or calibrated dropper.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is the purpose of spatulas in pharmaceutical compounding?

For spatulating and mixing ingredients.

Selection of Liquid Measurement Devices

Which devices can be used for liquid measurement?

Syringes, pipettes, conical graduates, cylindrical graduates.

Measurement Techniques for Volumes Less Than 1 ml

What is the purpose of using a graduated pipet?

To measure or deliver small volumes of liquid.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is levigating?

The process of reducing particle size while mixing with a liquid.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What type of solvent is typically used in the recrystallization method?

Volatile solvent (e.g., alcohol).

Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

What is the total weight of the preparation?

3000 mg.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is a disadvantage of Wedgwood mortars and pestles?

They have less shearing efficiency and are less durable.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What tool is primarily used in trituration?

Mortar and pestle.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is an ointment pad?

A preparation used for topical application, typically in a flat form.

Selection of Liquid Measurement Devices

What types of graduates are mentioned for liquid measurement?

Conical graduates and cylindrical graduates.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is the primary use of mortars and pestles in pharmaceutical compounding?

For grinding and triturating substances.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is the purpose of trituration in powder mixing?

To create a fine mixture of the components.

Analysis of Particle Size in Micromeritics

What technique uses a mesh to separate particles based on size?


Analysis of Particle Size in Micromeritics

What does the sedimentation rate measure?

The rate at which particles settle in a fluid.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is a characteristic of Wedgwood mortars and pestles?

They are more attractive and white.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is a specific type of spatula mentioned?

Micro spatulas.

Inappropriate Measurement Devices

What should never be used as liquid measurement devices without calibration?

Prescription bottles, nonvolumetric flasks, beakers, or household teaspoons.

Selection of Liquid Measurement Devices

What should you consider when selecting a liquid measurement device?

Always select the closest device that accommodates the desired volume.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What are ointment pads used for?

For preparing and manipulating ointments.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

Why is direct trituration not used for hard crystalline structures?

Because of their hard crystalline structure.

Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

Why is the BUD set at 6 months for this preparation?

Because there’s no water-containing ingredients.

Analysis of Particle Size in Micromeritics

What technique uses light energy to analyze particle size?

Light energy diffraction or light scattering.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What are the characteristics of glass mortars?

They are smooth, non-porous, and can stain drugs.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What technique should be applied while using the pestle during trituration?

Firmly hold the pestle and exert a downward pressure on the mortar.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What is levigation?

A process of reducing particle size by wetting the powder and grinding it.

Challenges with Oily and Viscous Liquids

What is a recommended alternative for measuring oily and viscous liquids?

Using a disposable syringe or measuring by weight rather than volume.

Measurement Techniques for Volumes Less Than 1 ml

Which device is specifically mentioned for measuring small liquid volumes?


Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What process involves reducing particle size through grinding?


Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

What is the BUD for the given preparation?

6 months.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What type of powders must be used for spatulation?

The powders must be fine and uniform.

Analysis of Particle Size in Micromeritics

What is cascade impaction?

A method for measuring particle size distribution by capturing particles on a series of plates.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What is trituration in the context of particle size reduction?

The continued rubbing of solid using a mortar and pestle to reduce the size.

Inappropriate Measurement Devices

What is the importance of not cross-contaminating in compounding?

To ensure the purity and effectiveness of each preparation.

Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

What should be provided to patients when small or very accurate doses (<5 ml) are required?

A calibrated dropper, oral syringe, or similar device.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What method is commonly used for geometric dilution?

Trituration method.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What method can be used to reduce particle size through recrystallization?

Adding a volatile solvent.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is trituration in powder blending?

The process of grinding powders into finer particles.

Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

How many capsules are prepared in this formulation?

#10 capsules.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is a key feature of heavy-duty mortars?

They are durable.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is a common action performed with spatulas on a mortar surface?


Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is an ointment slab?

A flat surface used for mixing and preparing ointments.

Selection of Liquid Measurement Devices

What is the ideal volume range for selecting a liquid measurement device?

± 20% of the desired volume.

Measurement Techniques for Volumes Less Than 1 ml

What is a calibrated dropper used for?

To measure or deliver volumes less than 1 ml.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is the total amount of cream base in the example?

200 mg of cream base.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is spatulation?

Mixing small quantities of powders on an ointment slab or pad using a spatula.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is the purpose of sifting in powder mixing?

To pass powders through sifters to achieve uniform particle size.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

Where is tumbling commonly used?

In the industry for mixing large quantities of powders.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is the primary use of spatulas in a laboratory?

Withdrawing small amounts of chemicals.

Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

What does 'punching capsules' refer to?

A technique used to fill capsules with powdered medication.

Inappropriate Measurement Devices

What is required if you choose to use prescription bottles for measurement?

You must calibrate it yourself.

Challenges with Oily and Viscous Liquids

What is a challenge when measuring oily and viscous liquids?

They are difficult to remove from graduates and pipets, requiring long drainage time.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What is levigation?

A process to reduce particle size of a solid by triturating it in a mortar or spatulating it on an ointment slab with a small amount of liquid in which the solid is not soluble.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What tools are commonly used in the levigation process?

A mortar and an ointment slab or pad.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What is the purpose of using a small amount of liquid in levigation?

To facilitate the reduction of particle size without dissolving the solid.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is geometric dilution?

Blending two or more powders of unequal quantities.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is the function of an ointment slab?

To provide a flat surface for mixing and levigating ointments.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

In the example provided, how much ZnO is mixed with the cream base?

100 mg of ZnO.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What is the method used for particle size reduction in hard crystalline structures?

Pulverization by intervention.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is the purpose of blending/mixing powders?

To create a homogeneous mixture for uniform doses.

Analysis of Particle Size in Micromeritics

What is micromeritics?

The science of small particles.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

Does spatulation involve particle size reduction?

No, it does not involve particle size reduction.

Analysis of Particle Size in Micromeritics

Which method involves examining particles under a microscope?


Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What is the process after mixing coarse particles with a volatile solvent?

Evaporating the solvent to obtain fine powders.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

When is spatulation particularly useful?

For creating eutectic mixtures.

Inappropriate Measurement Devices

Why is sifting not suitable for potent drugs?

Because it may lead to inconsistent dosing due to particle size variation.

Analysis of Particle Size in Micromeritics

What is laser holography used for in micromeritics?

To analyze particle size and shape.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

How do ceramic mortars compare to Wedgwood?

They are similar but less durable and have less shearing efficiency.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What types of formulations should not be used with glass mortars?

Stain drugs and potent drugs.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is the purpose of using mortars and pestles in pharmaceutical compounding?

For particle size reduction and preparing emulsions.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What process involves mixing dry chemicals with a liquid to create a paste?


Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What can be caused by improper use of spatulas?


Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is one of the uses of spatulas besides withdrawing chemicals?

Scraping other spatulas.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is spatulation?

A method of mixing powders using a spatula on an ointment slab.

Particle Size Reduction Techniques

What is an example of a substance that can be reduced in particle size using recrystallization?


Calibrated Droppers and Oral Syringes for Accurate Dosing

What are the active ingredients in the preparation?

Acetaminophen 650 mg and Codeine phosphate 100 mg.

Blending and Mixing of Powders

What is tumbling in the context of powder mixing?

Mixing large quantities of powders in a motorized rotating container.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What should be done carefully when using Wedgwood mortars?

They should be cleaned carefully.

Mortars and Pestles in Pharmaceutical Compounding

What is the purpose of transferring materials with a spatula?

To facilitate the handling of chemicals.

Inappropriate Measurement Devices

What is the difference between ointment and cream?

Ointments are oil-based, while creams are water-based.

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