Why is water considered a near universal solvent?
Because it can dissolve a wide variety of substances.
What rule summarizes solubility?
“Like dissolves like.”
Water as a Solvent

Why is water considered a near universal solvent?

Because it can dissolve a wide variety of substances.

Solubility Principles

What rule summarizes solubility?

“Like dissolves like.”

Functions of Water

What are some functions of water in the human body?

Serve as solvent (blood and cells), temperature regulation, saliva (digestive), joint lubrication (e.g. synovial fluid), blood pressure regulation, air moisturization, nutrients transportation, shock absorber, hydrolysis reactions.

Ionization of Water

What is the ionization of water?

Water molecules exist in equilibrium with hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).

Understanding Solutions

What is a solution?

A homogeneous mixture that contains small dissolved particles.

Understanding Solutions

When does a solution conduct electricity?

When it contains dissolved ions.

Properties of Water

What is the significance of water's high heat of vaporization?

It allows water to absorb a lot of heat before it evaporates, helping to regulate temperature.

Hydration Shells

How do water molecules interact with anions like Cl- and bicarbonate?

Anions are surrounded by a hydration shell of water molecules arranged with their hydrogen atoms closest to the anion.

Understanding Solutions

Can any phase of matter form solutions?

Yes, any phase of matter can form solutions.

Chemical Structure of Water

Why is water considered a polar molecule?

Because oxygen is more electronegative compared to hydrogen, leading to uneven sharing of electrons and partial charges on the atoms.

Understanding Solutions

What is a solute?

A minor component of a solution that is dissolved in the solvent.

Properties of Water

Why are hydrogen bonds important in water's ability to dissolve polar molecules?

Hydrogen bonds are strong enough to dissolve polar molecules and separate charges but weak enough to allow movement of water and solutes.

Suspensions vs Solutions

What is an example of a suspension?

Blood or some drugs.

Properties of Water

What unique physical property of water is due to hydrogen bonds?

High heat of vaporization, strong surface tension, high specific heat capacity, and high boiling point.

Properties of Water

Why do polar organic molecules and inorganic salts readily dissolve in water?

Due to hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions with water molecules.

Water as a Solvent

What is an aqueous solution?

A solution where water is used as the solvent.

Ionization of Water

What does the equilibrium of water indicate?

It indicates that the equilibrium favors the reactant (water molecules), meaning only very small amounts of H+ and OH- ions are present.

Understanding Solutions

What is the solute in a solution?

The substance present in a lesser amount.

Understanding Solutions

What is a solvent?

A liquid in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution.

Hydration Shells

How do water molecules interact with inorganic cations such as Na+ and K+?

The oxygen atom of water interacts with inorganic cations to surround them with a hydration shell.

Solubility Principles

Are most ionic compounds soluble in water?

Yes, if the attractive forces between ions and water are stronger than the attraction between the ions in the crystal.

Properties of Water

Why does water have strong surface tension?

Due to hydrogen bonding between water molecules.

Suspensions vs Solutions

What is a suspension?

A mixture in which particles are dispersed throughout the bulk of a fluid but are not dissolved.

Ionization of Water

What is the equilibrium constant for water?

Kw = [H+][OH-]

Understanding Solutions

What is the solvent in a solution?

The substance present in a larger amount.

Chemical Structure of Water

What type of attraction occurs between water molecules?

Electrostatic attraction.

Suspensions vs Solutions

How does a suspension differ from a solution?

In a suspension, particles are finely divided but not dissolved, unlike in a solution.

Ionization of Water

What are the concentrations of H+ and OH- in pure water?

H+ = OH- = 10^-7

Solubility Principles

Are nonpolar compounds soluble in nonpolar solvents?

Yes, compounds with many nonpolar C-C and C-H bonds are soluble in nonpolar solvents.

Understanding Solutions

What is a solution?

A liquid mixture in which a minor solute is uniformly distributed within the solvent.

Understanding Solutions

When does a solution not conduct electricity?

When it contains atoms or neutral molecules.

Solubility Principles

Are small polar compounds that can hydrogen bond soluble in water?

Yes, they are soluble in water.

Chemical Structure of Water

What is the chemical structure of water?

Water is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

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