What is one of my weaknesses?
Over-focusing on tasks, which sometimes leads me to forget to reply to instant messages and can result in burnout from working overtime.
What should I research more about the company?
I should research more about the company's values, culture, and projects.
Strengths and Weaknesses

What is one of my weaknesses?

Over-focusing on tasks, which sometimes leads me to forget to reply to instant messages and can result in burnout from working overtime.

Attraction to the Company

What should I research more about the company?

I should research more about the company's values, culture, and projects.

Attraction to the Company

How did you hear about the position?

I came across the job posting on your company’s website while searching for a mobile developer position.

Contributions to Team Efficiency

What significant impact did your meticulousness have in your previous job?

I ensured all requirements were accurate and timely, leading to positive feedback after completing the task.

Journey to the Office

What is the weather like today?

The weather is beautiful today.

Contributions to Team Efficiency

How do you believe your past experiences will contribute to the team?

My multitasking and problem-solving skills are essential for a programmer and can enhance the team's efficiency.

Mobile App Development Experience

What is your professional background?

I have a background in mobile app development, focusing on the iOS platform.

Introduction and Background

What is your name?

I’m Wai Ho Fan, but you can call me Gary.

Mobile App Development Experience

How long have you been working as a mobile developer?

I have been working as a mobile developer for the past 7 years.

Strengths and Weaknesses

What is one of my strengths?

My attention to detail, which helps me catch even small errors in code and develop high-quality products.

Mobile App Development Experience

What was your main responsibility in your previous job?

Handling multiple iOS mobile app projects, mainly focusing on frontend development.

Handling Challenges in Projects

Can you describe a challenge you faced in a previous project?

I encountered unexpected delays, gathered the team, discussed the errors, and revised the timeline to complete the project on time.

Attraction to the Company

What are you looking for in a professional environment?

I am looking for a better professional working environment.

Journey to the Office

How was your journey to the office today?

It was quite easy because I also live in the area.

Teamwork vs. Individual Work

Do I prefer working in a team or individually?

I feel more enthusiastic and productive when working with a team, as it enhances creativity through discussion, but I can be flexible and focus better on tasks when working individually.

Mobile App Development Experience

What programming languages do you have experience with?

I have experience with Obj-C and Swift.

Managing Pressure and Stress

How do you handle pressure or stressful situations?

I tend to stay calm, break down the problem, share my concerns with teammates, and collaborate on solutions.

Continuous Learning and Skill Improvement

What methods do you use to improve your knowledge?

I take online courses, participate in coding challenges, and learn from the coding community on platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub.

Attraction to the Company

What are you eager to do in your next role?

I’m eager to apply my skills in a dynamic role in {company}.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder