Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors
What is the nature of the learning process according to the principles?
Learning is most effective when it is an intentional process of constructing meaning from information and experience.
Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors
How does a successful learner construct knowledge?
By linking new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways.
Standards and Assessment in Education
What can enhance learning outcomes according to the text?
Educators assisting learners in developing, applying, and assessing their strategic learning skills.
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles
How are the 14 psychological principles organized?
They are divided into cognitive and metacognitive, motivational and affective, developmental and social, and individual difference factors.
Social Influences on Learning
How do quality personal relationships affect learners?
They increase learners' sense of stability, trust, and caring.
Strategic Thinking and Learning Strategies
What is strategic thinking in the context of learning?
The ability to create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve complex learning goals.
Context of Learning and Environmental Factors
How can positive learning climates affect learners?
They help establish a context for healthier levels of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Standards and Assessment in Education
What role does assessment play in the learning process?
It provides important information to both the learner and teacher at all stages of learning.
Individual Differences in Learning
What do individual differences in learning refer to?
Different strategies, approaches, and capabilities for learning based on prior experience and heredity.
Intrinsic Motivation to Learn
What are major indicators of intrinsic motivation?
Curiosity, flexible and insightful thinking, and creativity.
Social Influences on Learning
What enhances learning in social contexts?
Opportunities for interaction and collaboration with others.
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles
What do the learner-centered psychological principles focus on?
Psychological factors that are primarily internal to and under the control of the learner.
Motivational and Affective Factors
What impact do intense negative emotions have on learning?
They detract from motivation, interfere with learning, and contribute to low performance.
Intrinsic Motivation to Learn
How can educators support learners' intrinsic motivation?
By attending to individual differences in perceptions of novelty, difficulty, relevance, and personal choice.
Motivational and Affective Factors
What are key factors that can offset negative influences on learning?
Family influences, positive interpersonal support, and instruction in self-motivation strategies.
Intrinsic Motivation to Learn
What types of tasks stimulate intrinsic motivation?
Tasks of optimal novelty and difficulty, relevant to personal interests, and providing personal choice and control.
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles
Who do the principles apply to?
All learners, including children, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members.
Strategic Thinking and Learning Strategies
How do successful learners use strategic thinking?
They apply it in learning, reasoning, problem solving, and concept learning.
Motivational and Affective Factors
What influences motivation to learn?
An individual's emotional states, beliefs, interests, goals, and habits of thinking.
Motivational and Affective Factors
What role do goals play in the learning process?
Successful learners create meaningful representations of knowledge and pursue personally relevant goals.
Standards and Assessment in Education
What is the significance of setting high and challenging standards?
It encourages learners to work towards appropriately high goals, enhancing motivation and achievement.
Developmental Influences on Learning
How can prior schooling and home factors affect learning?
They influence the cognitive, emotional, and social development of individual learners.
Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors
How can self-assessments improve students?
They can enhance students' self-appraisal skills and motivation for self-directed learning.
Developmental Influences on Learning
What influences the effectiveness of learning?
Differential development across physical, intellectual, emotional, and social domains.
Context of Learning and Environmental Factors
What role do environmental factors play in learning?
They influence learning through culture, technology, and instructional practices.
Motivational and Affective Factors
How do positive emotions affect learning?
They generally enhance motivation and facilitate learning and performance.
Social Influences on Learning
How does diversity impact learning effectiveness?
Learning is most effective when linguistic, cultural, and social differences are taken into account.
Social Influences on Learning
How do cultural influences impact students?
They can affect motivation, orientation toward learning, and ways of thinking.
Individual Differences in Learning
Why is it important for educators to be sensitive to individual differences?
To adapt instructional methods and materials to accommodate varying learner perceptions.
Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors
What happens if new knowledge is not integrated with prior knowledge?
The new knowledge remains isolated and cannot be used effectively in new tasks.
Motivational and Affective Factors
What is required for the acquisition of complex knowledge and skills?
Extended learner effort and guided practice.
Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors
What are higher order strategies in learning?
Strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations that facilitate creative and critical thinking.
Intrinsic Motivation to Learn
What contributes to a learner's intrinsic motivation to learn?
Creativity, higher order thinking, and natural curiosity.
Strategic Thinking and Learning Strategies
What strategies can educators use to assist learners in acquiring knowledge?
Concept mapping and thematic organization or categorizing.