What percentage of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) cases are sporadic?
What morphological changes occur in the spinal cord due to MND/ALS?
Degeneration of the ventral horns, ventral spinal roots, and corticospinal tracts.
Aetiology of MND/ALS: Sporadic vs Genetic

What percentage of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) cases are sporadic?


Morphological Changes in MND/ALS

What morphological changes occur in the spinal cord due to MND/ALS?

Degeneration of the ventral horns, ventral spinal roots, and corticospinal tracts.

Differentiation of LMN and UMN Signs

What are the signs of Lower Motor Neuron (LMN) involvement?

Progressive muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, fasciculations, and hyporeflexia.

Pathogenesis: Degeneration of Upper and Lower Motor Neurons

What is the primary pathogenesis of MND/ALS?

Progressive degeneration of Lower Motor Neurons (LMNs) and Upper Motor Neurons (UMNs) in the spinal cord.

Treatment Options for MND/ALS

Is there a known cure for MND?

No, there is currently no cure for MND.

Innervation of Skeletal Muscles by Lower Motor Neurons

What innervates skeletal muscles?

Lower Motor Neurons (LMNs) from the Ventral Spinal Root.

Differentiation of LMN and UMN Signs

What are the signs of Upper Motor Neuron (UMN) involvement?

Spasticity, stiffness, rigidity, and hyperreflexia.

Clinical Features and Symptoms of MND/ALS

What happens to voluntary muscles in MND/ALS?

They are affected, leading to difficulties in walking, speaking, breathing, and swallowing.

Treatment Options for MND/ALS

What type of treatment is available for MND/ALS?

Supportive treatment, including ventilation and parenteral nutrition.

Clinical Features and Symptoms of MND/ALS

What are common clinical features of MND/ALS?

Progressive weakness, muscle wasting, fasciculations, spasticity, and hyperreflexia.

Prognosis and Disease Progression of MND/ALS

What is the prognosis for individuals diagnosed with MND?

The prognosis varies, but it generally leads to progressive disability.

Prognosis and Disease Progression of MND/ALS

What is the prognosis for MND/ALS?

It is incurable, with death typically occurring within 3 years.

Clinical Features and Symptoms of MND/ALS

What are common symptoms of MND?

Muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, and swallowing.

Pathogenesis: Degeneration of Upper and Lower Motor Neurons

What is the primary effect of MND?

It affects the motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord.

What other neurodegenerative disease is associated with ALS?

<p>Fronto-temporal dementia</p>

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