What does the heart of compassion lead to in Confucianism?
What does Locke emphasize about the mind?
That it consists of memory where our consciousness (thoughts, experiences) resides.
Eastern Philosophies of Self

What does the heart of compassion lead to in Confucianism?


Concepts of Self

What does Locke emphasize about the mind?

That it consists of memory where our consciousness (thoughts, experiences) resides.

Concepts of Self

How is self-activity defined?

As an independent and self-determined action of a person.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

Who is better known as 'Master Kong'?


Eastern Philosophies of Self

What does Confucianism believe about the concept of self?

It believes in 'No Self'.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

What are the four beginnings in Confucianism?

Heart of compassion, heart of righteousness, heart of propriety, heart of wisdom.

Concepts of Self

Who is known as the Father of Filipino Psychology?

Dr. Enriquez, also known as Doc E.

Concepts of Self

What does Sikolohiyang Pilipino refer to?

Psychology born out of the experience, thought, and orientation of Filipinos.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What happens to Atman after death according to Hindu beliefs?

It either transmigrates to a new life or attains release from existence.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What does Aristotle state about the beginning of wisdom?

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What are the five Skandha in Buddhism?

Form, sensation, perception, mental formation, and awareness or consciousness.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What are the two distinct kinds of perceptions according to Hume?

Impressions and ideas.

Concepts of Self

How does Hume explain the self?

Through the 'Bundle Theory of Personal Identity', where the mind is a bundle of perceptions and experiences linked by causation and resemblance.

Concepts of Self

According to Locke, what defines one's personal identity?

Reason and reflection.

Freud's Structure of Personality

What are Freud's three structures of personality?

Id, ego, and superego.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

How does Buddhism's concept of self differ from Hinduism?

Buddhism believes in 'Anatta' or non-self, which suggests no permanent soul.

Freud's Structure of Personality

What does Freud mean by 'The ego is not master in its own house'?

It suggests that the ego is influenced by unconscious drives and conflicts.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

Can a person know someone by name but not understand them?

Yes, knowing someone by name does not guarantee understanding their feelings or motivations.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What is the focus of Hindu philosophy regarding the self?

The understanding of the self from a spiritual and existential perspective.

Concepts of Self

What is the core value of Sikolohiyang Pilipino?

The concept of 'Kapwa', which encompasses both 'self' and 'others'.

Concepts of Self

What is self-identity?

The particular characteristics of the self that determine an individual’s uniqueness.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What is one example used to illustrate the difference between knowing and understanding?

Applications like Zoom, Discord, and Google Meet.

Aristotle's View on Self and Soul

What does Aristotle believe about the relationship between body and soul?

He insists that the human being is a composite of body and soul, and that the soul cannot be separated from the body.

Philosophy and Self

What does the term 'philosophia' mean?

Love of wisdom.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

Can the self be identified with any one of the five Skandha?

No, the self cannot be identified with any one part nor is it the total of the parts.

Western Philosophers on Self

Which philosopher is known as the Father of Western Philosophy?


Concepts of Self

Is it normal to not fully understand one's feelings?

Yes, it is normal.

Socratic Method and Self-Examination

What is the main assertion of Socrates regarding understanding the self?

To understand the self is to 'know thyself'.

Concepts of Self

What does self-knowledge refer to?

One’s knowledge and understanding of their own learning, character, motivation, and capabilities.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

How does Merriam-Webster define 'knowing'?

Having or reflecting knowledge, information, or intelligence.

Western Philosophers on Self

Who is considered the first moral philosopher?


Eastern Philosophies of Self

What century did Confucius live in?

Fifth century BCE.

Aristotle's View on Self and Soul

What is Aristotle's view on the true self of human beings?

He diverged from Plato, emphasizing individuality and the three parts of the soul.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

What does the heart of propriety lead to in Confucianism?


Eastern Philosophies of Self

What does the heart of wisdom lead to in Confucianism?


Freud's Structure of Personality

According to David Hume, what is the self composed of?

The self is nothing more than the mental perceptions available to our memory.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What did Dr. Enriquez believe about understanding oneself?

A Filipino can better understand himself and improve his life.

Socratic Method and Self-Examination

What does Socrates believe is necessary for a meaningful life?

Self-examination; 'an unexamined life is not worth living'.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

What does the heart of righteousness lead to in Confucianism?


Freud's Structure of Personality

How do Freud's concepts relate to Aristotle's view?

Freud's structures of personality are similar to Aristotle's tripartite soul.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What role do previous experiences play in Hume's concept of self?

They give meaning based on the principles of cause and effect.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What is the definition of 'understanding' according to the text?

The capacity to comprehend fully and deeply a thing, concept, or situation.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

What is the quest for the human self in Confucianism?

The search for what it is to be human does not exist.

Differences Between Knowing and Understanding

What is the significance of the phrase 'Know thyself' in philosophy?

It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's identity.

Western Philosophers on Self

Who is considered the Father of Western Philosophy?


Concepts of Self

What is the definition of 'self' according to Merriam-Webster?

An individual’s character or behavior.

Socratic Method and Self-Examination

How does Socrates suggest one can achieve knowledge of oneself?

Through the Socratic Method, involving dialogue between the soul and itself.

Concepts of Self

What are the five ways to examine the concepts of self?

Self-knowledge, self-activity, self-independent of the senses, self-identity, and self-image.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What is the main concept of self in Hinduism?

Atman, which means 'soul or breath'.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What does Atman represent in Hinduism?

The universal self that is identical with the core of personality.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What is Brahman in Hinduism?

The absolute that underlies the workings of the universe.

Concepts of Self

What does John Locke mean by 'self'?

A thinking intelligent being that has reason and reflection, recognizing itself over time and space.

Freud's Structure of Personality

What does Hume mean by saying 'Humans are bundles of impressions and ideas'?

He suggests that the self is formed from various mental impressions and ideas rather than a singular essence.

Concepts of Self

When was Dr. Enriquez born?

November 24, 1942.

Descartes and the Thinking Self

What is the essence of Descartes' famous statement 'Cogito, ergo sum'?

It means 'I think, therefore I am,' emphasizing that the self is a thinking person.

Descartes and the Thinking Self

How does Descartes define the self?

As a consciousness that forms our thinking and guides our behavior.

Eastern Philosophies of Self

How can the four beginnings be described in a Western framework?

As 'pre-self' or 'potential-self'.

Concepts of Self

What does self-independent of the senses focus on?

The inner self, including internal attributes like abilities, skills, and natural intelligence.

Concepts of Self

What is self-image?

A mental picture of an individual that is resistant to change over time regarding their abilities and personality.

Philosophy and Self

What is the primary aim of philosophy?

To study and seek answers to fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, logic, and language.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What does the doctrine of non-self imply in Buddhism?

There is no permanent, underlying substance that can be called the 'soul'.

Concepts of Self

How is 'self' described in terms of individuality?

As the union of elements such as body, emotions, thoughts, and sensations that constitute a person's individuality and identity.

Hindu and Buddhist Concepts of Self

What does Buddhist philosophy emphasize about the self?

The impermanence and non-self nature of existence.

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