What is one purpose of increasing membrane surface area?
To accommodate more membrane proteins.
How are peripheral membrane proteins connected?
They are connected to an integral membrane protein.
Methods to Increase Membrane Surface Area

What is one purpose of increasing membrane surface area?

To accommodate more membrane proteins.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

How are peripheral membrane proteins connected?

They are connected to an integral membrane protein.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

What are the functions of cholesterol in cell membranes?

Cholesterol prevents leaking at high temperatures and prevents solidifying at low temperatures.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

How do carrier proteins function in cell membranes?

They bind to molecules and change shape to shuttle them across the membrane.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

What is the target of antibody proteins on human red blood cells?

The cell with the corresponding antigens.

Phospholipid Bilayer Structure and Properties

How are the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts of phospholipids oriented in the bilayer?

The hydrophilic heads face outward towards the water, while the hydrophobic tails face inward, away from the water.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

What determines a person's blood type?

The presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

What is the Rh factor in blood types?

An antigen that can be either present (+) or absent (-) on the surface of red blood cells.

Plant Cell Plasma Membrane Composition

What are the major differences between the plasma membrane of animal cells and plant cells?

Plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, and larger vacuoles, while animal cells do not.

Prokaryotic Cell Plasma Membrane Features

What is a key characteristic of prokaryotic cell plasma membranes?

They lack cholesterol and have different types of lipids compared to eukaryotic cells.

Methods to Increase Membrane Surface Area

What is an example of cells with outfoldings?

Human small intestine cells.

Overview of Cell Membranes

What type of cells have internal membranes?

All eukaryotes.

Phospholipid Bilayer Structure and Properties

What is the primary structure of cell membranes?

The phospholipid bilayer.

Prokaryotic Cell Plasma Membrane Features

What is an example of a cell that has infoldings?

Some Bacteria cells.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

What do antibody proteins stick to on the surface of human red blood cells?


Phospholipid Bilayer Structure and Properties

What is the basic structure of the phospholipid bilayer?

The phospholipid bilayer consists of two layers of phospholipids with hydrophilic (water-attracting) heads facing outward and hydrophobic (water-repelling) tails facing inward.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

Which blood type is known as the universal recipient?

Type AB positive.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

How do humans have eight different blood types?

Due to the presence of different antigens and antibodies on the surface of red blood cells.

Plant Cell Plasma Membrane Composition

What is a distinguishing feature of plant cell plasma membranes?

They contain cellulose which provides structural support.

Plant Cell Plasma Membrane Composition

What are the main components of plant cell plasma membranes?

Phospholipids and membrane proteins.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

Which antigens are present on a person's RBCs?

The antigens present on a person's RBCs depend on their blood type. For example, type A blood has A antigens, type B blood has B antigens, type AB blood has both A and B antigens, and type O blood has no A or B antigens.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

Which type of membrane would be better in a cold environment: A or B?

Moderately fluid membrane (A).

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What type of secondary structure is represented by an alpha helix with polar amino acids in an integral membrane protein?

Alpha helix with polar amino acids.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

Which blood type is known as the universal donor?

Type O negative.

Phospholipid Bilayer Structure and Properties

What are the major organic molecules in the plasma membrane of a typical animal cell?

Phospholipids, proteins, cholesterol, and carbohydrates.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

What role does cholesterol play in cell membranes?

Cholesterol helps to maintain membrane fluidity.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What is the characteristic of integral membrane proteins?

They span the phospholipid bilayer.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

How does cholesterol affect cell membranes at low temperatures?

It prevents solidifying.

Importance of Carbohydrates in Cell Membranes

What is the importance of carbohydrates in the plasma membrane?

They are involved in cell recognition and adhesion.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

How does the plasma membrane of human red blood cells relate to blood types?

The plasma membrane contains specific carbohydrates that determine blood types.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

Where is cholesterol located in the cell membrane?

Cholesterol sits between phospholipids.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

What is the D-antigen protein?

The D-antigen protein is a type of protein found on the surface of red blood cells in most people.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

What types of antigens can everyone have?

A-antigens, B-antigens, and H-antigens.

Prokaryotic Cell Plasma Membrane Features

Why do most prokaryotic cells have a cell wall?

For protection.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What is the function of receptor proteins in cell membranes?

To receive and transmit signals from the cell's environment.

Plant Cell Plasma Membrane Composition

Why do plant cells have simpler plasma membranes compared to animal cells?

Because plant cells have a cell wall for protection.

Importance of Carbohydrates in Cell Membranes

What is the role of glycolipids and glycoproteins in the cell membrane?

They face outwards to protect the cell.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

What are the four main human blood types?

A, B, AB, and O.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What type of secondary structure is represented by a beta sheet with non-polar amino acids in an integral membrane protein?

Beta sheet with non-polar amino acids.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What is the role of proteins in the plasma membrane?

They assist in transport, act as enzymes, and serve as receptors.

Importance of Carbohydrates in Cell Membranes

Why are carbohydrates important in cell membranes?

They play a key role in cell recognition and communication.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What is the function of cell recognition proteins in cell membranes?

To help the cell identify and interact with other cells.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

What is the structure of cholesterol?

Amphipathic, with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What are the two main types of membrane proteins?

Integral and peripheral.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

What role does cholesterol play in cell membranes at high temperatures?

It prevents leaking.

Phospholipid Bilayer Structure and Properties

What is the function of phospholipids in the plasma membrane?

They form the bilayer that acts as a barrier to protect the cell.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What are the main types of proteins found in cell membranes?

Integral and peripheral proteins.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What is the role of channel proteins in cell membranes?

To provide a passageway for specific molecules and ions to cross the membrane.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

A person with A+ blood has which antigens?

E. A and H and D

Overview of Cell Membranes

What is an example of cells that contain internal membranes?

Eukaryotic cells.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What type of secondary structure is represented by an alpha helix with non-polar amino acids in an integral membrane protein?

Alpha helix with non-polar amino acids.

Role of Cholesterol in Membrane Fluidity

How does cholesterol function in the plasma membrane?

It helps to maintain fluidity and stability of the membrane.

Characteristics of Animal Cell Plasma Membrane

What is a unique feature of the animal cell plasma membrane?

It contains cholesterol which helps to stabilize the membrane.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

Which blood type can a patient with A- blood receive a transfusion from?

O- donor.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What type of membrane proteins are integral membrane proteins?

Integral membrane proteins are proteins that are permanently attached to the cell membrane.

Importance of Carbohydrates in Cell Membranes

What are glycolipids?

Glycolipids are lipids with a carbohydrate attached by a glycosidic bond.

Human Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane and Blood Types

Why is it important to match blood types for transfusions?

To prevent immune reactions that can occur if the recipient's body recognizes the donor blood as foreign.

Prokaryotic Cell Plasma Membrane Features

What components are found in prokaryotic cell plasma membranes?

Just phospholipids and membrane proteins.

Methods to Increase Membrane Surface Area

What are some methods to increase membrane surface area?

Formation of microvilli and membrane folding.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What is the primary function of transporters in cell membranes?

To move molecules across the membrane.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What is the role of attachment proteins in cell membranes?

To anchor the cell membrane to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What type of secondary structure is represented by a beta sheet with polar amino acids in an integral membrane protein?

Beta sheet with polar amino acids.

Methods to Increase Membrane Surface Area

What are the three ways cells can have extra membrane?

Through the formation of microvilli, invaginations, and vesicles.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

What role do enzymatic proteins play in cell membranes?

They catalyze specific reactions at the membrane surface.

Types and Functions of Membrane Proteins

How do intercellular joining proteins function in cell membranes?

They connect adjacent cells together.

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