What is the purpose of assessing different types of sources in academic writing?
To determine their reliability and usability for scholarly use.
What does the CRAP test stand for?
Currency, Relevance, Authority, Purpose.
Assessing Source Reliability

What is the purpose of assessing different types of sources in academic writing?

To determine their reliability and usability for scholarly use.

CRAP Test Methodology

What does the CRAP test stand for?

Currency, Relevance, Authority, Purpose.

Assessing Source Reliability

What is the purpose of the source mentioned in the evaluation?

To inform, but also to serve as 'clickbait' for advertising revenue.

Evaluating Academic Journals

What is a potential issue with using Wikipedia as a source?

It may not always be reliable or credible due to its open-editing nature.

Types of Usable Sources

What types of sources are required for academic-level reading in this course?

Academic journal articles, academic books, unbiased NGO or government reports, and scholarly journal articles.

Selective Reading Strategies

Why is it important to read selectively when researching?

To quickly identify the most relevant and credible sources.

Identifying Credible Authors

Which type of source is generally considered more reliable: academic journals or blogs?

Academic journals.

Influences on Career Choice

What resource did Reddit users share for career inspiration?

Under-the-radar occupations and salary data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

CRAP Test Methodology

What is evaluated under 'Authority' in the CRAP test?

Whether the author is an expert on the topic.

Influences on Career Choice

What did Obonije (2009) attribute to students choosing jobs without relating them to their interests?

Lack of guidance and counselling units in schools.

Evaluating Academic Journals

What is a common reason for considering a blog as a non-usable source?

Blogs may lack rigorous editorial standards and peer review.

Identifying Credible Authors

What should you avoid when selecting sources?

Sources that do not disclose the author's name or have click-bait titles.

Influences on Career Choice

What is a common criticism of students pursuing degrees in medicine?

They are often criticized for being 'money-minded' or making 'boring' choices.

Assessing Source Reliability

What are the key criteria for evaluating valid sources?

Currency, relevance, authority, and purpose.

CRAP Test Methodology

What is the purpose of the CRAP test?

To help distinguish appropriate sources for academic use from unreliable ones.

Influences on Career Choice

What is a common misconception about college degrees and careers?

That a college degree guarantees a clear-cut career path.

Types of Usable Sources

Why might a photograph be considered a valid source?

It can provide visual evidence relevant to the topic being researched.

Identifying Credible Authors

What type of source is often considered authoritative for academic research?

Government or NGO reports.

Assessing Source Reliability

What does a sensationalist title and informal vocabulary suggest about a source?

A lack of authority.

Influences on Career Choice

What were the two types of factors identified that influence students' choice of teaching?

Three attractive factors and three deterrent factors.

Selective Reading Strategies

What is the significance of reading selectively in academic writing?

To produce a good essay or presentation within the available time.

Assessing Source Reliability

What factors determine if a newspaper article is a usable source?

Quality of the newspaper, the writer, sources of information, purpose, and bias.

Influences on Career Choice

What is the significance of the thread shared by Reddit users?

It highlights lesser-known career options for college students.

Research Techniques for Essays

What is secondary research?

The process of finding and reading expert sources for academic writing.

Influences on Career Choice

How did students rank teaching among other occupations?

Teaching was ranked relatively high as both the occupation they 'most wanted' and 'most respected'.

CRAP Test Methodology

What does 'Currency' refer to in the CRAP test?

Whether the information relates directly to your topic and is up-to-date.

CRAP Test Methodology

What does 'Relevance' assess in the CRAP test?

Whether the information is pertinent to your topic and not misleading.

Influences on Career Choice

What influences do parents have on students' career choices?

Most people are influenced by careers that their parents favor.

Influences on Career Choice

What factors should be considered when choosing a career according to US News?

Natural talents, work style, social interaction, work-life balance, desire to give back, comfort in the public eye, stress management, and income expectations.

Influences on Career Choice

What demographic factors influence Hong Kong students' interest in teaching as a career?

Gender, religious beliefs, household income, parents’ education levels, public examination scores, and streams of study.

CRAP Test Methodology

What does 'Purpose' indicate in the CRAP test?

When the information was published, posted, or updated.

Influences on Career Choice

What are the two types of factors influencing career choice according to Hewitt (2010)?

Intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

Influences on Career Choice

What does the decision-making process for career choice often get skewed by?

Scarcity of jobs and strong competition for desirable jobs.

Purpose of Information Sources

Why might surveying fellow students about their career choices not be the best next step?

Their experiences may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing career choices.

Evaluating Academic Journals

What is a potential drawback of using Wikipedia as a source?

It may not be reliable enough for inclusion in an essay.

Assessing Source Reliability

Why is it important to identify what you are reading in an online library?

To ensure it passes the CRAP test.

Assessing Source Reliability

What is the CRAP test used for?

To evaluate the reliability of sources.

Research Techniques for Essays

What is a key strategy for effective online searches?

Using specific content words and varied combinations of keywords.

Assessing Source Reliability

What should you consider when browsing library texts?

Whether they pass the CRAP test.

Types of Usable Sources

What types of resources might be found in an online library that are not traditional books?

Theses or dissertations.

Assessing Source Reliability

What is the importance of matching texts to their sources?

To determine if they pass the CRAP test.

Research Techniques for Essays

What should you do if a search term like 'career' does not yield useful results?

Use more specific search terms based on content words.

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