possess many organelles

eukaryotic cells

Cell wall present in _________________

bacteria, fungi, algae, and plant cell


possess many organelles

<p>eukaryotic cells</p>

Cell wall present in _________________

<p> bacteria, fungi, algae, and plant cell</p>

parts of phospholipids

<p>Hydrophilic head<br>Hydrophobic tail</p>

Present in almost all types of cells

<p>plasma membrane / cell membrane</p>

Powerhouse of the cell


Complete the breakdown of glucose, producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP)


unicellular organisms

<p>prokaryotic cells</p>

multicellular organisms

<p>eukaryotic cells</p>

organelles not bound by membranes

<p>prokaryotic cells</p>

ribosomes are present in what type of endoplasmic reticulum

<p>Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum</p>

first cell type on earth

<p>prokaryotic cells</p>

Cell Membrane (Image Only) - baka need mo mahalll e hihi

<img src="https://gkfeqerieuvmtwfjnifi.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/tiptap-images/01668d83-e272-410a-9e21-e5a03aa6a903/P99mRPgGrXZJxLdj3YAPzA2X.png" data-width="100%" data-align="center"><div data-type="imageUpload"></div><p></p>

movement of molecules from high to low concentration

<p>active transport</p>

main function of golgi complex

<p>links carbohydrates and complex protein</p>

made of RNA & protein


Contains cell contents

<p>plasma membrane / cell membrane</p><p></p>

phospholipid contains how many regions


movement of molecules from low to high concentration

<p>passive transport</p>

nucleus bound by membrane

<p>eukaryotic cells</p>

Cell wall absent in

<p> animal cell and protozoa</p>

what are the 5 biochemical composition of plasma membrane

<p>Phospholipids</p><p>Glycolipid </p><p>Cholesterol</p><p>Protein</p><p>Carbohydrates</p>

describes fluid nature of a lipid bilayer with proteins

<p>Fluid mosaic model</p>

synthesizes proteins by the station messenger (mRNA) into peptide sequences followed by packaging of proteins/ endoplasmic reticulum


3 principles of cell theory

<p>1) Smallest living unit of structure &amp; function of all organisms.</p><p>2) All things are made up of cells. </p><p>3) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.</p>

made up of a lipid by layer/ double layer of lipids known as _______________

<p>phospholipid by layer</p>

Fluid portion of the cytoplasm


region of DNA concentration


Double layer of phospholipids & proteins

<p>plasma membrane / cell membrane</p>

Anatomy of Animal Cell (Image Only)

<img src="https://gkfeqerieuvmtwfjnifi.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/tiptap-images/01668d83-e272-410a-9e21-e5a03aa6a903/DEx_I1Ig4dw-2u3seGUPzLBw.jpg" data-width="100%" data-align="center"><p></p>

most abundant component of plasma membrane


in order to transport certain substances from the cell outside (vice versa), __________ is needed during the process

<p>ATP </p>

All organelles reside the __________


Molecules that move freely across the plasma membrane

<p>Water, carbon dioxide, Ammonia, Oxygen</p>

the protein packaging and transport center of the cell

<p>golgi complex</p>

cell type of bacteria and archaea

<p>prokaryotic cells</p>

includes fungi, protists, plant, and animal cells, protozoan

<p>eukaryotic cells</p>

transports materials throughout the cell

<p>Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum</p>

digests lipids (Strictosidine synthase – STR enzyme, metabolizes blood, breakdowns drugs steroids and carbohydrates, and partake in muscle contraction)

<p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219)">Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum</span></p>

breaks down materials for digestion


well-developed in cells, active in protein synthesis (e.g. plasma cells, russall bodies of plasma cells)

<p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219)">Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum</span></p>

site of the synthesis of lysosomal enzymes and proteins for extracellular use

<p>Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum</p>

purpose of hydrolytic enzymes

<p>once lysosome releases hydrolytic enzymes, it will digest the cell/ tissues</p>

produces hydrolytic enzymes

<p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219)">lysosome</span></p>

control center of the cell


contains the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) code for the cell coiled into chromosomes

<p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219)">nucleus</span></p>

human has __________ pairs of chromosomes


the 23rd pair of chromosome is ____________

<p>sex chromosome</p>

1 to 22 pair of chromosome is


protects and maintains the shape of the cell

<p>cell wall</p>

rigid and strong wall (plant cell)

<p>cell wall</p>

uses light energy to make ATP & sugar

<p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219)">chloroplast</span></p>

where photosynthesis takes place

<p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219)">chloroplast</span></p>

contains chlorophyll. makes plants green


maintains purgor pressure (force within the cell that pushes plasma membrane against the cell wall)

<p>central vacuole</p>

series of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and duplication (replication)

<p>Cell Cycle</p>

Cell grows ; Cell accumulates nutrients needed for mitosis > replicating its DNA before it moves on to mitosis proper


from the end of the previous M phase until the beginning of DNA synthesis ; Growth phase ; RNA organelles and proteins are synthesized (Interphase)

<p>G1 (Gap) Phase</p>

DNA is replicated, and chromosomes form sister chromatids ; The amount of DNA in the cell has effectively doubled, though the ploidy of the cell remains the same(Interphase)

<p>S Phase</p>

Mitochondria divide ; Precursors of spindle fibers are synthesized ; last ‘til the cell enters mitosis (Interphase)

<p>G2 Phase</p>

Not part of the interphase ; Non-replicating cells are found in a stage of the cell cycle called _________ ; Quiescent (dormant) – undergo G1 phase again ; Senescent (aging/ deteriorating) – DNA defective Cells generally enter the __________ phase from G1

<p>G0 Phase</p>

a process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosome in its cell nucleus into two identical sets in two nuclei.

<p>Mitotic (M) phase / Mitosis</p>

Mitosis begins (cell begins to divide) ; Centrioles (poles) appear and begin to move to opposite end of the cell ; Spindle fibers form between the poles ; Nuclear envelope disappears


Chromatids (pairs of chromosomes) attach to the spindle fibers ; All chromosomes lined up ate the equator


Chromatids (pairs of chromosomes) separate and begin to move to opposite ends of cell


occurs after mitosis ; cell membrane moves inward to create two daughter cells – each with its own nucleus w/ identical chromosomes


Two new nuclei form ; Chromosomes appear as chromatin (threads rather than rods) ; Mitosis ends


The special cell division that converts diploid body cells into the haploid gametes. ; Process that reduces the chromosome number in such a way that the daughter nuclei only receive one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes. Think of it as a double mitotic division with only a single S phase ; Takes 2 cell divisions: M1 and M2, with no DNA synthesis between


“crossing over”, also called “recombination” ; In crossing over, homologous chromosomes pair up, and exchange segments by breaking and rejoining at identical locations. (Meiosis 1)

<p>Prophase I</p>

Much like the cytokinesis of Mitosis, in which the cells will be separated totally under this process ; End of PMAT 1. (Meiosis 1)


Cytoplasm divided into 2 cells, each of which has 1 haploid set of dyad chromosomes (Meiosis 1)

<p>Telophase I</p>

Dyad chromosomes line up singly on the cell equator (equatorial plate) (Meiosis II)

<p>Metaphase II</p>

Cytpolasm divided into 2 cells. ; Not totally separated, cleavage furrow still visible. ; Cell membrane attached from each cells. ; Will undergo Interkinesis II to totally separate each cells

<p>Telophase II</p>

Chromosomes condense and spindle fiber forms ; Centrioles move to the opposite ends of the cell. (Meiosis II)

<p>Prophase II</p>

Centromeres divide, chromosomes are now monads which get pulled to opposite poles. (Meiosis II)

<p>Anaphase II</p>

how many chromosomes does sperm cell and egg cell have?


Specialized cells (gametes) only undergo the __________ phase.


Additional Notes (Just flip)

<p>Eukaryotic cells have more complicated process of replication/ duplication as it undergoes mitosis and meiosis.<br>Interphase is not part of mitosis, it is a preparation for mitosis.</p>

prokaryotic cells like bacteria undergo on what kind of division

<p>binary fission</p>

process of having 23 pairs of chromosomes

<img src="https://gkfeqerieuvmtwfjnifi.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/tiptap-images/01668d83-e272-410a-9e21-e5a03aa6a903/Uh4aHj1WTxyi-TWjYs0U2Z71.png" data-width="100%" data-align="center"><p></p>

Spindle fibers pull the two homologous chromosomes to opposite poles ; However, centromeres don’t divide and the chromosomes remain dyads. (Meiosis 1)

<p>Anaphase I</p>

Pairs of homologous chromosomes line up together (equatorial plate) ; Spindle fibers coming from the centrioles will then attach to the centromere of each chromosome ; However, there are two chromosomes which are both complete. (Meiosis 1)

<p>Metaphase I</p>

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