What is the primary focus of Chapter 001?
Introduction of C Language.
What type of programming language is C known as?
Middle level programming language.
History of C Language

What is the primary focus of Chapter 001?

Introduction of C Language.

Types of Programming Languages

What type of programming language is C known as?

Middle level programming language.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What does the '#include <stdio.h>' statement do?

It includes the standard input-output library functions.

Introduction to Programming Languages

What is the role of language in computer interaction?

To give instructions, information, commands, or details to the computer.

Translation and Translators

What is a translator in programming?

A special program that accepts user programs, checks each statement, and produces machine language instructions.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is the first section of a C program?

Documentation Section.

Translation and Translators

What are the two types of translators?

Compiler and Interpreters.

Compiler vs Interpreter

How does a compiler translate a program?

It translates the whole program into machine language before execution.

History of C Language

What is C?

C is a programming language.

Compiler vs Interpreter

What happens if a compiler finds errors in the program?

It does not execute any statements of the program.

Compiler vs Interpreter

What is the main function of a compiler?

A compiler checks all statements for errors and provides a list of all errors in the program.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is the purpose of the main() function in a C program?

It is the entry point of every program in C language.

High Level Programming Languages

What are high level programming languages known for?

They are user-friendly and have instructions similar to human languages.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is a symbolic constant in a C program?

A constant defined using a #define directive.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

Why is C considered a powerful and flexible language?

Because it allows for efficient programming and system-level access.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What do C programs have that aids in programming?

Built-in library functions.

Middle Level Programming Languages

What is a middle level programming language?

A language that combines features of both low level and high level programming languages.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is one of the primary uses of C programming?

Creating system applications that interact directly with hardware devices.

Translation and Translators

What does translation mean in programming?

To convert source-language into target-language.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

Which shortcut is used for step-by-step debugging in C editor?


Introduction to Programming Languages

What is language defined as?

A collection of words and symbols.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What does the 'return 0;' statement indicate in a C program?

It indicates successful execution of the program.

Introduction to Programming Languages

What must be provided to a computer to perform tasks?

Instructions or commands.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is the purpose of the 'printf()' function?

To print output to the console.

Low Level Programming Languages

What characters does Binary Language consist of?

Only two characters: 0 (Zero) and 1 (One).

History of C Language

Who developed the C Language?

Dennis Ritchie.

Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)

What does POP stand for?

Procedure Oriented Programming.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

How do you paste copied or cut text in C editor?

Shift + Insert Key

Introduction to Programming Languages

What is the primary purpose of language?

To build communication between persons, machines, or computers.

Compiler vs Interpreter

What does an interpreter do if it encounters an error?

It stops executing the program at that statement and does not proceed further.

High Level Programming Languages

What feature do high level languages have that aids programmers?

A set of grammar that helps in writing programs and identifying errors.

Types of Programming Languages

What are the three main types of programming languages?

Low Level Languages, High Level Languages, Middle Level Languages.

Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)

What is the benefit of using User Defined Functions (UDF) in C?

It makes the program simpler and easier to understand.

Middle Level Programming Languages

How does middle level programming compare to low level programming?

It is easier for programming.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is the shortcut to redo the last changes after an undo?

Shift + Alt + BackSpace

Compiler vs Interpreter

What does a compiler do?

Checks the entire program for errors and produces a complete machine language program if error-free.

Introduction to Programming Languages

Why do human beings use different languages?

For effective communication in different regions.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is the structure of the main function in a C program?

main() { declaration part; executable part; }

High Level Programming Languages

How does the execution speed of C compare to High Level Programming Languages?

C has a faster execution speed.

High Level Programming Languages

What do all high level languages require to convert code into machine code?

A compiler or interpreter.

High Level Programming Languages

Can you name some examples of high level programming languages?

Cobol, Fortran, Basic, Java.

Low Level Programming Languages

Does Low Level Programming Language require a translator?

No, it does not require a translator like a compiler or interpreter.

Middle Level Programming Languages

How does middle level programming compare to high level programming in terms of execution speed?

It is faster for execution.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What shortcut is used to cut selected text in C editor?

Shift + Del

Compiler vs Interpreter

How does an interpreter differ from a compiler?

An interpreter translates one statement at a time and executes it if error-free.

Compiler vs Interpreter

How does an interpreter find errors in a program?

An interpreter checks and executes each statement one at a time, making error finding easier.

Compiler vs Interpreter

Why does an interpreter take more time for program execution?

An interpreter translates and executes each statement one by one, which takes more time.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What shortcut is used to save a program file in C editor?


Structure and Basics of C Programming

Which shortcut opens a saved file in C editor?


History of C Language

Which programming language was developed by Ken Thompson in 1970?

B (B Language).

History of C Language

Why is C referred to as the 'mother language'?

Because it is considered the base for other programming languages.

Translation and Translators

Give an example of translation in programming.

Text to Binary or Binary to Text.

Compiler vs Interpreter

What is the execution process of an interpreter?

It continues translating and executing statements until the last statement is processed.

History of C Language

Who developed the C language and in what year?

Dennis Ritchie developed the C language in 1972 at AT&T Laboratories.

History of C Language

What was the first programming language developed in 1960?

ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language).

Low Level Programming Languages

How does a machine understand Low Level Programming?

It can directly understand it with fast execution speed.

Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)

Can you name examples of procedure oriented programming languages?

C, Basic, Fortran.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

Which shortcut compiles a C program?

Alt + F9

Compiler vs Interpreter

Which takes less time, a compiler or an interpreter?

A compiler takes less time because it translates and executes all statements at the same time.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What should you do in the assignment work related to C programming?

Write a program to print your Bio-data and a program to print Student Result Format using printf function.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What shortcut maximizes the editing window in C editor?


History of C Language

What is the significance of C99?

C99 refers to the standardization of the C language in 1999 by the Standardization Committee.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

Which shortcut is used to copy selected text in C editor?

Ctrl + Insert Key

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What is the shortcut to run a C program?

Ctrl + F9

High Level Programming Languages

In what way does C behave like a High Level Language?

Through functions and reusability.

Low Level Programming Languages

What is another name for Low Level Programming Language?

Binary Language.

History of C Language

What does ANSI C stand for and when was it standardized?

ANSI C stands for American National Standards Institute, standardized in 1989.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

How do you undo the last changes in the C editor?

Alt + BackSpace

Types of Programming Languages

What are some classifications of the C Language?

Mother language, system programming language, procedure-oriented programming language, structured programming language, mid-level programming language.

Structure and Basics of C Programming

What shortcut clears selected text in C editor?

Ctrl + Del

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