What is the status of Hindi language maintenance in the U.S.A?
Hindi is not well maintained.
What positive attitude exists towards Hindi in the U.S.A?
Attitudes toward Hindi are positive.
Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What is the status of Hindi language maintenance in the U.S.A?

Hindi is not well maintained.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What positive attitude exists towards Hindi in the U.S.A?

Attitudes toward Hindi are positive.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What was a significant political factor affecting Native American languages in the US?

Forced placement of Native Americans in boarding schools where only English was allowed.

Dialects and Language Varieties

What is a dialect?

A form of language spoken by a particular group, considered as a single entity for some purpose.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What happened to the Ainu language as a result of Japanese policies?

It became nearly extinct.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

How is language maintenance tied to personal confidence?

It is linked to economic stability and personal confidence.

Language Planning and Policy

What are the four functions that national languages (NLs) should have?

Unifying, Separatist/Autonomy, Prestige, and Frame-of-reference functions.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What does 'Capacity' refer to in the context of language maintenance?

Language is well developed.

Dialects and Language Varieties

What is a dialect continuum?

A process where dialects blend into one another, making it hard to identify where one ends and another begins.

Social Factors Affecting Language Use

What are some social factors that contribute to the loss of heritage language?

Social pressures, economic factors, social status, inter-marriage, and influence of school.

Language Planning and Policy

How was the Malay language already familiar to Indonesians before it became the official language?

It was already used in some schools and popular novels.

Language Planning and Policy

What approach did India take regarding official languages?

It made 12 official languages and reorganized province boundaries based on demographics.

Language as a System of Communication

What is language defined as?

A system of written or oral communication by a country, people, or community, structured with grammar and vocabulary.

Invariant System Hypothesis

What is a major problem with the Invariant System Hypothesis?

Each person has their own unique rules and vocabulary for speaking the language.

Dialects and Language Varieties

What is unique about the Ryukyuan language in relation to Japanese?

Ryukyuan is mutually unintelligible to Japanese, despite being considered part of the same language family.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What are the three generations of language shift in immigrant families?

1st generation: fluent in heritage language; 2nd generation: bilingual; 3rd generation: fluent in local majority language but not in heritage language.

Language Planning and Policy

What is one advantage of choosing Malay as the official language?

It is ethnically-neutral and mostly used as an L2 lingua franca.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What socio-political reasons influenced the classification of Hindi and Urdu?

Anticipation from independence led to political parties forming along religious lines, recognizing them as different languages despite mutual intelligibility.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What is a key factor in determining whether a variety of speech is classified as a language or a dialect?

Political and religious leaders often dictate these classifications.

Language Planning and Policy

What is an official language?

A language used in government, schools, laws, and any public setting.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What does Macaulay mean by 'languages and dialects have both a unifying function and a separatist function'?

They help unite a group but also create a distinct community.

Language Purism and Language Purification

What percentage of Munhwao is native Korean?


Socio-political Influences on Language

What was the Soviet government's concern regarding the Roman alphabet?

It would help a new pan-Turkic movement.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What factors help in maintaining a heritage language?

Size and concentration of language groups, arrival of new immigrants, media availability, isolated communities, visits to home country, and committed parents.

Invariant System Hypothesis

What does the Invariant System Hypothesis propose?

A language consists of a set of words (vocabulary) and a set of rules (grammar) used identically by a sizable population of speakers.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What is the stance of Chinese leadership regarding the classification of different varieties of Chinese?

They call for not classifying different varieties as separate languages to prevent separatism.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What does 'Desire' indicate in the context of language use?

Strong desire to speak the language in the community.

Dialects and Language Varieties

What are the four properties of dialects?

1) Subcategory of a recognized language, 2) Variance in accent and vocabulary, 3) Associated with specific regions, 4) Generally mutually intelligible.

Dialects and Language Varieties

What are religious dialects?

Different forms of a language spoken by various religious groups.

Language Purism and Language Purification

What is Language Purification?

The action that new words should only be created internally, while old borrowed words are not purged.

Language Planning and Policy

What happened in Pakistan after independence regarding language planning?

West Pakistan declared Urdu as the national language and English as the official language, causing unrest among speakers of other languages.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What was Japan's initial approach towards the Ainu people?

Active assimilation to make Ainu like Japanese people.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What characterizes the fourth generation in terms of language?

They are mainly fluent in the local majority language but curious about their heritage language.

Language Planning and Policy

What role did the Malay language play in the independence movement?

It was used as a common language, giving it positive prestige.

Language Planning and Policy

How did Singapore manage its multilingual population?

By promoting English and successfully integrating it into globalization.

Dialects and Language Varieties

What are isoglosses?

Lines that indicate where a dialect occurs.

Language Purism and Language Purification

Which languages do many languages tend to borrow from?

English, French, Russian, Latin, Ancient Greek, and Sanskrit.

Social Factors Affecting Language Use

How do social dialects differ?

They vary based on the social groups to which people belong.

Language Planning and Policy

What are some activities involved in corpus planning?

Developing vocabulary, creating dictionaries, deciding pronunciations, describing grammatical rules, and choosing writing systems.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What negative association does the Cyrillic script have in Azerbaijan?

Russian domination.

Language Planning and Policy

What was the selected official language (OL) for Indonesia after independence?

A form of 'Malay' used in trading, renamed 'Indonesian'.

Language Planning and Policy

What group does the Malay language belong to?

The Austronesian group.

Language Planning and Policy

What was a significant outcome of Indonesia's language planning?

Standardization of Indonesian and significant vocabulary development.

Mutual Intelligibility Hypothesis

What is the mutual intelligibility hypothesis?

It posits that dialects of a language are generally mutually intelligible.

Language Planning and Policy

What is a national language?

A language that is represented by the population and serves to unify the population.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What are the three reasons Macaulay gives to argue that Standard English is not superior?

1. Languages are neither logical nor illogical; 2. Non-standard dialects can be more regular; 3. No objective criterion for measuring language beauty.

Language Planning and Policy

What does corpus planning involve?

Further developing the languages selected in status planning.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What are the three ways of writing Azeri after Azerbaijan's independence?

Cyrillic script, Arabic script, and Roman script.

Language Purism and Language Purification

What did Japan implement to suppress Ainu culture?

Forbidding Ainu to speak their language and wear their clothing.

Language Planning and Policy

Why was Dutch not chosen as the official language for Indonesia?

It had negative colonial associations.

Mutual Intelligibility Hypothesis

What does the Mutual Intelligibility Hypothesis state?

If two varieties of a language can understand each other, they are the same variety; if not, they are independent languages.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What framework is used to analyze language maintenance in the UK?

C.O.D framework (Capacity, Opportunity, Desire).

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What is a significant factor affecting Hindi language transmission among Generation 1 parents?

Parents often don’t help their children learn Hindi.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What role do socio-economic factors play in language recognition?

They influence the recognition of a language for profit in economics, politics, law, and education.

Language Planning and Policy

What are the official and national languages of Singapore?

Official Languages: Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, English; National Language: Malay.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What script did Turkey switch to in 1928 for writing Turkish?

Roman alphabet.

Linguistics Assimilation and suppression of languages

What identity did Taiwan develop under Japanese rule?

A new Taiwanese and anti-Japanese identity.

Socio-political Influences on Language

How did the breakup of Yugoslavia affect the classification of Serbian and Croatian?

Nationalists claimed Serbian and Croatian are separate languages, although they were previously considered varieties of a single language, Serbo-Croatian.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

What does 'Opportunity' signify in the C.O.D framework?

Opportunity to use language in the community.

Language Shift and Heritage Language Maintenance

Why is there limited opportunity for Hindi use in South Asian communities in the U.S.A?

Hindi is not widely used; English is used as a lingua franca.

Language Purism and Language Purification

What is Language Purism?

The action of getting rid of most foreign loan or borrowed words from a national language.

Language as a System of Communication

What is the function of speech in communication?

To convey information or to initiate and maintain social relations.

Language Planning and Policy

What is a common issue in bad language planning?

Exclusion of certain language speakers leading to social unrest and conflict.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What does the phrase 'A language is a dialect with an army and a navy' imply?

It suggests that the recognition of a language often depends on political power.

Language Purism and Language Purification

What is the action of borrowing words from other languages called?

Loan words.

Language Planning and Policy

What are the official and national languages of Tanzania?

Official Languages: Swahili and English, National Language: Swahili.

Language Planning and Policy

What is the first step in language planning?

Status Planning - giving special roles to certain languages/varieties.

Socio-political Influences on Language

What script was ordered for all languages in the Soviet Union in the 1930s?

Cyrillic alphabet.

Language Planning and Policy

What are the official and national languages of Paraguay?

Official Language: Spanish, National Language: Guarani.

Social Factors Affecting Language Use

How does social class relate to non-standard pronunciations according to Macaulay?

Lower class individuals tend to use non-standard linguistic varieties more than higher class speakers.

Language Planning and Policy

What is the goal of promoting new national and official languages?

To spread knowledge through mass education, media, and positive incentives.

Linguistics Assimilation and suppression of languages

What was forbidden for the Ainu ethnic group in Japan?

To speak their language and wear their clothing.

Language Purism and Language Purification

What language did North Korea create to replace South Korean language?


Language Purism and Language Purification

What did the French Academy aim to do regarding English loan words?

Block new English loans from being used in place of existing French words.

Language Planning and Policy

What was the outcome of language planning in Sri Lanka?

The decision to make Sinhala the only official language led to riots and deaths among Tamil speakers.

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