What is Power (P) of a device?
Power (P) of a device is the energy (or work) produced or consumed by it per unit time, i.e., the rate of doing work.
What is the scaling factor for the electromagnetic force?
The scaling factor for the electromagnetic force is proportional to the length of the conducting wire, represented as ℓ^2.
Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is Power (P) of a device?

Power (P) of a device is the energy (or work) produced or consumed by it per unit time, i.e., the rate of doing work.

Scaling in Electromagnetic Forces

What is the scaling factor for the electromagnetic force?

The scaling factor for the electromagnetic force is proportional to the length of the conducting wire, represented as ℓ^2.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How is acceleration (a) scaled according to the Trimmer Force Scaling Vector?

Acceleration (a) is scaled as a = λ^3 / λ^2 = λ.

Need for Scaling Laws in Miniaturization

How do scaling laws help us in the context of Microsystems?

Scaling laws help us to improve our understanding and manipulation of Microsystems behavior.

Scaling in Geometry

What must be considered when miniaturizing a physical quantity?

One must weigh the magnitudes of the possible consequences from the reduction on both the volume and surface of the particular device.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How does the acceleration (a) change in a third-order scaling system when the weight is reduced by a factor of 9?

In a third-order scaling system, the acceleration (a) remains unchanged (l^0) when the weight is reduced by a factor of 9.

Types of Scaling Laws

What is the Trimmer Force Scaling Vector?

The Trimmer Force Scaling Vector, defined by William Trimmer in 1989, is represented as F = λ^3 λ^2 λ λ^0.

Need for Scaling Laws in Miniaturization

What interesting features are often noticed before reaching quantum levels?

Counterintuitive features or special effects are often noticed even at macro/micro scales.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How does the power density (P/V0) change in a third-order scaling system when the weight is reduced by a factor of 9?

In a third-order scaling system, the power density (P/V0) will reduce by a factor of 3 when the weight is reduced by a factor of 9.

Scaling in Fluid Mechanics

What is the pressure drop in capillary conduits according to Hagen-Poiseuille’s equation?

The pressure drop (ΔP) in capillary conduits is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius (r) of the conduit: ΔP ∝ 1/r^4.

Scaling in Electrostatic Forces

What is the potential energy stored between two parallel electric conductive plates charged by a voltage?

The potential energy stored is given by U = -1/2 * ε * E^2 * V^2, where ε is the permittivity, E is the electric field, and V is the voltage.

Scaling in Electromagnetic Forces

What is the working principle of electromagnetic force generation?

An electromagnetic force (F) is generated when a conducting wire with passing electric current (I) subjected to an electromotive force (emf) is exposed to a magnetic field (B) with a flux (dΦ).

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the definition of Force (F) in the context of moving a mass by a distance (s)?

Force (F) required to move a mass by a distance (s) is the work done by a device and is given by Fs.

Scaling in Geometry

What is the relationship between volume and length in scaling geometry?

The volume (V) is proportional to the cube of the length (ℓ), expressed as V ∝ ℓ^3.

Need for Scaling Laws in Miniaturization

Why is miniaturization of physical systems not a mere scaling down of device components?

When size diminishes to extremely small levels, quantum mechanics, rather than Newtonian mechanics, has to be used for studying physical systems.

Scaling in Geometry

What does thermal inertia measure?

Thermal inertia is a measure of how fast we can heat or cool a solid.

Types of Scaling Laws

What does scaling of phenomenological behavior involve?

Scaling of phenomenological behavior involves the scaling of both size and material characterizations, such as thermo fluids in microsystems.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the Trimmer Force Scaling Vector?

The Trimmer Force Scaling Vector relates force scaling with other pertinent parameters in dynamics, such as force (F), acceleration (a), time (t), and power density (P/V0).

Scaling in Electricity

What is the ratio of power loss to available power in terms of length?

The ratio of power loss to available power is proportional to the square of the length (ℓ): (Power loss/Available power) ∝ ℓ^2.

Scaling in Electromagnetic Forces

According to Ampere’s Law, what is the relationship between the magnetic field and the current in the wire?

According to Ampere’s Law, the relationship is given by B × L = I × μ₀, where B is the magnetic field, L is the length of the wire, I is the current, and μ₀ is the magnetic permeability of the material.

Scaling in Electromagnetic Forces

Why are electromagnetic forces not commonly used in microsystems as a preferred actuation force?

Electromagnetic forces are not commonly used in microsystems as a preferred actuation force because reducing the wire length by half results in a reduction of the force by 16 times (2⁴), whereas the reduction of electrostatic force with a similar reduction in size results in a factor of 4 (2²).

Types of Scaling Laws

How is time (t) scaled according to the Trimmer Force Scaling Vector?

Time (t) is scaled as t = λ^1.5 / λ^0.5 = λ.

Introduction to Scaling Laws

What are scaling laws?

Scaling laws are proportionality relations of any parameter (e.g., volume) of an object (or system) with its length scale (l).

Scaling in Geometry

What is the significance of volume (V) in machine design?

Volume leads to the mass and weight of device components and relates to both mechanical and thermal inertia.

Scaling in Geometry

How is surface (S) related to fluid mechanics?

Surface is related to pressure and the buoyant forces in fluid mechanics. For instance, surface pumping by using piezoelectric means is a practical way for driving fluid flow in capillary conduits.

Types of Scaling Laws

What does scaling in geometry involve?

Scaling in geometry involves the scaling of physical size of objects, including rigid body dynamics, electrostatic, and electromagnetic forces.

Scaling in Electricity

What is electric resistance in terms of resistivity, length, and area of cross-section?

Electric resistance (R) is proportional to the resistivity (ρ) and length (L) of the conductor, and inversely proportional to the area (A) of the cross-section: R ∝ (L/A).

Scaling in Electricity

What is resistive power loss in terms of voltage and length?

Resistive power loss (P) is proportional to the square of the voltage (V) and the length (L) of the conductor: P ∝ (V^2/L).

Scaling in Electricity

What is electric field energy in terms of permittivity and electric field strength?

Electric field energy (U) is proportional to the permittivity (Ɛ) of the dielectric and the square of the electric field strength (E): U ∝ ƐE^2.

Scaling in Electromagnetic Forces

What is the formula for the force acting on a wire carrying an electrical current in a magnetic field?

The force acting on a wire carrying an electrical current in a magnetic field is given by the expression F = IL × B, where F is the force in Newtons (N), I is the current in Amperes (A), B is the magnetic field in Teslas (T), and L is the length of the wire in meters.

Scaling in Fluid Mechanics

What is the volumetric flow rate in capillary conduits according to Hagen-Poiseuille’s equation?

The volumetric flow rate (Q) in capillary conduits is proportional to the fourth power of the radius (r) of the conduit: Q ∝ r^4.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How does the power consumption change in a third-order scaling system when the volume is reduced by a factor of 9?

In a third-order scaling system, the power consumption will reduce by a factor of 0.33 (3/9) when the volume is reduced by a factor of 9.

Scaling in Electromagnetic Forces

How does the electromagnetic force scale with the length of the wire according to scaling laws?

According to scaling laws, the electromagnetic force F is proportional to the fourth power of the length of the wire, F ∝ l⁴.

Scaling in Electricity

How is the resistance (R) of a material related to its dimensions?

The resistance R of a material is given by R = ρL/A, where ρ is the resistivity, L is the distance, and A is the cross-sectional area through which the current flows. For a constant ρ, R is proportional to L^2, i.e., R ∝ L^2.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the mass moment of inertia (# $$) of the mirror about the y-axis?

The mass moment of inertia (# $$) of the mirror about the y-axis is given by the formula # $$ = M * c^2, where M is the mass and c is the width of the mirror.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How is the mass (M) of the mirror calculated?

The mass (M) of the mirror is calculated using the formula mass = density * volume, where density is the mass density of the mirror material and volume is the product of the length, width, and height of the mirror.

Scaling in Electrostatic Forces

What is Paschen's effect in the context of scaling voltage?

Paschen's effect illustrates that the voltage V scales linearly with the gap d between electrodes, i.e., V ∝ ℓ.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How is the inertia of a solid related to its mass and acceleration?

The inertia of a solid is related to its mass and the acceleration required to initiate or stop the motion of a solid device component.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How does the time (t) change in a third-order scaling system when the weight is reduced by a factor of 9?

In a third-order scaling system, the time (t) will reduce by a factor of 3 (l^0.5 = 9^0.5 = 3) to complete the motion when the weight is reduced by a factor of 9.

Scaling in Electricity

What is the scaling law for current?

The scaling law for current is derived from Ohm’s law, I = V / R. Given that V ∝ L and R ∝ L^2, the electrical current I scales as I ∝ L^(-1), meaning electrical current is proportional to L^(-1).

Scaling in Electricity

What is the relationship between electric field (E), voltage (V), and distance (L)?

The electric field E is defined as volts (V) per distance (L). For a fixed electric field E, the voltage V is proportional to the distance L, i.e., V ∝ L.

Scaling in Electromagnetic Forces

What are the principal actuation forces in macroscale motors and actuators?

Electromagnetic forces are the principal actuation forces in macroscale, or traditional motors and actuators.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the effect of a 50% reduction in the dimensions of the mirror on the torque required to turn it?

A 50% reduction in the dimensions of the mirror will cause a 32 times reduction in the torque required to turn the mirror.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is Energy in the context of work?

Energy is the capacity for doing work, i.e., Energy = Work.

Scaling in Geometry

What is the relationship between surface area and length in scaling geometry?

The surface area (S) is proportional to the square of the length (ℓ), expressed as S ∝ ℓ^2.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How is velocity (v) related to the linear scale (l) and time (t) in scaling laws?

Velocity (v) is proportional to the linear scale (l) divided by time (t), denoted as v ∝ l * t^(-1).

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the scaling law for weight, inertia force, or electromagnetic force?

The scaling law for weight, inertia force, or electromagnetic force is proportional to the cube of the linear scale (l), denoted as l^3.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is thermal conductivity (K) in the context of MEMS scaling?

Thermal conductivity (K) of solids is a measure of how conductive a solid becomes when it is scaled down. A 10 times reduction in size causes a 10 times reduction in conductivity of the solid.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for the second moment of area?

The scaling exponent for the second moment of area is 4.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for electrical resistance?

The scaling exponent for electrical resistance is -1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for elastic potential energy?

The scaling exponent for elastic potential energy is 2.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for electric field energy?

The scaling exponent for electric field energy is -2.

Scaling in Electrostatic Forces

How does the potential energy scale with the linear size of the electrodes?

The potential energy U scales as U ∝ ℓ^3, meaning a 10 times reduction in the linear size of electrodes results in a 1000 times reduction in potential energy.

Scaling in Electrostatic Forces

How do electrostatic forces in misaligned electrodes scale with the linear size of the electrodes?

Electrostatic forces F_d, F_w, and F_L scale as F ∝ ℓ^2, meaning a 10 times reduction in electrode linear dimensions results in a 100 times reduction in the magnitude of the electrostatic forces.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What are some applications of rigid body dynamics in micro devices?

Rigid body dynamics is applied in the design of micro actuations and micro sensors, such as micro accelerometers (inertia sensors).

Scaling in Geometry

What is the ratio of surface area to volume in scaling geometry?

The ratio of surface area to volume (S/V) is proportional to the inverse of the length (ℓ), expressed as S/V ∝ ℓ^-1.

Scaling in Geometry

What is an example of scaling law in geometry related to micro mirrors?

Micro mirrors are essential parts of micro switches used in fiber-optic networks in telecommunication. These mirrors are expected to rotate in a tightly controlled range at high rates, where angular momentum is a dominating factor in both rotation control and the rate of rotation.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the equation for displacement (s) from particle kinematics?

From particle kinematics, displacement (s) is given by s = v0 * t + (1/2) * a * t^2, where v0 is the initial velocity.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the scaling law for electromagnetic force with constant current density?

The scaling law for electromagnetic force with constant current density is proportional to the fourth power of the linear scale (l), denoted as l^4.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the Fourier number in the context of heat conduction in solids?

The Fourier number is related to how fast heat can be conducted in solids. A 10 times reduction in size causes a 100 times reduction in time to heat the solid.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for strength?

The scaling exponent for strength is 2.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for electrical capacitance?

The scaling exponent for electrical capacitance is 1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for strength to weight ratio?

The scaling exponent for strength to weight ratio is -1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for available power?

The scaling exponent for available power is 3.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

Why is it important to understand the effect of size reduction on power, force, or pressure in miniaturizing components?

It is important to understand the effect of size reduction on power (P), force (F), or pressure (p), and the time (t) required to deliver the motion in order to design effective micro actuations and micro sensors.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How can power density (P/V0) of a device be expressed?

Power density (P/V0) of a device can be expressed as P/V0 = P = (F * s) / V0.

Scaling in Geometry

Why might a micro or nano elephant find it easier to fly?

A micro or nano elephant might find it easier to fly because the surface area to volume ratio (S/V) increases as the size decreases, enhancing the relative effect of buoyancy forces.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

How is displacement (s) related to the linear scale (l) in scaling laws?

Displacement (s) is proportional to the linear scale (l), denoted as s ∝ l.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the scaling law for fluid force or electrostatic force?

The scaling law for fluid force or electrostatic force is proportional to the square of the linear scale (l), denoted as l^2.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for mass?

The scaling exponent for mass is 3.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for natural frequency?

The scaling exponent for natural frequency is -1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for surface tension and van der Waals force?

The scaling exponent for surface tension and van der Waals force is 1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for thermal time constant?

The scaling exponent for thermal time constant is 2.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for electromagnetic force?

The scaling exponent for electromagnetic force is 3.

Scaling in Geometry

What happens to the volume and surface area when the length is reduced by a factor of 10?

A 10 times reduction in length results in a 1000 times reduction in volume (10^3) and a 100 times reduction in surface area (10^2).

Scaling in Geometry

How does a 50% reduction in dimension affect the torque required to turn a micro mirror?

A 50% reduction in the dimension of a micro mirror would significantly reduce the torque required to turn it, due to the scaling laws affecting angular momentum and rotational dynamics.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the acceleration (a) when the initial velocity (v0) is zero?

When the initial velocity (v0) is zero, acceleration (a) is given by a = 2 * s / t^2.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

Who proposed a matrix representation for force scaling and what is it called?

William Trimmer proposed a matrix representation for force scaling, called the 'force scaling vector F'.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for mass moment of inertia?

The scaling exponent for mass moment of inertia is 5.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for Reynolds number?

The scaling exponent for Reynolds number is 2.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for fluid force?

The scaling exponent for fluid force is 2.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for heat capacity?

The scaling exponent for heat capacity is 3.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for electrostatic force?

The scaling exponent for electrostatic force is 2.

Scaling in Geometry

Why can't an elephant fly as easily as a dragonfly according to scaling laws?

An elephant can't fly as easily as a dragonfly because the volume (related to mass) scales differently compared to the surface area (related to buoyancy force), making it harder for larger animals to achieve flight.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the dynamic force (F) acting on a rigid body in motion with acceleration (a) according to Newton’s second law?

The dynamic force (F) acting on a rigid body in motion with acceleration (a) is given by Newton’s second law as F = M * a.

Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics

What is the scaling law for surface tension force?

The scaling law for surface tension force is proportional to the linear scale (l), denoted as l^1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for bending stiffness?

The scaling exponent for bending stiffness is 1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for shear stiffness?

The scaling exponent for shear stiffness is 1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for inductance?

The scaling exponent for inductance is 1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for resistance power loss?

The scaling exponent for resistance power loss is 1.

Scaling in Heat Transfer

What is the scaling exponent for power loss to power available ratio?

The scaling exponent for power loss to power available ratio is -2.

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