What information do insurers require for underwriting Contingency Insurance?
Details about the proposer, event type, venue, coverage sought, history of non-appearance, and necessary licenses.
What does 'Claims Made Basis' mean in the context of Professional Indemnity Insurance?
The insurer will admit a claim made during the insurance period, regardless of when the act of negligence occurred, as long as it is on or after the retroactive date.
Contingency Insurance

What information do insurers require for underwriting Contingency Insurance?

Details about the proposer, event type, venue, coverage sought, history of non-appearance, and necessary licenses.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What does 'Claims Made Basis' mean in the context of Professional Indemnity Insurance?

The insurer will admit a claim made during the insurance period, regardless of when the act of negligence occurred, as long as it is on or after the retroactive date.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the scope of cover provided by Professional Indemnity Insurance?

It covers both actual and alleged negligent acts, errors, or omissions.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What is typically required for underwriting Bailees Liability Insurance?

Scope of services, standard trading conditions, turnover, claims experience, and storage details.

Contingency Insurance

What are some scenarios that could lead to event cancellations?

Car accidents involving performers, hazardous venue conditions, and natural disasters like earthquakes or floods.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What are some standard exclusions in Professional Indemnity Insurance policies?

Claims that should fall under Public Liability Insurance, Products Liability Insurance, libel and slander, and loss of money or securities due to employee dishonesty.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What does Section 77 of the Insurance Act 1966 require from insurance broking companies?

They must have a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy in force to indemnify against liabilities arising from their business.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is one of the exclusions related to employee actions in Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Loss of money and/or securities due to theft, embezzlement, or fraud by employees.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What is retroactive cover in Commercial General Liability Insurance?

Cover extended to a specified number of years before the inception of the policy for injuries or damage not yet claimed.

Contingency Insurance

What is a key factor that can lead to a claim under proposed Contingency Insurance?

Claims history or incidents that could result in financial loss.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What is the maximum liability amount for property loss under Section 3 of the Innkeepers Act?

Not exceeding S$500.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What are the three sections of the D&O Liability Insurance policy?

Side A: Directors’ & Officers’ Cover, Side B: The Company Reimbursement Cover, Side C: The Entity Cover for Securities Claims and/or Employment Practice Claims.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Who does the insurer appoint to handle claims?

Loss adjusters.

Contingency Insurance

Why might Liability Insurance be insufficient for event organizers?

It often does not cover financial exposures like lost revenues and ticket refunds.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What types of claims does Professional Indemnity Insurance cover?

Claims arising from negligence, omission, error, wrongful acts, misstatements, misleading statements, and breach of duty.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What types of acts are excluded from coverage under Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Claims arising from willful, dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, or malicious acts or omissions.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What must the insured submit to file a claim?

A completed claim form with relevant supporting documents.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What should be done with valuables deposited by guests?

They should be immediately placed in a safe deposit box, and a receipt issued.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

What are the three categories of pollution or contamination?

Air, Water, and Land (soil and groundwater).

Libel & Slander Insurance

What does Libel & Slander Insurance indemnify against?

Liability for damages, claimant’s costs, and the insured’s legal costs related to libel, slander, trademark infringement, and unfair competition.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the usual period of insurance for a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy?

12 months.

Liability and Contingency Insurance

What does a Terrorism Liability Insurance policy cover?

Liability for third-party bodily injury, property damage, and removal of debris resulting from acts of terrorism.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What must the insured display according to the Innkeepers Act 1970?

A copy of the Notice stated under Section 3, conspicuously at the reception or main entrance.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What coverage is provided after the closure of business under Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Coverage for claims made after the business has closed.

Contingency Insurance

What type of injury is excluded from Contingency Insurance coverage?

Suicide or self-inflicted injury of an insured person.

Contingency Insurance

How does adverse weather affect coverage under Contingency Insurance?

Adverse weather is excluded unless agreed by the insurers in writing.

Contingency Insurance

What was reported about global insurers regarding the coronavirus outbreak?

They may face significant financial losses if events like the Summer Olympics are canceled.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What information is the insured required to provide to the insurer?

As much information as possible about the incident and its financial implications.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Who can benefit from Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professionals such as accountants, architects, dentists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, surgeons, insurance brokers, and financial advisers.

Liability and Contingency Insurance

What does Cyber Liability Insurance cover?

Third-party legal liability claims and first-party financial or reputational losses due to cyber-attacks.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What may vary from insurer to insurer regarding underwriting?

The details of the information requested.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What does the policy provision include regarding legal costs?

It provides for the payment of legal costs and expenses in the defense of a claim.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What is the typical period of insurance for D&O Liability Insurance?

Usually 12 months.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What is the main difference between D&O Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance?

D&O covers individual directors' or officers' liability for wrongful acts in their official capacity, while Professional Indemnity covers liability for breach of professional duty.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What must be displayed for the limitation of liability to apply under the Innkeepers Act?

A Notice of Section 3 of the Act in plain type in English.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

Under what circumstances does the limitation of liability not apply to innkeepers?

If loss or damage is due to the innkeeper's wilful act, or if goods are deposited for safe custody.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

Who qualifies as an insured person under the D&O Liability Insurance?

Past, present, or future directors, secretaries, officers of the corporation, or any natural person deemed to be a director or officer by law.

Contingency Insurance

What serious financial consequences can event organizers face?

Costs from contractual obligations, ticket refunds, and lost revenues due to event cancellations.

Liability and Contingency Insurance

What is the purpose of Terrorism Liability Insurance?

To protect organizations against negligence related to acts of terrorism.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What must the insured do promptly in case of an incident?

Notify the insurer of any and every incident that occurs.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

What are some new risks that arise in insurance?

Environmental changes, legislative changes, and market conditions.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Who typically purchases liability insurance policies?

Multi-national companies and conglomerates with diversified operations.

Contingency Insurance

What happens if there are changes to an insured event without prior approval?

Such changes are excluded from coverage.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What underwriting information is typically required?

Amount of indemnity, type of services, number of practitioners, territorial area, fees, claims history, and professional qualifications.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Section 172B of the Companies Act allow?

It allows a company to indemnify a director or officer against liability incurred to third parties, with certain exceptions.

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance

What can result in professionals being sued for negligence?

Inaccurate advice, delays, or not taking the correct action.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is one of the extensions allowed under Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Coverage for libel and slander.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What is the purpose of Directors’ & Officers’ (D&O) Liability Insurance?

To indemnify the insured for claims made against them for wrongful acts committed during the policy period.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the difference between negligence and wrongful acts in the context of Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Negligence refers to failure in professional duties, while wrongful acts include a broader range of errors, omissions, and breaches of duty.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Section 172A of CA allow companies to do?

Purchase and maintain insurance against liability for its directors or officers.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

On what basis is D&O Liability Insurance issued?

Claims Made Basis.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What are the two types of policy limits mentioned?

Costs inclusive and costs exclusive.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the limit of liability in a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy?

An aggregate limit for any one period of insurance.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What are some key elements included in the policy wording?

How claims are dealt with, need for legal opinions, insurer's payment limits, counter-claims, and third-party proceedings.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Side C of the D&O Liability Insurance provide?

Legal liability protection for the company for employment-related and/or securities-related claims.

Contingency Insurance

What is Contingency Insurance designed to cover?

Financial exposures such as contractual liabilities, lost revenues, and ticket refunds due to event cancellations.

Liability and Contingency Insurance

What optional coverage enhancements can be added to liability insurance?

Contractual pollution liabilities, first-party business interruption, pollution losses from transported cargo, and pollution losses from third-party waste disposal facilities.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What is Bailees Liability Insurance?

Insurance purchased by businesses that have custody or control of personal property belonging to someone else.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What happens if the insured becomes aware of a fact that may give rise to a claim?

They must give written notice to the insurer during the period of insurance.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What is one condition for maintaining security in an inn or hotel?

Maintaining proper working order of all locks to bedroom doors.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What are the two bases on which a liability policy can be issued?

Claims Made Basis or Occurrence Basis.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What additional coverage does this policy provide for medical expenses?

It covers medical expenses incurred due to bodily injury caused by accidents, subject to policy limits.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What happens if a claim exceeds the limit of cover?

The insured is expected to bear part of these costs and expenses.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What type of insurance is Innkeepers Liability often issued as an extension to?

Public Liability Insurance policy.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What should the insured do if an event is threatened or must be cancelled?

Notify the insurer as soon as possible.

Contingency Insurance

What types of risks could cause an event to be cancelled or abandoned?

Venue damage, natural perils, disease outbreaks, public transportation disruptions, national mourning, and terrorism.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What are the two bases on which a Commercial General Insurance policy may be offered?

Claims Made Basis or Occurrence Basis.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What is another name for Bailees Liability Insurance?

Carriers Legal Liability Insurance.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What is the typical territorial limit for liability insurance policies?

Usually on a worldwide basis.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What does advertising injury refer to?

Legal liability arising from the content of an advertisement.

Contingency Insurance

What are known circumstances in the context of Contingency Insurance?

The insured’s awareness of any matter or incident that may affect performance and result in a claim.

Libel & Slander Insurance

How is Libel & Slander Insurance typically issued?

As a stand-alone policy or as an extension of a Professional Indemnity policy.

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance

Who typically requires Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance?

Persons with E&O liability exposure, such as council members of management committees.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What is included in the term 'wrongful act' under D&O Liability Insurance?

Any actual or alleged negligent act, error, omission, misstatement, misleading statement, neglect, or breach of duty by the director or officer.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the purpose of Professional Indemnity Insurance?

To protect professionals against claims arising from negligence, omission, or error in their professional duties.

Liability and Contingency Insurance

What constitutes a Cyber-attack?

Malicious acts targeting computer information systems, networks, and devices, often resulting in theft, alteration, or destruction of data.

Liability and Contingency Insurance

What types of incidents are included in Cyber Liability Insurance?

Loss of data, virus transmission, denial of service, network security breaches, privacy breaches, cyber extortion, and intellectual property infringement.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What does Bailees Liability Insurance cover?

Losses to clients’ property in the custody of a bailee and litigation costs recovered from the insured.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

What significant liabilities can an organization face due to pollution incidents?

Bodily injury and third-party clean-up costs.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What does Innkeeper’s Liability Insurance cover?

The legal liability of the innkeeper for property loss or damage sustained by guests.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Is there a standard policy form for Professional Indemnity Insurance?

No, the policy wording varies from insurer to insurer and profession to profession.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Side A of the D&O Liability Insurance cover?

It pays for losses of individual directors or officers not indemnified by the company for claims made against them during the policy period.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Section 172 of the Companies Act 1967 state regarding indemnification?

Provisions exempting directors or officers from liability for negligence or breach of duty are void, and companies may not indemnify against such liabilities except as permitted under Sections 172A or 172B.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What can loss adjusters recommend to mitigate the impact of a cancelled event?

Ways to mitigate financial and reputation impact, such as rescheduling the event.

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance

What does E&O Insurance indemnify the insured against?

Legal liability to pay damages and claimants’ costs arising from neglect, errors, or omissions.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

Why would a warehouse need Bailees Liability Insurance?

To cover liability for damage or loss of cargoes and stocks stored for clients.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What types of claims does Directors’ & Officers’ (D&O) Liability Insurance cover?

Claims for wrongful acts committed or allegedly committed by the insured.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What types of liability does Commercial General Liability Insurance cover under Common Law?

Bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, pollution liability, and advertising injury.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What types of liability are covered under Contractual Liability?

Employer’s liability, product and services liability, tenant liability, and liquor liability.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What does the term 'Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights' refer to in Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Coverage for claims related to the infringement of intellectual property rights.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

What does standard coverage of an EIL insurance policy include?

First-party and third-party remediation costs, third-party bodily injury, property damage, natural resource damages, legal costs, and civil fines.

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance

What does Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance cover?

Liability exposure for persons in vocations with less rigorous standards than professional liability.

Contingency Insurance

What is excluded if the insured fails to comply with applicable laws?

Coverage for any resulting loss is excluded.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What liabilities cannot be indemnified under Section 172(B)(1)(a)?

Payment of fines in criminal proceedings, penalties for regulatory non-compliance, defending criminal proceedings where convicted, and defending civil proceedings brought by the company.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What is imposed on each specific liability cover in a liability insurance policy?

A limit of indemnity, subject to an aggregate limit for the policy period.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

What types of insurance are discussed under Specialist Liability Risks Insurance?

Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) Insurance, Terrorism Liability Insurance, and Cyber Liability Insurance.

Contingency Insurance

What is one exclusion related to the insured's behavior in Contingency Insurance?

Lack of care, diligence, or prudent behavior that increases the risk of loss.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What is the declared value limit for goods or property that an innkeeper can refuse for safe custody?

Exceeds S$5,000.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What is the purpose of Side B in the D&O Liability Insurance?

It reimburses the company for losses granted to directors or officers as indemnification for claims made against them during the policy period.

Contingency Insurance

What is the implication of a communicable disease under Contingency Insurance?

It is excluded unless it directly causes cancellation or interruption of an insured event.

Terrorism Liability Insurance

What does Terrorism Liability Insurance protect against?
A) Theft of property
B) Negligence related to security measures
C) Natural disasters
D) Employee injuries
E) Cyber attacks

B) Negligence related to security measures
Explanation: Terrorism Liability Insurance is designed to protect organizations against negligence related to their duty of care in preventing terrorist acts, covering liabilities arising from third-party bodily injury or property damage due to terrorism.

Cyber Liability Insurance

What is a primary concern of Cyber Liability Insurance?
A) Coverage for physical injuries
B) Protection against natural disasters
C) Coverage for cyber-attacks
D) Coverage for theft
E) Coverage for employee misconduct

C) Coverage for cyber-attacks
Explanation: Cyber Liability Insurance is primarily concerned with covering a wide range of exposures related to cyber-attacks, including third-party legal liability claims and first-party financial losses resulting from such attacks.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

What type of insurance covers risks arising from pollution incidents?
A) Commercial General Liability Insurance
B) Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) Insurance
C) Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance
D) Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance
E) Libel & Slander Insurance

B) Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) Insurance
Explanation: Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) Insurance specifically addresses risks associated with pollution incidents, covering various liabilities related to bodily injury and clean-up costs.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What does the 'Claims Made Basis' in insurance policies refer to?
A) Claims can only be made after the policy expires
B) Claims are covered only if they are made during the policy period
C) Claims can be made at any time regardless of the policy period
D) Claims must be made in person
E) Claims are automatically accepted without notification

B) Claims are covered only if they are made during the policy period
Explanation: The 'Claims Made Basis' means that claims are only covered if they are made during the active policy period, emphasizing the importance of timely notification.

Liability Insurance

Who typically purchases liability insurance policies with worldwide territorial limits?
A) Local businesses
B) Multi-national companies and conglomerates
C) Individual homeowners
D) Small family-owned businesses
E) Non-profit organizations

B) Multi-national companies and conglomerates
Explanation: Liability insurance policies with worldwide territorial limits are usually purchased by multi-national companies and conglomerates that have diversified operations or business interests globally.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Side A of the D&O Liability Insurance policy cover?
A) Company reimbursement for losses
B) Legal liability protection for the company
C) Losses for which directors or officers are not indemnified by the company
D) Employment-related claims
E) Claims made against the company itself

C) Losses for which directors or officers are not indemnified by the company
Explanation: Side A of the D&O Liability Insurance policy specifically covers losses for individual directors or officers that are not indemnified by the company, ensuring personal protection for them.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What is one recommendation that loss adjusters might make for a cancelled event?
A) Increase ticket prices
B) Reschedule the event
C) Change the event location
D) Cancel the insurance policy
E) Reduce the event's marketing budget

B) Reschedule the event
Explanation: Loss adjusters may recommend rescheduling a cancelled event as a way to mitigate the financial and reputational impact of the cancellation.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What must an inn or hotel maintain according to the conditions specified by insurers?
A) A swimming pool
B) Proper working order of all locks to bedroom doors
C) A restaurant
D) A gym facility
E) A bar

B) Proper working order of all locks to bedroom doors
Explanation: Insurers require that the inn or hotel maintains proper working order of all locks to its bedroom doors, ensuring guest safety and security.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is one of the main exclusions of Professional Indemnity Insurance policies?
A) Claims under Public Liability Insurance
B) Claims for personal injury
C) Claims for property damage
D) Claims for environmental damage
E) Claims for business interruption

A) Claims under Public Liability Insurance
Explanation: Professional Indemnity Insurance policies exclude claims that should rightfully fall under other specific types of liability policies, including Public Liability Insurance.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What type of claims does Professional Indemnity Insurance cover?
A) Claims for theft
B) Claims for wrongful acts
C) Claims for product defects
D) Claims for environmental damage
E) Claims for personal injury

B) Claims for wrongful acts
Explanation: Professional Indemnity Insurance is designed to indemnify the insured for claims made against them for wrongful acts committed during the policy period.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the usual period of insurance for a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy?
A) 6 months
B) 12 months
C) 24 months
D) 18 months
E) 36 months

B) 12 months
Explanation: The text specifies that the period of insurance for a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy is usually 12 months, indicating the standard duration for coverage.

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance

What does Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance cover?
A) Only professional liability exposure
B) Only personal injury claims
C) E&O liability exposure for less rigorous vocations
D) Property damage claims
E) Life insurance for professionals

C) E&O liability exposure for less rigorous vocations
Explanation: E&O Insurance covers liability exposure for individuals in vocations with less rigorous standards compared to professional liability, such as council members of management committees.

Terrorism Liability Insurance

Which of the following is NOT a method to mitigate terrorism risks?
B) Security checks at airports
C) Cybersecurity measures
D) 24-hour security guards
E) Perimeter fencing

C) Cybersecurity measures
Explanation: While cybersecurity measures are important, they are not specifically mentioned as methods to mitigate terrorism risks in the context provided, which focuses on physical security measures.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the primary purpose of Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) To cover property damage
B) To protect professionals against claims of negligence
C) To insure against theft
D) To provide health insurance
E) To cover personal liability

B) To protect professionals against claims of negligence
Explanation: Professional Indemnity Insurance is specifically designed to protect professionals, such as accountants and doctors, against claims arising from negligence, omission, or error in their professional duties.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What does the term 'wrongful acts' refer to in the context of Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) Only negligent acts
B) Acts of fraud
C) A broader range of errors and omissions
D) Criminal activities
E) Acts of violence

C) A broader range of errors and omissions
Explanation: 'Wrongful acts' in Professional Indemnity Insurance encompass not just negligence, but also other acts, errors, omissions, misstatements, misleading statements, and breaches of duty.

Contingency Insurance

Which of the following is NOT an exclusion in a Contingency Insurance policy?
A) Lack of care by the insured
B) Changes to an insured event without approval
C) Adverse weather conditions
D) A natural disaster
E) Suicide or self-inflicted injury

D) A natural disaster
Explanation: A natural disaster is not explicitly mentioned as an exclusion in the provided text, while the other options are listed as exclusions in a Contingency Insurance policy.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Which of the following is NOT typically required as underwriting information?
A) Claims history
B) Previous insurance experience
C) Personal hobbies of the insured
D) Amount of indemnity required
E) Professional qualifications

C) Personal hobbies of the insured
Explanation: The underwriting information required includes professional and financial details, but personal hobbies are not relevant to the underwriting process.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What constitutes a 'wrongful act' under the D&O Liability Insurance policy?
A) Only criminal acts committed by directors
B) Any actual or alleged negligent act, error, omission, or breach of duty
C) Only acts of fraud by directors
D) Acts committed outside of official capacity
E) Acts that are not reported to the company

B) Any actual or alleged negligent act, error, omission, or breach of duty
Explanation: The term 'wrongful act' encompasses a wide range of actions, including negligent acts, errors, omissions, and breaches of duty by directors or officers in their official capacity.

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance

What does E&O Insurance indemnify the insured against?
A) Property damage claims
B) Legal liability for neglect, errors, or omissions
C) Personal injury claims
D) Theft of personal property
E) Business interruption losses

B) Legal liability for neglect, errors, or omissions
Explanation: E&O Insurance policies are designed to indemnify the insured against their legal liability to pay damages and claimants’ costs arising from neglect, errors, or omissions committed in their professional capacity.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What is a common requirement for underwriting Bailees Liability Insurance?
A) Personal credit history
B) Claims experience
C) Employee training records
D) Marketing strategies
E) Customer satisfaction ratings

B) Claims experience
Explanation: Underwriting information for Bailees Liability Insurance typically includes claims experience, among other factors, to assess the risk associated with insuring the business.

Liability Insurance

What are the two bases on which a liability insurance policy can be issued?
A) Claims Made Basis and Premium Basis
B) Claims Made Basis and Occurrence Basis
C) Occurrence Basis and Risk Basis
D) Claims Basis and Coverage Basis
E) Premium Basis and Risk Basis

B) Claims Made Basis and Occurrence Basis
Explanation: Liability insurance policies can be issued on either a 'Claims Made Basis' or an 'Occurrence Basis', which are fundamental concepts in liability insurance.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is the limit of liability in a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy?
A) A fixed amount for each claim
B) An aggregate limit for any one period of insurance
C) Unlimited coverage
D) A limit that varies by profession
E) A limit based on the number of claims

B) An aggregate limit for any one period of insurance
Explanation: The limit of liability is described as an aggregate limit for any one period of insurance, meaning it applies to all claims made during that period.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

According to the Innkeepers Act 1970, what is the maximum liability for loss or damage to goods brought to the inn?
A) S$1,000
B) S$2,500
C) S$500
D) S$5,000
E) Unlimited

C) S$500
Explanation: Section 3 of the Innkeepers Act limits the innkeeper’s liability for loss or damage to goods brought to the inn to an amount not exceeding S$500, provided a notice is displayed.

Contingency Insurance

Which of the following is an example of an exclusion related to communicable diseases?
A) Any order for repatriation
B) Fear or threat of any communicable disease
C) Lack of attendance at an event
D) Changes to an insured event
E) Adverse weather conditions

B) Fear or threat of any communicable disease
Explanation: The text specifies that fear or threat of any communicable disease is an exclusion under the Contingency Insurance policy.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What information is the insured required to provide to the insurer after an incident?
A) Only the date of the incident
B) Minimal information to avoid complications
C) As much information as possible about the incident and financial implications
D) Personal opinions about the incident
E) Information about other unrelated events

C) As much information as possible about the incident and financial implications
Explanation: The insured is required to furnish the insurer with comprehensive information regarding the incident and its financial implications to facilitate the claims process.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What is another name for Bailees Liability Insurance?
A) Personal Liability Insurance
B) Carriers Legal Liability Insurance
C) Professional Indemnity Insurance
D) General Liability Insurance
E) Property Insurance

B) Carriers Legal Liability Insurance
Explanation: Bailees Liability Insurance is also known as Carriers Legal Liability Insurance, which covers losses to clients’ property in the custody of a bailee.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What type of acts does Professional Indemnity Insurance NOT cover?
A) Negligent acts
B) Errors or omissions
C) Wrongful acts
D) Fraudulent acts
E) Misleading statements

D) Fraudulent acts
Explanation: Professional Indemnity Insurance does not provide coverage for claims arising from willful, dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, or malicious acts or omissions.

Contingency Insurance

What is a key factor that can lead to a claim under a proposed Contingency Insurance policy?
A) Claims history of the insured
B) The insured's personal wealth
C) The location of the event
D) The number of attendees
E) The duration of the event

A) Claims history of the insured
Explanation: Claims history or incidents that could have resulted in financial loss are crucial factors that can lead to a claim under the proposed insurance, as they indicate potential risks associated with the insured.

Contingency Insurance

What is a primary reason event organizers might seek Contingency Insurance?
A) To cover marketing expenses
B) To protect against financial losses from event cancellation
C) To insure against theft of equipment
D) To cover travel expenses for performers
E) To provide health insurance for staff

B) To protect against financial losses from event cancellation
Explanation: Contingency Insurance is specifically designed to cover financial exposures such as contractual liabilities, lost revenues, and ticket refunds that arise from the cancellation or abandonment of events.

Contingency Insurance

What type of risks can lead to the cancellation or abandonment of events?
A) Only financial risks
B) Only risks related to performers
C) A variety of risks including natural disasters and public health issues
D) Only risks related to venue management
E) Only risks associated with ticket sales

C) A variety of risks including natural disasters and public health issues
Explanation: The text outlines various risks that can lead to event cancellation, including natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, and disruptions in public transportation.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What type of insurance is Innkeepers Liability Insurance often issued as an extension to?
A) Life Insurance
B) Property Insurance
C) Public Liability Insurance
D) Health Insurance
E) Travel Insurance

C) Public Liability Insurance
Explanation: Innkeepers Liability cover is often issued as an extension to the Public Liability Insurance policy to address exclusions related to property under the care, custody, or control of the insured.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Section 172B of the Companies Act 1967 allow?
A) Indemnification for all types of liabilities
B) Indemnification against liability incurred to third parties
C) Indemnification for criminal fines
D) Indemnification for civil proceedings brought by the company
E) Indemnification for regulatory penalties

B) Indemnification against liability incurred to third parties
Explanation: Section 172B allows companies to indemnify directors or officers against liabilities incurred to third parties, but with specific exclusions as outlined in the Act.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What should the insured do if an event is threatened or must be cancelled?
A) Wait for the insurer to contact them
B) Notify the insurer as soon as possible
C) Ignore the situation
D) Cancel the policy
E) Contact the event venue only

B) Notify the insurer as soon as possible
Explanation: The insured or policyholder is required to notify the insurer promptly if an event is threatened or must be cancelled, ensuring that the insurer can take appropriate action.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

What does the standard coverage of an EIL insurance policy include?
A) Only third-party bodily injury
B) First-party and third-party remediation costs
C) Only property damage
D) Personal injury claims
E) Business interruption losses

B) First-party and third-party remediation costs
Explanation: The standard coverage of an EIL insurance policy includes both first-party and third-party remediation costs, as well as other liabilities related to pollution incidents.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What does the policy provision for legal costs and expenses in the defense of a claim imply?
A) The insured pays all legal costs
B) Legal costs are always included in the policy limit
C) Some policies may cover costs exclusively
D) Legal costs are not covered at all
E) The insurer pays all costs regardless of the claim amount

C) Some policies may cover costs exclusively
Explanation: The text states that some policy limits are on a costs inclusive basis while others may be on a costs exclusive basis, indicating variability in how legal costs are handled.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is a key characteristic of the policy wording in Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) It is standardized across all insurers
B) It varies from insurer to insurer and profession to profession
C) It is the same as life insurance policies
D) It is fixed and cannot be modified
E) It only includes coverage details

B) It varies from insurer to insurer and profession to profession
Explanation: The text clearly states that there is no standard policy form available, and the wording varies significantly based on the insurer and the profession.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What is the primary difference between D&O Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) D&O covers property damage, while Professional Indemnity covers personal injury
B) D&O covers liability for wrongful acts in an official capacity, while Professional Indemnity covers breach of professional duty
C) D&O is for individuals only, while Professional Indemnity is for corporations
D) D&O is issued for 6 months, while Professional Indemnity is for 12 months
E) D&O is more expensive than Professional Indemnity

B) D&O covers liability for wrongful acts in an official capacity, while Professional Indemnity covers breach of professional duty
Explanation: The key distinction is that D&O Liability Insurance pertains to the actions of directors or officers in their official roles, while Professional Indemnity Insurance addresses breaches of professional duty.

Contingency Insurance

What information do insurers typically require for underwriting Contingency Insurance?
A) Only the event date
B) Details of the Proposer and the event, including venue and coverage needed
C) The number of tickets sold
D) The marketing strategy for the event
E) The history of previous events in the same location

B) Details of the Proposer and the event, including venue and coverage needed
Explanation: Insurers require comprehensive information about the event organizer, the event itself, and the specific coverage being sought to assess the risk accurately.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What is a common condition for insurers when granting extensions under the Innkeepers Act 1970?
A) Providing free meals to guests
B) Displaying a copy of the Notice under Section 3 conspicuously
C) Offering discounts for long stays
D) Allowing pets in the hotel
E) Providing complimentary transportation

B) Displaying a copy of the Notice under Section 3 conspicuously
Explanation: One of the specified conditions for insurers when granting extensions is that the insured must display a copy of the Notice stated under Section 3 of the Innkeepers Act 1970 in a conspicuous location for guests to read.

Specialist Liability Risks Insurance

Which of the following is NOT a category of pollution or contamination?
A) Air
B) Water
C) Land
D) Noise
E) Soil

D) Noise
Explanation: The categories of pollution or contamination typically include air, water, and land (soil and groundwater), but do not include noise.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

According to the Insurance Act 1966, what is required for an insurance broking company?
A) To have a minimum number of employees
B) To have a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy
C) To operate in multiple countries
D) To have a physical office
E) To provide health insurance

B) To have a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy
Explanation: Section 77 of the Insurance Act 1966 mandates that an insurance broking company must have a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy in place to indemnify against liabilities arising from their business.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Which of the following is NOT an exclusion in Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) Libel and slander
B) Theft by employees
C) Claims under Products Liability Insurance
D) Coverage after closure of business
E) Nuclear related perils

D) Coverage after closure of business
Explanation: Coverage after closure of business is an extension, not an exclusion, in Professional Indemnity Insurance policies.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

How is D&O Liability Insurance typically issued?
A) On a 'Per Incident Basis'
B) On a 'Claims Made Basis'
C) On a 'Lifetime Basis'
D) On a 'Monthly Basis'
E) On a 'Single Event Basis'

B) On a 'Claims Made Basis'
Explanation: D&O Liability Insurance is issued on a 'Claims Made Basis', meaning that claims are covered if made during the policy period, regardless of when the wrongful act occurred, as long as it is after the retroactive date.

Contingency Insurance

Why might Liability Insurance not be sufficient for event organizers?
A) It only covers physical injuries
B) It does not cover financial exposures like lost revenues
C) It is too expensive
D) It only applies to outdoor events
E) It is only available for large events

B) It does not cover financial exposures like lost revenues
Explanation: Liability Insurance typically does not cover financial losses associated with contractual obligations, ticket refunds, and lost revenues, which is where Contingency Insurance becomes essential.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

What must most Bailees Liability Insurance policies admit for a claim?
A) The insured must have a high turnover
B) The insured must be legally liable for the loss
C) The insured must have a clean claims history
D) The insured must have a physical location
E) The insured must have multiple clients

B) The insured must be legally liable for the loss
Explanation: Most Bailees Liability Insurance policies will only admit a claim if the insured is legally liable for the loss, ensuring that the coverage is applicable to situations where the business is at fault.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Which of the following is NOT covered under Common Law Liability in a Commercial General Liability Insurance policy?
A) Bodily injury resulting in actual physical damage
B) Personal injury including libel and slander
C) Pollution liability
D) Employer’s liability
E) Property damage or loss

D) Employer’s liability
Explanation: Employer’s liability falls under Contractual Liability, not Common Law Liability, which covers bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and pollution liability.

Contingency Insurance

Which of the following scenarios could lead to the need for Contingency Insurance?
A) A performer gets a new costume
B) A venue is damaged by an earthquake
C) An event is promoted on social media
D) A ticket is sold at a discount
E) A performer receives a standing ovation

B) A venue is damaged by an earthquake
Explanation: Damage to a venue due to natural disasters like earthquakes is one of the scenarios that can lead to event cancellation, necessitating the need for Contingency Insurance.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is a key feature of the claims process for Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) Claims are paid only if the act occurred during the policy period
B) Claims are made on a 'Claims Made Basis'
C) Claims must be reported within 30 days
D) Claims are only accepted if the insured is found guilty
E) Claims can only be made for incidents occurring in the last year

B) Claims are made on a 'Claims Made Basis'
Explanation: Professional Indemnity Insurance operates on a 'Claims Made Basis', meaning claims are accepted if made during the policy period, regardless of when the act of negligence occurred, as long as it is after the retroactive date.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Which of the following is an extension allowed under Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) Claims for war-related damages
B) Libel and Slander
C) Claims for theft by third parties
D) Claims for environmental cleanup
E) Claims for business interruption

B) Libel and Slander
Explanation: Libel and Slander is listed as one of the extensions allowed under Professional Indemnity Insurance policies, providing additional coverage for these specific claims.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Who does the insurer appoint to handle claims related to cancelled events?
A) Event planners
B) Loss adjusters
C) Legal advisors
D) Financial analysts
E) Marketing consultants

B) Loss adjusters
Explanation: Insurers appoint loss adjusters to manage claims, who can also recommend ways to mitigate the financial and reputational impact of the cancellation.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What does retroactive cover in a Commercial General Liability Insurance policy provide?
A) Coverage for incidents that occurred before the policy was purchased
B) Coverage only for future incidents
C) Coverage that is limited to one year
D) Coverage that does not require additional premium
E) Coverage that is automatically included without notice

A) Coverage for incidents that occurred before the policy was purchased
Explanation: Retroactive cover extends coverage to a specified number of years before the policy's inception, protecting the insured from claims related to past incidents, subject to an additional premium.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

What does Innkeeper’s Liability Insurance cover?
A) Only personal injury claims
B) Legal liability for property loss or damage sustained by guests
C) General business liability
D) Employee injuries
E) Environmental damage

B) Legal liability for property loss or damage sustained by guests
Explanation: Innkeeper’s Liability Insurance is designed to cover the legal liability of the innkeeper for property loss or damage sustained by guests while on the premises.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What is the purpose of Side B in the D&O Liability Insurance policy?
A) To cover personal losses of directors
B) To provide legal liability protection for the company
C) To reimburse the company for indemnification granted to directors or officers
D) To cover employment-related claims
E) To protect against regulatory non-compliance

C) To reimburse the company for indemnification granted to directors or officers
Explanation: Side B of the D&O Liability Insurance policy is designed to reimburse the company for losses it incurs when it indemnifies its directors or officers as permitted by law.

Libel & Slander Insurance

What is the typical duration of Libel & Slander Insurance policies?
A) 6 months
B) 12 months
C) 24 months
D) 18 months
E) 3 months

B) 12 months
Explanation: The period of insurance for Libel & Slander Insurance is usually 12 months, similar to many other types of liability insurance.

Contingency Insurance

What optional coverage enhancement can be included in liability insurance?
A) Coverage for natural disasters
B) Contractual pollution liabilities
C) Coverage for personal injuries
D) Coverage for theft
E) Coverage for employee accidents

B) Contractual pollution liabilities
Explanation: One of the optional coverage enhancements mentioned is contractual pollution liabilities, which can be included in liability insurance to address specific risks associated with pollution in leases.

Carriers & Bailees Liability Insurance

Who typically purchases Bailees Liability Insurance?
A) Individuals storing personal items
B) Businesses with custody of others' property
C) Homeowners with rental properties
D) Insurance companies only
E) Government agencies

B) Businesses with custody of others' property
Explanation: Bailees Liability Insurance is purchased by businesses that have care, custody, or control of personal property belonging to someone else, such as warehouses or transport companies.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Which of the following professionals is NOT typically covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance?
A) Architects
B) Dentists
C) Insurance brokers
D) Construction workers
E) Lawyers

D) Construction workers
Explanation: Professional Indemnity Insurance is aimed at professionals like architects, dentists, and lawyers, but does not typically cover construction workers, who may require different types of insurance.

Liability Insurance

What is the limit of indemnity in a liability insurance policy?
A) Unlimited for all claims
B) A limit imposed on each specific liability cover
C) A flat rate for all claims
D) Only applicable to property damage
E) Only applicable to personal injury claims

B) A limit imposed on each specific liability cover
Explanation: A limit of indemnity is imposed on each specific liability cover, subject to an aggregate limit for the policy period, which is a key aspect of liability insurance.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Section 172A of CA allow a company to do?
A) Purchase property insurance
B) Purchase and maintain insurance for its directors or officers
C) Purchase health insurance for employees
D) Purchase life insurance for shareholders
E) Purchase travel insurance for executives

B) Purchase and maintain insurance for its directors or officers
Explanation: Section 172A of the Companies Act (CA) specifically allows companies to purchase and maintain insurance against liability for their directors or officers, ensuring protection for individuals in leadership roles.

Innkeeper's Liability Insurance

Under what condition can an innkeeper refuse to accept goods for safe custody?
A) If the goods are too heavy
B) If the declared value exceeds S$5,000
C) If the guest is not a registered customer
D) If the goods are perishable
E) If the goods are not properly packaged

B) If the declared value exceeds S$5,000
Explanation: The Act grants the innkeeper the right to refuse to receive goods for safe custody if the declared value exceeds S$5,000, which is a protective measure for the innkeeper.

Contingency Insurance

What was reported about the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on insurance claims?
A) It has no impact on insurance claims
B) Insurers will not cover any diseases
C) Insurers face potential large claims due to event cancellations
D) All events will be canceled
E) Only small events will be affected

C) Insurers face potential large claims due to event cancellations
Explanation: The report highlighted that global insurers could face hefty bills if the coronavirus outbreak leads to the cancellation of major events, such as the Summer Olympics.

Cyber Liability Insurance

What type of losses does Cyber Liability Insurance cover?
A) Only physical property damage
B) Only employee-related claims
C) Third-party legal liability and first-party financial loss
D) Only theft of data
E) Only damages from natural disasters

C) Third-party legal liability and first-party financial loss
Explanation: Cyber Liability Insurance covers a wide range of exposures, including third-party legal liability claims and first-party financial losses due to cyber-attacks, making it comprehensive in addressing cyber risks.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What is a key requirement for claims under a Commercial General Liability Insurance policy?
A) The insured must wait until the end of the policy period to notify the insurer
B) The insured must promptly notify the insurer of any incident
C) The insurer must initiate the claim process
D) Claims can only be made after the policy expires
E) The insured does not need to provide any documentation

B) The insured must promptly notify the insurer of any incident
Explanation: It is imperative for the insured to promptly notify the insurer of any incident that occurs during the policy period to ensure coverage, as stated in the policy terms.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

What type of liability does 'advertising injury' refer to in a Commercial General Liability Insurance policy?
A) Liability arising from physical injuries
B) Liability arising from the content of an advertisement
C) Liability arising from contractual agreements
D) Liability arising from employee actions
E) Liability arising from product defects

B) Liability arising from the content of an advertisement
Explanation: 'Advertising injury' refers to legal liability that arises due to the content of advertisements, making it a specific type of coverage under the policy.

Contingency Insurance

What happens if the insured fails to comply with applicable laws?
A) The insurance policy is void
B) The claim will be automatically approved
C) It may increase the risk of loss
D) The insured will receive a refund
E) The event will be canceled

C) It may increase the risk of loss
Explanation: The insured's failure to comply with applicable laws can increase the risk and likelihood of a loss, which is a basis for exclusion under the policy.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

What does Side C of the D&O Liability Insurance policy provide?
A) Coverage for personal negligence claims
B) Legal liability protection for the company for employment-related and securities-related claims
C) Indemnification for directors against criminal proceedings
D) Coverage for fines in criminal proceedings
E) Personal liability coverage for directors

B) Legal liability protection for the company for employment-related and securities-related claims
Explanation: Side C of the D&O Liability Insurance policy provides legal liability protection specifically for the company against claims related to employment practices and securities.

Directors' & Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

According to Section 172 of the Companies Act 1967, what is void?
A) Provisions allowing indemnification for all liabilities
B) Provisions exempting directors from liability for negligence or breach of duty
C) Provisions allowing companies to indemnify against third-party claims
D) Provisions allowing directors to act without oversight
E) Provisions allowing companies to pay fines for directors

B) Provisions exempting directors from liability for negligence or breach of duty
Explanation: Section 172 of the Companies Act 1967 states that any provisions attempting to exempt directors or officers from liability related to negligence or breach of duty are void, ensuring accountability.

Libel & Slander Insurance

What types of claims does Libel & Slander Insurance cover?
A) Only written defamation
B) Only spoken defamation
C) Both written and spoken defamation, as well as trademark infringement and unfair competition
D) Only trademark infringement
E) Only claims related to copyright infringement

C) Both written and spoken defamation, as well as trademark infringement and unfair competition
Explanation: Libel & Slander Insurance is designed to indemnify against various claims, including libel (written defamation), slander (spoken defamation), trademark infringement, and unfair competition.

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