What is linear detrending?
Linear detrending is the process of removing a linear trend.
What does the Box-Cox transformation involve?
The Box-Cox transformation is a family of power transformations.
Linear Detrending

What is linear detrending?

Linear detrending is the process of removing a linear trend.

Box-Cox Transformation

What does the Box-Cox transformation involve?

The Box-Cox transformation is a family of power transformations.

Seasonal Differencing

What is the purpose of seasonal differencing?

Seasonal differencing is used for removing seasonal patterns.

First-order Differencing

What is first-order differencing used for?

First-order differencing is used for removing linear trends.


What is differencing in time series analysis?

Differencing is the method of subtracting consecutive observations.

Second-order Differencing

What does second-order differencing aim to remove?

Second-order differencing aims to remove quadratic trends.

Polynomial Detrending

What is polynomial detrending used for?

Polynomial detrending is used for removing higher-order trends.

Logarithmic Transformation

What is the purpose of logarithmic transformation?

Logarithmic transformation is used for stabilizing variance.

Seasonal Adjustment

What is seasonal adjustment?

Seasonal adjustment is the process of removing recurring seasonal patterns.


What does detrending involve?

Detrending involves subtracting the estimated trend component.

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