How did the 2015 Companies Act change the requirements for the memorandum compared to the repealed 1978 Act?
The 2015 Act does not require the memorandum to disclose the company's objects unless restricted by the articles, whereas the 1978 Act mandated that the objects be clearly defined.
What are the basic particulars required for company registration under the 2015 Act?
The particulars include the type of company, extent of liability of its members, amount of nominal share capital, division thereof, and the registered office's location.
Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

How did the 2015 Companies Act change the requirements for the memorandum compared to the repealed 1978 Act?

The 2015 Act does not require the memorandum to disclose the company's objects unless restricted by the articles, whereas the 1978 Act mandated that the objects be clearly defined.

Company Registration Requirements

What are the basic particulars required for company registration under the 2015 Act?

The particulars include the type of company, extent of liability of its members, amount of nominal share capital, division thereof, and the registered office's location.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

How did the 2015 Companies Act change the requirements for the memorandum of association?

The 2015 Companies Act shifted the requirement from specifying the main objects and powers of the company to a more flexible approach, allowing for broader business activities.

Corporate Governance and Management

What authority can the articles limit regarding the company secretary?

The articles may limit the authority of the company secretary to register transfers of shares without the approval of the Board.

Memorandum of Association

What is the role of the memorandum of association in a company?

The memorandum of association plays a significant role in restricting the objects of the company and constitutes a foundational document that defines the relationship between the company and its members.

Memorandum of Association

Why was it important under the 1978 Act for the memorandum to define a company's objects?

It was important to ensure that investors and creditors could easily ascertain the nature and scope of the company's business and powers, allowing them to make informed decisions.

Memorandum of Association

What is the effect of the object clause in a memorandum of a company?

The object clause restricts the company's activities to those specified within it, unless altered in accordance with the law.

Articles of Association

Can a company amend its articles after the 2015 Act?

Yes, a company may amend its articles at any time to add, remove, or alter a statement of the company's objects without affecting its rights or obligations.

Articles of Association

What powers can only be exercised by special resolution of a company's members?

Powers include changing the company's name, restricting its objects, altering its articles of association, reducing capital, and winding up voluntarily.

Articles of Association

What is the purpose of the articles of association?

The articles delineate the scope of business, powers, management, and rights of shareholders within a company.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

How does the 2015 Companies Act differ from the repealed Act regarding the registration of articles?

Unlike the repealed Act, the 2015 Companies Act does not specify types of companies that must compulsorily register articles or have discretion not to register them.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What does the memorandum of association provide at the time of incorporation?

The memorandum provides a snapshot of the company at incorporation and cannot be altered.

Articles of Association

What is the main purpose of the articles of association under the 2015 Companies Act?

The main purpose of the articles of association is to prescribe regulations for the company, applicable to both public and private companies.

Ultra Vires Doctrine

What is meant by the term 'ultra vires' in relation to company transactions?

Ultra vires refers to transactions entered into by the company that are outside the objects or powers specified in its memorandum of association, making them unenforceable.

Regulatory Framework for Companies

What is the effect of a provision in the articles that conflicts with the Companies Act?

Any provision in the articles that is at variance with the Companies Act is void.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

What must a company do if it wishes to adopt its own articles?

The company must ensure that its articles conform to the substantive provisions of the Companies Act.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

How has the Companies Act, 2015 reformed the contents of constitutional documents?

The Companies Act, 2015 has reformed the law by removing certain requirements, such as the statement of the objects of the company, which were previously required to be specified in the memorandum.

Memorandum of Association

What is the significance of Section 28(1) of the 2015 Companies Act regarding the objects of a company?

Section 28(1) allows companies to have unrestricted objects unless specifically restricted by their articles, marking a departure from the 1978 Act which required clearly defined objects in the memorandum.

Articles of Association

What must the articles of a private company include regarding the transfer of shares?

The articles must confer power to directors to refuse registration of proposed transfers of shares and may grant existing shareholders the right of first refusal.

Corporate Governance and Management

What happens to shares purchased by a company?

The shares are cancelled and are not liable to be re-issued, ensuring compliance with statutory prohibitions against investing in its own shares.

Memorandum of Association

What does the memorandum of a company limited by shares need to state?

It must state the total nominal value of the shares it may allot to members, referred to as the authorised or registered capital.

Articles of Association

What must a company do if it wishes to exclude or modify regulations in the model articles?

Any exclusion or modification must be expressly provided in the company's articles; otherwise, the provisions of the model articles will apply.

Corporate Governance and Management

Why is it critical for subscribers to be aware of the articles of association?

The articles constitute a contract binding on all members, and subscribers must understand the terms of the incorporation contract they are bound by.

Articles of Association

What does the articles of association provide for a company?

The articles of association provide the framework for the internal regulation and management of the company's affairs, including the management structure and the powers and duties of directors.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What are the requirements for the articles of association as per section 13(5) of the 2015 Companies Act?

The articles must be contained in a single document, printed, divided into consecutively numbered paragraphs, and signed by each subscriber, who must also have their occupation and postal address printed below their signature.

Company Registration Requirements

Under the 2015 Companies Act, what is the status of registering articles of association?

All companies have the discretionary right to either register their articles of association or adopt parts of the model articles prescribed in regulations.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What is required for the authentication of the memorandum of association?

The memorandum must be authenticated by one or more subscribers, and their signatures must be duly attested by a person other than a subscriber.

Articles of Association

What does section 20(3) of the 2015 Companies Act allow a company to do?

Section 20(3) allows a company to adopt all or any provisions of a prescribed version of model articles as its articles of association.

Articles of Association

What is the purpose of the articles of association in a company?

The articles of association define the duties, rights, and powers of the governing body and regulate the internal affairs of the company.

Corporate Governance and Management

What are some key aspects included in the model regulations?

Key aspects include shares, capital variation, dividends, calls on shares, transfer and forfeiture of shares, voting procedures, and the powers and duties of directors.

Rights and Powers of Shareholders

Do subscribers to the memorandum need to pay for shares immediately?

No, subscribers do not need to pay for shares unless a call is made or payment is a condition precedent to their subscription.

Ultra Vires Doctrine

What happens if a clause in the articles is inconsistent with the company's objects?

Any clause that is inconsistent with the provisions delimiting the company's objects and powers is rendered inoperative to the extent of that inconsistency.

Corporate Governance and Management

What is the authority for a company to purchase its own shares?

The authority allows a company to intervene as a buyer to smooth out a sudden fall in its share price, enabling market or off-market purchases.

Ultra Vires Doctrine

What does the 2015 Companies Act imply about the scope of a company's business?

The Act implies that a company can engage in any lawful business unless its objects are restricted by its memorandum or articles.

Corporate Governance and Management

What is the role of employees in a company's governance according to the 2015 Act?

The Act provides no legal framework for employees to influence governance, although they have a voice and stake in the company's prosperity.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What does the 2015 Act say about the basic form of the memorandum?

The basic form and content of the memorandum prescribed by the 2015 Act are not ordinarily subject to alteration.

Corporate Governance and Management

How does European law define participation in a company?

Participation is defined as the influence of employee representatives in company affairs through nomination rights or recommendations for appointments.

Articles of Association

What must be included in the articles of association according to practical importance?

The articles should include provisions for membership subscription, capital structure, variation of capital, governance structure, classes of shares, voting rights, and resolutions.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What is the purpose of the memorandum of association?

The memorandum of association defines the company's objects and powers, allowing shareholders, creditors, and others to ascertain the company's scope of business.

Corporate Governance and Management

What role do the articles of association play in conflict management within a company?

The articles of association delineate the powers of the Board of Directors and the company in general meeting to avoid conflicts in the conduct and management of the company's business.

Articles of Association

What actions are void if authorized by the articles?

Actions such as restricting or removing previously imposed restrictions on company objects, forfeiting shares for debts, and paying dividends out of capital are void if authorized by the articles.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

What is required for a company to alter its articles?

A special resolution of its members is required to alter its articles, not just a resolution of the Board.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What must the memorandum of association include according to Section 12(2) of the Act?

The memorandum of association must be in the prescribed form, authenticated by each subscriber, and indicate whether the company is limited or unlimited.

Company Registration Requirements

What does the 2015 Companies Act require for company registration?

The Act requires every person wishing to register a company to lodge a copy of the proposed articles of association along with other required documents.

Company Registration Requirements

What happens if the memorandum of association does not comply with the prescribed form?

The Act prohibits the registration of a company whose memorandum is not in the prescribed form or does not comply with the requirement for authentication.

Articles of Association

What is the effect of adopting model articles in a company's Articles of Association?

The effect is that, as far as applicable, the model articles are considered duly registered, and the company can either formulate its own articles or adopt the standard regulations contained in the model articles.

Articles of Association

What must the articles of association of a company limited by shares disclose regarding share classes?

They must disclose whether the shares are all of one class and, if not, what special rights attach to each class.

Corporate Governance and Management

How can private companies raise initial capital for business?

Private companies often raise initial capital from sources other than members' subscription for shares, such as loan capital from promoters or finance institutions.

Alteration of Memorandum

What is required for the alteration of the memorandum of association?

The alteration requires a special resolution of the company in a general meeting, subject to statutory regulation.

Company Registration Requirements

What happens if a company fails to register its articles of association?

Failure to register articles does not impede the registration of a company but defaults to the application of the relevant model articles prescribed by regulations.

Corporate Governance and Management

What is meant by workers' rights to participation?

It refers to the influence of employee representatives in company affairs, including the right to nominate members of supervisory or administrative bodies.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

What is the transitional provision regarding existing companies under the 2015 Act?

Provisions in the memorandum of association of existing companies become provisions of their articles, but companies can still amend their articles.

Rights and Powers of Shareholders

What do the model regulations define in relation to shareholders?

The model regulations define the rights and obligations of shareholders and delineate the rights and powers of shareholders as members versus those of the directors.

Ultra Vires Doctrine

How do the articles of association relate to the company's objects?

The articles delineate the objects and powers of the company, ensuring that any business transacted is intra vires, meaning within the legal powers of the company.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What dictates the contents of a company's memorandum of association?

The type of company dictates the contents of its memorandum of association and the accompanying statement of nominal capital or guarantee.

Rights and Powers of Shareholders

What rights do shareholders have regarding the transfer of shares to non-members?

Shareholders may have pre-emptive rights that allow them to refuse the transfer of shares to non-members.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What information is disclosed in the statement of capital required with the memorandum?

It discloses the total number of shares, aggregate nominal value, particulars of various classes of shares, and amounts to be paid up or remaining unpaid on each share.

Form and Content of Memorandum

What does the statement of guarantee disclose for a company limited by guarantee?

It discloses the identity of the subscribers and contains an undertaking by each subscriber to contribute to the company's assets to discharge debts and liabilities.

Regulatory Framework for Companies

What does section 21 of the Companies Act ensure for registered companies?

Section 21 ensures that every registered company has a regulatory framework for the effective management of its internal affairs.

Regulatory Framework for Companies

What did the court hold in Lock v Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Co. regarding model articles?

The court held that the regulations in model articles have statutory authority, and provisions in any article that align with them are valid.

Form and Content of Memorandum

How do the statements of nominal capital and guarantee relate to the memorandum?

They provide a clear picture of the type of company, its capital structure, and the extent of liability of the members for the company's debts.

Company Registration Requirements

Are statements of nominal capital and guarantee required for unlimited companies?

No, these statements are not required for unlimited companies that have no share capital.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

What is the significance of the 2015 Companies Act regarding articles of association?

While the 2015 Act does not require certain matters to be stated in the articles, it is practically important for comprehensive provisions to be included for effective internal regulation.

Rights and Powers of Shareholders

Who is considered 'connected with the company' under section 510(4) of the Companies Act?

An existing member or employee, a family member of a member or employee, a widow or widower of a member or employee, an existing debenture holder, or a trustee of a trust with a principal beneficiary in these categories.

Memorandum of Association

How does the memorandum of association differ from the articles of association?

The memorandum operates as the company's charter defining the type of company and terms of incorporation, while the articles serve as the company's constitution regulating its internal affairs.

Corporate Governance and Management

What is prohibited for private companies regarding public offerings?

They may not offer to the public any shares or debentures of the company.

Changes Under the 2015 Companies Act

What does section 511 of the Companies Act restrict for private companies limited by shares?

It restricts the right to transfer or allot shares and forbids any invitation to the public to subscribe for shares or debentures.

Corporate Governance and Management

What is the purpose of section 510 of the Companies Act for private companies?

It allows offers for shares or debentures only as a private concern between the person receiving the offer and the person making it.

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