What is the rate equation derived from the trials involving haemoglobin and carbon monoxide?
Rate = k [Hb(aq)] [CO(g)]
What is the rate determining step (RDS) in a single-step reaction?
The only step that involves the collision of reactants and the transition state, leading to the formation of products.
Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate equation derived from the trials involving haemoglobin and carbon monoxide?

Rate = k [Hb(aq)] [CO(g)]

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate determining step (RDS) in a single-step reaction?

The only step that involves the collision of reactants and the transition state, leading to the formation of products.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the order of reaction with respect to BrO3–(aq) based on the experimental results?

The order of reaction with respect to BrO3–(aq) is 1.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the constant in the Arrhenius equation for a given reaction?

The activation energy (Ea) is constant, while the rate constant (k) and absolute temperature (T) are variables.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

In a second order reaction where both reactants A and B are present, how does the rate change if the concentration of A is doubled while B remains unchanged?

The rate becomes 2k [A(g)] [B(g)] when the concentration of A is doubled.

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What role does a reaction chamber play in chemical processes?

A reaction chamber is where raw materials, solvents, and energy are introduced to carry out chemical reactions under controlled conditions to optimize reaction rates and yields.

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What is the reaction equation for the combination of haemoglobin and carbon monoxide?

Hb(aq) + CO(g) → HbCO(aq)

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is a multi-step reaction?

A reaction that involves two or more elementary steps with the formation of intermediates.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate equation for a zeroth order reaction?

The rate equation is Rate = k [A(g)]^0 = k, meaning the rate remains constant regardless of the concentration of A(g).

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How does the concentration of A(g) affect the rate in a zeroth order reaction?

Doubling or tripling the concentration of A(g) does not change the rate; it remains k.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What happens when reactants approach each other in the formation of an activated complex?

Repulsive forces build up between electrons, some kinetic energy is used to break bonds in reactants, converting it to potential energy in the transition state.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What happens to the rate of reaction when temperature increases?

The rate of reaction becomes faster.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the unit of the rate constant (k) for a second order reaction?

mol – 1 dm 3 s – 1

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What effect does increased temperature have on the number of collisions between reactant particles?

It increases the number of collisions between reactant particles per unit time.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What does the slope of the line represent in the log(rate) vs log[H2O2 (aq)] plot?

The slope represents the order of the reaction, x.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the value of k obtained from the y-intercept of the graph for the reaction involving H2O2?

k = 4.22 × 10^(-3) s^(-1)

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is required for an effective collision between reactant particles?

For an effective collision, reactant particles must collide in the right orientation and possess energy equal to or greater than the activation energy.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the concentration-time equation for a first order reaction?

The concentration-time equation is c = c0 * e^(-kt), where c0 is the initial concentration and k is the rate constant.

Arrhenius Equation and Temperature Effects on Reaction Rates

What is the relationship between the rate constant (k) and time (t) in the context of the Arrhenius equation?

k is proportional to 1/t, which can be substituted into the logarithmic Arrhenius equation for convenience.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Processes

What are some disadvantages of industrial processes?

Potential hazards to human health, high costs of pollution control, and production of air pollutants.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does an energy profile graph show during a chemical reaction?

It shows how the energy content of a system changes during a chemical reaction and the reaction pathway or mechanism.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is a reaction coordinate?

It is the measure of the 'extent' of reaction or the 'position' of the arrow in the equation.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What characterizes an activated complex?

It is an unstable species that cannot be isolated, highly energetic, possesses maximum potential energy, contains partially broken and formed bonds, and exists in a transition state.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the rate equation for a multi-step reaction?

Only the reactants involved in the rate determining step appear in the rate equation, e.g., Rate (r) = k [D - E].

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What is the concentration-time equation for a second order reaction involving reactants A and B?

The equation is -d[A]/dt = -d[B]/dt = k[A][B].

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the relationship between rate and concentration in a zeroth order reaction?

The rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of A(g) and time.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the concentration-time equation for a zeroth order reaction?

The equation is c = c0 - kt, where c is the concentration at time t and c0 is the initial concentration.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the shape of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve?

The curve is not symmetrical, starts from the origin, and never touches the x-axis.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the result of having a greater number of effective collisions between reactant particles per unit time?

It leads to an increased rate of reaction.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the Boltzmann constant?

The Boltzmann constant is 1.3806 × 10⁻²³ J K⁻¹.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How is the peak velocity (vp) calculated in the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution?

vp = √(2kT/m) = √(2RT/M).

Petrochemical Industry and Its Products

What are some products made from petrochemicals?

Fabrics, packaging materials, drugs, detergents, dyes, and solvents.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What are the origins of activation energy?

Activation energy originates from the need to break bonds within reactant particles and to overcome the repulsion between the electrons of reactant particles.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the calculated activation energy (Ea) for the iodine clock reaction?

The activation energy is +54.632 kJ/mol.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the significance of taking the natural logarithm of the Arrhenius equation?

Taking the natural logarithm allows for the linear form: ln(k) = ln(A) - (Ea/(RT)).

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate equation for the reaction involving sucrose, water, and HCl?

Rate = k [C12H22O11(aq)] [HCl(aq)]

Types of Industrial Processes

What are the two main steps in industrial processes?

Step 1 involves converting raw materials into bulk chemicals, and Step 2 involves manufacturing synthetic products from those bulk chemicals.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

In the trials, what was the reaction order with respect to A when its concentration was doubled?

The reaction order with respect to A is 1.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

Given the activation energy of a reaction is +11.5 kJ mol – 1, how do you calculate the rate constant k at two different temperatures?

Use the Arrhenius equation with the provided rate constants at the specified temperatures.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What does the concentration-time graph of a zeroth order reaction look like?

The concentration of A(g) decreases linearly over time, indicating a constant rate.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the concentration-time equation for a second order reaction?

The concentration-time equation is 1/c = 1/c0 + kt.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate equation for the reaction 2 H2O2 (aq) → 2 H2O (l) + O2 (g)?

Rate = k [H2O2 (aq)]^x

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How does the portion of molecules with kinetic energy equal to or greater than Ea affect reaction rate?

A larger portion of molecules with kinetic energy equal to or greater than Ea results in a greater number of effective collisions between reactant particles per unit time, leading to a faster reaction rate.

Types of Industrial Processes

What does the inorganic industry produce?

Inorganic species such as metals, glasses, and ceramics from natural inorganic resources.

Production of Vitamin C: Methods and Importance

What is the importance of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)?

It prevents scurvy, is essential for collagen production, and is in high demand despite limited supply from natural sources.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does the Arrhenius constant (A) represent?

The Arrhenius constant represents the collision frequency and is also called the frequency factor or pre-exponential factor.

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What is the starting material used in the Reichstein process?

D-glucose is used as the starting material.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What are reaction orders?

Reaction orders are the powers x and y in the rate equation that express how the reaction rate is affected by the concentration of the respective reactants.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the universal gas constant (R) value used in the Arrhenius equation?

The universal gas constant (R) is 8.314 J K^-1 mol^-1.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate equation for the reaction of H2O2 and I-?

The rate equation is Rate (r) = k [H2O2 (aq)] [I- (aq)], indicating a second order reaction.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate constant, k, for the reaction A + 2B → C given the rate equation rate (r) = k[A]^2[B] and initial rate of change of [A] as 4.0 × 10 – 3 mol dm – 3 s – 1?

k = 4.0 mol – 2 dm 6 s – 1

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the value of a in the reaction A + 2B → C if the initial rate of change of [A] is 1.0 × 10 – 1 mol dm – 3 s – 1?

a = 0.1 mol dm – 3

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does enthalpy change (∆H) represent?

The difference in enthalpies between the reactants and the products, as well as the difference in activation energies between the forward and backward reactions.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What type of graph represents the relationship between reaction rate and concentration in a second order reaction?

The rate-concentration graph shows a parabola passing through the origin.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What occurs after the activated complex is formed?

The formation of the activated complex is a reversible process; it may either dissociate back into reactants or convert into products.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How does an increase in temperature affect the average kinetic energy of molecules?

It increases the average kinetic energy of the molecules.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

Is the determination of the rate equation applicable to multi-step reactions?

No, the determination of the rate equation in this way is NOT applicable to multi-step reactions.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the iodine clock reaction used for in the context of activation energy?

It is used to measure the time for the reaction to reach an observable change at different temperatures, allowing for the determination of activation energy.

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What are the main reactants in the iodine clock reaction?

The main reactants are K2S2O8 (aq), KI(aq), Na2S2O3 (aq), and a small amount of starch solution.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What was the order of reaction with respect to N2O5 (g) determined from the experiments at 360 K?

It is first order with respect to N2O5 (g).

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How is the rate of reaction related to the time taken for the deep blue color to appear?

The rate of reaction is inversely proportional to the time taken; as the reaction rate increases, the time decreases.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the root-mean square speed (vrms) in the context of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution?

vrms = √(3kT/m) = √(3RT/M).

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How does doubling the concentration of C12H22O11(aq) affect the initial rate of the reaction?

The initial rate would become doubled.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the relationship between the reaction rate and the concentration of reactants in a second order reaction?

The reaction rate is directly proportional to the concentration of reactants, specifically in a bimolecular reaction.

Synthetic Products and Their Applications

What is an example of a raw material, bulk chemical, and synthetic product in the Haber Process?

In the Haber Process, air is the raw material, ammonia is the bulk chemical, and fertilizers are the synthetic product.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What happens to the rate when the concentration of B is doubled while A remains constant?

The rate remains constant, indicating the reaction order with respect to B is 0.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How is the initial rate defined?

The initial rate is the instantaneous rate at time t = 0.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the order of reaction with respect to A(aq) if the rate of change of [A(aq)] is independent of [A(aq)]?

The order of reaction with respect to A is zero.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the rate constant for the first-order reaction 2 N2O5(g) → 4 NO2(g) + O2(g) given the initial rate?

The rate constant k is calculated as k = 1.05 × 10^-5 s^-1.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

In the reaction A(g) → B(g), if the rate is given by rate = k [A(g)], what is the unit of k?

s - 1

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the overall order of the reaction H2(g) + Br2(g) → 2 HBr(g) if it is first order with respect to H2(g) and half order with respect to Br2(g)?


Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is a rate equation?

A rate equation (or rate law) is an expression that relates the rate of a reaction to the concentration of the reactants using a rate constant and the orders of the reaction.

Petrochemical Industry and Its Products

What is the petrochemical industry?

An industry that produces chemicals from petroleum or natural gas, known as petrochemicals.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How is the overall order of a reaction determined?

The overall order of a reaction is determined by summing the individual orders of reaction with respect to each reactant, represented as n = x + y.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What happens to k when T approaches infinity?

When T approaches infinity, e^(-Ea/(RT)) approaches 1, and k approaches A theoretically.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Processes

What are some examples of air pollutants produced by industrial processes?

SO2, NOx, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What is produced after the ring-closure lactonization step in the Reichstein process?

Crude L-ascorbic acid is produced.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What happens to the reaction rate when the concentration of A(g) is doubled in a second order reaction?

When [A(g)] is doubled, the rate becomes 4k[A(g)]².

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the effect on the reaction rate when the concentration of A(g) is tripled in a second order reaction?

When [A(g)] is tripled, the rate becomes 9k[A(g)]².

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How does the concentration of A(g) change over time in a second order reaction?

The concentration of A(g) decreases with time, but does not have a linear relationship.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the unit of the rate constant (k) for a zeroth order reaction?

mol dm – 3 s – 1

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What methods can be used to follow the progress of a reaction?

Titrimetric analysis, measuring changes in volume, pressure, mass, color intensity, electrical conductivity, turbidity, and pH.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Processes

What are by-products in chemical reactions, and why are they significant?

By-products are substances produced alongside desired products in a reaction; they can lower the yield of desired products and should be managed properly to minimize waste.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the relationship between activation energy (Ea) and temperature?

The activation energy (Ea) for different reactions is independent of temperature.

Types of Industrial Processes

What are the two main types of industrial processes?

Inorganic industry and Organic industry.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does the area under the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve represent?

It represents the total number of particles/molecules.

Types of Industrial Processes

What are the raw materials for the organic industry?

Carbon compounds used for the production of organic products or synthetic polymers.

Production of Vitamin C: Methods and Importance

What are the two main processes for the production of vitamin C?

The Reichstein process and the two-stage fermentation process.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the mean speed (⟨v⟩) of gas molecules in the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution?

⟨v⟩ = √(8kT/πm) = 2√(π)vp.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate equation derived from the trials involving A(g) and B(g)?

The rate equation is Rate = k [A]^2 [B].

Production of Vitamin C: Methods and Importance

What is the yield for both the Reichstein process and the two-stage fermentation process?

The yield for each method is around 60%.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How can the rate constant k be calculated using the trials?

The rate constant k can be calculated using the rate equation and the data from any trial, for example, using Trial 1.

Importance of Industrial Chemistry

What is the importance of industrial processes in modern living?

Industrial processes are crucial for developing synthetic products that enhance daily life, such as plastics for shopping bags, drugs for treating diseases, and paints for home decoration.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is activation energy (Ea)?

The difference in energy between the reactants and the activated complex.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

In a two-step reaction, what is the rate determining step?

The step involving the transition state of highest energy, which is the slowest step.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What happens to the reaction rate when both concentrations of A and B are doubled in a second order reaction?

The rate becomes 4k [A(g)] [B(g)] when both [A(g)] and [B(g)] are doubled.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How is the initial rate related to time in the context of chemical reactions?

Initial rate is inversely proportional to time, meaning rate (r) = 1/time (t).

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How is the rate equation for a single-step reaction determined?

The reaction orders with respect to the reactants are exactly their mole ratio in the balanced equation, resulting in a rate equation of Rate (r) = k [A - B] [C].

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How can the activation energy be calculated using two different temperatures?

By using the equations log(k1) = log(A) - Ea/(2.3RT1) and log(k2) = log(A) - Ea/(2.3RT2), and then manipulating these equations to eliminate log(A).

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What type of reaction is indicated by the energy profile of a two-step reaction?

It is an exothermic reaction.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does the shaded area in the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve represent?

The shaded area represents the number of molecules possessing kinetic energy (KE) greater than or equal to the activation energy (Ea).

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What happens to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve when temperature increases?

The curve becomes flattened and widened, the peak is lowered and shifts to the right, while the area under the curve remains unchanged.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How does temperature change affect the most probable kinetic energy of gaseous particles?

The most probable kinetic energy of the gaseous particles shifts to the right with an increase in temperature.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What happens to the average kinetic energy of molecules when temperature increases?

The average kinetic energy of the molecules increases with temperature.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Processes

What is a key advantage of the two-stage fermentation process compared to the Reichstein process?

It has a lower production cost and waste disposal cost, and is more environmentally friendly.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

Can the order of reaction be a negative number?

Yes, the order of reaction can be a positive number, negative number, zero, or a fraction/decimal number.

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What is the role of Acetobacter suboxydans in the two-stage fermentation process?

It carries out the microbial oxidation of D-sorbitol to L-sorbose.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

Should the concentration of solid reactants be included in the rate equation?

No, the concentration of solid reactants should not be included in the rate equation.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the relationship between the reaction rate and the concentration of reactants in a second order reaction?

The reaction rate is directly proportional to the square of the concentration of reactants.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is a zeroth order reaction?

A zeroth order reaction is one where the reaction rate is independent of the concentration of reactants.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the first method to determine activation energy?

Method 1 involves plotting a graph by performing experiments at different temperatures and determining the initial rates and corresponding rate constants.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the Arrhenius plot used for?

The Arrhenius plot is used to determine the activation energy (Ea) and the pre-exponential factor (A) from the relationship between the logarithm of the rate constant (k) and the inverse of temperature (1/T).

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

If the activation energy for a certain reaction is +65.0 kJ mol – 1, how can you express the rate constant at 37°C in terms of the rate constant at 27°C?

k2 = 2.32 k1

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

For a first order reaction, what is the unit of the rate constant (k)?

s – 1

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How can the instantaneous rate of consumption of X(aq) be calculated at t = 3 mins?

It can be calculated using the formula: - (1.8 - 1) mol dm^-3 / (1 - 5) min = 0.200 mol dm^-3 min^-1.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

If the overall order of a reaction is 1.5, what is the unit of the rate constant (k)?

dm 1.5 mol - 0.5 s - 1

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What portion of molecules will have kinetic energy equal to or greater than activation energy (E a) when temperature increases?

A larger portion of molecules will have kinetic energy equal to or greater than E a.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the relationship between concentration and time in a first order reaction?

In a first order reaction, the concentration of A decreases with time but does not have a linear relationship.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What does the rate-concentration graph of a first order reaction look like?

The rate-concentration graph shows a straight line passing through the origin, indicating that the reaction rate is directly proportional to the concentration of A.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How does the activation energy affect the reaction rate?

Generally, the higher the activation energy, the slower the reaction rate for a particular reaction.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does e^(-Ea/(RT)) represent in the Arrhenius equation?

It represents the fraction of molecules with kinetic energy (KE) greater than or equal to Ea, indicating the probability that a collision between reactant particles is effective.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the relationship between most probable kinetic energy, average kinetic energy, and root-mean square speed?

vp < ⟨v⟩ < vrms.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the relationship between kinetic energy and activation energy?

Only those reactant particles possessing kinetic energy greater than or equal to the activation energy can react.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Processes

Why is the two-stage fermentation process considered more environmentally friendly?

It replaces toxic chemical synthesis with fermentation, involving less toxic reactants.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the rate of a chemical reaction?

The rate at which the extent of the reaction proceeds with time, measured by the change in concentration of reactants/products over time.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How can the rate of a reaction be expressed?

By the decrease in concentration of reactants or the increase in concentration of products over time, often using stoichiometric coefficients.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

If 0.3 mol of A and 0.6 mol of B are mixed in a 3 dm 3 flask, what is the remaining number of moles of B after 0.5 s?

0.576 mol

Importance of Industrial Chemistry

What is a feedstock in industrial processes?

A feedstock is any material supplied to an industrial process for manufacturing products, which can be raw materials like air or water, or bulk chemicals like glucose or methanol.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How do you calculate the activation energy of a reaction based on the rate-concentration graph at 300 K and 350 K?

Use the slopes of the lines to find rate constants k at those temperatures and apply the Arrhenius equation.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What type of reaction is indicated by the rate equation Rate (r) = k [A - B] [C]?

It indicates a second-order reaction.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How can the order of reaction with respect to [H2O2 (aq)] be determined?

By plotting log(rate) against log[H2O2 (aq)], which gives a straight line.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does the Arrhenius equation express?

The Arrhenius equation expresses the effect of temperature on the rate constant of a reaction quantitatively.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the formula for the Arrhenius equation?

The formula is k = A e^(-Ea/(RT)).

Chemical Processes in Industrial Chemistry

What happens when all Na2S2O3 (aq) is used up in the iodine clock reaction?

I2 (aq) reacts with starch to produce an intense deep blue color.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How does the rate constant (k) change with temperature?

The rate constant (k) increases with increasing temperature and with the aid of a catalyst (which decreases Ea).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Processes

What are some advantages of industrial processes?

They provide solutions to daily life problems, improve infrastructure, attract investment, promote scientific research, and aid in energy conservation.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

Why do different reactions have different activation energies?

Different reactions have different activation energies because they have different reaction pathways.

Petrochemical Industry and Its Products

What is an example of a raw material in the petrochemical industry?


Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the activation energy of a first-order reaction when the temperature increases from 600 K to 640 K and the concentration of the reactant is doubled, resulting in a rate of consumption that is 5 times the original rate?

73.1 kJ mol – 1

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is chemical kinetics?

The study of reaction rates that provides information about the reaction mechanism.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is the instantaneous rate of a reaction?

The instantaneous rate is the rate of reaction at a particular instant or over an infinitesimal time interval, determined by plotting a tangent to the curve at that instant and calculating the slope of the tangent.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the second method to calculate activation energy?

Method 2 involves calculations using the initial rates or rate constants of reactions at two different temperatures.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

Concentrations of reactants, temperature, surface area, presence of catalysts, pressure, physical states, light absorption, and molecular sizes.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution describe?

It describes the distribution of kinetic energies (or velocities) of particles in a gaseous system at a given temperature.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

In a first-order reversible reaction, how do you find k1 and k-1 given the total concentration and equilibrium percentage?

You set up the equations for forward and backward rates at equilibrium and solve for k1 and k-1 using the given total concentration and equilibrium percentage.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What method can be used to determine the rate equation of a chemical reaction?

The method of initial rate can be used to determine the rate equation.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How can initial rates be determined from concentration-time graphs?

Initial rates can be determined by finding the slope of the tangent of the concentration-time graphs of the reactions.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What does the rate constant (k) represent?

The rate constant (k) is specific for a given reaction, remains constant at a given temperature, and generally increases with increasing temperature.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How many trials are needed to determine the rate equation for n reactants?

For n reactants, n + 1 trials are needed to determine the rate equation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Processes

What is a disadvantage of the Reichstein process?

It generates a lot of organic and inorganic waste, which increases investment and operating costs.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How are rate constants and reaction orders determined?

Rate constants (k), reaction orders (x, y), and rates (r) are experimentally determined and have no relationship with the stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced equation.

Petrochemical Industry and Its Products

What is an example of a bulk chemical produced in the petrochemical industry?


Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What does a higher activation energy indicate about the reaction rate?

Generally, a slower reaction rate corresponds to a higher activation energy for a particular reaction.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is an intermediate in a chemical reaction?

An intermediate is a chemical species that exists for a finite length of time and can be isolated and detected from the reaction mixture.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What is a first order reaction?

A first order reaction is one where the reaction rate is directly proportional to the concentration of a single reactant.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

How does the rate of a first order reaction change when the concentration of reactant A is doubled?

When the concentration of A is doubled, the rate becomes 2k[A(g)].

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is activation energy?

Activation energy (Ea) is the minimum energy possessed by colliding reactant particles for a reaction to occur.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

How is the unit of the rate constant (k) determined from the rate equation?

Unit of k = (Unit of rate) / ([A]^x * [B]^y)

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

Why is the initial rate preferred over the instantaneous rate during a reaction?

The initial concentrations of reactants are known, while instantaneous rates are unknown and change during the reaction.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What happens if the number of effective collisions per unit time increases?

The reaction rate would become faster.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the formula for determining activation energy (Ea) from the slope of a graph of log(1/t) against 1/T?

The slope is equal to -Ea/(2.3R), where R is the gas constant.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What does the reaction order with respect to B(g) indicate based on the trials?

The reaction order with respect to B(g) is 1, as doubling [B(g)] while keeping [A(g)] constant results in a doubling of the initial rate.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What should be included in the rate equation if a non-solid catalyst is used?

The concentration of the non-solid catalyst must be included in the rate equation.

Rate of Chemical Reactions and Factors Affecting It

What does the reaction order with respect to A(g) indicate based on the trials?

The reaction order with respect to A(g) is 2, as doubling [A(g)] while keeping [B(g)] constant results in a fourfold increase in the initial rate.

Arrhenius Equation and Temperature Effects on Reaction Rates

What is the significance of the y-intercept in the Arrhenius equation?

The y-intercept represents log(A), where A is the pre-exponential factor.

Activation Energy and Reaction Mechanisms

What is the relationship between the Arrhenius constant and the rate constant?

The unit of the Arrhenius constant always equals that of the rate constant (k).

Synthetic Products and Their Applications

What is an example of a synthetic product derived from petrochemicals?


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