What are 'if-then' motivators?
Motivators that operate on the principle of 'If you do this, then you get that.'
For what type of tasks are 'if-then' rewards most effective?
Simple, short-term, algorithmic tasks.
If-Then Rewards vs. Intrinsic Motivation

What are 'if-then' motivators?

Motivators that operate on the principle of 'If you do this, then you get that.'

If-Then Rewards vs. Intrinsic Motivation

For what type of tasks are 'if-then' rewards most effective?

Simple, short-term, algorithmic tasks.

If-Then Rewards vs. Intrinsic Motivation

Why are 'if-then' rewards less effective for complex tasks?

Because they narrow the focus and do not encourage creativity or judgment.

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What is the current trend in the workforce and education regarding skills?

A shift towards work that requires greater judgment, creativity, and discernment.

The Role of Autonomy in Learning

What does Daniel Pink suggest schools should do to engage students?

Downgrade control and compliance, and upgrade autonomy.

Behavioral Science and Motivation

What mismatch has Daniel Pink identified in organizations?

The mismatch between what science tells us about motivation and what organizations actually do.

If-Then Rewards vs. Intrinsic Motivation

What is the effect of rewards on tasks that require creativity?

Rewards can lead to a narrow view of the task, hindering creativity.

Purpose as a Motivator in Education

Why is it important for kids to ask, 'Why are we doing this?'

Because understanding the purpose behind learning helps them engage better and perform well.

Learning Goals vs. Performance Goals

What happens when students focus solely on performance goals?

They may achieve the grade but not necessarily learn or master the material.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

Who holds the copyright for Educational Leadership?

Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

Purpose as a Motivator in Education

What is a weak reason for learning something according to the text?

'Because it’s on the test.'

Motivational Interviewing Techniques

What is the follow-up question in the motivational interviewing technique?

'Why didn’t you choose a lower number?'

Purpose as a Motivator in Education

Why is it important to understand the 'why' behind educational tasks?

Understanding the purpose of tasks, like solving quadratic equations, enhances motivation and relevance.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

What must users obtain to share Educational Leadership content widely?

The copyright holder's express written permission.

Motivational Interviewing Techniques

What is the first question in the motivational interviewing technique?

'On a scale of 1 to 10, how ready are you to do your algebra homework?'

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What do we want kids to be instead of compliant or defiant?


Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What is the relationship between rigor and playfulness in education?

Rigor and playfulness can pair smoothly and lead to spectacular results.

Purpose as a Motivator in Education

What is a key question regarding education policies?

Are we creating education policies that are actually good for kids or simply convenient for adults?

Goldilocks Tasks and Optimal Challenge

What is the significance of 'flow' in learning?

Flow moments are when individuals are deeply engaged and lose a sense of themselves, leading to optimal experiences.

Creating Conditions for Inner Motivation

What example illustrates the effectiveness of playful mindsets in scientific discovery?

The Nobel Prize-winning work on graphene was done during 'Friday evening experiments' where scientists tested ideas they found interesting.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

What challenges are associated with implementing greater customization in education?

It requires more resources, smaller class sizes, and additional time for teachers to develop customized lesson plans.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

What is prohibited regarding the content of Educational Leadership?

Copying, emailing to multiple sites, or posting to a listserv without permission.

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What is the main issue with current education policies according to the text?

They are often designed for the convenience of adults rather than for the education of children.

Goldilocks Tasks and Optimal Challenge

How can organizations make learning more engaging beyond just fun activities?

By turning work into play through Goldilocks tasks that provide sufficient feedback and promote flow.

Purpose as a Motivator in Education

Why do most teachers enter the profession?

Out of a sense of purpose rather than for financial gain.

Purpose as a Motivator in Education

How does understanding the 'why' behind tasks affect student performance?

Students perform better when they know why they are doing a task.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

What does ASCD stand for?

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Motivational Interviewing Techniques

What technique is suggested for tapping into people's inner drive?

Motivational interviewing.

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What does the term 'play' often misconstrue in an educational context?

It can connote a lack of rigor, whereas play can actually be rigorous.

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What are the two reactions people have to control?

They either comply or defy.

Purpose as a Motivator in Education

What should teachers do to enhance their sense of purpose?

Talk more about why they went into teaching and why it matters.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

What is the primary focus of ASCD?

To support educators in improving teaching and learning.

Learning Goals vs. Performance Goals

What is the difference between learning goals and performance goals?

A learning goal is focused on mastering a subject, while a performance goal is focused on achieving a specific grade.

Goldilocks Tasks and Optimal Challenge

What are Goldilocks tasks?

Tasks that are not too difficult and not too easy, providing an optimal challenge for engagement.

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

How does engagement differ from compliance?

Engagement involves doing something out of genuine interest, while compliance is about following instructions.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

What example is given to illustrate effective differentiation in education?

A math teacher who assigns different homework based on students' varying levels of understanding.

Creating Conditions for Inner Motivation

What should teachers do to create conditions for inner motivation?

Pull back on control and allow kids to tap into their own motivations.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

What can users do with articles from Educational Leadership for individual use?

Print, download, or email them.

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What is the impact of compliant behavior in education?

Compliant behavior leads to doing tasks as instructed, but it does not foster personal fulfillment or engagement.

Customization in Curriculum and Learning

Why does standardization in schools hinder the effectiveness of Goldilocks tasks?

Standardization makes it difficult to tailor tasks to individual needs, resulting in tasks that may be too easy for some and too hard for others.

The Role of Autonomy in Learning

What should be the default assumption regarding autonomy in education?

The default assumption should be to trust students and teachers with autonomy rather than assuming they cannot handle it.

Creating Conditions for Inner Motivation

What is a simple performance-enhancing tip for educators?

Have more conversations about 'why' rather than just 'how' to do something.

The Role of Autonomy in Learning

What role does autonomy play in student engagement?

Increasing autonomy allows students to have more control over their learning, which enhances engagement.

Engagement vs. Compliance in Education

What is a potential downside of compliance in education systems?

Compliance is easier for management but can stifle creativity and engagement among teachers and students.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder