What method does critical theory utilize?
Dialectical reason.
What is the Political Economy of Communication according to Vincent Mosco?
The study of the social relations, particularly the power relations, that mutually constitute the production, distribution, and consumption of resources, including communication resources.
Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What method does critical theory utilize?

Dialectical reason.

Political Economy of Social Media

What is the Political Economy of Communication according to Vincent Mosco?

The study of the social relations, particularly the power relations, that mutually constitute the production, distribution, and consumption of resources, including communication resources.

Power Relations in Media Communication

What is the focus of the Critical Political Economy of Communications?

It analyzes the interplay between the symbolic and economic dimensions of public communications and how meaning is shaped by social relations.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

How does critical theory view the relationship between academia and values?

It rejects the idea that academia and science can be value-free, arguing that political worldviews shape all thought and theories.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What are the five characteristics of the Critical Political Economy of the Media?

Holism, historicity, realist and materialist epistemology, moral and philosophical foundations, and a focus on cultural distribution and control of communications.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

How is culture connected to capitalism?

Culture is largely connected to the commodity form, with cultural commodities bought by consumers.

Political Economy of Social Media

What are some core aspects of a Marxist political economy of communications identified by Dallas Smythe?

Materiality, monopoly capitalism, audience commodification and advertising, media communication as part of the base of capitalism, labour power, critique of technological determinism, consciousness, arts and learning.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What concept does Axel Bruns introduce related to social media?

Produsage, which combines production and use, leading to a participatory culture.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

How does Jenkins define participatory culture?

As a culture where fans and consumers actively participate in the creation and circulation of new content.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

How does Henry Jenkins define 'spreadable media'?

As media where consumers actively spread content, becoming grassroots advocates for meaningful materials.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does critical theory analyze in relation to capitalism?

It analyzes capital accumulation, surplus value exploitation, and commodification.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What was the focus of Horkheimer and Adorno's analysis?

They aimed to explain why the revolutionary German working class followed Hitler, analyzing authoritarian personality and media propaganda.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

How does the Critical Political Economy of Communication engage with moral questions?

It is committed to moral philosophy and social praxis, caring about the public good and issues of justice and equity.

Political Economy of Social Media

What does the book aim to analyze regarding social media?

The predominant forms of capital accumulation, class relations, and modes of surplus value exploitation.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What did Murdock and Golding state about the media?

The media are organizations that produce and distribute commodities and have an ideological dimension by disseminating ideas about economic and political structures.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What do Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams claim about social media?

They argue that social media lead to a new economic democracy where everyone has a lead role.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does participation in social media imply according to the text?

It implies that humans have the right to be part of decisions and to govern structures that affect them.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is a critique of the concept of 'participatory culture'?

It is a political science term that may not fully capture the complexities of participation in media.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

What do advertisement and cultural commodification do to humans?

They make humans instruments for economic profit accumulation.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is the purpose of ideology critique according to critical theory?

To make humans conscious of the problems they face in society and the causes of these problems.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does participatory democracy theory emphasize regarding human capacities?

The maximization of human capacities to develop well-rounded individuals.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What is the fundamental question regarding capitalist organizations?

Whether they can ever be responsible given their need to reduce costs to increase profits.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

How does the text define the capitalist character of social media?

Grounded in profit logic, commodity logic, targeted advertising, and exploited labor.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does a participatory economy require according to Macpherson?

More nearly equal access to capital and the means of labor.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What are the basic assumptions of critical theory based on Popper?

It emphasizes falsifiability, scientific inquiry, and the importance of open debate.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What does Jenkins' understanding of participation overlook?

The political, political economic, and cultural dimensions of participatory democracy.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does the Marxian Political Economy of Communication emphasize?

It emphasizes the analysis of capitalism, including the development of production forces, commodification, surplus value, social class divisions, and oppositional movements.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What historical factors influenced the differences between the Frankfurt School and the Anglo-American approach?

The rise of fascism in Germany and the strong consumer culture in North America.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What is Horkheimer's notion of instrumental reason?

It suggests that in capitalism, freedom of action is replaced by instrumental decision-making by capital and the state.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is the role of ideology critique in critical theory?

It critiques ideologies that present historical and changeable aspects of human existence as eternal and unchangeable.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What is the relationship between domination and exploitation in capitalism according to the text?

All forms of domination are connected to forms of exploitation.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

How does critical theory challenge the notion of dominance in social media?

By suggesting that alternatives to dominant platforms like Facebook are possible and that social relationships can be changed.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What role do audiences play in spreadable media?

Audiences actively shape media flows, making culture more participatory.

Political Economy of Social Media

What does critical political economy examine?

How resources are produced, distributed, consumed, and the power relations shaping these resources.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What activities are emphasized in participatory cultures according to the text?

Membership, production, collaboration, and sharing.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What key skill is notably absent from the characteristics of literacy in participatory culture?

Critical thinking.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What are the two complementary approaches for studying social media critically?

Frankfurt School Critical Theory and the Critical Political Economy of Media/Communication.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What is the ethical concern of critical theory?

It focuses on human happiness and critiques domination and exploitation.

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory

What concept did Jürgen Habermas develop that goes beyond the classical Frankfurt School?

Communicative rationality.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What term did Karl Marx use to describe the argumentation that treats certain phenomena as eternal?

Fetish thinking.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

How does Marx define alienation?

As estrangement from one's labor and its products.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

How do the Frankfurt School and Critical Political Economy of Media and Communication relate?

They are complementary approaches, with the Frankfurt School focusing more on ideology critique.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does Clay Shirky argue about social media?

Social media result in 'the wiring of humanity' and allow us to treat free time as a shared global resource.

Political Economy of Social Media

What do Jenkins, Ford, and Green argue about capitalism's influence on media?

They argue that capitalism will greatly shape the creation and circulation of most media texts for the foreseeable future.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

What was the purpose of Pepsi's 2007 marketing campaign?

To outsource design work to consumers and ideologically bind their emotions to the brand for profit.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What does critical theory provide in relation to societal struggles?

A self-understanding of the age concerning its struggle and wishes.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is a critical political economy of social media particularly interested in?

The power relations that govern the production, distribution, and use of information on platforms like Facebook.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What has led to a renewed interest in Marx within Media and Communication Studies?

The globalization of capitalism, its new global crisis, and the role of knowledge and communication in capitalism.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

What do capitalist media reduce humans to?

The status of consumers of advertisements and commodities.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What are the characteristics of participatory culture according to Jenkins?

Low barriers to expression, support for sharing, informal mentorship, belief in contributions, and social connection among members.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does Horst Holzer refer to Marxian analysis as in the context of communication?

The forgotten theory of communication in the German world.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does reification mean according to Georg Lukács?

It refers to a relation between people taking on the character of a thing, acquiring 'phantom objectivity' that conceals its fundamental nature.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What is the logic behind spreadable media according to Jenkins?

'If it doesn’t spread, it’s dead.'

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does Jenkins suggest about the Web's role in consumer participation?

He argues that the Web has increasingly become a site of consumer participation.

Social Movements and Media Activism

What important topics does the Critical Political Economy of Communication cover?

Media activism, media and social movements, commodification of media content, capital accumulation models, and the public sphere.

Political Economy of Social Media

What is a commodity?

A good exchanged with other goods in a certain quantitative relationship.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is the role of media in capitalism?

To present capitalism as the best or only possible system and maintain a hegemonic message.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

Which philosophical tradition is emphasized as suitable for critical analysis of social media?

The tradition that goes back to Hegel and Marx.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What aspect do Holzer and Knoche's framework lack according to the text?

The aspect of struggles.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

How are rights characterized in the context of participation?

Rights are universal and not particularistic; if they apply only to some, they are not true rights.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

Who are two key authors associated with participatory democracy theory?

Crawford Macpherson (1973) and Carole Pateman (1970).

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does Jenkins suggest about sharing and remixing content?

They are manifestations of a gift economy that empower consumers.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What should a complete Critical Theory of Communication focus on?

Critique and analysis of communication, culture, information, and media in capitalism, including capital accumulation, class relations, domination, and ideology.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What critique is made about Jenkins' view on political goals?

His formulations like 'corporate responsibility' and 'greater diversity of opinion' are considered vague.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What does critical theory aim to advance?

Struggles and political practice.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is the goal of ideology in capitalism?

To instill belief in the system of capital and commodities into human subjectivity.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What is the goal of critical theory as described in the text?

To enable critical insights into the potentials and limits of social media for struggles for a just society.

Political Economy of Social Media

What are the four functions of media in capitalism according to Holzer and Knoche?

1. Capital accumulation in the media industry. 2. Advertising, public relations, and sales promotion for other industries. 3. Legitimization of domination and ideological manipulation. 4. [Missing content].

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What is the earliest use of the term 'participatory democracy' traced to?

An article by Staughton Lynd (1965) describing the grassroots organization model of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does Marx argue about the nature of society?

That everything in society is social and can be changed by humans.

Power Relations in Media Communication

What does Jenkins mean by 'collective intelligence'?

It emerges when participants pool resources and combine skills in participatory culture.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

How does Facebook control user-generated information?

It sells data about uploaded information and user behavior to other companies.

Social Movements and Media Activism

What is the aim of social movement media as discussed in the text?

To establish a democratic socialist society based on communication commons and commonly-owned means of production.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What does a critical theory of media analyze?

Society as a terrain of domination and resistance, critiquing domination and media culture's role in reproducing oppression.

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory

Who are key figures associated with the Frankfurt School?

Herbert Marcuse, Max Horkheimer, and Theodor W. Adorno.

Political Economy of Social Media

How is Internet culture described in relation to political economy?

It is organized, controlled, and owned by companies, making it part of the culture industry.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What is the existence of social media?

The existence of social media refers to the actual platforms and technologies that enable online interaction, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Political Economy of Social Media

What was the focus of the debate between Nicholas Garnham and Lawrence Grossberg?

The relationship between Political Economy and Cultural Studies, including class, gender, race, and ethics.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What is the implication of a corporate-dominated Internet for participatory democracy?

It cannot be truly participatory as it exploits and commodifies users.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What does critical theory aim to bring to consciousness?

Potentialities that have emerged within the maturing historical situation.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What is the implication of Carpentier's reductionistic concept of participation?

Full participation can be achieved without ownership involvement.

Political Economy of Social Media

How does Habermas view communication in a capitalist society?

As a form of interaction that can propagate ideology to dominated groups.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What is Horkheimer's goal for critical theory?

Man’s emancipation from slavery and the happiness of all individuals.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does Marx identify as the most fundamental problem of capitalism?

The alienation of labor.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What was the positivist dispute in German sociology about?

It was a debate about what it means to be critical, primarily involving Theodor W. Adorno and Karl Popper.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What do Marx and Marcuse mean by the essence of a thing?

The essence refers to the fundamental nature or intrinsic qualities of a thing, as opposed to its superficial attributes. Examples include the essence of love being connection and care, while the essence of a tree is its ability to provide oxygen and habitat.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

According to Marcuse, how do dialectical descriptions of capitalism transcend social reality?

They point towards another historical structure present as a tendency in the given reality.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

What structural feature of capitalism is highlighted in the text?

Competition tends to turn into monopolies and capital concentration.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What is the essence of social media?

The essence of social media is its role in facilitating communication and connection among individuals.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What is the role of technological productivity in participatory democracy?

It serves as the material foundation of participatory democracy.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

Is there a difference between the essence and existence of social media?

Yes, the essence is about the underlying purpose of social media (communication and connection), while existence pertains to the tangible platforms and their functionalities.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is 'pseudo-participation' described as?

An ideology that undermines genuine participatory practices.

Political Economy of Social Media

What are basic assumptions of a dialectical theory of the Internet and social media?

Basic assumptions include the idea that social media shapes and is shaped by societal interactions, reflecting contradictions in communication and power dynamics.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What concept does Marx introduce in his 1843 work 'Toward the critique of Hegel’s philosophy of law'?

The concept of ideology, arguing that religion is the 'opium of the people'.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What is the significance of Marcuse's work in relation to historical materialism?

It provides new sources for understanding the foundations of historical materialism.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What are the long-term benefits of spreadable media for brands?

Expansion of potential markets and intensification of consumer loyalty.

Power Relations in Media Communication

What inequality exists on capitalist social media platforms?

Some users have more visibility and power than others, such as major news outlets compared to individual bloggers.

Social Movements and Media Activism

What is the origin of materialist protest and critique?

It originated in the struggle of oppressed groups for better living conditions.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

What does the book suggest about the necessity of corporate social media?

It is not a necessity, but a historical consequence of the commercial organization of the Internet.

Power Relations in Media Communication

What aspect of participation does Nico Carpentier's approach focus on?

Equal power relations in decision-making processes.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

On what critique does critical theory base its ideas?

Marx’s critique of the political economy.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What is the significance of dialectical philosophy in Critical Media and Communication Studies?

It helps bridge gaps between various dichotomies in the field.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What critical aspect does Carpentier ignore in his concept of participation?

Media ownership.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does participatory decision-making entail?

Involvement of individuals in the decision-making processes that affect them.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What is a key question to consider regarding ideologies today?

Where have social media merged with ideologies, and what claims are they making?

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What does critical theory analyze regarding societal consciousness?

The mystical consciousness that is unclear about itself.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What is identified as an impediment to participatory democracy according to Macpherson?

Extractive power, which limits the development of human capacities.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What are the basic elements of critical theory according to Adorno?

The assumptions include a focus on culture, society, and the critique of capitalism.

Ideology Critique in Social Media

What does critical theory critique about capitalism's presentations of reality?

They do not immediately appear as they are in reality, but in masked, perverted form.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does the term 'participatory democracy' refer to in the context of the text?

The establishment of a truly participatory Internet.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What is the ultimate goal of critical theory?

The transformation of society to create a 'society without injustice.'

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What is dialectical philosophy?

Dialectical philosophy is a method of argument that emphasizes the contradiction and development of ideas through dialogue and opposing forces. An example is the thesis-antithesis-synthesis model.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

What foundational readings are recommended for understanding social media critically?

Works by Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse, Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, and a debate between Adorno and Karl Popper.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does Marx mean by communism?

A societal structure where all humans can live a good life, free from alienation.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

Who were the main participants in the positivist dispute?

Theodor W. Adorno and Karl Popper, with contributions from Jürgen Habermas and others.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What is the difference between the essence and existence of something in society?

Essence refers to the inherent qualities or nature of something, while existence refers to its actual presence or manifestation in the world. For example, the essence of justice is fairness, while its existence can be seen in legal systems.

Political Economy of Social Media

Who owns the corporate platforms that mediate cultural expressions of Internet users?

Large companies like Facebook and Google.

Critique of Capitalism and Media Ownership

What does Marx's critique of the political economy of capitalism involve?

Analysis and critique of capitalism, critique of liberal ideology, and transformative practice.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What does Jenkins' notion of 'participatory culture' focus on?

Expressions, engagement, creation, sharing, experience, contributions, and feelings.

Power Relations in Media Communication

What does Carpentier's concept of media participation emphasize?

Co-decision-making in media technology, content, people, and organizations.

Commodification and Capital Accumulation

What are the major points of disagreement between Garnham and Grossberg?

They disagree on the roles of class, production, consumption, and the impact of cultural studies on media analysis.

Power Relations in Media Communication

How can the arguments of Garnham and Grossberg be systematically compared?

By creating a list of topics of discussion and contrasting Garnham’s arguments with Grossberg’s opposing views.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What do Jenkins, Ford, and Green argue about participatory culture?

It is relative and not every member can fully participate.

Political Economy of Social Media

What does Dwayne Winseck provide in his research on Political Economy?

A map of the landscape of Political Economy research in Media and Communication Studies.

Critical Theory and Social Justice

How can Marx's concepts be applied to understanding social media critically?

By analyzing capitalism, labor, and alienation in the context of social media's impact on society.

Power Relations in Media Communication

What are the two fundamental aspects of social praxis according to Habermas?

Instrumental action and communicative action.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

What is a dialectical theory of society according to Marx?

It is a framework that uses Hegel's dialectical method to analyze social structures and changes, focusing on contradictions within society that drive development.

Participatory Culture and Democracy

What is the significance of the Garnham and Grossberg debate for studying social media today?

Their differing positions highlight the complexities of analyzing media in relation to social structures and cultural contexts.

Dialectical Philosophy in Critical Theory

How does Horkheimer's notion of critical rationality differ from Habermas' communicative rationality?

Horkheimer's notion is broader and emphasizes the critique of exploitation and domination.

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