Alternative compliance approaches, clarifications of credit options, and petitioning for higher credit allocation.
Comprehensive Scheme A (One-step Approach) and Comprehensive Scheme B (Step-wise Approach).
The process of assessing various aspects of existing buildings.
To create a Water Conservation Plan.
It evaluates energy performance, management, analysis, commissioning, energy-efficient improvements, and enhancements.
It is no longer effective or recognized by the BSL.
A one-step approach where all aspects are assessed at once, offering a full certificate if requirements are fulfilled.
Site location, emissions from the site, greenery, and site amenities.
Global Warming Potential.
Adequate staff and technical resources for O&M requirements and periodic training for staff.
Increased administration and delays in the assessment process.
Building Energy Code.
Occupational Health & Safety System.
To enhance energy efficiency in buildings.
Building Management System.
Provision of Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations.
Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification.
It represents a general consensus but does not imply unanimous support from all consulted parties.
1 bonus credit for following GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and disclosing the G4 sustainability report.
Seek technical and administrative guidance from the BSL TRC on the application of BEAM Plus credits.
It focuses on energy use, water use, indoor environmental quality, and innovations.
To provide a comprehensive submission in the first instance.
Building maintenance and the operation of a planned program for regular inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.
To reduce the environmental impacts of existing buildings while improving quality and user satisfaction.
More flexibility to participate in the green assessment to suit their program, budget, and technical capability.
4 credits.
Unified Glare Rating.
Major renovations with structural alterations or changes in building use.
At least 10% of green cleaning detergents.
HKGBC and BSL reserve the right to deprive the awarded rating from the Applicant.
Indoor Air Quality.
It provides a systematic approach to evaluate and grade the sustainability performance of buildings.
Selective Scheme has a lower threshold than Comprehensive Scheme, with aspect-by-aspect assessment.
Energy Use Intensity.
Regularly and as frequently as necessary.
BSL does not endorse any self-assessed grading.
Management (MAN), Site Aspects (SA), Materials and Waste Aspects (MWA), Energy Use (EU), Water Use (WU), Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), and Innovations and Additions (IA).
The 'Plan - Do - Check - Act' approach for continual improvement.
They must have at least one year of operational data before registration.
Greenhouse Gas.
The majority are over thirty years old.
Satisfying all pre-requisites, achieving the overall score required, and obtaining minimum percentage for each category.
To update necessary information of assessed aspects and submit remaining aspects within 3 years of the first intermediate result.
World Health Organization.
Ozone Depleting Potential.
All pre-requisites must be achieved.
Independent BAS on behalf of BSL.
Credits that do not count towards the total number of credits available but are counted under corresponding categories.
E = C x D x 100.
Environmental, Social and Governance.
To gather feedback and opinions from industry stakeholders on various aspects of the framework.
The Building Owner/Management Company must disclose sustainability policy and targets to the public.
To provide a certification framework for existing buildings.
To ensure all credits claimed can be demonstrated with necessary documentary evidence.
An intermediate result for the assessed aspect(s).
5 years from the date of issuance.
Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Chambers.
Minimum Ventilation Performance.
Credits are allocated based on internationally recognized green building assessment tools, sensitivity analysis, and stakeholder engagement feedback.
The size and complexity of the project.
Materials in (green purchasing) and out (waste disposal) of the building.
Acceptable Noise Level.
It copes with local climatic and physical constraints for long-term facility management.
Sustainability in Hong Kong with high living density.
They must detail the proposed technology/practice, demonstrate its implementation, and quantify the environmental benefits.
Through demand-side management.
It will be graded as 'Pre-requisite(s) Not Achieved'.
Maximum 7 credits for the building that has been certified.
A BSL Steering Committee comprising industry practitioners and experts.
1 bonus credit for operating an OHSAS certified to BS OHSAS 18001.
Submit an appeal on the individual credit.
It allows for alternative assessment methods.
Registered Energy Assessor.
Policies, procedures, and strategies for sustainable building operation.
At the earliest opportunity during the assessment.
Total Volatile Organic Compound.
By comparing with benchmarks from audits of similar buildings and/or using a computational approach.
It focuses on quality and features that improve utilization and reduce effluent.
Occupants' satisfaction, ventilation, thermal comfort, hygiene, indoor air quality, lighting quality, and acoustics/noise.
The criteria of Comprehensive Schemes A and B only.
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.
Demonstrate that a green purchasing plan and procedures are in place, following internal company guidelines or international standards.
A formal certification process of grading.
A CIR detailing the BEAM Plus objective, proposed alternative criteria, and proposed method for assessment.
Selective Certificate.
It covers all types and ages of existing buildings, including commercial, educational, government, industrial, office, residential, hotels, and shopping centers.
Forest Stewardship Council.
Green procurement, EHS and energy management, ESG disclosure, staff training, operation and maintenance, IAQ management, cleaning and pest control, and building users involvement.
It includes various management practices such as Green Purchasing, Energy Management, and Staff Training.
Operating an electronic O&M platform by the Building Owner/Management Company.
BEAM Plus New Buildings certified buildings that have the basic hardware to fulfill assessment criteria.
To encourage more energy saving towards the Energy Saving Plan Target.
It focuses on waste management practices and the use of certified green products.
1 Bonus credit for demonstrating the use of at least 20% of green cleaning detergents.
Waste Disposal Facilities.
To evaluate buildings under the BEAM Plus certification.
Exclusions are allowed for issues or parts of the assessment not applicable to specific circumstances or building types.
A 'Record of Achievement' may be issued upon request to document the results of each aspect assessed.
It emphasizes transparency in sustainability practices and impacts.
To outline strategies for managing and reducing waste generated by the building.
Documentation and photographic evidence.
Recognition and Appreciation Awarded from Other Organisations.
At least 2 members from the Building Management Company must be certified BEAM Professionals with EB credential.
On the HKGBC and BSL websites.
A comprehensive environmental assessment scheme for buildings on a voluntary basis.
Form of Compliance.
2 credits.
To provide a comprehensive framework for assessing the sustainability of existing buildings.
Advisory Committee on Water Resources and Quality of Water Supplies.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.
They are subject to separate published charges.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
Selection of materials and waste management and reduction.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
While it adopts similar categories, the number and nature of credits are specific to the operation, maintenance, and management of existing buildings.
An individual aspect assessment approach where a certificate is issued for each assessed aspect.
1 credit for providing a user guide to encourage and promote environmentally friendly activities.
BEAM Professional (BEAM Pro), BEAM Affiliate (BA), and BEAM Assessors (BAS).
1 Bonus credit for implementing a green lease to the tenants of the buildings.
Provision of Venues or Public Spaces for Environmental Programme.
1 credit for providing adequate acoustic treatment to specified building services equipment.
Users must covenant not to sue and waive claims against BSL and its members.
A method statement identifying the objective, a description of the approach, and proposed alternatives and assessment methods.
No, they cannot promote any grading without formal certification.
Minimum Energy Performance.
Comprehensive Scheme and Selective Scheme.
Over 42,000 existing buildings.
To promote Water Recycling.
To promote and develop BEAM assessment tools, assess green buildings, and train professionals.
To evaluate the environmental impact of the building's site, including factors like noise and light pollution.
Providing a Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan and records of its implementation during renovation.
It pertains to Commissioning.
Proposals for innovative designs or operational provisions that enhance performance beyond existing requirements.
It will be graded as 'Pre-requisites Achieved'.
Additional or bonus credits could be awarded if tenants are involved in improving the building’s environmental performance.
No, it is not necessary for the Applicant to apply area weighting for these credits.
A convenor, members, and advisors from various industry backgrounds.
ISO 14001 for Environmental Management System, OHSAS for Occupational Health and Safety System, and ISO 50001 for Energy Management System.
BEAM Society Limited.
Maximum of 3 years.
No, PA is only applicable for Comprehensive Scheme A.
3 years.
'Better than yesterday' principle.
Yes, buildings with upgrades or minor renovations without changing the use can be assessed.
1 credit for demonstrating the appropriate green cleaning procedures/practices for the project.
Innovative Techniques.
The BSL Technical Review Committee (TRC).
A step-wise approach allowing free combination of aspects assessment with intermediate results issued.
To promote water efficiency.
It seeks to reduce negative impacts on neighbors and improve the quality of the immediate surroundings.
To implement a Twin-tank System.
Variable Refrigerant Flow.
It refers to strategies for procuring environmentally friendly products and services.
Flexible implementation options.
Materials and Waste Aspects.
Engagement with Neighbourhoods.
Assumptions and Baselines for Water Consumption.
BSL and its members do not provide warranties or assume liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information.
Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration.
In 2009.
It outlines the criteria and processes for certifying existing buildings.
1 credit for implementing an integrated programme for pest management.
BEAM Plus projects.
Performance Enhancements.
Chlorofluorocarbons are harmful to the ozone layer.
1 credit for demonstrating that the level of intruding noise at the façade complies with HKPSG criteria.
Definitions and explanations of terms used in the document.
1 additional credit if the building-in-charge is a certified BEAM Professional with EB credential and holds a professional corporate membership qualification.