What are the functions of Neutrophils?
Phagocytosis and release of enzymes to kill pathogens.
What is the function of Lymphocytes in the immune system?
Key players in adaptive immunity, forming memory cells after infection for faster response upon re-exposure.
Functions of Granulocytes in Immune Response

What are the functions of Neutrophils?

Phagocytosis and release of enzymes to kill pathogens.

Function of Lymphocytes in Adaptive Immunity

What is the function of Lymphocytes in the immune system?

Key players in adaptive immunity, forming memory cells after infection for faster response upon re-exposure.

Lymphocytes Structure and Types

What is the structure of Lymphocytes?

Smaller than monocytes with a large, round nucleus and a thin rim of cytoplasm.

Functions of Granulocytes in Immune Response

What is the function of Basophils?

Release histamine during allergic responses and inflammation.

Functions of Granulocytes in Immune Response

What role do Eosinophils play in the immune system?

Combat parasitic infections and are involved in allergic reactions.

Granulocytes Structure and Types

What is the structure of Granulocytes?

Characterized by granules in their cytoplasm, with three main types: neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.

Overview of White Blood Cells

What are the three main types of White Blood Cells?

Monocytes, Lymphocytes, and Granulocytes.

Role of Monocytes in the Immune System

How do Monocytes contribute to the immune system?

Act as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to activate T-cells and release cytokines to recruit other immune cells.

Overview of White Blood Cells

What are White Blood Cells (WBCs)?

Essential components of the immune system, involved in protecting the body against infections and foreign invaders.

Monocytes Structure and Function

What is the structure of Monocytes?

Largest type of WBC with a kidney-shaped nucleus and abundant cytoplasm with a grayish-blue tint.

Lymphocytes Structure and Types

What are the two main types of Lymphocytes?

B Lymphocytes, which produce antibodies, and T Lymphocytes, which include Helper T-cells and Cytotoxic T-cells.

Monocytes Structure and Function

What is the primary function of Monocytes?

Differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells, engulf and digest pathogens and dead cells through phagocytosis.

Role of White Blood Cells in Infection Response

How do Granulocytes respond to infections?

Provide rapid response to infections and play a role in both innate and adaptive immunity.

Role of Lymphocytes in the Immune System

How do Lymphocytes recognize and respond to antigens?

They recognize specific antigens and coordinate immune responses.

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