How does Van Lier describe the classroom?
As an 'ecology'.
Who advocated for starting curriculum development by identifying inquiry processes?
Bruner (1966) and Stenhouse (1975).
Ecological Classroom Perspective

How does Van Lier describe the classroom?

As an 'ecology'.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

Who advocated for starting curriculum development by identifying inquiry processes?

Bruner (1966) and Stenhouse (1975).

Teacher-Centered vs. Learner-Centered Approaches

What do the approaches to second language learning reflect?

Different assumptions about the nature of second language learning and the role of instruction.

Forward Design Curriculum Implementation

What does the forward design curriculum implementation process involve?

Planning and development stages carried out by specialists in various areas.

Cooperative and Experiential Learning

What is the significance of dialogue with students in lesson planning?

It helps teachers analyze their methods and adapt their planning.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What approach do teachers often follow when developing their lessons?

A central design approach, focusing on activities and teaching procedures first.

Ecological Classroom Perspective

What does the ecological perspective emphasize about learners?

Learners are a heterogeneous group, each contributing to discussions and learning.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

What tools did Gategno use to facilitate comprehension?

Cuisenaire rods and pronunciation charts.

Post-Method Teaching Strategies

What is the concept of Post-method Teaching?

Teaching that is not based on a specific method or pre-determined syllabus, but on the teacher's individual understanding and experience.

Assessment for Learning vs. Assessment of Learning

What role does testing play in older method-based proposals?

Assessment of learning (achievement testing).

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is the key focus of Krashen and Terrell’s Natural Approach?

Engaging learners in meaningful interaction and communication.

Ecological Classroom Perspective

How is knowledge constructed in an ecological classroom?

Through participation in specific learning and social contexts and engaging in particular activities.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is the Dogme approach in language teaching?

An approach that emphasizes conversational interaction and uses only resources brought by teachers and students, rather than a pre-planned syllabus.

Forward Design Curriculum Implementation

How do teachers' planning practices contrast with the linear forward-design model?

Teachers visualize lessons as clusters of activities rather than following organized formats.

Emergent Language and Dogme Approach

How does the Dogme approach differ from traditional language teaching methods?

It does not impose an external syllabus but nurtures students' in-built language-learning mechanisms.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What distinguishes forward design from central design in curriculum?

Forward design focuses on specific inputs and outputs, while central design emphasizes meaning-making and participation.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

How does the syllabus emerge in Curran's Counseling Learning?

It emerges from the interactions between the learner's expressed communicative intentions and the teacher's reformulation.

Emergent Language and Dogme Approach

What is the focus of the Dogme approach regarding language syllabus?

The syllabus or language focus is not pre-planned; it emerges from interaction.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is a characteristic of the Silent Way method in language teaching?

It does not start with a linguistic syllabus but focuses on learner engagement.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is the basis of the planning process described by Richards?

It is based on layers of assumptions, experiences, and knowledge.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

What is Gategno's view of learning?

Learning is seen as a problem-solving, creative process of discovery.

Backward Design in Curriculum Planning

What did Freeman observe about teachers' planning?

Teachers did not naturally think about planning in the organized formats they were taught.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

How does Stenhouse view the outcomes of education?

They should be unpredictable and not anticipated in detail.

Post-Method Teaching Strategies

What influences a teacher's method in Post-method Teaching?

The teacher's conceptualizations of language, practical knowledge, learners' needs, and the teaching context.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

What is the primary focus of tasks in Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)?

The primary focus is on meaning, with an information gap and an outcome beyond mere language display.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

How are learners viewed in a learner-centered approach?

As active participants in shaping their own learning.

Teacher-Centered vs. Learner-Centered Approaches

What is the role of the teacher in the central design approach?

To create their own curriculum in the classroom.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

What materials are used in CoBI lessons?

Authentic and adapted oral and written subject matter materials.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What does central design in curriculum development prioritize?

The selection of teaching activities, techniques, and methods.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is the view on behavioral objectives in curriculum design?

Curriculum should not be designed on a pre-specification of behavioral objectives.

Backward Design in Curriculum Planning

How is the syllabus viewed in modern curriculum development?

As an outcome of teaching and learning rather than a predetermined input.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What kind of questions does central design focus on?

Questions about opportunities for participation, shared understanding, and role configurations.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What does progressivism emphasize in curriculum design?

Less emphasis on syllabus specification and more on methodological principles.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

What is the goal of TBLT?

To develop general language ability rather than the ability to use language in specific contexts.

Emergent Language and Dogme Approach

What is emphasized as important in language learning according to the text?

Focuses should arise out of language in use rather than precede them.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

Who introduced the Dogme approach to language teaching?

Scott Thornbury.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

How does Clark (1987) describe the central design approach?

As 'progressivism' and an example of a process approach to the curriculum.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

What is the core focus of the Silent Way method?

Mastery of grammar and vocabulary, and the ability to use language fluently and accurately.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What does the central design approach in language teaching emphasize?

It emphasizes methodology as the starting point in course planning.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

How does Graves (2008) differentiate between forward and central design?

Forward design is concerned with observable outputs, while central design focuses on learners as creators of meaning.

Backward Design in Curriculum Planning

Who are the key figures associated with the 'ends-means' approach in curriculum design?

Tyler (1949) and Taba (1962).

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What did language teaching methods in the early twentieth century rely on?

Well-developed syllabuses, either grammatically based or communicative.

Cooperative and Experiential Learning

What types of learning activities does CoBI emphasize to increase student motivation?

Co-operative, task-based, experiential, and project-based learning.

Teacher-Centered vs. Learner-Centered Approaches

What do teachers typically prioritize in their lesson planning?

What they want their learners to do during the lesson.

Ecological Classroom Perspective

What should the curriculum start with according to the ecological perspective?

The activities, needs, and emergent purposes of the learner.

Post-Method Teaching Strategies

What challenge did the second language teacher face in her planning?

Struggling to follow the prescribed linear forward-planning model.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What does 'curriculum enactment' refer to?

The essence of a curriculum, focusing on what happens in classrooms.

Assessment for Learning vs. Assessment of Learning

What is the dynamic role of assessment in recent proposals?

Assessment for learning, where teaching and assessment inform each other.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What type of goals does the Natural Approach set for students?

Goals are stated in general terms, focusing on basic personal communication skills.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is a common feature of central design proposals in language teaching?

There is no need for clearly defined outcomes or objectives.

Ecological Classroom Perspective

How is learning viewed in an ecological classroom perspective?

As opportunities for meaningful action rather than a system of inputs and outputs.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What should content in curriculum development promote according to Bruner and Stenhouse?

The use of inquiry processes such as investigation, decision-making, and critical thinking.

Cooperative and Experiential Learning

What is prioritized in the discussed approaches to language teaching?

Learning processes, classroom participation, and the roles of teachers and learners.

Forward Design Curriculum Implementation

What is the focus of the curriculum development process in forward design?

The elaboration of a detailed language syllabus or specification of learning outcomes.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

How does the central design approach differ from traditional methods?

It rejects pre-determined syllabuses and focuses on classroom activities.

Backward Design in Curriculum Planning

What does backward design start with?

A specification of learning outputs.

Backward Design in Curriculum Planning

What does backward design derive from?

The desired results or outcomes of learning.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is a potential issue with the specialist approach in curriculum development?

The potential for mismatch between different components of the curriculum.

Emergent Language and Dogme Approach

What does the Dogme approach consider language learning to be?

Experiential and holistic, emerging from interaction and negotiation.

Ecological Classroom Perspective

What is the role of the teacher in an ecological classroom?

To make resources available and guide learners towards affordances that support their goals.

Cooperative and Experiential Learning

What is the philosophy behind Curran's Counseling Learning?

It views the classroom as a community of learners where interactions and experiences drive the teaching-learning process.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is the aim of evaluation in the context of curriculum?

To improve teaching and learning, not just to measure it.

Ecological Classroom Perspective

What is the significance of context in the ecological perspective of learning?

Learning evolves through interaction and participation within specific social contexts.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What was the view of Gategno regarding language analysis in teaching?

He was skeptical of its role, believing it may narrow sensitivity in teaching.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

What distinguishes central-design versions of TBLT?

They employ primary pedagogical tasks as the basis for classroom instruction.

Central Design Approach in Curriculum Development

What is the interaction between different curriculum elements represented as?

A process involving assessment, content, and outcomes.

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