What is one objective of physical education related to knowledge?
It enhances critical thinking about how activities are done according to rules, regulations, and strategies.
What does MAPE stand for?
Music, Arts, and Physical Education.
Objectives of Physical Education

What is one objective of physical education related to knowledge?

It enhances critical thinking about how activities are done according to rules, regulations, and strategies.

Definition of Physical Education

What does MAPE stand for?

Music, Arts, and Physical Education.

Objectives of Physical Education

What social objective does physical education aim to achieve?

To understand oneself and to get along with others for effective living.

Fitness as a Major Goal of Physical Education

What do educational philosophers refer to as the 'good life'?

A life characterized by fitness and well-being.

Objectives of Physical Education

What is one goal related to creativity in the context of education?

To develop creativity and innovativeness inspired by an abiding faith in God and love of country and fellowmen.

Definition of Physical Education

What is an integral part of the education program?

Physical Education.

Activity and Engagement in Physical Education

What types of experiences are offered for group participation?

Intramural, extramural, play days, or sports fests.

Objectives of Physical Education

What are the goals of promoting physical education and sports according to the Philippine Constitution?

To foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry.

Activity and Engagement in Physical Education

What is the purpose of a program of intramurals?

To facilitate athletic competition within schools, districts, and provinces.

Objectives of Physical Education

How does physical education contribute to physical fitness?

It improves and maintains the workload of the individual without staggering and undue fatigue.

Fitness as a Major Goal of Physical Education

How do different people perceive fitness?

Different people have different notions of fitness.

Objectives of Physical Education

What is the purpose of Physical Education?

To promote the optimum development of the individual physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally.

Functions of Physical Education

How does Physical Education achieve its goals?

Through total movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities.

Definition of Physical Education

Who described the concept of movement in physical education?

Wunderlich (1967).

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

Name a benefit of physical activities related to self-regulation.


Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

Which emotional quality is enhanced by facing challenges in physical activities?


Social Development through Physical Education

How would you encourage your neighborhood to involve themselves in exercise?

Organizing community events, providing information on benefits, and creating a supportive environment for physical activities.

Purposes of Physical Education

Name some work habits emphasized in physical education.

Punctuality, cooperation, reliability, precision, accuracy, and open-mindedness.

Definition of Physical Education

What does 'education through movement' refer to?

It refers to the concept of learning and development that occurs through physical activity.

Activity and Engagement in Physical Education

What type of competitions are included in the annual athletic program?

Competitions within and among regions.

Functions of Physical Education

How does physical education affect an individual's perspective?

It broadens the perspective horizon.

Social Development through Physical Education

What is nationalism in the context of physical education?

Preservation of cultural heritage to revive indigenous games, dances, and sports.

Functions of Physical Education

What is one way individuals learn about themselves through physical education?

By understanding their relation to the ambient environment.

Objectives of Physical Education

What type of program is included for all pupils under the Physical Education and Sports Development Act?

A program of physical fitness for all pupils.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

What system is needed to equip individuals for moral decision-making?

An adequate system of values.

Social Development through Physical Education

What trait involves acknowledging and honoring the rights of others?

Respect for the rights of others.

Social Development through Physical Education

How will you motivate your family to do physical exercises?

By setting a good example, planning family activities, and making exercise fun and engaging.

Purposes of Physical Education

What is one purpose of physical education identified by specialists?

To develop optimum physical fitness and health of the individual.

Social Development through Physical Education

How does involvement in physical education activities contribute to social development?

It provides opportunities for the development of enviable social traits needed for adjustment to social life.

Fitness as a Major Goal of Physical Education

What does fitness imply in the context of physical education?

It has implications for physical, social, emotional, and mental well-being.

New Directions for Physical Education

What is the main focus of educational efforts according to Presidential Decree No. 6-A?

To develop national goals as a developing country.

New Directions for Physical Education

What is the first goal outlined in the Educational Development Decree of 1972?

To achieve and maintain an accelerating rate of economic development and social progress.

New Directions for Physical Education

What does the second goal of the Educational Development Decree emphasize?

To assure the maximum participation of all the people in the benefits of growth.

Objectives of Physical Education

What is the primary goal of training good leaders according to the text?

To instill moral integrity of the highest order.

Social Development through Physical Education

What is a key trait that promotes positive interactions in a group?


Purposes of Physical Education

What are the purposes of physical education in our country?

To promote physical fitness, develop motor skills, encourage teamwork, and foster a healthy lifestyle.

Social Development through Physical Education

What trait is important for supporting leaders in a group?


Purposes of Physical Education

What is one way physical education aims to improve economic well-being?

By improving proper work habits and work attitudes.

Fitness as a Major Goal of Physical Education

What does the phrase 'learn to move, move to learn' imply?

It suggests that physical movement is essential for learning and development.

Fitness as a Major Goal of Physical Education

What are motor skills?

The learning of fundamental skills necessary for participation in sports and games.

Fitness as a Major Goal of Physical Education

What is the major goal of Physical Education?


Objectives of Physical Education

How can the objectives of Physical Education be differentiated?

By understanding the various aims such as physical fitness, skill development, social interaction, and emotional growth.

Definition of Physical Education

What is the modern perception of physical education?

It is education through physical activities.

Objectives of Physical Education

What aspects of development does Physical Education focus on?

Physical, social, emotional, and mental development.

Social Development through Physical Education

What is necessary for effective group participation in the new society?

Desirable traits developed through moral choices and group experiences.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

What trait related to independence can be developed through physical activities?


Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

What quality related to perseverance can be developed through physical activities?


Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

How does participation in physical education activities contribute to mental development?

It helps individuals develop mental capacities by learning mechanical principles, rules, and strategies of games and sports.

Definition of Physical Education

What is the focus of Unit 1, Lesson 1 in Physical Education?

The specific content of Unit 1, Lesson 1 is not provided.

Objectives of Physical Education

What is the requirement for educational institutions regarding sports activities?

They shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country.

Objectives of Physical Education

What is one objective of physical education related to physical development?

To develop and maintain good health and a high level of physical fitness through selected activities.

Objectives of Physical Education

In what year was MAPE introduced?


Legal Basis for Physical Education in the Philippines

What is the main focus of the Physical Education and Sports Development Act of 1969?

To establish a program of activities related to physical education and sports.

Objectives of Physical Education

What is one component of the program included in the Physical Education and Sports Development Act?

A program of health education and nutrition.

Social Development through Physical Education

What feeling does the education aim to promote among individuals?

The feeling of international brotherhood and unity.

Social Development through Physical Education

Which trait emphasizes working together towards a common goal?


Social Development through Physical Education

What is an important quality that reflects fair play in sports?

Good sportsmanship.

Functions of Physical Education

What is the social function of physical education?

Transmitting values and standards consistent with the needs and ideals of society.

Definition of Physical Education

What is the meaning of physical education?

Physical education refers to the instruction and practice of physical activities and sports, promoting physical fitness and overall well-being.

Objectives of Physical Education

Who should educational institutions cooperate with for sports activities?

Athletic clubs and other sectors.

Legal Basis for Physical Education in the Philippines

In what year was physical education included in the secondary school curriculum in the Philippines?

In 1937.

Objectives of Physical Education

What impact does energetic participation in physical education have on an individual?

It improves their growth and development.

New Directions for Physical Education

What is the third goal of the Educational Development Decree?

To strengthen national consciousness and promote desirable cultural values.

Objectives of Physical Education

What program is included that focuses on competition?

A program of competitive athletics.

Objectives of Physical Education

What types of sports does the Philippine Constitution encourage?

Amateur sports, including training for international competitions.

Social Development through Physical Education

Which trait is crucial for integrity during group competitions?


Functions of Physical Education

What does the integrative function in physical activities refer to?

The personality integration achieved through participation in properly selected physical activities.

Legal Basis for Physical Education in the Philippines

When was physical education introduced as a subject in public schools in the Philippines?

In 1901.

Legal Basis for Physical Education in the Philippines

What significant change occurred in 1920 regarding physical education in the Philippines?

It was made a required subject in the curriculum of all public schools.

Objectives of Physical Education

How can participation in physical education activities motivate individuals?

By helping them attain physical skills, which encourages further participation in physical activities.

Functions of Physical Education

What learning areas are involved in MAPE?

Music, arts, and physical education.

Definition of Physical Education

How is physical education described in modern terms?

As education through 'movement'.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

How do physical activities contribute to emotional development?

They offer opportunities for self-expression and emotional mastery.

Fitness as a Major Goal of Physical Education

What is the importance of fitness to everyday living?

Fitness enhances overall health, improves energy levels, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Purposes of Physical Education

How does physical education relate to everyday activities?

Physical education teaches skills and knowledge that enhance daily physical activities and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

What knowledge do individuals gain through physical education?

Knowledge and understanding of the rules and strategies of games and sports.

Functions of Physical Education

What is the biologic function of physical education?

It refers to the enhancement of individuals’ growth and development through body movement.

Functions of Physical Education

What type of data does physical education provide?

Sensory data.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

What does aesthetic refer to?

Relating or responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses.

Functions of Physical Education

What does physical education stimulate in the body?

Function and structure of all bodily organs.

New Directions for Physical Education

What does conservation of the natural environment involve?

Protection of forest and aquatic resources.

Social Development through Physical Education

What does the education aim to instill regarding cultural understanding?

To install a love of and pride for their preservation and develop an understanding of the culture of others.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

What is one key aspect of emotional development gained from physical activities?


Legal Basis for Physical Education in the Philippines

What does Article XIV Section 19 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandate regarding physical education?

The state shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur sports.

Social Development through Physical Education

What trait is essential for guiding a group effectively?

Good leadership.

Purposes of Physical Education

How does physical education contribute to the 'good life'?

By enabling individuals to contribute their maximum capacity to the goals of the 'new Society'.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

In what ways can individuals improve their movement in physical education?

By discovering ways to enhance their skills in gymnastics and dance.

Purposes of Physical Education

What skill does physical education emphasize for problem-solving?

The ability to identify problems correctly and master necessary skills for the business world.

Emotional and Mental Development in Physical Education

How does physical education enhance critical thinking?

By teaching how activities are done according to rules, regulations, and strategies.

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