What is the projected job growth percentage for medical and health services managers from 2010 to 2020?
22 percent.
What is one of the main responsibilities of health care administrators?
Ensuring financial health for the organization.
Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is the projected job growth percentage for medical and health services managers from 2010 to 2020?

22 percent.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is one of the main responsibilities of health care administrators?

Ensuring financial health for the organization.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What types of noninvasive treatments are mentioned in the text?

Teletherapy and brachytherapy for radiation oncology, as well as nuclear medicine procedures.

Demographics of Aging Population

What is the relationship between aging and health care services?

As people age, their body systems require more frequent care and maintenance.

Demographics of Aging Population

What percentage of adults in good health reported their health status remained about the same as the previous year?

71 percent.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What are some necessary actions for health care providers to meet the needs of patients?

Complying with laws, establishing ethical dynamics, implementing standards of care, and integrating technological enhancements.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is a significant challenge faced by health care administrators?

Balancing the needs of clinical staff while maintaining organizational stability.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is a preventive service for obesity?

Obesity screening and counseling.

Demographics of Aging Population

What was the percentage of adults in fair or poor health who reported being worse than the previous year?

31 percent.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What percentage of adults reported having no contact with health care professionals at all?

1 percent.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What screening is recommended for adults with high blood pressure?

Type 2 Diabetes screening.

Community Responsibilities in Health Care

What responsibilities do health care facilities have towards their community?

They are expected to care for, nurture, and protect the people within the community.

Impact of Baby Boomers on Health Care

What supports better prognoses for patients requiring emergency care?

Improved training for EMTs and more sophisticated equipment in ambulances.

Demographics of Aging Population

What is the trend in birth rates in the U.S. since 2007?

Both fertility and birth rates have been declining every year.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is one preventive service covered under the Affordable Care Act for men who have ever smoked?

One-time screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What factors may increase health services utilization?

Increased supply, growing population, new procedures, and expanded health insurance coverage.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What benefit does the instant transfer of digital images provide?

It allows patients to receive interpretations and recommendations from experts in different states or countries.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What screening is recommended for all adults regarding tobacco?

Tobacco Use screening.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is a key responsibility of health care administrators regarding budgeting?

Creation of a balanced budget along with strategic planning to maintain fiscal health.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

Why are pharmaceutical innovations important?

They provide crucial, noninvasive health care treatments.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What role do clinicians play in health care?

They provide diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic care for patients.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is the primary goal of health care administrators?

To ensure the highest quality of service is provided while maintaining efficiency.

Health Information Management

What is mandated throughout all processes of providing health care services?

Documentation that must be organized and kept to legal standards.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What type of counseling is provided for adults at higher risk for sexually transmitted infections?

STI prevention counseling.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is the significance of preventive health care services?

They benefit everyone, from the oldest to the youngest patients, by promoting early diagnosis and treatment.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What types of digital imaging are mentioned?

CT scans, MRI, ultrasonography, CTA, MRA, myelography, and venography.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

Why is health care financing crucial?

Without money, health care services cannot be provided, regardless of the cost to the patient.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is a preventive service for adults at higher risk for chronic disease?

Diet counseling.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

Which immunization is recommended for adults?

Influenza (Flu Shot).

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is the purpose of preventive care?

To prevent a patient from becoming ill.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What are examples of preventive care?

Vaccines like the varicella vaccine and taking aspirin to prevent heart attacks.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

What impact does preventive medicine have on healthcare costs?

Preventive medicine can reduce the overall costs associated with treating advanced conditions, such as colon cancer.

Community Responsibilities in Health Care

What does the role of health care facilities symbolize in the community?

They serve as reminders of the primary purpose of caring, nurturing, and protecting the community.

Demographics of Aging Population

What percentage of the U.S. population is 55 years of age or older?

Approximately 24.9 percent.

Impact of Baby Boomers on Health Care

What challenges does the aging population present to health care?

Increased demand for health care services and fewer health care workers available.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What type of screening is recommended for all adults regarding mental health?

Depression screening.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What factors may decrease health services utilization?

Decreased supply, public health advances, and payer pressures to reduce costs.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

How has imaging technology impacted diagnosis in healthcare?

It has dramatically improved the ability for physicians to see inside a patient without trauma, allowing for accurate diagnoses.

Demographics of Aging Population

What has happened to infant mortality rates from 1960 to 2009?

They decreased from 26 deaths per 1,000 live births to 6.6 deaths per 1,000 live births.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What are some examples of practices included in CAM?

Acupuncture, chiropractics, physical therapies, and herbal remedies.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is a key responsibility of health care administrators regarding community needs?

Assessment and identification of services, facilities, equipment, and personnel needed.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is compliance in the context of health care administration?

Observance of laws and policies; behaviors and actions directly following rules and regulations.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What are noninvasive procedures?

Health care procedures that do not physically enter the body.

Impact of Baby Boomers on Health Care

What is the significance of the aging population in health care?

Aging bodies require more attention and treatment, increasing the number of patients needing care.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What must be done to ensure effective human resources in health care?

Staff must be recruited, evaluated, vetted, trained, and oriented with diligence.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

How do electronic health records impact health information management?

They make storage, access, and protection of files easier and change the training required for personnel.

Role of Health Care Administrators

What aspects must administrators oversee in facility management?

Physical environment, maintenance, security, and parking.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What is necessary for the addition or reduction of specialized services in health care?

Research and analysis of data to determine recommendations.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What does the increase in imaging technology mean for health care administrators?

It leads to an increase in potential patient rosters and the types of services that facilities may consider providing.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What percentage of adults in the U.S. have used some form of alternative medicine?

More than half of all adults surveyed reported using some type of alternative medicine.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

How does technology impact health care administration?

It modernizes both business and clinical aspects, affecting diagnostic techniques and administrative functions.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What impact has preventive medicine had on health care?

It has enabled early detection of diseases, significantly lengthening lifespan.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What is the benefit of noninvasive procedures?

They diagnose and treat patients at a lower cost and with less interference to everyday life.

Conflict Between Clinicians and Administrators

What are the two critical groups in a health care facility?

Clinicians and administrators.

Conflict Between Clinicians and Administrators

How do administrators support clinicians?

By providing management and ensuring necessary resources are available.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

At what age should adults begin Colorectal Cancer screening?

Over 50 years old.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

What do administrators need to comply with to avoid fines?

Laws and regulations.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What does the term Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) refer to?

The use of theories and practices not considered part of conventional medicine, such as acupuncture and chiropractic care.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

How can early diagnosis impact treatment?

It can make treatment less invasive, less costly, and more supportive of a better prognosis for the patient.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is involved in the execution of a strategic plan in health care?

Ensuring effective and efficient delivery of services.

Conflict Between Clinicians and Administrators

What is the role of administrators and clinicians working together?

To create a healthy environment for both patients and staff.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

Why is data analysis important for health care administrators?

To identify trends of improvement or areas of importance to patient populations.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

What does yoga typically combine for health purposes?

Physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

What conditions have been documented to find relief from CAM practices?

Low-back pain, arthritis, headache, neck pain, and fibromyalgia.

Demographics of Aging Population

What percentage of adults aged eighteen and over reported being in excellent or very good health?

61 percent.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What percentage of adults had contact with health care professionals within the previous six months?

66 percent.

Demographics of Aging Population

What percentage of adults in excellent or very good health reported an improvement in their health over the past year?

19 percent.

Demographics of Aging Population

What is the relationship between aging populations and health services?

As people live longer, more services will be needed to keep them healthy and functional.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is an example of a preventive screening mentioned?

An annual physical with blood tests or a screening mammogram.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What has been the impact of screening mammograms on breast cancer mortality?

The number of patients who die from breast cancer has dramatically reduced in women aged forty to seventy-four who have had screenings.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What does utilization refer to in the context of health care?

The use of resources, including staff time, expertise, equipment, and supplies.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is involved in the supervision of health care departments?

Overseeing activities of clinical, human resources, finance, operations, and more.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What must health care administrators ensure regarding clinical practice?

Verification of clinical practice guidelines and quality indicators for patient safety.

Impact of Baby Boomers on Health Care

How have EMTs and paramedics improved their response capabilities?

They have received more training and can now provide life-saving methodologies, including medication administration.

Demographics of Aging Population

How many baby boomers are filing for social security benefits daily?

Approximately 10,000 individuals.

Impact of Baby Boomers on Health Care

What is a significant factor affecting the population's need for health care resources?

The evolution of health care services.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What role does technology play in health care in the twenty-first century?

Technology is integral and involved in the job descriptions of all staff members.

Demographics of Aging Population

How has life expectancy in the United States changed from 1960 to 2009?

It increased from 69.77 years to 78.09 years.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is the significance of a specialized health care system?

It needs to address individual patient needs while being flexible for various services.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What vaccines have been approved by the FDA to prevent cancer?

Vaccines for hepatitis B virus, human papillomavirus (HPV), and treatments for metastatic prostate cancer.

Impact of Baby Boomers on Health Care

How has the perception of alternative medicine changed in recent years?

Western medicine has begun to acknowledge the value of alternative medicine, with many third-party payers covering these services.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

What is acupuncture?

A procedure involving the stimulation of specific points on the body, often using needles.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What role does the pharmaceutical industry play in public health?

It acts as preventive and therapeutic agents, significantly contributing to the well-being of the general public.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What skills are often required for assistant administrators?

Managerial and business skills, and sometimes a clinical background.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

What does massage therapy generally involve?

Pressing, rubbing, and manipulating the muscles and soft tissues of the body.

Community Responsibilities in Health Care

What is the community's responsibility towards health care providers?

Support can come in the form of zoning approval, allowing ambulances to pass, and paying their share of costs.

Community Responsibilities in Health Care

How can a community be proactive in supporting health care providers?

By engaging in preventive care to reduce the severity of illnesses.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What screening is recommended for pregnant women during their first prenatal checkup?

Screening for hepatitis B virus infection.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is the role of evidence-based health care principles?

To promote clinical excellence.

Utilization of Health Care Services

How has health care utilization changed over recent decades?

It has expanded due to advancements in knowledge about the human body and new treatments.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What advancements have been made in noninvasive procedures?

Technology has provided methodologies to see inside a patient's body without invasive techniques.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What is the definition of patient population in health care?

The group of individuals accepting health care services from a specific organization.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is a primary responsibility of health care administrators?

To safeguard the financial security of an organization and ensure medical and preventive services are provided.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

What is the economic impact of preventive health processes like flu vaccinations?

The impact is far greater than just the cost of the vaccine compared to treatment after getting sick.

Utilization of Health Care Services

Why is organizational behavior important in health care facilities?

It affects the culture and behavior of those within, requiring administrators to implement effective policies and procedures.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What does the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend?

They recommend screenings for early diagnosis and preventive care services based on age or previous diagnoses.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

What are some benefits of meditation techniques?

Increase calmness, improve psychological balance, cope with illness, and enhance overall health.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

What is essential for implementing compliance strategies?

A clear understanding of legal and ethical compliance strategies in accordance with regulatory agencies.

Utilization of Health Care Services

Why is timely medical treatment crucial during a health crisis?

Proper treatment during transport can dramatically affect the patient's prognosis and sometimes be the difference between life and death.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

What does the Affordable Care Act provide regarding preventive health care?

It mandates that certain preventive services be covered without copayment or deductible for new insurance plans.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What are some methodologies included in the CAM survey?

Acupuncture, homeopathic treatments, chiropractic care, massage therapy, hypnosis, yoga, and tai chi.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

What can happen if a facility is found noncompliant after a government audit?

They may face high fines and penalties, which can cripple or shut down the facility.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

What is a benefit of laparoscopic procedures performed in outpatient settings?

Shortened recovery time and quicker return to normal activities.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What is an example of a medication that prevents disease recurrence?

Imatinib mesylate (Gleevec), which interferes with chronic myeloid leukemia progression.

Role of Health Care Administrators

What is the typical structure in larger health care organizations?

An administrative department with a director and several assistant administrators overseeing specific departments.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is the benefit of establishing healthy behaviors early in life?

It leads to a sustainable healthy lifestyle and reduces the risk of obesity-related conditions.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

How have advancements in surgical techniques impacted hospital stays?

They have reduced the emotional and financial burden by allowing more procedures to be performed outpatient.

Technological Innovations in Health Care

What is the benefit of natural-opening surgery?

It eliminates the need for surgical incisions, ensuring faster recovery and less trauma for the patient.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is the recommendation for children aged six years and older?

To be screened for obesity and offered behavioral modification if found obese.

Role of Health Care Administrators

What are executive administrators responsible for in smaller facilities?

Supervising daily operations, managing staff, finances, equipment procurement, legal compliance, and patient care.

Responsibilities of Health Care Administrators

What is the significance of compliance plans in health care administration?

To ensure adherence to federal and state regulations and laws.

Health Care Financing and Budgeting

How have pharmaceutical innovations impacted health care?

They have improved health, preserved quality of life, and expanded the scope of care available.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

What is the focus of mind and body medicine in CAM?

The interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior to promote health.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

What is the goal of spinal manipulation?

To relieve pain and improve physical functioning.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

What is a benefit of opting for medication over surgery?

Many individuals prefer medication as it is less invasive and can be more convenient.

Utilization of Health Care Services

What significant trend in health care services was observed in the United States from 1990 to 2000?

An increase in office-based physician visits and outpatient department visits.

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