What is Computer Science?
A diverse subject that underpins almost everything we do in the modern world.
What will you learn in the CS1CA Computer Systems Architecture course?
Building computer systems with regards to software, hardware, networking, and computer applications.
Definition of Computer Science

What is Computer Science?

A diverse subject that underpins almost everything we do in the modern world.

Definition of Computer Science

What will you learn in the CS1CA Computer Systems Architecture course?

Building computer systems with regards to software, hardware, networking, and computer applications.

Definition of Computer Science

What does Computer Science seek to build a scientific foundation for?

Computer design, programming, information processing, algorithmic solutions, and the algorithmic process.

Types of Computer Software

What is the role of system software?

It interfaces between a user's program and hardware.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What role does software play in a computer system?

It provides instructions to tell hardware what to do.

Components of a Computer System

What does the communication component in interconnected computer systems refer to?

Hardware and software that transport programs and data between interconnected computer systems.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What is required for a computer system to work?

Joint efforts of hardware and software.

Components of a Computer System

What components make up a stand-alone computer system?

Input devices, processors, output devices, and storage.

Types of Computer Software

Which programming languages typically require a compiler?

High-level languages such as Java, Python, C/C++, etc.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What does a compiler do?

Translates high-level programming code into machine code.

Components of a Computer System

What is the role of computer hardware?

To provide the physical mechanisms for input and output of data, manipulating data, and electronically controlling various input, output, and storage.

Binary Representation of Data

In what form must data be for a computer to manipulate it?

Binary representation.

Components of a Computer System

What concept allows programs to be stored in a computer's memory?

Stored program concept.

Input-Process-Output Model

What model is used to describe the work conducted by a computer?

Input-process-output model.

Definition of Computer Science

How are computer science and technology described in the modern world?

They are prevalent.

Components of a Computer System

What are the three primary subunits of the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit, and Interface Unit.

Components of a Computer System

What are the two main types of computer software?

System software and application software.

Input-Process-Output Model

How does a computer system work?

By processing input data through hardware and software to produce output.

Evolution of Computer Science and Technology

What is noted about the evolution of computer science and technology?

They are still evolving.

Components of a Computer System

Can a smart phone be classified as a computer system?

Yes, it is one of the devices included in computer systems.

Components of a Computer System

What architecture is commonly associated with computer systems?

Von Neumann architecture.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What are the functions of hardware in a computer system?

To perform physical operations and process data.

Types of Computer Software

What is the purpose of a compiler?

To translate a program written in a high-level programming language into instructions that the hardware can execute.

Definition of Computer Science

What is a computer system?

A combination of hardware and software that processes data.

Types of Computer Software

What does application software refer to?

A user's program that conducts a specific task.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What are the basic functions of system software?

Handle basic input and output operations, manage computer resources, and provide protection schemes.

Components of a Computer System

What will you learn in the CS1CA Computer Systems Architecture course?

The components involved in a computer system.

Components of a Computer System

What does computer software do?

Provides instructions that tell the hardware what tasks to perform and in what order.

Importance of Operating Systems

What is a challenge in predicting the applications of computer science?

The potential of applications like artificial intelligence (AI) is not always easy to predict.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What are the functions of software in a computer system?

To provide instructions for hardware to execute tasks.

Types of Computer Hardware

What are some examples of storage devices?

Hard drives (HDD and SSD), CD/DVD, USB flash stick, storage space in a server.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What is the role of the Operating System (OS) Kernel?

It manages hardware and software resources in a computer system.

Types of Computer Hardware

What are the different types of data that a computer system can handle?

Numeric, graphic, text, multimedia, etc.

Components of a Computer System

What types of internal memory are mentioned?

Random-Access Memory (RAM) and Read-Only Memory (ROM).

Types of Computer Hardware

What are common input devices?

Keyboard, mouse, storage units.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What does hardware do with the instructions provided by software?

It takes the instructions to conduct the tasks.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What is the relationship between hardware and software in a computer system?

Software layers are above hardware and work together to perform tasks.

Components of a Computer System

What is the function of buses in a computer system?

They provide a physical connection to transfer data from one location to another.

Components of a Computer System

What is an example of a large-scale computer system?

Google data center.

Definition of Computer Science

How is Computer Science related to modern life?

It underpins almost everything we do, even if not visible on the surface.

Components of a Computer System

What is the range of devices that can be considered computer systems?

From smart phones to warehouse-scale computers.

Components of a Computer System

What are the four main components of a computer system?

Input devices, output devices, storage, and the central processing unit (CPU).

Types of Computer Hardware

What are common output devices?

Monitor, printer, speaker, storage units.

Components of a Computer System

What components make up a computer system?

Hardware, software, and peripheral devices.

Importance of Operating Systems

Why do we need an operating system in computer operations?

To manage hardware resources and provide a user interface.

Input-Process-Output Model

What is the input-process-output model?

A framework that describes how data is input, processed, and output in a computer system.

Functions of Hardware and Software

What is the purpose of the Application Programming Interface (API)?

It serves as a layer for application programs to interact with the hardware through software.

Types of Computer Software

What is the difference between application software and system software?

Application software is designed for end-users to perform specific tasks, while system software manages hardware and provides a platform for applications.

Definition of Computer Science

What is computer science?

The study of computers and computational systems.

Components of a Computer System

What is a computer system?

A combination of hardware and software that processes data.

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Study Smarter, Not Harder