What is deception bias?
Deception bias causes you to assume that the person is lying.
What are tie signs in nonverbal communication?
Tie signs communicate relationship status, such as kissing for romantic relationships or handshakes for professional ones.
Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What is deception bias?

Deception bias causes you to assume that the person is lying.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What are tie signs in nonverbal communication?

Tie signs communicate relationship status, such as kissing for romantic relationships or handshakes for professional ones.

High and Low Power Distance Cultures

What is a key feature of high-power-distance cultures?

High-power-distance cultures exhibit significant differences in power, where students are subordinate to teachers and relationships are influenced by cultural class.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What is the difference between positive and negative face?

Positive face actively uses kind language and compliments to be seen positively, while negative face uses indirect messages to avoid imposing feelings, allowing the other person to maintain their independence.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What is the difference between denotative and connotative meanings?

Denotative meaning refers to the dictionary definition of a word, while connotative meaning refers to the subjective or emotional associations connected to that word. For example, 'church' may have a denotative meaning of a place of worship, but its connotative meaning could evoke feelings of relief.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What is selfish deception?

Selfish deception is lying to protect yourself.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What does nonverbal immediacy convey?

It conveys a sense of interest, attention, liking, and attraction to another person.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication

What are onymous and anonymous messages?

Onymous messages clearly identify the sender, like face-to-face conversations or emails, while anonymous messages do not identify the sender, such as those on Reddit or anonymous letters.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication

What does it mean that communication is inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable?

Inevitable means you're always communicating, irreversible means you can't take back what is said, and unrepeatable means reactions will vary each time.

8 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

What does it mean to be assertive in communication?

Being assertive means being willing to speak your mind and welcoming others to do the same.

High and Low Power Distance Cultures

What characterizes high-context cultures?

In high-context cultures, communication relies heavily on non-verbal cues, subtlety, and relationship-building, with an emphasis on collectivism and face-saving.

8 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

What does the continuum principle in interpersonal communication refer to?

The continuum ranges from extremely casual (impersonal) interactions, like with a server or taxi driver, to extremely intimate (interpersonal) interactions, like with a longtime lover.

5 Stages of Listening

What are the five stages of listening?

1. Receiving 2. Understanding 3. Evaluating 4. Remembering 5. Responding.

Individualist vs. Collectivist Cultures

What are the main differences between individualist and collectivist cultures?

In individualist cultures, the individual's goals are most important, while in collectivist cultures, the group's goals take precedence.

5 Stages of Listening

What is the focus during Stage Four: Evaluating?

In Stage Four: Evaluating, the focus is on resisting evaluation, distinguishing facts from opinions, identifying biases, and recognizing fallacious reasoning.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

How do nonverbal messages help manage impressions?

They play a huge role in shaping how people perceive us, such as smiling to be liked or maintaining eye contact to be believed.

Principles of Verbal Messages

How do messages vary in politeness?

Messages vary in politeness through the use of positive and negative face. Positive face involves kind language and compliments, while negative face uses indirect messages to respect the other person's independence.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication

What are the characteristics of a series of punctuated events in communication?

Continuous transactions and ongoing communication processes without a clear start or end.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What is self-enhancement deception?

Self-enhancement deception is lying to make yourself look good, like tweaking a resume to appear more qualified.

5 Stages of Listening

What should you focus on during the responding stage?

During the responding stage, you should focus on the other person and avoid thought-completing listening.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What is important for decoding emotions in nonverbal communication?

It is important to decode or decipher the true emotions we are feeling or those of others.

High and Low Power Distance Cultures

How do low-context cultures typically communicate?

Low-context cultures favor direct and clear communication, often making expectations explicit and being more likely to criticize others openly.

8 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

What does it mean that interpersonal communication is transactional?

Interpersonal communication is a process where elements are interdependent and there is mutual influence between participants.

5 Stages of Listening

What should you avoid during the Understanding stage of listening?

You should avoid assuming you understand and instead focus on making meaning and seeing the speaker's point of view.

8 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

What is a disadvantage of communication that encourages extreme opinions?

It encourages people to go to extremes with outrageous opinions due to a lack of consequences.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What role does eye movement play in nonverbal communication?

Eye movement and dilation can convey emotions and intentions.

High and Low Power Distance Cultures

What is a characteristic of low-power-distance cultures?

In low-power-distance cultures, power is more evenly distributed, allowing students to challenge professors and fostering friendships without regard to cultural class or hierarchy.

Effective Intercultural Communication Principles

What does it mean to recognize differences in intercultural communication?

It involves understanding the differences between yourself and others, within culturally different groups, and in meanings, dialects, and accents.

Culture and Interpersonal Communication

What is enculturation?

The process through which you learn the culture into which you're born.

5 Stages of Listening

What is the process of remembering in Stage 3 of listening?

In Stage 3: Remembering, we apply what we heard by reconstructing memories based on our understanding, which can lead to false memory syndrome when our brain fills in gaps.

8 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

What are some purposes of interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication can be purposeful for learning, relating, influencing, playing, and helping.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What is truth bias in nonverbal communication?

Truth bias causes you to assume that the person is telling the truth based on your relationship with that person, such as a mother.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What is the principle that states nonverbal messages interact with verbal messages?

It's not what you say, it's how you say it; verbal and nonverbal messages should align.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

How do nonverbal messages structure conversations?

They provide cues that regulate interaction and guide who is speaking, such as a teacher pointing to a student.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What does it mean that messages are packaged?

Messages are packaged when verbal and nonverbal messages reinforce or support each other. For example, if a friend says 'I am fine' but their tone is sad, it creates confusion about their true feelings.

Individualist vs. Collectivist Cultures

How is success measured in collectivist cultures?

Success is measured through contributions to the group.

5 Stages of Listening

What is an example of a fallacious reasoning in evaluation?

An example of fallacious reasoning is the bandwagon effect, where something is claimed to be true simply because many people believe it.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication

What are the two dimensions of interpersonal communication?

The content dimension refers to the actual information being communicated, while the relationship dimension refers to the nature of the relationship between the communicators.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

How can gestures enhance storytelling?

Hand gestures can be used when telling a friend an exciting story to emphasize emotions.

5 Stages of Listening

What is the first stage of listening?

The first stage is Receiving, which involves focusing attention to detail, avoiding distractions, and maintaining your role as a listener.

Individualist vs. Collectivist Cultures

How is success measured in individualist cultures?

Success is measured through comparison with others.

Principles of Verbal Messages

How can interpersonal communication be ambiguous?

Words can be interpreted differently by different people, leading to varying understandings of terms like 'soon'.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

How do facial expressions contribute to nonverbal communication?

Facial expressions can convey emotions and often tell the truth more than what we say.

Benefits of Studying Interpersonal Communication

What are the personal benefits of studying interpersonal communication?

Relationships develop, are maintained, and sometimes destroyed through interpersonal interactions.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication

What is metacommunication?

Metacommunication is communication about communication, important for clarifying patterns between individuals. Nonverbal messages, like emojis, can convey feelings about a message without explicit words.

Principles of Verbal Messages

How do message meanings vary among individuals?

Message meanings are in people, meaning each person interprets messages differently based on their social and cultural perspectives. For instance, the phrase 'you can come if you want' can be understood in various ways by different individuals.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What is prosocial deception?

Prosocial deception is lying to achieve some good, such as telling a friend she looks good in a dress even if she doesn't.

5 Stages of Listening

What are the two parts of responding in Stage Five?

The two parts of responding in Stage Five are Immediate Feedback, which occurs while the speaker is talking, and Delayed Feedback, which occurs after the speaker has finished.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

Can nonverbal messages hide emotions?

Yes, nonverbal messages can hide emotions, such as smiling while feeling scared during a presentation.

8 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

What is mindfulness in the context of interpersonal communication?

Mindfulness is a state of being aware, which involves creating and re-creating categories, being open to new information and points of view, and being cautious about relying too heavily on first impressions.

Benefits of Studying Interpersonal Communication

What are the benefits of anonymous messages?

Anonymous messages can encourage honesty, allowing individuals to voice unpopular opinions and be more vulnerable about their inner feelings, fears, and hopes.

Culture and Interpersonal Communication

What is acculturation?

The process in which you learn the rules and norms of a culture different from your native culture, influencing your own.

8 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

What are the steps to become more assertive?

Analyze assertive communication, rehearse assertiveness, describe the problem, state how it affects you using 'I' statements, propose solutions, and confirm understanding.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What does slouching indicate in terms of posture?

Slouching typically means 'I don’t care.'

Benefits of Studying Interpersonal Communication

What are the professional benefits of studying interpersonal communication?

Communication is more important than job-specific skills and is crucial across all professions, impacting interviews, job fairs, and leading meetings.

Effective Intercultural Communication Principles

What are the principles for effective intercultural communication?

1. Educating yourself 2. Recognizing differences 3. Confronting your stereotypes 4. Reducing your ethnocentrism 5. Anticipating culture shock 6. Adjusting your communication.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What does it mean for messages to vary in abstraction?

Messages vary in abstraction based on how general or specific they are. Effective messages can include words at any level of abstraction, such as 'entertainment' being a general term that can refer to books, movies, music, or podcasts.

Principles of Verbal Messages

What is antisocial deception?

Antisocial deception is lying to harm someone, such as making up a lie to get a coworker fired.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication

What does it mean that interpersonal communication evolves over time?

It means that the nature of conversations can change based on context, such as when students alter their discussion upon seeing a teacher nearby.

Effective Intercultural Communication Principles

What is ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to evaluate a culture's values, beliefs, and behaviors as superior and those of other cultures as inferior, rather than different.

Culture and Interpersonal Communication

How is culture defined?

The relatively specialized lifestyle of a group of people passed on through communication, not through genes or race.

5 Stages of Listening

How can different interpretations of the same movie illustrate the concept of reconstructive memory?

When you and a friend watch the same movie but derive different meanings, it shows how we can reevaluate our perspectives based on others' viewpoints.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What nonverbal behaviors may indicate a person is lying?

Touching their hair, neck, or face, holding back, leaking information, and making less sense can signal that a person is lying and showing anxiety.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication

Can you give an example of the content and relationship dimensions in interpersonal communication?

An example is when a parent tells a child to clean their room; the content is the instruction, while the relationship dimension reflects the authority and respect between parent and child.

Principles of Nonverbal Communication

What are the different channels of nonverbal communication?

Different channels include body messages, facial communication, and more.

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