What is the primary focus of applied behavior analysis?
The analysis of individual behavior and its application to problem behavior.
What societal issues are likely to support the application of behavior analysis?
Retardation, crime, mental illness, and education.
Scientific Demonstration of Behavior Analysis

What is the primary focus of applied behavior analysis?

The analysis of individual behavior and its application to problem behavior.

Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Society

What societal issues are likely to support the application of behavior analysis?

Retardation, crime, mental illness, and education.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

What is analytic behavioral application?

The process of applying principles of behavior to improve specific behaviors while evaluating the effectiveness of the application.

Generality of Behavioral Changes

What is the importance of generalization in applied behavior analysis?

Generalization should be programmed rather than expected or lamented.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

What is the significance of demonstrating how a behavior may be worsened?

It can be socially important to understand what leads to negative behaviors, such as disruptive classroom behavior.

Reliability and Measurement in Applied Research

What is the main concern when measuring behavior in applied research?

Reliable quantification of behavior.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

Why is experimental control more difficult in applied research compared to laboratory research?

Because socially important behaviors are rarely studied in controlled laboratory settings.

Differences Between Applied and Basic Research

How does the applied researcher differ from the non-applied researcher in choosing study subjects?

The applied researcher chooses subjects based on their importance to society, while the non-applied researcher may choose subjects for convenience or theoretical significance.

Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Society

Why might a study of bar-pressing behavior be considered applied?

If it is integrated with socially important stimuli, such as in a teaching machine for arithmetic skills.

Evaluation Criteria for Applied Behavior Analysis

What is a primary question in the evaluation of applied research?

How immediately important is this behavior or these stimuli to this subject?

Reliability and Measurement in Applied Research

Why is the verbal description of non-verbal behavior often not accepted as a measure?

It must be independently substantiated to be considered valid.

Evaluation Criteria for Applied Behavior Analysis

What is a useful tactic in evaluating behavioral studies?

To ask not merely if behavior changed, but whose behavior changed.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

What is the significance of establishing baselines in the multiple baseline technique?

Baselines provide a comparison to evaluate changes when an experimental variable is applied.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

What is a contradiction in terms according to the text?

A non-experimental analysis.

Generality of Behavioral Changes

How can behavior changes be effectively generalized across different settings?

By programming behavior changes in a certain number of settings, one after another.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

What does it mean to achieve an analysis of behavior?

It means the experimenter can exercise control over the behavior.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

What is the purpose of the 'multiple baseline' technique?

To evaluate changes in behavior without reversing it, especially when behavior appears irreversible.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

What is a potential error in experimental design regarding behavior measurement?

Changes in measurement may not always reflect the subject's behavior.

Technological Aspects of Behavioral Applications

What is an example of a behavioral procedure that requires detailed contingency descriptions?

Play therapy.

Conceptual Systems in Applied Behavior Analysis

What does a good technological description include?

It describes exactly how a teacher will attend to specific behaviors, like jungle-gym climbing for a child afraid of heights.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

What is the 'reversal' technique in behavioral research?

It involves measuring a behavior, applying an experimental variable, and then removing it to see if the behavior changes.

Reliability and Measurement in Applied Research

What is the essence of believability in behavioral analysis?


Technological Aspects of Behavioral Applications

What does 'technological' mean in the context of behavioral applications?

The techniques making up a behavioral application are completely identified and described.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

How does the social setting influence applied behavior analysis?

It can dictate the feasibility of using techniques like reversals and affect the dependency of behavior on experimental techniques.

Conceptual Systems in Applied Behavior Analysis

What is essential for the advancement of applied behavior analysis according to Baer et al.?

Published descriptions of procedures should be precisely technological and strive for relevance to principles.

Conceptual Systems in Applied Behavior Analysis

Why is it important to relate procedures to basic concepts of behavioral development?

It helps in deriving similar procedures from basic principles, making the technology a discipline rather than a collection of tricks.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

What is a key question in evaluating behavioral change?

How much did that behavior need to be changed?

Technological Aspects of Behavioral Applications

What is required for a procedure to be considered technological?

All salient ingredients must be described as a set of contingencies.

Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Society

What is the significance of studying behaviors in their usual social settings?

It reflects the real-world context in which these behaviors occur, making the findings more applicable.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

What is necessary for a behavior change to be considered effective?

The effectiveness of procedures in making sufficient change for value.

Generality of Behavioral Changes

Why is generality a valuable characteristic in applied behavior analysis?

It indicates practical improvement in important behaviors and enhances the effectiveness of applications.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

What is the problem with current behavioral procedures according to the text?

They are often complex and may confound multiple variables.

Evaluation Criteria for Applied Behavior Analysis

What should be considered when analyzing behavior changes?

The importance of the behavior changed, its quantitative characteristics, and the experimental manipulations responsible for the change.

Technological Aspects of Behavioral Applications

What does applied behavior analysis emphasize regarding procedures?

A technologically exact description of all procedures contributing to behavior change.

Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Society

What is the main focus of applied research in behavior analysis?

Examining behaviors that are socially important rather than convenient for study.

Evaluation Criteria for Applied Behavior Analysis

What problem does the experimenter face regarding control in applied research?

Determining whether enough control has been demonstrated for believability.

Experimental Control in Behavioral Research

Why might repeated reversals in applied behavior analysis be limited?

Because valuable behavior may become independent of the experimental technique due to extra-experimental reinforcement.

Generality of Behavioral Changes

What misconception about generality in behavior change is highlighted?

It is sometimes assumed that application has failed when generalization does not occur widely, which is a flawed conclusion.

Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Society

What does the term 'applied' imply in the context of behavioral research?

It is determined by the societal interest in the problems being studied, not by the research procedures used.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

What is a potential limitation of using convenient behaviors and stimuli in research?

They may not guarantee successful application in socially important settings until proven sound.

Differences Between Applied and Basic Research

How do applied and basic research differ?

Applied research focuses on variables that can improve behavior, while basic research may explore any behavior and related variables.

Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Society

What is the goal of behavior analysis in a societal context?

To contribute to a better state of society through effective behavioral applications.

Effectiveness and Practical Value of Behavioral Techniques

What is the criterion for the practical value of behavioral techniques?

The application must produce large enough effects to be socially important.

Reliability and Measurement in Applied Research

What is a primary concern in the development of applied behavior analysis?


Evaluation Criteria for Applied Behavior Analysis

What are the essential criteria for evaluating applied behavior analysis studies?

They must be applied, behavioral, analytic, technological, conceptually systematic, effective, and display some generality.

Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Society

What is the focus of applied research in behavior analysis?

It studies what subjects can be brought to do rather than what they can be brought to say.

Generalizability of Behavioral Changes

What does the evaluation of a 'good' society depend on?

The behaviors of its members.

Reliability and Measurement in Applied Research

What can changes in observed behavior indicate?

They may represent changes in the observers' responses rather than the subject's behavior.

Scientific Demonstration of Behavior Analysis

What does the analysis of behavior require?

A believable demonstration of the behavior being studied.

Evaluation Criteria for Applied Behavior Analysis

What is parametric analysis in the context of behavioral analysis?

Demonstration of the effectiveness of different values of some variable in changing behavior.

Reliability and Measurement in Applied Research

What must the audience judge when statistical analysis is applied in behavioral analysis?

The suitability of the inferential statistic chosen and the propriety of the data for that test.

Generality of Behavioral Changes

What might happen if the most prevalent disruptive techniques of a child are eliminated?

It may still leave other disruptive techniques intact, but could lead to generalized loss of remaining techniques.

Generality of Behavioral Changes

What defines generality in behavioral change?

Generality is indicated by durability over time, appearance in various environments, or spreading to related behaviors.

Technological Aspects of Behavioral Applications

What is a key criterion for evaluating a procedure description in applied behavior analysis?

Whether a typically trained reader could replicate the procedure well enough to produce the same results.

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