What questions can help assess psychotic symptoms?
Have you been hearing any voices or seeing anything when nobody is around? Are you worried someone is following you?
What initial management steps were proposed for Juana?
Spend more time with her, obtain collateral history, and run investigations.
Psychotic Symptoms and Assessment

What questions can help assess psychotic symptoms?

Have you been hearing any voices or seeing anything when nobody is around? Are you worried someone is following you?

Management and Treatment Approaches

What initial management steps were proposed for Juana?

Spend more time with her, obtain collateral history, and run investigations.

Risk Assessment in Psychiatry

What should you ask about a suicide note?

Did you leave a suicide note?

Family and Past Psychiatric History

What family history factors are important in risk assessment?

Psychiatric illness, suicide, and substance abuse.

Core Symptoms and Exclusions (SIGECAPS)

What does SIGECAPS stand for in assessing core symptoms?

Sleep, Interests, Guilty/self-esteem, Energy/mood, Concentration/view of the future.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

Which gender is more likely to attempt suicide?


Risk Assessment in Psychiatry

What should be assessed regarding suicidal ideation?

Thoughts of harming oneself, plans, and access to means.

Management and Treatment Approaches

What types of investigations were suggested for Juana?

Biological (blood tests, ECG, imaging), psychological (risk assessment, depression rating), and social (collateral history).

Risk Assessment in Psychiatry

What should you ask regarding substance use?

Did you drink alcohol or take other drugs?

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What percentage of people who commit suicide have a history of self-harm?


Management and Treatment Approaches

What type of medication is often considered for treating depression?

SSRIs or other antidepressants.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What is the average number of tablets taken in an overdose?

28 tablets.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What is the suicide rate within the first year of self-harm?

100 times the general public.

Risk Assessment in Psychiatry

What should you inquire about concerning triggers for self-harm?

Was there any trigger or stressful event that happened?

Risk Assessment in Psychiatry

What details should you gather about the overdose?

What did you take? How many? Were they prescribed to you?

Risk Assessment in Psychiatry

What insight-related questions should you ask?

Do you think that you are unwell? Do you think that we could help you?

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What percentage of patients consume alcohol with an overdose?

⅓ of patients.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

Which special groups are at higher risk for self-harm?

Prisoners, LGBTQ individuals, those with Lesch Nyhan Syndrome, and Cornelia de Lange syndrome.

Comorbidities and Mental Health Disorders

What comorbidities should be considered in a mental health assessment?

Anxiety, alcohol use, drug use, and smoking.

Management and Treatment Approaches

What social interventions can help individuals in crisis?

Alcohol misuse counselling, social work for housing or financial issues, occupational therapy, support groups.

Management and Treatment Approaches

What approach to management was recommended following investigations?

Involve a multidisciplinary team and follow a biopsychosocial approach.

Family and Past Psychiatric History

What past psychiatric history should be gathered?

Any past psychiatric illness, diagnoses, treatments, and history of self-harm.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What risk factors should be considered in a comprehensive risk assessment?

Risk to self, risk to others, financial risk, and neglect.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What is one of the strongest risk factors for suicide?

A diagnosis of a mental health disorder (90%).

Management and Treatment Approaches

What psychological therapies are recommended?

CBT, psychoeducation, family and couples therapy.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What is the peak age for self-harm in females in Ireland?

15 - 19 years.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What factors increase the risk of translating suicidal ideation into behavior?

History of self-harm, a suicide plan, exposure to suicide, impulsivity, access to means of suicide, being alone, and substance use.

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What are some health and personal risk factors for self-harm?

Previous self-harm, chronic medical conditions, mental health disorders, impulsive personalities, traumatic events, living alone, unemployment, divorce.

Risk Assessment in Psychiatry

What final acts should you inquire about?

Did you manage your finances or give your things away?

Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide

What is the most common method of suicide in Ireland?


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