How many generations does five Gadaa periods represent?
One generation (40 years).
What regions did the Dulo, Melba, and Mudena expand into during the early seventeenth century?
West and Northern parts of the Horn of Africa.
The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

How many generations does five Gadaa periods represent?

One generation (40 years).

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What regions did the Dulo, Melba, and Mudena expand into during the early seventeenth century?

West and Northern parts of the Horn of Africa.

Jesuit Reforms in Ethiopia

What did Afonso Mendez order regarding Orthodox priests and deacons?

He ordered their reconsecration and the rebaptism of the mass.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What is the staple crop in Gurage land?


Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What natural feature provided protection to the Kafa kingdom?

The Gojeb river.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the Gadaa system?

A traditional Oromo system that organizes society into age sets and roles.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What are the two houses of the clans of Daraso?

Sh ole batte (senior house) and sase batte (junior house).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

Name one major Gadaa center established by the Oromo.

Oda Nabee of Tulama.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What is the primary basis of Sidama's economy?

Agriculture, particularly enset and coffee.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What role does the Abba-Gadaa play in the Gadaa system?

He is the head of the government, known as 'father of the period'.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What role did Somali contingents play in history?

They played a notable role in the victories of the Sultanate of Adal against the Christian kingdom.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What office did various Oromo groups maintain relations through?

Abba Muda (the father of anointment).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What are some principles of the Gadaa system?

Representation of all lineages, clans, and confederacies.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

When did the Gadaa system fully function according to Abba Bahrey?

During the early sixteenth century.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

How often did membership in the council of elders rotate?

Every eighteen years.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

How did the Afar respond to drought before the sixteenth century?

They moved towards the east until they reached the middle Awash.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What is the primary economic activity of the Konso people?


The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What were the two confederacies under which the Oromo were organized when the population movement began?

Borana and Barentu confederacies.

The Role of the Somali and Afar Peoples

Where do the Afar predominantly live?

Northeastern Ethiopia and northern Djibouti.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

Which Gadaa class fought and defeated the Christian regiment Batra Amora?

The first Gadaa, Melba (1522 - 1530).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

Who led the cavalry that defeated Robale gadaa at Woyna Daga in 1574?

Azzaj Halibo, under Sartsa Dingil.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Which group controlled Ar'ine in Waj and overwhelmed the Daragoti regiment?

The Birmaji (1578 - 86).

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

Where do the Gurage people live?

In southern Ethiopia.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What were the three basic principles of social organization in land relationships?

Kinship, polity, and social status.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What was a major factor in the conflict between the Christian Kingdom and Muslim sultanates?

Control of major caravan trade routes.

Jesuit Reforms in Ethiopia

What language was preaching prohibited in according to Mendez's reforms?


Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What belief did the Qibat sect hold about Christ's birth?

They accepted the eternal birth as the first birth of Christ and claimed he was anointed by the Holy Ghost at his incarnation.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What role did the Amir’s council, Majilis, play in the emirate of Harar?

It supervised Mosque land, Waqf, and offered assistance to the Amir.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

How did the king ensure loyalty to the state?

By granting land for gallant deeds or threatening dispossession.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What doctrine did Qibat (Unction) develop from?

Hulet Lidete doctrine.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What are the nine exogamous clans of the Konso?

Toqmaleta, Elayta, Saudata, Pasanta, Kertita, Ishalayta, Mahaleta, Tikisayta, and Argamyta.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What was a significant factor in the conflicts between the Christian Kingdom and Muslim Sultanates?

The wars between them.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What caused the Oromo population movement from 1522 to 1618?

A combination of natural and manmade factors, including demographic pressure and conflict between the Christian Kingdom and Muslim Sultanates.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What role did the Afar play in the conflicts between the Christian Kingdom and Muslim sultanates?

They were actors in the conflict and were pressured to move to avoid risks.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What language do the Konso people speak?

Affa Konso (Konso language).

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What qualities were important for selecting a Woma?

Peacemaking ability, bodily perfection, oratorical ability, wisdom, and caution.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Who was the last emir of the Sultanate of Harar?

Amir Abdulahi.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What geographical feature influenced the agricultural practices of the Konso?

The Great East African Rift Valley.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What was the outcome of Robale gadaa's conflict with Zara’a Yohannis’ force?

Robale recovered by defeating Zara’a Yohannis’ force.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

Which group became the center of Muslim resistance in the sultanate of Ifat?

The Argoba.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

Who did the Argoba join against the Christian Kingdom?

The Afar and the Somali.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

Who first mentioned the people now known as the Afar?

Ibn Said, under the name 'Danakil'.

Jesuit Reforms in Ethiopia

What Jewish customs were suspended by Afonso Mendez?

Male circumcision and the observance of the Sabbath.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What effect did the Christian-Muslim rivalry have on the population?

Destruction of sultanates and dispersion of the people.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What type of land was allocated for communal use?

Communal lands for grazing and social gatherings.

The Kingdom of Shewa and its Governance

What is the role of the Songo in Sidama governance?

They raise agendas for discussion and submit decisions to the Mote for approval.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the role of women in the Gadaa system?

Women maintain rights through the Sinqe institution and participate in power transfer and conflict resolution.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What was the dominant food crop in the Kafa kingdom?

Enset (Enset Ventricosum).

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What was the central crop cultivated in the Gamo highlands?


The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What are the roles of the Yuba in the Gadaa system?

Senior advisors, educators, and ritual leaders for ages 49 to 80.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What was the economic basis of Awsa?

It depended mainly on the Bati-Ginda’e trade route.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What is Seera in Sidama society?

The social constitution governing social life based on the Sidama moral code.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What were some other modes of subsistence besides farming in the Gamo region?

Craft making, pot making, tanning, and metalworking.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

When was the first mention of the Gamo in written records?

In the fifteenth century in the praise songs of King Yishak.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What areas did the Harmufa Gadaa occupy during their conflicts?

Angot, Ganzyi, Sayint, etc.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

How was the Gamo landscape divided?

Into highland (geze) and lowland (bazo).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the Gadaa system?

A socio-political system that organized the Oromo's politics, economy, social, cultural, and religious affairs.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What is the term for the walled villages where the Konso people lived?


Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What territory did the Afar occupy during the thirteenth century?

The lowland territory near Bab el-Mandeb.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is Sasserogo?

A federation of three territories: Sobbho, Ributa, and Rikuta.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

Where was the Qibat sect dominant?

In Gojjam.

Emperor Fasiledas and the Close-Door Policy

What policy did Emperor Fasiledas introduce to isolate Ethiopia from Europeans?

The Close-Door Policy.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

Where was the Sost Lidet sect dominant?

In Gonder and Shawa.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

In which historical text is Hadiya mentioned?

Kebre-Negest (Glory of the Kings).

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What geographical areas did the population movements of the sixteenth century cover?

Extensive areas from south to north and from east to west.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

How many members were in the Hambericho Council?

Seven members, each representing one of the seven clans.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What significant victory did the Michille Gadaa achieve?

Victory over Hamalmal's force at Dago and Jan Amora forces at Mount Hazalo.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

Which Gadaa class controlled Dawaro after defeating the Christian regiment Adal Mabraq?

Kilole Gadaa (1538 - 1546).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What are the two adoption mechanisms used by the Oromo for integration?

Guddifacha and Moggasa.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What was the role of the dulata in Gamo society?

To elect representatives and make decisions on social and political matters.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was a notable political development among the northern Oromo during the Gondar period?

The rise of nobles in politics.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What were the main economic activities of the Konso people?

Bee keeping and craftworks.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What role did the Gadaa system play in the Oromo population movement?

It was crucial for the organization and success of the movement.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What significant development occurred in Harar during the reign of Emir Nur Mujahid?

Harar became a walled city and the sultanate of the Harari developed.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

Who were some notable Gadaa leaders that established centers?

Dawe Gobbo of Borana, Anna Sorra of Guji, Makko-Bili of Mecha.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What are the notable customary modes of governance among the Gurage?

Yajoka Qicha and Gordanna Sera.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What happened to the Sultanate of Adal in the sixteenth century?

It collapsed, leading to the establishment of Afar sultanates.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Which emperor annexed Kambata and when?

Emperor Yeshak (r. 1413 - 30).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What roles did the Gadaa system serve in Oromo society?

Socialization, education, maintenance of peace and order, and social cohesion.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Where was the Yem state located?

Along the eastern banks of the Gibe, northeast of the Kafa kingdom.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What was the central chaffe for the Oromo before 1900?

Madda Walabu.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

How did the Gadaa system organize the Oromo society?

Into age-grades and generation sets, delineating social, political, and economic responsibilities.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What type of crops did Konso farmers combine with cattle breeding?

Various crops, including enset.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the major political center of the Kafa kingdom?


Religious Conflicts and Revolts

Who used Harar as a base for campaigns into the Christian kingdom?

Imam Ahmed ibn Ibrahim.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the purpose of the Astessor council in Yem?

To assist the Amno in administering the state.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What type of economy did the Somali people traditionally practice?

Pastoral economy.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

Who ruled each village in the Konso society?

A council of elders called hayyota.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Who noted the importance of Merca town?

Ibn Said, an Arab geographer.

Jesuit Reforms in Ethiopia

What dietary change was mandated by Afonso Mendez?

Eating pork.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What defensive structure did the Kafa tradition involve?

Digging deep trenches called Kuripo.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

When did the Wolayta kingdom first emerge as a state?

In the thirteenth century.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the significance of the Qallu (Abba Muda) in the Gadaa system?

They play indispensable roles in power transfer and legitimizing the ruling Gadaa class.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What geographical corridor did the Oromo forces pass through during their movement?

Between Mount Walabu and Lake Abaya.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What were the names of the two dynasties that ruled Wolayta?

Wolayta-Malla and Tigre.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What was the outcome of the Jesuit intervention in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church?

It triggered doctrinal divisions and controversy, leading to the Zemene Mesafint.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What are the two versions regarding the origin of the Argoba people?

One claims descent from followers of Prophet Mohammed; the other suggests they are an ancient indigenous people who accepted Islam early.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What was the primary agricultural practice of the Kambata people?

Ensete farming.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Who ruled the Yem state initially?

An indigenous dynasty called Dida or Halmam-Gamma.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

Which leader of Hadiya refused to pay tribute to Emperor Sartsa-Dengel?

Garad Aze.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the significance of the Woga laws in Gamo?

Defined land-use and governed natural resource management.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What was the result of the pressure from the Christian Kingdom on the sultanate of Shewa?

The sultanate of Shewa moved further to the east.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

How many clans belong to the sh ole batte?

Four clans with more than 25 sub-clans.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the significance of Merca town in the thirteenth century?

It was a capital that brought a large number of Somalis together.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

How often do members of the Gadaa class initiate into the next higher grade?

Every eight years.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Who held rights over land in the society described?

Lineage groups, the crown (royal estate), and the nobility.

The Kingdom of Shewa and its Governance

Who led the indigenous system of governance in Sidama?

The Mote (king).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What democratic elements does the Gadaa system include?

Periodic succession and power sharing to prevent one-man rule.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

Where was the office of Abba Muda located?

Madda Walabu.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What attracted Egyptians to the emirate of Harar in 1875?

The prominence of Harar as a center of Islamic culture and power.

The Kingdom of Shewa and its Governance

What was the primary symbol of the Sultan in Awsa?

A silver baton considered to have magical properties.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the Gadaa system?

An institution through which the Oromo organized socially, administered affairs, defended territories, maintained law and order, and managed economies.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the age range for the Qondala Gadaa grade and its associated role?

25 to 32 years; military service.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What does Tewahedo teach about the nature of Christ?

That Christ has two births: one as a Divine Being and another from St. Mary as a perfect man.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What were the main components of the Yem economy?

Agriculture, trade, and crafts.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What role did the Mikrecho play in the Kafa kingdom?

They assisted the Tato and moderated the king's power.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What were the three essential features of each dere?

1) Kawo (hereditary ruler), 2) Halaqa (initiates), 3) Dubusha (assembly place).

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What system did many neighboring peoples adopt from the Oromo?

The Gadaa system and Oromo language.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What regions are explored in the teaching module?

Eastern, central, southern, and western regions.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What does the Gadaa calendar segment represent?

An eight-year period represents one Gadaa period.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the traditional governance system of the Gedeo called?


The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

How many grades are in the baalle system and what is the duration of each grade?

Seven grades, each lasting 10 years.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What are the five Gadaa classes mentioned?

Fathers, Sons, Melba, Harmufa, Mudena, Robale, Kilole, Birmajii, Bifole, Mul’ata, Michille, Dulo.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What are the age ranges and roles associated with the Dabale Gadaa grade?

Birth to 8 years; socialization.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What was the governing structure of Somali society?

A council known as shir, which allowed equal access and participation for all adult males.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What is the cultural and ritual leader in Sidama society called?


Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What century does the origin of the state of Hadiya date back to?

The thirteenth century.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

When did the Kafa kingdom emerge according to traditions?

In the fourteenth century.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

Which crops were staple food in the lowlands of the Gamo region?

Maize and sweet potato.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Who formed the Kingdom of Shewa?

Negasi Kristos.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

How did the Christian kingdom influence the spread of Christianity in Ethiopia?

Through territorial and religious expansion, diffusing Christian tradition from north to south.

The Role of the Somali and Afar Peoples

What role did Harar play in the sixteenth century?

It became the capital of Walasma of Adal and an early Muslim center.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What was one outcome of the Oromo population movement?

It ended the wars between Christian and Muslim states and halted the southward expansion of the Christian state.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What was the relationship between the Kafa kingdom and the Oromo states?

There was prosperous commerce and trade between them.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What type of governance system did the Gurage have?

A traditional system of governance without centralized leadership.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Who established a dynasty in Harar that ruled for nearly two and a half centuries?

Emir Ali ibn Da’ud in cooperation with the Oromo.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What does the name Kambata mean?

'This is the place' (where we live).

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

How did the emirate of Harar grow in economic power?

By controlling trade routes from the Gulf of Aden ports of Zeila and Berbera.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What was the highest political council among the Somali people?

The guurti, a council of elders.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What language do the Kambata people speak?


The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What mechanisms for conflict resolution does the Gadaa system include?

Arara (conflict resolution), guma (compensation), and rakoo (marriage).

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What indigenous governance system did the Afar have?

Makabanto, which has some elements of democracy.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What were the major outcomes of population movements during the medieval period?

Integration of peoples across ethnic and religious lines, including intermarriage and evolution of new identities.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What is the significance of halale in Sidama culture?

It represents the ultimate truth used to judge right and wrong.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What is the dominant tradition regarding the origin of the Gedeo people?

They are descended from Daraso, the older brother of Gujo.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What role did the Amno of Yem play besides being a ruler?

Acted as a chief priest with attributes of divinity.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is Moggasa?

A system of adopting non-Oromos into a clan through an oath of allegiance.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

How did the interactions during this period affect socio-cultural values?

They resulted in an exchange of socio-cultural values and institutions.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What was the significance of Madda Walabu in the Gadaa system?

It became the central assembly and seat of the senior Qallu until 1900.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Which historical cities were located in Afar land associated with the medieval Adal Sultanate?

Maduna and Abasa.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the function of the Tselta in Konso society?

To inform the responsibilities expected of each age group.

Emperor Fasiledas and the Close-Door Policy

What was the reaction of Emperor Fasiledas to the Jesuit reforms?

He opposed the changes and restored the Orthodox Church as the state religion.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

Name some of the sultanates established by the Afar after the collapse of the Sultanate of Adal.

Awsa, Girrifo, Tadjourah, Rahaito, and Gobad.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the apex of the social and political hierarchy in Wolayta?

The Kawo (king).

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What was a significant consequence of population movements in the sixteenth century in Ethiopia?

The integration of peoples across ethnic and religious diversities.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

How many Butta wars did the Oromo fight between 1522 and 1618?

Twelve Butta wars.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What system regulated resource allocation among different clans?

The qabiyye system.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

Who subjugated Hadiya around 1332?

Amde-Tsion, the ruler of the Christian kingdom.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What was the primary economic base of the Kingdom of Shewa?

Agriculture, supplemented by trade and craft.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What types of interactions occurred among the Oromo during peace and conflict?

Trade contacts and conflicts to control trade routes, religious expansion, and territorial expansion.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

How was access to politico-ritual status achieved among the Gamo people?

Through initiation or election and the baira system of seniority.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What does Sost Lidet (Three Births) teach about Christ?

That Christ was first born in eternity as a divine being, born again in the womb of St. Mary, and anointed by the Holy Ghost.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What was the impact of the Somali population movement on Imam Ahmed al Ghazi's military strength?

It was a strong force behind his military strength.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What agricultural techniques did Konso farmers adopt?

Soil conservation techniques, notably the construction of terraces.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What factors contribute to population movements in Ethiopia and the Horn?

Natural and social factors, including military conflicts, drought, and demographic pressures.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What is notable about the land of Wolayta?

It is known for its fertility and moderate climate.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the capital of the Kingdom of Shewa during Abuye/Abiyye's reign?


Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the name of the Hadiya king who rebelled against Emperor Zara-Yaqob in 1445?


Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What significant action did Emperor Zara-Yaqob take to stabilize the situation in Hadiya?

He made a political marriage with Princess Elleni from Hadiya.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What major event led to the incorporation of Hadiya into the Imperial state?

The wars between the Christian Kingdom and Adal, and the Oromo population movement.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

To which language family does the Hadiya language belong?

Highland East Cushitic family.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What cultural and legal systems did the Oromo groups obey?

Ada (culture) and sera (law).

Emperor Fasiledas and the Close-Door Policy

What alliance did Fasiledas form to protect Ethiopia from European influence?

An alliance with neighboring Muslim states.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What was the traditional administrative institution of the Kambata?

The Hambericho Council.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What types of livestock did Gamo farmers keep?

Cattle for food, farming, and manure.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What rights did the qabiyye system establish?

Rights of precedence (seniority) in possession of land.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What were the major factors for people's interactions across regions in the medieval period?

Political, social, and economic processes.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What was the political structure of the Gamo communities called?


Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What were the responsibilities of the Erasho in Yem?

Provincial governors responsible for digging ditches and erecting pillars.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What power did the assembly (dulata) have in Gamo communities?

To impose sanctions on individuals or groups who violated social regulations.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the Luwa system in Sidama society?

A division of society into generation-sets with five grades lasting eight years each.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

What type of communities predominantly inhabited the southern part of Hadiya?

Cushitic-speaking pastoral communities.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What is the role of the Kalale in the Gadaa system?

Wives of Luba and Yuba, privileged to support and advise the ruling class.

Religious Conflicts and Revolts

What was the impact of Imam Ahmed's wars and the movements of the Argoba, Afar, and Somali?

They caused the expansion of Islam into the central parts of Ethiopia.

Historical States in Eastern and Southern Ethiopia

What treaty did Negus Sahle-Sellasie sign with the British?

Treaty of friendship and commerce in 1841.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What does Guddifacha refer to?

The adoption of a child by a foster parent, granting equal rights and privileges.

The Gadaa System and Oromo Society

What benefits did adopted groups gain through Moggasa?

Protection and material benefits.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What military conflict influenced the population movements of the Argoba, Afar, and Somali?

The conflict between the Christian Kingdom and the Sultanate of Adal in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

Population Movements in the Horn of Africa

What role did the Argoba play in the Horn of Africa?

They were major agents of Islamic expansion, trade, and Muslim state formation.

Economic Practices and Agricultural Systems in Southern Ethiopia

What were some major trade items exported from Kafa?

Musk, coffee, slaves, ivory, gold, honey-wax, and civet.

Ethnic and Religious Integration in Ethiopia

From which four linguistic clusters can the descendants of old Hadiya be traced?

Oromo, Sidama, Kabena, and Alaba.

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