What is NoSQL?
NoSQL refers to non-relational databases that store huge amounts of unstructured data with high flexibility.
What is SQL?
Structured Query Language for managing data held in a Relational Database Management System (RDMS).
Benefits and Features of NoSQL

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL refers to non-relational databases that store huge amounts of unstructured data with high flexibility.

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What is SQL?

Structured Query Language for managing data held in a Relational Database Management System (RDMS).

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is a projection in MongoDB?

A projection in MongoDB is a way to specify which fields to include or exclude from the documents returned in a query result.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is the syntax of JSON based on?

JSON is written using JavaScript object syntax.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the MongoDB Shell?

The MongoDB Shell is a command-line interface used to interact with MongoDB databases, allowing users to perform various database operations.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON value?

A JSON value must be one of the following data types: a string, a number, an object, an array, a Boolean, or null.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is the significance of whitespace in JSON arrays?

Insignificant whitespace is allowed before or after [] in JSON.

MongoDB Overview and Features

Why is it important to load sample databases to your MongoDB cluster?

Loading sample databases allows users to practice and familiarize themselves with MongoDB functionalities in upcoming tutorials.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

$or operator

A MongoDB operator that allows for logical disjunction between multiple conditions in a query.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What are the benefits of JSON?

JSON is a lightweight text-based interchange format that is language independent, easy to read and write, and can be used in various programming environments such as JavaScript, MongoDB, and Python.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is a MongoDB document?

A MongoDB document is a record in MongoDB that is stored in BSON format (binary JSON) and is composed of field-value pairs.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is BSON?

BSON is the binary representation of JSON, primarily used internally by MongoDB for efficient storage and data traversal.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the QUERY BEHAVIOR in MongoDB?

All queries in MongoDB address a single collection and can be modified to impose limits, skips, and sort orders.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

Why was NoSQL developed?

NoSQL was developed to manage the growing volume of data stored about users, objects, and products.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What should you do when trying exercises on your own PC?

You can try other MongoDB GUI tools in addition to Robo 3T.

Benefits and Features of NoSQL

What does it mean that NoSQL databases relax ACID compliance?

Most NoSQL databases sacrifice ACID compliance for greater flexibility and improved processing speed.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What happens if a document does not specify an _id field when using insertOne()?

If the document does not specify an _id field, MongoDB automatically adds the _id field with an ObjectId value to the new document.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What format are MongoDB documents stored in?

BSON format, which stands for binary JSON.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What must names in a JSON Object be?

Names in a JSON Object must be strings, written with double quotes.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the purpose of query arguments in MongoDB?

Query arguments in MongoDB are used to specify conditions and options for retrieving documents, such as filtering, sorting, and limiting results.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is Data Modeling in MongoDB?

Data Modeling in MongoDB involves designing the structure of data and its relationships within the database to optimize performance and scalability.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is an ARRAY in JSON?

An array is an ordered collection of values, it begins with [ and ends with ].

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL refers to non-relational databases that provide a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL refers to a category of database management systems that are designed to handle non-relational data, developed in response to the increasing volume of data stored about users, objects, and products.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL refers to non-relational databases that provide a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

How can you suppress the _id field in MongoDB query results?

To suppress the _id field from the result set in MongoDB, specify _id: 0 in the projection document.

Benefits and Features of NoSQL

What are NoSQL databases?

NoSQL databases are systems that allow developers to store huge amounts of unstructured data, providing flexibility in handling various data shapes and sizes.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What is the MongoDB Shell?

The MongoDB Shell is a command-line interface used to connect to and interact with your MongoDB database.

MongoDB Overview and Features

Why is it important to write down your database user name and password?

It is important to write down your database user name and password for later use to ensure you can access your MongoDB database without losing credentials.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL stands for 'non SQL' or 'not only SQL', referring to databases that store data in a format other than relational tables.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What happens if a collection does not exist when inserting a document in MongoDB?

If a collection does not exist, MongoDB will create a new collection in the database automatically.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What is Robo 3T?

Robo 3T is a GUI client written in Java that allows users to connect to and manage MongoDB databases visually.

MongoDB Overview and Features

Why is it important to write down the cluster name in MongoDB?

Writing down the cluster name in MongoDB is important for future reference, as it is needed to access and manage the database in subsequent tutorials and operations.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What are MongoDB Collections?

MongoDB Collections are groups of documents that are stored together, analogous to tables in relational databases.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the purpose of whitelisting your connection IP address in MongoDB?

Whitelisting your connection IP address allows you to control access to your MongoDB database by specifying which IP addresses are permitted to connect.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

How is a JSON text structured with an array?

A JSON text can include an array, such as { 'book': [ { 'id': '01', 'language': 'Java', 'edition': 'third', 'author': 'Herbert Schildt' }, { 'id': '07', 'language': 'C++', 'edition': 'second', 'author': 'E.Balagurusamy' } ] }.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

When was NoSQL developed?

NoSQL was developed in the 2000s.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is a dynamic schema in the context of documents in a collection?

A dynamic schema allows different documents within the same collection to have varying fields or structures, meaning they can hold different types of data.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is dot notation in MongoDB queries?

Dot notation is a syntax used to specify a query condition on fields in an embedded or nested document, formatted as { 'field.nestedfield': value }.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the role 'Atlasadm' in MongoDB?

The role 'Atlasadm' in MongoDB is a specific user role that grants administrative privileges within the Atlas cloud database environment.

Benefits and Features of NoSQL

What is unstructured data?

Unstructured data refers to information that does not have a predefined data model or is not organized in a predefined manner, making it more challenging to store and analyze.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the command to create or insert a document to a collection in MongoDB?

The command to create or insert a document to a collection in MongoDB is db.collection.insertOne({ document1 }) for a single document or db.collection.insertMany([{ document1 }, { document2 }, …]) for multiple documents.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a cloud-based document database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL refers to non-relational databases that provide a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What must names in JSON be?

Names in JSON must be strings, written with double quotes.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a cloud-based document database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, allowing for dynamic schemas.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the syntax '/^ string /' match?

Matches any strings that begin with ‘string’

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON Object?

A JSON Object is a collection of name/value pairs, and begins with { and ends with }.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What does the term 'fields' refer to in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, 'fields' refer to the individual pieces of data stored within a document, similar to columns in a relational database.

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What is the purpose of SQL?

To allow users to query the RDMS by using English-like statements.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is MongoDB Atlas?

MongoDB Atlas is a cloud database service provided by MongoDB that allows users to create and manage MongoDB databases in the cloud.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is a Database User in MongoDB?

A Database User in MongoDB is an account created to access and manage a database, which has specific roles and permissions assigned to it.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON Object?

A JSON Object is a collection of name/value pairs, beginning with { and ending with }.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is the purpose of the 'memos' field in the provided MongoDB documents?

The 'memos' field contains an array of embedded documents that store additional information related to the main document, such as comments and the person responsible.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does JSON stand for?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a text-based data interchange standard used for representing structured data.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What are read operations in MongoDB?

Read operations in MongoDB are commands that retrieve data from the database, allowing users to access and manipulate stored documents.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What are read operations in MongoDB?

Read operations in MongoDB are commands that retrieve data from the database, allowing users to access documents based on specified criteria.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What steps are involved in building a database in MongoDB?

The steps to build a database in MongoDB include accessing the MongoDB dashboard, navigating to 'Database', selecting 'Build a Database', choosing 'Create a free database', selecting a region, and finally creating the cluster.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What are the two data structures that a JSON text is built on?

A JSON text is built on two data structures: Object (an unordered collection of name/value pairs) and Array (an ordered collection of values).

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a document database (NoSQL) and a data management platform that operates in the cloud.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What are MongoDB Collections?

MongoDB Collections are groups of documents that are stored together, analogous to tables in relational databases.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does JSON stand for?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a text-based data interchange standard that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

How do you install the MongoDB Shell in Ubuntu?

To install the MongoDB Shell in Ubuntu, you need to follow the installation instructions specific to Ubuntu, as the lab room computers already have it installed.

Benefits and Features of NoSQL

What are the benefits of NoSQL?

NoSQL offers flexible data models, faster queries than SQL, and allows for easy changes to the database as requirements evolve. It typically does not require joins for queries and is easier for developers since query logic is moved to application code.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the purpose of the insertOne() method in MongoDB?

The insertOne() method is used to insert a new document into a specified collection in MongoDB.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is the _id field in MongoDB documents?

A unique field in all documents that serves as the primary key.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

How does JSON facilitate ease of use?

JSON is easy to read and write, allowing many programming environments to parse and generate JSON format files effortlessly.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON Object?

A JSON Object is a collection of name/value pairs, beginning with { and ending with }.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What is the mongo shell?

The mongo shell is a command-line interface used to connect to a MongoDB server via a Linux terminal.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON file?

A JSON file is a text file with an extension of '.json' and a media type of 'application/json'.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON Array?

A JSON Array is an ordered list of values enclosed in square brackets, where each value can be any valid JSON data type.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does the JSON Boolean type represent?

The JSON Boolean type represents a true or false value.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does JSON stand for?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, a text-based data interchange standard that stores JSON objects as text, making it human-readable and language independent.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the syntax '/t[1-9]/' match?

Matches t1, t2,…, t9

MongoDB Overview and Features

How can you show collections in the currently connected database?

You can show collections in the currently connected database using the command 'show collections'.

MongoDB Overview and Features

How do you drop a collection in MongoDB?

To drop a collection in MongoDB, use the command 'db.mycollection.drop()'.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the $in operator match?

The $in operator matches any of the values specified in an array.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What are the data types allowed in JSON?

The allowed data types in JSON are string, number, object, array, Boolean, and null.

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What does SQL stand for?

Structured Query Language.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

$in operator

A MongoDB operator used to specify multiple values for a field in a query, allowing for equality checks on the same field.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is Robo 3T?

Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is one of the most popular GUI tools for MongoDB users.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What are some alternatives to the MongoDB Shell for command line tools?

Alternatives to the MongoDB Shell include other command line tools provided by MongoDB, which may vary depending on your system.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What does it mean for common fields in different documents to hold different types of data?

It means that the same field name in different documents can store values of different data types, reflecting the flexibility of a dynamic schema.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is a query in MongoDB?

A query in MongoDB is a request for data from a database that specifies criteria for selecting documents.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What does the term 'fields' refer to in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, 'fields' refer to the individual pieces of data within a document, similar to columns in a relational database.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

Can a collection exist in multiple databases in MongoDB?

No, a collection exists within a single database in MongoDB.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is Document Aggregation in MongoDB?

Document Aggregation in MongoDB is a framework for performing advanced data processing and analysis on documents, allowing for operations like filtering, grouping, and transforming data.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON array object?

A JSON array object is a data structure that holds an ordered collection of values, which can include objects, arrays, strings, numbers, and booleans, formatted in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What is Node.js in the context of MongoDB?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that can be used to build applications that connect to MongoDB, and it will be introduced in future lessons.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What are the properties of the objects within the 'Pascal' array?

The properties of the objects within the 'Pascal' array include 'Name', which is the title of the book, and 'price', which indicates the cost of the book.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the command to show databases in MongoDB?

The command to show databases in MongoDB is 'show dbs'.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What happens when you run the command in the MongoDB Shell?

You will be prompted to type the password for the Database User.

ACID Properties in SQL Databases

What is the significance of Consistency in SQL databases?

Consistency ensures that a transaction only brings the database from one valid state to another, maintaining database invariants.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is a Graph database?

A type of NoSQL database that uses nodes and edges to represent and store data.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the $ne operator used for?

The $ne operator matches all values that are not equal to a specified value.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does JSON stand for?

JSON stands for 'JavaScript Object Notation'.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What are sample databases in MongoDB?

Sample databases are pre-loaded datasets that can be used for practice and experimentation within a MongoDB cluster.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the purpose of the query results in MongoDB?

The purpose of query results in MongoDB is to retrieve documents from a collection based on specified criteria.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the Project behavior in MongoDB CRUD operations?

The Project behavior in MongoDB is used to return specified documents, allowing users to include or exclude certain fields from the results.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is a query argument in MongoDB?

A query argument in MongoDB is a specification used to filter documents in a collection based on certain criteria, allowing users to retrieve specific data from the database.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is a MongoDB database?

A MongoDB database is a container for collections, where each database can hold multiple collections.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a cloud-based document database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, allowing for dynamic schemas.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

Can documents in a MongoDB collection have different structures?

Yes, documents in a MongoDB collection can have different structures, allowing for a flexible and adaptable data model.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

How do you connect to your MongoDB database using the MongoDB Shell?

To connect, access your MongoDB dashboard, navigate to Database Deployment > Cluster0 > Connect > Access your data through tools > Shell, and ensure you have the MongoDB Shell installed.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is a free shared cluster in MongoDB?

A free shared cluster in MongoDB is a basic, no-cost database environment that allows users to create and manage databases without incurring charges, typically used for development and learning purposes.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the purpose of using the MongoDB platform?

The MongoDB platform is used for data management, allowing for efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does JSON stand for?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a text-based data interchange standard used for representing structured data.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the syntax for finding documents with any strings that contain 'string'?

/ string / Matches any strings that contain ‘string’

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the MongoDB Shell?

The MongoDB Shell is a command-line interface used to interact with a MongoDB database, allowing users to execute commands and queries.

MongoDB Overview and Features

How do you create a new database in MongoDB?

To create a new database in MongoDB, use the command 'use DATABASE_NAME'.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What are CRUD operations in MongoDB?

CRUD operations in MongoDB refer to Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations that allow for basic data manipulation.

ACID Properties in SQL Databases

How does Isolation work in SQL databases?

Isolation ensures that concurrent execution of transactions leaves the database in the same state as if the transactions were executed sequentially.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the purpose of the $gte operator?

The $gte operator matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is the purpose of JSON?

JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format used to transmit data in web applications, typically from the server to the client.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What steps are involved in whitelisting an IP address in MongoDB?

To whitelist an IP address in MongoDB, access the MongoDB web page, navigate to 'Network Access', select 'Add IP Address', enter '' as the access entry, and click confirm.

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What types of systems commonly use SQL?

Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) such as Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the sort() function do in MongoDB?

The sort() function is used to return documents following a specified sort order.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is a MongoDB document?

A record in MongoDB that is stored in BSON format and composed of field-value pairs.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What are read operations in MongoDB?

Read operations in MongoDB are commands that allow users to retrieve data from the database, including finding documents, aggregating data, and performing queries.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What follows each name in a JSON Object?

In a JSON Object, each name is followed by a colon (:).

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is a query in MongoDB?

A query in MongoDB is a request for data from a database that specifies criteria for selecting documents.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What are JSON Data Types?

JSON Data Types are the different types of values that can be represented in JSON format, including strings, numbers, objects, arrays, booleans, and null.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What does SQL stand for?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, which is used for managing data in a Relational Database Management System (RDMS).

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the command to explicitly create a new collection in MongoDB?

The command to explicitly create a new collection in MongoDB is db.createCollection('Collection').

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

How are multiple JSON objects separated?

Multiple JSON objects or name/value pairs must be separated by a comma (,).

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is the significance of the null type in JSON?

The null type in JSON represents an empty or non-existent value.

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What challenge do SQL Databases face with large amounts of data?

SQL Databases can be difficult to manage when handling large amounts of data, often referred to as big data.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What are the 4 categories of NoSQL Databases?

Document, Key-value, Wide-column, and Graph.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the command to create a collection in MongoDB?

To create a collection in MongoDB, use the command 'db.createCollection("mycollection")'.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the $gt operator do?

The $gt operator matches values that are greater than a specified value.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What are Read operations in MongoDB?

Read operations retrieve documents from a collection using the db.collection.find() method, allowing for querying documents by specifying query filters or criteria.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a cloud-based document database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, allowing for dynamic schemas.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the purpose of using the MongoDB platform?

The MongoDB platform is used for data management, providing tools and features for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data efficiently.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does JSON stand for?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a text-based data interchange standard used for representing structured data.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL refers to non-relational databases that allow for flexible data models and can handle large volumes of unstructured data.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What are read operations in MongoDB?

Read operations in MongoDB are commands that retrieve data from the database, allowing users to access and manipulate stored documents.

Benefits and Features of NoSQL

What is the purpose of using the MongoDB platform?

The MongoDB platform is used for data management, providing tools for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data in a scalable manner.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does insertOne() return after inserting a document?

insertOne() returns a document that includes the newly inserted document's _id field value.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What steps are involved in connecting to MongoDB using the Shell?

The steps include clicking 'Connect', selecting 'Shell', checking the 'Shell' version, and copying the command line provided.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the purpose of query arguments in MongoDB?

Query arguments in MongoDB are used to define the conditions that documents must meet to be included in the results of a query.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What does the 'books' object represent in the provided JavaScript code?

The 'books' object represents a collection of arrays categorized by programming languages, specifically 'Pascal' and 'Scala', each containing objects with 'Name' and 'price' properties.

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What is object-relational mapping (ORM) in the context of SQL Databases?

Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a technique that allows developers to interact with a relational database using an object-oriented programming paradigm.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the syntax '/ string $/' match?

Matches any strings that end with ‘string’

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

How can you connect to a MongoDB server?

You can connect to a MongoDB server using the mongo Shell and Robo 3T.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What indicates a successful connection in the MongoDB Shell?

Seeing the message 'Successfully connected' in the terminal log indicates a successful connection.

Benefits and Features of NoSQL

Why are SQL databases particularly suited for banking systems?

SQL databases are suited for banking systems because they provide strong transactional support and ensure high levels of data integrity.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the $nin operator do?

The $nin operator matches none of the values specified in an array.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is an embedded document in MongoDB?

An embedded document is a document that is nested within another document, allowing for a hierarchical data structure.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What should you do after creating a MongoDB Atlas account?

You should write down your login email and password for later use.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

Why is JSON considered language independent?

JSON can be used independently from JavaScript, making it versatile for various programming languages.

MongoDB Document Structure and BSON

What is a collection in MongoDB?

A collection in MongoDB is a grouping of related documents that exists within a single database.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

How can you query for a specific value in an embedded document's field?

You can query for a specific value in an embedded document's field by using dot notation in the query, such as db.Collection.find({ 'memos.0.by': 'shipping' }).

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What is the problem with SQL databases?

SQL databases often struggle with scalability and flexibility when dealing with large volumes of unstructured data, which can limit their effectiveness in modern applications.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What follows a name in a JSON name/value pair?

In a JSON name/value pair, the name is followed by a colon (:).

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What are SQL Databases?

SQL Databases are relational databases that store structured data in tables with fixed rows and columns, supporting ACID transactions across multiple documents.

ACID Properties in SQL Databases

What does ACID stand for in SQL Databases?

ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, which are properties that ensure reliable transactions in SQL databases.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

Is whitespace significant in JSON?

Insignificant whitespace is allowed before or after {}, :, and , in JSON.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

What should you do after copying the command from your MongoDB web page?

You should paste the replaced command in your local terminal and run it.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What command is used to drop the currently connected database in MongoDB?

The command to drop the currently connected database is 'db.dropDatabase()'.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is a key feature of MongoDB documents?

MongoDB documents map directly to data structures in most popular programming languages.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the purpose of the $not operator?

The $not operator inverts the effect of a query expression and returns documents that do not match the query expression.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is a query argument in MongoDB?

A query argument is a specification used to filter documents in a MongoDB query, allowing users to retrieve specific data based on defined criteria.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is a projection in MongoDB?

A projection in MongoDB is a way to specify which fields to include or exclude from the documents returned by a query.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What are the CRUD operations in MongoDB?

CRUD operations in MongoDB refer to the four basic functions of Create, Read, Update, and Delete that allow users to manage data within the database.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the purpose of filtering fields from query results?

Filtering fields from query results helps to reduce the amount of data transferred over the network and improves performance by only retrieving necessary information.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is a JSON Object?

A JSON Object is a collection of key/value pairs enclosed in curly braces, where keys are strings and values can be any valid JSON data type.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is a NoSQL database?

A NoSQL database is any non-relational database that stores data in a format other than relational tables.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB


A projection operator in MongoDB used to find fields that contain arrays by matching specific criteria within those arrays.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is an Array in JSON?

An Array in JSON is an ordered collection of values, which is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence in most programming languages.

ACID Properties in SQL Databases

What does Atomicity mean in the context of SQL databases?

Atomicity ensures that all operations within a transaction are completed; if not, the transaction is aborted.

Advanced MongoDB Commands and Querying

What are Advanced MongoDB Commands?

Advanced MongoDB Commands are specialized commands that provide enhanced functionality for querying, updating, and managing data beyond basic CRUD operations.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is the purpose of using the MongoDB platform?

The MongoDB platform is used for data management, providing tools for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data efficiently.

MongoDB Overview and Features

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a cloud document database (NoSQL) that records data by documents and collections, making it easy to scale.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the syntax '/^t[a-z]*/' match?

Matches any strings that begin with ‘t’ and ends with any number of alphabets

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the $eq operator in MongoDB?

The $eq operator matches values that are equal to a specified value.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the $nor operator do?

The $nor operator joins query clauses with a logical NOR and returns all documents that fail to match both clauses.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

What is an Object in JSON?

An Object in JSON is an unordered collection of name/value pairs, supported by various languages and realized as a record, dictionary, hash table, or keyed list.

Understanding JSON as a Data Format

How is the 'price' of each book represented in the JSON structure?

The 'price' of each book is represented as a numeric value associated with the corresponding book title within the JSON object.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What are NoSQL Databases?

Non-relational databases that allow for flexible schema and unstructured data.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is a Wide-column database?

A NoSQL database that organizes data in tables with rows and dynamic columns.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the function of the $lt operator?

The $lt operator matches values that are less than a specified value.

Comparison of SQL and NoSQL

What is a limitation of SQL Databases regarding data types?

SQL Databases cannot handle unstructured data, which limits their flexibility in managing diverse data formats.

ACID Properties in SQL Databases

What are ACID properties in SQL databases?

ACID properties are a set of principles that ensure reliable processing of database transactions, consisting of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is a Document database?

A type of NoSQL database that stores data in JSON documents.

ACID Properties in SQL Databases

What does Durability guarantee in SQL databases?

Durability ensures that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain so, even in the event of a system failure.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What does the $lte operator do?

The $lte operator matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.

Connecting to MongoDB: Tools and Methods

Why is URL encoding important when entering your password?

Special characters in the password must be URL encoded to ensure they are correctly interpreted by the terminal.

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

What is a Key-value database?

A NoSQL database that stores data as key-value pairs.

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

What is the function of the $or operator?

The $or operator joins query clauses with a logical OR and returns all documents that match the conditions of either clause.

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