How many people experience a significant disability today according to WHO?
An estimated 1 billion people – or 15% of the global population.
Where can the WHO fact sheet on the top 10 causes of death be found?
On the WHO website at the specified URL.
Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How many people experience a significant disability today according to WHO?

An estimated 1 billion people – or 15% of the global population.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Where can the WHO fact sheet on the top 10 causes of death be found?

On the WHO website at the specified URL.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of children aged 0 to 5 years with long-term conditions or disabilities were in child care in 2023?

62% of children aged 0 to 5 years with long-term conditions or disabilities were in child care.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What organization published the fact sheet on the top 10 causes of death in 2020?

World Health Organization (WHO)

Collecting Data on Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What age group does the Canadian Survey on Disability cover?

Canadians aged 15 years and over.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What defines a mental health-related disability in Canada?

A mental health-related disability is defined as experiencing limitations in daily activities due to difficulties with emotional, psychological, or mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, and anorexia.

Collecting Data on Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What are some challenges in collecting statistical and qualitative data on disability in developing countries?

Challenges include lack of resources, inadequate infrastructure, cultural stigma, limited awareness, insufficient training for data collectors, political instability, and lack of standardized definitions.

Collecting Data on Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What does the Canadian Survey on Disability assess?

It assesses Canadians whose everyday activities are limited because of a long-term condition or health-related problem.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

What was the percentage increase of mental health-related disabilities in Canada from 2017 to 2022?

Mental health-related disabilities increased from 33% in 2017 to 39% in 2022.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

In what year did the WHO release the fact sheet detailing the top 10 causes of death?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of pregnant women and new mothers experience depression?

More than 10% of pregnant women and women who have just given birth experience depression.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

What is the rank of suicide as a cause of death in 15–29-year-olds?

Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in 15–29-year-olds.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the trend regarding life expectancy and disability?

People are living longer, but with more disability.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

In what year did WHO release the fact sheet detailing the top 10 causes of death?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

Why is the transition from home to school significant for children?

It is a key time in identifying learning or mental health-related disabilities in children.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

What proportion of children receiving support services or therapies get them in child care?

Over one-third (56%) of children who receive support services or therapies get them in child care.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

How can appropriate aids impact the participation of individuals with disabilities in society?

Having the appropriate aids can enable individuals to participate more fully in society.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What are the leading causes of death in Canada?

The leading causes of death in Canada include heart disease, cancer, and respiratory diseases.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the number 1 killer worldwide?

Heart disease remains the number 1 killer.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the total number of children aged 0 to 4 years with delay disabilities?


Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What are among the top causes of health loss worldwide according to the 2021 Global Burden of Disease analyses?

Depression and anxiety.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What year did the WHO release the fact sheet on the top 10 causes of death?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

Which group has a higher prevalence of chronic health conditions across all age groups?

Chronic health conditions are higher for women compared with men across all age groups.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the disability prevalence rate in Bangladesh?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What are the most common types of disability among youth?

The most common types of disability among youth vary by age groups.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of the top 10 causes of death globally are noncommunicable diseases?

Noncommunicable diseases make up 7 of the top 10 causes of death globally.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is needed to address cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases?

There is a need for intensified global focus on preventing and treating these diseases.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of Canadians aged 15 years and older reported having one or more disabilities that limited their daily activities according to the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the focus of the course HLTH3503?

The focus is on Disability & Chronic Health Conditions.

Collecting Data on Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How is data on disability collected internationally?

Data on disability is collected through surveys, censuses, and administrative records, often using standardized definitions and methodologies.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (3)

What percentage of persons with disabilities experienced barriers to accessing public spaces in 2022?

In 2022, 6 in 10 persons with disabilities experienced barriers related to accessing indoor and outdoor public spaces.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What are some environmental influences that impact the rate of disability globally?

Environmental influences include poverty, malnutrition, and inaccessibility.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

How do lifestyle factors affect disability rates?

Lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical inactivity can significantly impact disability rates.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What % of students in Math Class have depression if there are 100 students and 30 with depression?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Which province has a higher percentage of seniors?

New Brunswick has a higher percentage (30%) compared to Ontario (10%).

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What are some chronic health conditions that may be reported in children?

Asthma, severe allergies, ADD/ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, learning disability or disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, heart conditions, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, sensory limitations, anxiety disorder, mood disorder, eating disorder.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the relationship between chronic health conditions and major depression?

There is a strong relationship between various chronic health conditions and an increased prevalence of major depression.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the date mentioned in the document?

September 18, 2024.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the WHO's global prevalence rate of disability?


Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

How does disability impact health conditions in Canada?

Disability can exacerbate chronic health conditions and lead to increased healthcare needs and costs.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of children aged 5 to 14 years have speech disabilities?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What % of the population in Ontario is 65 years of age and older if the population is 100 and 10 people are aged 65+?


Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What challenge remains in low- and middle-income countries regarding health?

Communicable diseases still pose a major challenge in low- and middle-income countries.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Why do developing countries tend to report a lower disability prevalence rate?

Developing countries may have underreporting due to lack of resources, awareness, and access to healthcare.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of Canadians lived with at least one major chronic disease in 2021?

Nearly 50% of Canadians lived with at least one major chronic disease in 2021.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What organization published the fact sheet on the top 10 causes of death in 2020?

World Health Organization (WHO)

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Where can the WHO fact sheet on the top 10 causes of death be found?

On the WHO website at the specified URL.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What chronic health conditions are prevalent in Canada?

Prevalent chronic health conditions in Canada include diabetes, arthritis, and mental health disorders.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of children aged 5 to 14 years have hearing disabilities?


Collecting Data on Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How is the definition of disability being rethought?

The definition of disability is being rethought to include mild or invisible disabilities.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Which class has a higher number of students with depression?

Math Class has a higher number (30) compared to Geography Class (12).

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is another major cause of disability and death?

Injuries are another major cause of disability and death.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What significant event contributed to the increase in health loss due to depression and anxiety?

The COVID-19 pandemic.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of persons with disabilities had more severe disabilities in 2022?

41% of persons with disabilities had more severe disabilities in 2022.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What physiological changes may contribute to the relationship between chronic health conditions and depression?

The relationship may result from physiological changes associated with the conditions.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is prohibited regarding the classroom teaching materials?

Reproduction or distribution without written permission from the author(s).

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (3)

What are the most common types of disability among seniors?

The most common types of disability among seniors vary by age groups.

Collecting Data on Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What data sources are used to collect information on disability in Canada?

Statistics Canada is a primary source for collecting data on disability and chronic health conditions.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of children aged 5 to 14 years have developmental disabilities?


Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What organization published the top 10 causes of death in 2020?

World Health Organization (WHO)

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Where can you find the WHO fact sheet on the top 10 causes of death?

On the WHO website at the specified URL.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (3)

What is the prevalence of heart disease and obesity in Canada?

The prevalence of heart disease and obesity is increasing.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the disability prevalence rate in Kenya?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of the population experiences depression?

An estimated 3.8% of the population.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of children aged 5 to 14 years have agility disabilities?


Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What has been the trend in deaths from communicable diseases from 2000-2019?

There has been a global decline in deaths from communicable diseases.

Collecting Data on Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What type of information does the survey collect regarding disabilities?

The survey collects information on the type and severity of disability, use of assistive aids, daily help received, health-care therapies, educational attainment, labor force participation, unmet needs for accommodations, medication use, accessibility barriers, social isolation, food security, homelessness, Internet use, sources of income, sexual orientation, and COVID-19.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Why do developed countries tend to report a higher disability prevalence rate?

Developed countries often have better reporting systems, awareness, and access to healthcare, leading to more accurate data.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the prevalence of disability in the population?

The prevalence of disability varies by region, age, and socioeconomic factors, with significant differences observed between countries.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Who is especially at risk for depression related to chronic health conditions?

People dealing with multiple medical conditions may be especially at risk for depression.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How many people globally are estimated to have depression?

Approximately 280 million people.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

What role do injuries and accidents play in disability rates?

Injuries and accidents are significant contributors to the rate of disability globally.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (3)

What demographic factor is increasing the rate of disability?

The aging population is a demographic factor that contributes to an increase in the rate of disability.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Which class has a higher % of students with depression?

Geography Class has a higher % (50%) compared to Math Class (30%).

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What % of the population in New Brunswick is 65 years of age and older if the population is 10 and 3 people are aged 65+?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of persons with disabilities had milder disabilities in 2022?

59% of persons with disabilities had milder disabilities in 2022.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What are the leading causes of death globally?

The leading causes of death globally include heart disease, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How can medications affect depression in individuals with chronic health conditions?

Some medications may also contribute to causing depression.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the disability prevalence rate in Australia?


Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What types of diseases contribute to disability rates?

Infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and mental health disorders.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

How many people die due to suicide every year?

More than 700,000 people die due to suicide every year.

Leading Causes of Death, Disability, and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Which diseases entered the top 10 causes of death from 2000-2019?

Diabetes and dementia entered the top 10 causes of death.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How many Canadians aged 15 years and older are estimated to have disabilities that limit their daily activities based on the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability?

8.0 million people

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Who is the instructor for the course HLTH3503?

Sonia Gulati, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (3)

What types of extra support might children with long-term conditions or disabilities require?

Children may require extra support with social interactions, managing behaviors, learning, and communicating.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (2)

What are the most common types of disability among the working age population?

The most common types of disability among the working age population vary by age groups.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the total number of children aged 0 to 4 years with seeing disabilities?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What percentage of children aged 5 to 14 years have learning disabilities?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (3)

Which demographic groups are most affected by the increase in mental health-related disabilities?

The increase in mental health-related disabilities is particularly prevalent among youth and working-age adults.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the disability prevalence rate in Canada?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the prevalence of depression among adults older than 60 years?

5.7% of adults older than 60 years experience depression.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How many children aged 0 to 4 years have psychological disabilities?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the total number of children aged 0 to 4 years with chronic disabilities?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What types of specialized equipment can help persons with disabilities in their daily activities?

Equipment such as wheelchairs, hand and arm supports, hearing aids, magnifiers, and specialized computers can assist individuals with disabilities.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Why do disability prevalence rates vary dramatically across countries?

Factors may include socio-economic conditions, cultural perceptions, and differences in data collection methods.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

How much more common is depression among women compared to men?

Depression is approximately 50% more common among women than men.

Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What is the total number of children aged 0 to 4 years with mobility disabilities?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

What % of students in Geography Class have depression if there are 24 students and 12 with depression?


Prevalence of Disability and Chronic Health Conditions (1)

Which province has a higher number of seniors?

Ontario has a higher number (10) compared to New Brunswick (3).

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